Monday, November 23, 2009

An Imposed Exile

As opposed to self-imposed. That's an awful lot of posing going on!
Anyway, my arch-nemesis Windstream gave me fits all weekend long with an internet service outage, which would serve to explain my absence the past couple of days. Ahhh well, the break did me good, I got some much needed R n' R, and got to spend the day Saturday junking with my buddy Effie. That's always a blast! I also hit up three estate sales, with one being the stuff of legend, it was JUST THAT GOOD (more later!).

To everyone who left comments on my Inquiring Minds post and voted in my poll, thank you so much! I read each and every comment and found it fascinating to get to know y'all a little better. You guys amaze me, crazy busy and still manage to churn out quality stuff day after day here on your blogs.

I also managed to update my Etsy Shop with some really fun new listings.
Here's one of my faves...

It's a Word War Two era hair removal system!


 C'mon.....ya know you want it.
Better still, you need it.
Don't believe me? Just whip out that 10X Magnifying Mirror.  ;-)

Missed Y'all!!!


  1. Super cute!

    Glad you had lots of feedback on the Inquiring Minds. Our lives behind the blogs are always interesting!

  2. I was wondering where you had been. I left you an email Thursday evening, and didn't hear from you. I mailed your things Saturday, so look for them soon! Glad you had a great weekend!
    Big hugs,

  3. Hi! What a cute vintage item! They really did things right then - everything is pretty - the box, the lady, and the unfolded paper with printing. There is just nothing like vintage - that's why we are all so enraptured by it, I suppose.

    Cynthia K. (Beauty and Blessings)

  4. Welcome to the Vintage Christmas Monday blog party. I am so glad that you decided to join us. It will be a treat for me to see your posts each Monday. xo Joan

  5. Omigosh! I love that box!!!

  6. Oh how sweet! Can't wait to see all the goodies you got at the Estate Sale! Have a blessed day and glad your internet is back up.

  7. I hear you with the internet giving you problems! Glad you had a great time anyway!
    Hugs, Lisa


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