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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

White Wednesday at Willow Nest

Happy White Wednesday!

And who better to feature on a day devoted to ethereal whites,
than the masters of wonderful, wintry whites,
Linda and Ludmil of Willow Nest.

I was so thrilled to meet these two
at the Accumulations show a couple of weeks back,
and found their space to be every bit as lovely as I had imagined it would be.

Take in the beauty of Willow Nest...

{click pics twice to super size}

Thank you Linda and Ludmil, for allowing this budding photographer
to shoot your glorious made my job soooooo easy!

Happy White Wednesday!

Linking with Kathleen  

Monday, November 8, 2010

Gratitude, Part One...

I have some long overdue thanks to give
to a wonderful group of ladies,
generous gals who have blessed me beyond measure in recent days.
I've been the recipient of some amazing bloggy love,
and it's my privilege to now share
their generosity with all of you.

From the beautiful Tracey at French Larkspur
I discovered a little something extra tucked in when I received my issue
of Jeanne d'Arc Living last month...

{over-the-top incredible presentation as always, Tracey!}

You see the smaller package on the right?
Know what was inside?

Look what Tracey tucked in as an amazingly thoughtful housewarming gift...

What a fabulous little book this is! I've worn it out from thumbing it so much.
Thank you, thoughtful, dear Tracey!

But lest you think she's the only generous blogger out there, think again.

One of the sweetest gals ever, Shelly of Bungalow Bling,
mailed me awhile back to say that she had
thought of me right away when she came upon a completely darling vintage cocktail dress.

So whaddaya think Shell did???
That's right, she sent  it to me!

It's *perfection* Shell, I adore it and all the other
incredible goodies you tucked inside, gracias!

But the love doesn't stop here, no ma'am...

My lovely friend Melanie of Pretties and Posies not only sent me these
wonderful tulip bulbs...

But she also made a donation to the American Cancer Society in my name!
Darling Melanie honored several of her friends with this incredible gesture, 
and I really cannot think of a better gift. Thank you, Mel!

So do I have some fabulous friends or what ???

I still have a whole 'nother post coming up filled with even more  riches 
I've received from blog buddies in recent days, and I can't wait to share it all with you!

Have a wonderful Tuesday!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Why, doesn't it seem like only yesterday 
that I was proclaiming a complete fast from spending?

Oh okay, day before yesterday, but so what?


I'm not really spending here,
just thinking out loud.
About wants and needs, and what truly differentiates them,
and ultimately, what justifies them.

As an artist, what would help you 
to create your art in a more efficient fashion?

What would push your art to the next level?

If you're a seamstress or textile artist, is it a new sewing machine?

Do you paint? Would better brushes do the trick?

How about German glass glitter
instead of the el-cheapo Wal-Mart variety?

And for me?

I'd like another camera lens.

Either a Nikon 50mm 1.4 AF or a Nikon 55-300mm, to be exact.
Neither are cheap.

But do I really need  a second lens?

Objectively, no.
Not like I need food, water and oxygen.

But would it be justified ?


Maybe not in a grand, obvious way right this very moment,
but most definitely for the future.

Things are happening behind the scenes here....
big, exciting things that I can't share just yet....
but things that will most definitely make investing in a second lens 
and ultimately a second, better camera a logical progression for my art.

But for now, I'm content.

Sort of.

Can y'all relate?

What would help you  in your  creative endeavors?

Happy Sunday!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Buried Treasure

chippy paint....check!





totally freakin' cool....CHECK!

While cleaning out the barns today at the new homestead,
feast your eyes on what we unearthed...

My husband saw it the other day, but didn't tell me about it...on purpose, I think.
He knew I'd flip when I saw it,
and would want him to stop working immediately
to move it into a prime photo-op location. 

And he was right. {grin}

It was supposedly used to cart big blocks of ice
or served some such utilitarian function.

But I'm thinking coffee table material.
I'll just need to clean it up and get a nice piece
of glass cut to put on top and voila! 
Instant, industrial chic, Restoration Hardware style coffee table....

What are you  thinking?

Have a wonderful Sunday,
and don't forget to turn your clocks back tonight! 

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Remarkable Restraint

...that's exactly what I showed at the Accumulations show last week, 
when I limited myself to only three  purchases.
Sheesh, I think I deserve a medal  or somethin'
for not spending more, don't ya think?

And because so many of you have asked,
here's what I scored...

From Theresa Cano's space, I grabbed a couple
of wonderful creations from the oh-so-talented

This divine burlap pillow...

Ain't she purty?

and this whimsically wonderful altered birdcage lamp...

Theresa has started selling Brenda's creations,
and it's a true match made in Heaven.

And from the marvelous Michele Brown,
I nabbed this irresistible enamelware pitcher...

And now begins my fast from shopping, junking, thrifting...
going cold turkey, I tell ya.

And it's gonna be brutal, but it's time to be an adult and deny myself just a bit.

Painful words from an entitled only child, but I can do it...
with your support...
with your encouragement.

I just cracked myself up there for a sec!
I forgot I was talking to a wonderfully delightful group of enablers here...  ;-)

Love ya's anyway, tho!

Linking with My Romantic Home

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Dynamic Duo

You know how they say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree?
Well, believe it!

Shame on me for not knowing the dynamic mother-daughter duo of 
Mickie and Brandy Shults
before I was lucky enough to meet them both this past Friday.

They are the innovative founders of the
Accumulations Vintage Home and Garden Fair,
an event I photographed just this past week,
and can also be found in Uncommon Objects in Austin.

The sale was held on their property,
and my first thought upon entering their space was
"wow, this is a photographers dream!"

Come along with me now and see just what I'm talking about...

[click pics twice to super-size]

 Say hello to Mickie...

 and Brandy!

These lovely gals aren't bloggers (shoot!), but rumor has it that they can be found next 
at the Barn Chicks sale on November 13th in Cost, Texas.

I can't make it, so be sure to tell the gals hello from me!

More pics from this fantastic show still to come.
Have a wonderful evening!

Linking with Debra for
Vintage Inspiration Friday

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