Friday, November 6, 2009

The Sale You Shouldn't Have Missed...

Well, technically you haven't missed it yet.
The not-to-be-believed
from Troy and Rod of Junk Exchange is still going strong
and will be through Sunday.
I know that so many of you really, really want to attend,
and please believe me when I tell you that I'm not pouring salt here for those who can't....
but if there's any way possible, you definitely owe it to yourself
to make the drive to Waco to attend this sale of a lifetime.

I'm not exaggerating when I say that to me,
this was at least as exciting as Warrenton, such is the exceptional quality,
variety and rock-bottom pricing of the goods being offered at Troy and Rod's sale.

It's been an incredibly long day, so I'm just going to toss up
as many images as I can of my day at Troy and Rod's
5000 sq ft warehouse with a minimum of narration.
Tomorrow, I'll be posting photos of everything I brought home,
and you will not want to miss those pics!

Let's get going!

There's Troy himself winking at me as I approached the sale.
Cheeky monkey!
Okay, truth be told, the sun was in his eyes, 
or the brilliance of the dollar signs he saw 
reflected in my eyes caused him to squint.
Meet Troy!

Great pic of Troy, super sucky pic of me, 
which is why I made it small and blurry.
Vanity, much?

Shutters and gorgeous vintage wallpaper rolls.




My pile in its early stages. 
Oh, trust me, it got bigger!



So many gorgeous watercolor and oil paintings and prints.


A stunning porch glider. Mindy, you really, really need this!


Troy's super sweet sister, who is an absolute doll and a tireless helper.


Please somebody, grab this incredible industrial piece!
It was too big for me to get this trip, 
but this would be such a versatile piece for some lucky buyer.
Again, I can see this in Mindy's of Primitiques 'n Poetry's space.

Troy's hussy, Jezebel!

Loads and loads of vintage Christmas.

And I had the unexpected pleasure of meeting 
the wonderful Alice of Yesteryears Jewels and JUNKMARKET Style while there. 
What a fun lady, and just as nice as she is talented!

I also had the opportunity to meet local gal Jessica of Sugar Moon.
She has a fabulous blog that I recommend you hightail it over to right now!

Cool vintage car stuff.


This vintage scale was only a dollar!
Didja hear me?? A DOLLAR!!!
(Are Rod and Troy nuts?????)
Quite possibly, and lucky for me, 
I'm not above taking unfair advantage when the situation warrants it! ;-)


I grabbed each and every one of these. 50 cents each!



They have an epic selection of vintage bottles. 
There are tons more in boxes, and only 50¢ and $1 each!

The Dynamic Junkin' Duo hard at work!





More Christmas!

And this....big and chunky and wonderful, 
and all mine for a ridiculously low price.
Coming soon to Fiona and Twig, The Booth!

Oh, and one final image for tonight...
Yep, you guessed it.

....incredibly exquisite, achingly delicate watercolor made the trip home with me.
It was a gift from Troy. 
Have I mentioned how much I love this man?!?!

My mom and I had the best time ever at the big sale, 
and we spent the better part of 6 hours there with 
Troy, Rod and the rest of the Junk Exchange gang.
It was a day to remember spent with friends hard to forget.

Be sure to visit me tomorrow as I unveil all my new treasures!


  1. I'm drooling over here!!! The picture of teh vintage bottles is enough to make me search for the car keys (I'm in Cali)! :) Amazing, Have fun at the sale!!!
    I LOVE your blog and can't wait to read more :)
    Paris Atelier~

  2. The sale of the day!! Oh my, what goodies...if I wasn't in Florida, I'd be screeching up to that sale, rather than drooling on the keyboard! Looks like you found some fabulous finds...whatcha gonna do with the watercolor? It is beautiful, but so delicate! Have a great weekend *elaine*

  3. Well I am crying at all the stuff I missed! You got some really good loot and I can't believe that I live all the way in Georgia... I am moving down there:) Can't wait to see what all you brought home with you! Have a blessed day!

  4. I N C R E D I B L E!!!! I haven't seen good stuff like that in a long while, I'm sure your heart was just-a-poundin'! So glad you are the owner of the lovely roses....hope you keep it! Well, girl, sounds like you are doing a swell job as a dealer....enjoy the adventure!

  5. Wow, I am bummed out that I couldn't go. You had me at the first picture with the wallpaper, then all of the bottles, finials galore, and the table stacked high with fabric! OMG That's my kind of sale, great stuff piled high everywhere. I would have spent a fortune. Lisa

  6. I saw a thousand things I wanted just from your photos! Sounds like you had a great time.
    Love your rose watercolor, and it looks beautifiul as your header!

  7. I wish I could be there!

  8. How come that all the good stuff is always in Texas????

  9. I was lucky to be there!!!! Anne you took such good pic's ! Good on you! I really enjoyed meeting you and Troy and Rod!
    Smiles, alice

  10. Hi Anne

    What an amazing post us gals here in Cali are sure sad. I can't imagine the fun you had with your mom thats wonderful!!!

    I got your astounding package yesterday so I did a thank you post about Fiona and Twig and how Amazing you are!!!

    Your lucky girl, friend

  11. oh girl...i'm pretty sure I hate you right now :)....if for the watercolor ALONE!!!!!! good for U....xo jana

  12. i'm going back to bed from depression. i ache to go to that sale!!!!!! oooooh those linens and i love that rose watercolor!! thanks for the virtual trip.

  13. I'm just sick that I can't get to Waco for this sale...looks like paradise! I looove the vintage Christmas section and the pile of linens...thanks soooo much for sharing and I can't wait to see what you got!


  14. Ok. Not once, but twice you point out good stuff for me. If it's all gone when I get there Saturday, I will be happy for Troy and Rod but oh, so, sad for me! Congrats on your goodies! ~Mindy

  15. Wow! That was amazing! Can't wait to see what you brought home!
    Take care, Laura

  16. You go girl! OMG, what a sale indeed so do tell.. was all those pictures of what you did purchase?


  17. If I was there I would think I had died and gone to heaven. Sharon PS. Great header!

  18. thanks for the comment anne. i had a great time there. i only wish i had arrived earlier! lots of great stuff went very quickly!!! oh well... catcha' later. love your blog, by the way!

  19. ok... so now I want to come to Texas to shop with you!!! just how much FUN did you have! I see so many wonderful things I just love the photos! great finds!


I'm all ears....

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