Sunday, August 30, 2009

Warrenton a newbie out!

I'm going to be making my very first trip up to Warrenton next month, and to say that I am psyched would be a gross understatement.

Sooooo....I am in serious need of advice, tips, any info you can spare on how to make my first trip to this Junk Mecca a memorable one!

I seriously want to meet as many of you there as possible,
but sort of feeling like I'll be crashing a private club
to which I'm not yet a member.

Yeah, I know. Note to self below...

Those of you who have been so wonderfully kind to me,
who have inspired me with your talents and motivated me
with your encouragement, drop me a line!
Let me know how to reach you/where to find you at Warrenton.
There's a great big Texas hug waiting for ya if ya do!



  1. Anne, you have GOT to check out my post: and tricks. As for the "private club"...doesn't exist. Really! This will be my first time to sell at this show. So, I am feeling like a rookie, for sure. I'll be located outside of Zapp Hall, outside of the Big Tent, across from Theresa of Garden Antqs Vintage. You really DO need to come to the blog party! Besides the advice in that post, just read blogs and meet a few folks. You'll be fine. And we'll all look forward to meeting you with our Big Texas Hugs! ~Mindy

  2. Mindy, you are an absolute rock star, thank you!!! I definitely plan on getting a Wonder Wheeler or something very close to it. When is the blog party? I think I might only be there one day ( darn heck!).
    That's great that you and Theresa will be so close, she's another fave I'm dying to meet!
    Have a great week!

  3. I've done several posts on just how big this show is. Here is one of the past posts that might be helpful to you:

    Also, looking forward to meeting you. I hope to do another post about the shows soon. Have a great week, T

  4. Thank you for your comments on my blog. I would LOVE to make it to Warrenton/Zapp Hall/ Round Top. I hear so much about it but have never been. Maybe I will see you there.

  5. The Blog Party is thrown by Theresa on Sunday, Sept 27 at 6pm. It will be held at her space. As you can see, the spring party was fun! If you are there Thursady, Oct 1, the Junk Gypsy girls are having a big shindig, prom night. It's a fun night of dress up and dancing under the stars. Check out folks side bars for more details. One day is really limiting yourself, considering there are fields and fields of shopping. But, if one day is what you can do, then one day is so much better than no days! ~Mindy

  6. Thanks bunches, Theresa! I knew you'd come to my rescue! Wowzers, I am LOVING Seed Box Antiques! They are definitely a must-see. Oh, who am I fooling? Looks like it's ALL a must-see!

  7. Looking forward to hopefully seeing you there, Juanita!

  8. I know, Mindy, I really, really, really (did I say REALLY yet?) want to spend several days there! But I'm bringing my mom with me, and I'm not sure if she's necessarily up for it. We shall see! :-)
    Thank you for your info, my friend!

  9. Hello
    Thanks for dropping by and leaving such a nice comment
    I too am thinking of going to Roundtop but don't even know where to fly into... I haven't done my homework on it yet

  10. Opening weekend is the best time to be there before all the displays get torn apart. That is, if shopping is what you're there for. If it's fun, there isn't a day where somebody isn't having a party in their tent or maybe just look like a party is going on! We're also at Zapp across from Carolyn Westbrook Home and next to the beer garden. Great location, right? Come by and see us...I'll leave a light on.
    Trash AKA Debbie

  11. Hi Debbie! I will most definitely look for you, thank you! I just checked out your blogs, you're quite a good writer! Oh, I'm definitely there for the shopping, make NO mistake about that!

  12. So insanely jealous that you're going. I've done a few posts on it too, so you can check them out (or email me directly).

    I'm here to tell you simply CANNOT do it in one day! It takes me 3 DAYS just to do Warrenton. The hub of the Warrenton universe is definitely Debbie/Theresa/Zapp Hall.

    Can't wait to hear your experiences..... I'll be back in Spring

  13. Lucky girl! Wish I could go! I'm only about 1.5 hrs. from it, but I have two small boys and a 5 month old and I don't think they could handle the drive, the long (boring to them) day, and using porta potties!! :( Maybe someday...


I'm all ears....

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