Saturday, December 12, 2009

Just a bit of Christmas...

I'm trying to come out of my shell a bit
when it comes to photographing mine and Mr Twig's home.
Baby steps here, so I snapped a couple of small Christmas vignettes
which are still very much evolving.
Keep in mind that practically anything Christmas-sy in these photos
was purchased at the amazing, incredible Dollar Tree!




More to come in the days the meantime,
stay warm, enjoy family, and remember The Reason for the Season!


  1. Sooooooo pretty!! Thank you for sharing!


  2. Hi Anne,

    I loved seeing your home and Christmas time at your place. Thank you for showing us.
    Have a happy rest of the weekend


  3. Hey Girl, that hall tree is awesome, and I recognize your hat hangin' there! Love your white dishes in the cool cupboard, is that a zinc tray? love it! Now, it's not so hard showing house stuff is it? Just repeat after me. "I CAN show pictures of my house, I CAN show pictures of my house". See, that's it. We love it cause we love you... and besides you have some really great things!
    I accidently lost your comment, but I retreived it from the email post. I put it through on my comment. I'm sorry, do-dah here. I value your comments, I sure don't want to lose any of them!
    Have a great Sunday!

  4. Love your decorations! What I find when I post pictures of my house.... DUST! It really shows up in pictures. I just dusted for that very reason. Anyway, I love your halltree-WOW and the hats hanging there makes such a pretty picture. Show us more, show us more:) Have a blessed day!

  5. I have enjoyed seeing pictures of your home, it's all quite lovely. I also like the overall content of your blog, so I am becoming a follower. It's going to be fun looking at all your posts.
    If you have the time, please come see me too.

    Have a wonderful week.

  6. Hello Anne, it is always special when you get to see someones home. I love the Hall Tree with the hats. You and hubby have a nice weekend. sandi

  7. I love it Anne. And baby I lllooove the Dollar Tree!! I am the queen of frugal... sounds so much better than cheap!!!

  8. heehee.. that's it Anne, I've seen so much of your home it feels like mine! (sorry I was teasing there..) but yes.. I love shots of your home.. more please more.. (did you hear me pounding my fork on the table)


  9. It is a "weird" feeling at first . . . sharing your home on your blog . . . isn't it? But you know, we all LOVE seeing other creative people's homes. It's always inspiring. What you've shared so far is just darling. I just bought those snowflakes. I heart the DT so much.

    Thanks for sharing, can't wait to see more of your lovely home.

  10. Hi Anne:
    I love your Christmas vignettes. They're lovely, inspirational peeks into your life. Thanks also for the reminder about the Season. I think everyone can use a gentle nudge every now and then. Have a great Sunday, my friend.

  11. Anne, very pretty ideas! Don't you love the dollar tree? Happy Sunday, T

  12. Good Morning Dear Sweet Friend
    I love the hall tree decked out for the holiday.
    And I have quite a thing for white dishes... especially plates and pitchers.
    they call my name from the cracks and crevices of every junk store across the midwest.
    I have quite a stash...some I sell from time to time and others well..they are reserved for the fam and me.
    Im glad to see you getting into the Christmas mood a bit more...Does a person good...
    Have a wonderful restful Sunday...I'm thinking about you...donna

  13. Such beautiful pictures. Can't wait to see me. Your decorations are awesome.


  14. Dollar to my ears and pocketbook!
    I know what you mean. Showing photos is just like standing nekkid in Anthro's window...right?

  15. Hello Sweet Anne!

    Doesn't the Dollar Tree ONCE AGAIN that we can make our homes uniques ours on a very low budget. I purchased 15 of thos large snowflakes and they are hanging in the uncoveredwindows of my home. Today I can look through them at our first snow (arrived yesterday!) I swear they look like glas once hung up with the little clear suction cups.

    your friend,

  16. Very pretty, Anne! I was just at Dollar Tree yesterday and found some fun things to decorate with. Love that store!


  17. Hi Anne!

    Your house looks so pretty! Thank you for letting us into your home! Is your china French Countryside by Mikasa? If so, that is wild, because I have that pattern too!!! If not, it looks very similar!

    Take care!


  18. Love your new blog header and your new business card. The desk at which you create is gorgeous! And all your images inspiring! Blessings, :) Tammy

  19. Oh this is exciting to see your home. I can't wait for more! Love the hall tree.

  20. Gotta love that Dollar Tree!

    We camped in the Kerrville area a few weeks ago and I'd hoped to get by your booth/shop.. but it didn't happen. We did make it to the Saturday mass... just before the holiday parade! Hope we'll get back there after the first of the new year!

    Thanks for visiting, commenting, following and/or blogging about my 300th post giveaway! Good Luck!

    Blessing. Dixie

  21. I love seeing glimpses of your home Anne! Believe me, there are parts of mine I would show on my blog!!! I hope you've had a good weekend, I know you had to work....Wishing you a wonderful week ahead sweet friend, xxoo, Dawn

  22. You have no reason to be shy about showing your home pictures ... they're wonderful!

    I purchased tons of dollar store ornaments this year, like the glittered reindeer {2 for a buck ; 0 } ... then if the gypsy prince ruins them it doesn't break the bank!

    MORE pictures ... please!


  23. Thank you all SO much for your encouragement and kind words! I really love the way the holiday decorating has been turning out, considering we can't have a tree (cat drama, LOL).

    I'll continue to give you a peek here and there, but it's like Debbie said, I ain't no big fan of standing in the window of Anthro naked! ;-)

    Love y'all!

  24. I love your blog header. Very vintage festive..julie

  25. Hello Anne, I found you from anothers blog list. What a lovely place to come visit! I love your blog background, very unique the way the middle part looks transparent. Totally gorgeous! I will be back to peruse ... have a very merry Christmas time! ~ Violet


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