Friday, November 20, 2009

Vintage Black Friday...The Black Hole

The Black Hole I am referring to would be my brain this week.
Can anyone relate? Anyone else wanna admit before God and all of blogville
that they've been burning their creative candles at both ends,
only to have them meet in the middle and....POOF!
There goes yer inspiration.

Thanks to Jill at Gypsy Brocante for being our lovely VBF Hostess!
And thanks to all of YOU for your comments and support,
I treasure each one of you!
Happy Vintage Black Friday!

One of my absolute favorite bloggers is having a tremendous giveaway!
Michelle at
Vintage Junky
is offering this fun vintage scale in celebration
of her gorgeous new studio finally being finished...

You need to go over and take a peek at her studio, it really is quite drool-worthy!

 And Tracey at French Larkspur alerted me to a fantastic giveaway going on over at
Bluebird Notes
This is Koralee's first giveaway, so head on over and show her some bloggy love!


  1. Love the shape of that wonderful teapot. The tarnish is gorgeous and I love it hanging with the lace. If you want to see some tarnish you should take a look at some of mine...not going for effect, but it's cause I'm just lazy.
    Have a relaxing, brain resting weekend!

  2. Preach ON, Sistah! I can totally relate. "Massive overload resulting in complete and utter shutdown of all creative capacities" has been my status for a week.

    And that tarnished silver.... oh, yeah! I love it like that. Everyone always asks me why I don't polish it before I sell it. HUH??? That's PATINA, baby!!! ;0)

  3. Hi Anne-Fiona,
    love our pic for your Black Friday. very creative and with a great dramatic look.
    I do to love my silver tarnished. Besides trying to avoid the hassle of polishing - which is not one of my fave chores to tell you the pure truth, I just love that wonderful patina that time is leaving on silver.
    great post!!

  4. Yes! With construction planning on the brain my "decorate the shop for Christmas" brain has taken a vacation...the bad thing is it didn't tell me where it was going and when it's coming back....

    Have a lovely and restful weekend!

    : )

    Julie M.

  5. I don't polish either. I don't even polish my sterling silverware and I use it everyday. And I do put it in the dishwasher. Alot of people cringe when they see this. I love it. And thanks for stopping by my blog and for the nice comment. It sure made my day.
    Happy Thursday!

  6. Beautiful teapot and yes we are all probably there with the burning the candles at both ends. I have been working tirelessly to get my Sister back in her house after the recent flood destroyed it. I am trying not to do too much at my house until she can lay her head on her pillow again:) Need to create some beauty, do some Christmas shopping and get ready for Thanksgiving. Hopefully I will be moving some of her stuff in today:) Have a blessed day and take a break!

  7. Hi Anne,
    Hope you'll have SOME time this weekend to just veg...

    Take of YOU! :)


  8. Hey Anne,
    This is such a hectic time every year...I feel your pain in my lower back.
    I hoping since I burnt my candle from both ends and there is nothing left, maybe I will burn some body fat.
    Great teapot, is that the sweetest little bird on top?

  9. Oh my....that is a Gorgeous picture! I love lace! As for tarnish - it's so nice to know I'm not alone...WHEW! Polish, WHAT?!!? As for the circuit shortage mid-week...yep! It's WAY bad when you have glitter ALL OVER YOUR HOUSE and you don't remember why....

    LOL Your post is so Lovely as ALWAYS!!!

    ;-) robelyn

  10. I am so with you on the beauty of the tarnished pieces. My new obsession at the moment is tarnished silver and it is going to be displayed prominently in my holiday decorating this year.
    Have a great weekend.

  11. I agree, the more tarnished the better. Sort of like my life story - ha!

  12. Yep! Can totally relate! Take some time this weekend to just stay in your jammies until noon and get yourself a big cup of hot tea and your favorite magazine and RELAX, girlie!

    Lovin' the tarnished silver!


  13. I love old silver - and that teapot----oh my!!! I actually have my coffeepot sitting on a silver tray in my kitchen to catch spills and the occasional overflow that sometimes occurs when my brain has a blackout.

    Have a wonderful weekend,


  14. I know how you feel. I am on creative overload right now and had an attack of vertigo at 2am this morning so I am going to be very quiet today and hope that tomorrow things will be back to normal :)

    I love my little vase my dear and I am burning my tart this morning and it smells heavenly. The peppermints are gone....I ate them promptly!


  15. Thanks for the love! That is how I like my silver too... and my mirrors spooky and weathered!

    Smiles~ Michelle

  16. yep, can TOTALLY relate to you! i am worn out and it isn't even Thanksgiving yet! hope you find your second wind!

    and you already know how i feel about tarnished silver!! love that photo!

  17. Hope you get some rest this weekend. I love tarnished silver - it is so much more interesting to me than polished silver! Happy VBF!

  18. I love this piece. And yes I love the tarnished look. Happy VBF...julie

  19. LOVE the teapot!! Tarnished is my fav!!!

    I have been burnt out too this week!! I stood and just stared at my den last night trying to figure out Christmas decorating....just staring.....

    Hope you have a great weekend!

    Lou Cinda :)

  20. OK Anne, I'll admit it!!! Yes it's been crazy here too. I've been trying to be creative in too many areas at once. I'm kind of a one track person, if you know what I mean.
    That teapot is a beauty. What a shape! Just the perfect amount of tarnish too.

  21. Lovely!!! Not so much creatively burned out, just finding it difficult to craft, work, be a mom and blog some days. We are both RN's in a hospital, so we so hear ya!

  22. Love the silver pot hanging in the frame. It is so pretty.

  23. Hey Anne~

    Yep, I feel like the tarnished tea-pot ... can't even remember the last shower I had, seriously ... I have paint stuck on me in places no one would believe, I've ripped off all my fab new nails and have resorted to paint clothes and tees for the last, hmmmm ... weeks? ... As much as I LOVE tarnish, I feel like I could really use an overhaul with some serious polish ... head to toe!


    ps. so happy you're pleased w/your etsy items!!


I'm all ears....

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