Sunday, October 11, 2009

And The Anthropologie Giveaway Winner Is....

I am pleased and honored to announce
the lucky winner of my very first giveaway!
Giveaways are about milestones, and mine in particular was to celebrate

I dreamed it, I blogged it, I did it!

And couldn't that truly be the motto
of so many of the beautiful and creative folk here?
So while I'm definitely celebrating my shop space opening,
this giveaway was also to honor all the gentle, generous,
altogether wonderful souls who have enriched my life
by virtue of their genius and just plain selflessness. 

So enough lollygagging, as my sweet grandmother would have said!

The winner is:

If you will be kind enough to mail me with your contact info, I will be delighted to pack this loot up and ship it to you jiffy pronto.

Again, thanks so much to all who entered. I do hope you'll stick around, there will be another giveaway coming up for my 75th post. Details to follow in the days ahead!

Have a blessed Sunday,
~ Anne


  1. I can't believe it!!! I never win anything and this is the second giveway I have one in two!!!

    I am a Anthropologie nut so I am truly thrilled!!! You are so sweet to have such a generous giveaway and I couldn't be happier about winning!!!

    I will e-mail you my address as soon as I finish this post...thanks again!!!

    Have a wonderful Sunday!!!

  2. Hi Anne,
    I am excited for Cathy! What a lucky girl she is.
    I'm so glad that your dream has come true,and I know that it will be wonderful!

  3. Congrats to Cathy and to you for obtaining sure a great milestone! Hope things are going well in your booth. Have a great sunday!
    My Best

  4. You've won two in TWO DAYS?!?
    Wow, that's some powerful juju you're packing there! I know we only "met" just recently, but I already know that you are a most worthy recipient.


  5. Oh shucks! That was a good giveaway. Congrats, Cathy! :)

  6. Congrats to the lucky winner!!

  7. Lucky lady to winner that price. Thank you for your give aways. I am hoping may be next time I will have better luck. Blessings, Martha

  8. Fiddle-ly Dee!! Cathy won!!! Shoot ... ok I'll be a good sport. Chuckle.

    Congrats Cathy ... you are getting a lovely giveaway.

    TY for popping by to visit today. Hope you'll be a regular follower. Congrats on your antique spot. It is a lot of fun.

    Have a wonderful crisp autumn day. TTFN ~Marydon

  9. Congrats Cathy!

    And happy Sunday to you, Anne! ~Mindy

  10. thanks for stopping by my blog..YES, next time spend a week.......we did and had a blast. You have to go to Marburger Farms.........its awesome!

  11. Lucky girl indeed!!Hope your day was a good one,Chrissy

  12. wow! a giveaway to one of my fav. stores....lucky gal!

    it's vey nice to 'meet' you - and hope you stop by the farm to 'meet' me too :)

  13. COngrats on your booth space I am sure you will be super successful!!

  14. Congrats to the winner! Wonder what great giveaway you will be having for your 75th post? I can' wait! Oh, and to answer your question about my salsa....super hot! Yummy!

    Have a terrific day, Anne!


  15. Congratulations on your new antique mall space! That is such a great accomplishment and will be a continued source of wonder and adventure for you! FABULOUS! Love your blog and have signed on to follow!

  16. Congrats to you and to the winner! Good luck with your new space!

  17. Lovely blog! Don't even know how I found you, but I'm happy I did. Congrats to your winner, and to you on your shop!


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