Thursday, October 8, 2009

Anthropologie Giveaway , Last Call

I had originally set the deadline to enter my celebratory 
for earlier this week...but I've noticed that entries keep trickling in, 
with the majority of them saying they learned about 
it via the rockin' Dawn at The Feathered Nest.
Check's in the mail, Dawn! ;-)

Seriously, I want to thank everyone who has left me 
such kind and supportive comments, and for sharing in this happy occasion.

The drawing for the winner of this giveaway 
is still set for Sunday, October 11th, but you now have until 
Saturday, October 10th, 11:59pm CST to enter.

Here's a reminder of the loot and swag being raffled here:

$25 gift card to Anthropologie 
a lovely Anthropologie cloche


Plus a couple of surprises, too!

To enter, simply  
become a follower and leave a comment.
That's it.

Many thanks to all who have embraced me with their generosity and kindness.
May your kindness be returned to you hundredfold!



  1. Gosh Anne, I may have missed throwing my hat in the ring. so I'm going for it. The only time I get to the big "A" is when we go to St. Louis, then I'm all over it!
    Hugs and love. te he.

  2. I just became a new follower. Love your blog! I really like your Anthropologie cloche
    creation---very pretty!


  3. I'm waiting patiently for the comment from you that cityfarmer is the proud winner of the loot!!

    hope your booth is a smashing success...sell, sell, sell
    ...well, besides that it's very fullfilling isn't it.

    AND a ton of work!

  4. Hi Anne, just wanted to comment on your previous post. The dresser turned out great...all that work paid off!!We are sure that someone will adopt it pretty soon. Don't forget that if you ever need to paint on mahogany pieces, use only Kilz as the primer (2 coats) to prevent bleeding...just trying to save you some headaches! Have a good weekend!!

  5. Congrats on joining the wonderful biz of vintage and old stuff! Much success to your booth!


  6. Congratulations on your booth opening. I just became a follower. I found you through Kathleen at Faded Charm. Love your blog. Hugs, Patricia

  7. I am already a follower (love your blog) and I am leaving a comment!! LOVE THAT CLOCHE!!!!

    Hope you have a great weekend!!

    Lou Cinda :)

  8. Glad you're having a big response Anne! Have a fantastic weekend sweetie!!!

    :) T

  9. Debra, you were already entered just by virtue of being a follower. You could either be a follower or leave a comment. So no worries! I need to pop over and see how things are in your neck of the blogosphere.
    Have a fab weekend!

  10. Anne, I'm a follower, have been for a while, but I'd really like another change to win!! Pick me....

  11. Theresa, I do believe you were one of my first if not THE first follower! That certainly merits you somethin' right? ;-)

  12. i just becaome a follower! I came over from the shanty 2 chic party:) great stuff!! hope i win ;)

  13. I adore your blog..Love your creativity. I collect clouches but I do not have one like that and i think it is wonderful, so happy I found your sight I am a new follower and I will make sure all my blogger friends know you are out there...thanks for sharing, come visit

  14. The cloche is precious an the right color also.I hope I'm not to late to enter..What a creative mind you have...keep the talent going..vera


I'm all ears....

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