Monday, October 5, 2009

Anthropologie Giveaway Extended!

'Morning All!
Well, I had a such a positive response to my
that I'm extending it for one more day.

See the beautiful Anthropologie Cloche above?
In celebration of my very first Antique Mall Booth Opening,
I'm offering one lucky winner this nifty cloche and a $25 gift card from

Just like yesterday,  
all you have to do is become a follower and leave a comment 
 and voila! You will be instantly entered to win.
The drawing will be this coming Sunday, October 11th.

I want to give a big thanks to those sweet bloggers
who have linked back to my giveaway on their own blogs.
The generosity and selflessness is amazing, although not unexpected..

In the meantime, back to my booth sometime today to foof it up a bit (thanks, Sue!).

Have a great day!


  1. Congrats! The cloche is very pretty. Count me in. I'm already a follower.


  2. Just became a follower and your booth looks amazing!!! Way to go! That cloche is gorgeous!

  3. You just said my favorite I needed a reason to become a follower.
    It was a hoot getting to meet you and the Mr. I hope y'all enjoyed yourselves as much as we did. The weather was tough, but hey, we're Texas girls and we can take anything, right? Besides, all that humidity is wonderful for the skin!
    Look forward to seeing you again and thank you for the sweet words. It's going to get harder and harder to get Cat Daddy's head into those hats!
    P.S. Ugly babies deserve ugly baby furniture, too!!!

  4. Congratulations on your very first booth! It looks awesome. I am now a follower, count me in too ... Keep up the great work!

  5. Congrats on the've got all my favorite things! I agree on the award free blog...well said. I hate leaving anyone out! Too much love to share with only a few.
    I agree on the kitty pics. I could include one with each post....I certainly have enough cats around here to pick from!
    Hug it out!!!

  6. What a beautiful blog you have...thank you for visiting my blog, because that's how I made my way over here to yours! Congratulations on your booth opening and also on you having your dream unfold before you! I wish you much much success in your business. It looks like there is lots of pretties in there! Wish I lived closer...I'd go plunder in there..LOL!
    Please enter me in your giveaway...that cloche is gorgeous! I'd love to win that!
    I'll be following your blog...please stop by for a visit to mine again too! It looks like we have alot in common. I love how blogging keeps me connected with women that love the same things as I do....
    Big Hugs,

  7. The booth is looking awesome...keep those pics coming! Great giveaway too!!!

    :) T

  8. Anne - i so enjoyed meeting and James - thank you for stopping by our booth at Warrenton and thank you for making a purchase. i love your booth. especially the cottage sign - i know you are going to have a lot of success at this - you just have a light about you when you talk about the business - and the way you shop is delightful to watch - you listen with your eyes - makes me smile to see you work - much happiness to you and james - troy

  9. hi there, count me in, i'm a follower you're in my favorites :) "floof it up" i say i go around my house & "fluff up stuff" & get strange looks, i guess it takes another decorator to understand our lingo LOL gio

  10. Hi Anne, count me in! I'm so excited for you new booth opening!

  11. Hi Annie-congradulations-I just found your blog-count me in on the give-away-I'm becoming a follower-Thanks!

  12. such a fun blog -- and i've been reading blogs allllllllllll morning so i can't even remember from who or where i found you -- but sure glad i did!

  13. fun, fun, please enter me, i am a follower!

  14. I really like what you have done with your booth. Its WAAAYYYYY cute. You have some beautiful stuff and should do very, very, well. Dont forget about me (one of your many BFF's) and please place my name in the drawing too. Have fun today on your quest for treasures.


I'm all ears....

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