Thursday, December 31, 2009

One Short Year Ago Today....

I didn't know any of you.
(now I have hundreds of awesome friends)

I didn't have a blog.
(now you can't shut me up)

I'd never used a camera other than a disposable.
(now I absolutely love shooting and editing my own photos)

I didn't have a booth in an antique mall.
(now I have a booth at Sunrise Antique Mall in Kerrville, Texas)

I didn't have an Etsy shop. (I didn't even know what Etsy was.
Now I have joined the ranks of online sellers with my very own shop)

I had never heard of, nor been to Warrenton, for Antiques Week.
(now I'm scheduled to be there with my friend Effie in the Spring, helping her sell in her space)

What a difference a year makes!!!

It hasn't all been sunshine and roses, but it's been pretty darn good!
Looking forward to sharing my misadventures with all of you in the coming year...and wishing all of you the very best!


  1. It isn't always sunshine and roses but isn't it nice to know that others care about the clouds and the thorns:) I have loved getting to know you and although I am not at a year yet, I am so thankful for all of you! Happy New Year Dear ANNE! Hugs from Georgia!

  2. Anne, It really is an amazing thing! I have enjoyed and continue to enjoy all the wonderful blog friends. I am "doublely" lucky 'cause I got to meet you in person!
    Another year in our lives is coming up and I know it will bring more fun and quirky adventures. More sunshine less clouds but just enough to keep us appreciative!
    Lots of smiles, giggles and more,

  3. Well... I'm glad for this past year 'cause I found you!!! AND! I just think you should know... tiny little grey-haired people went to your booth and then called me to tell me I had better go visit you QUICK!!!

    I hope this year brings you many many many successful misadventures (hee-hee)'cause I wanna be on some of 'em with you!!!

    Much Love and Happy New Year wishes coming your way!!!


  4. It is amazing what a difference a year makes, I too had never heard of blogging a year ago and would be lost without etsy.

    May 2010 be filled with much insight, love and joy and lots of blogging,

    Leeann x

  5. Hi Darling Anne
    Yes what a difference a year makes!!! Sorrow and joy such a teachable moment for all of us. I want to thank you personally for the friendship, kind words of comfort, but most of all the love that you always leave in my heart when you stop by my blog. Happy New Year my dear friend and much success on all of your adventures in 2010

    Love ya

  6. Love to you dearest Anne! I wish you much happiness and success in the year to come!


  7. Love this post...and your blog.

    Best for you this New Years,

  8. Just stopped by to wish you a Happy New Year. As I mentioned earlier post Warrenton is my all time favorite thing to do. I posted pictures of my home on my site and it is all Warrenton through out. lol
    We will be renting a house out here on this ranch for Warrenton dealers if you know of anyone looking for a place.
    Happy New Year Maggie

  9. Wishing you a wonderful new year. Look forward to getting to know you better!

  10. Anne~ YOU are Just AmaZinG!*!*! You-Go-Girl!!! Your Blog... Sweet Comments... Creativity... have enhanced soooooo many lives! Happy New Year to You! All the Best in "2010" Jeanine, ChiPPY!-SHaBBy!

  11. Happy New Year Anne. What a great post. Love the way you've broken down the changes.

    I know last year I kept saying I just don't get blogging - OH' HOW WRONG I WAS!

    I'm happy to call you friend Dear Anne. Wishing you a blessed and beautiful New Year.
    Hugs...Tracy :)

  12. What a difference a year makes! Here's to 2010 ~ Wishing you a very happy new year filled with so much joy for you!

  13. And I for one cannot wait to read more of your awesome posts and see all your success in 2010. You are such a bright spot here and I absolutely adore seeing your cute face when I get a meesage from you.
    I cannot get over how darling you are in an afro girl.hehe
    Have a wonderful New Years Anne, and we'll see you in 2010!!!

  14. ...and I am looking forward to watching you too!
    I have seen your character these last few weeks, you've been through some stuff and I know you've
    one tough cookie...even though I know you don't feel like it sometimes. Anne, I so glad I stumbled upon your blog and hope to get to know you better in the coming year. Happy New Year to you and yours...let's make it a good one...we could use it huh?


  15. Happy Anniversary! Tomorrow is my one year mark. Isn't it funny how blogging is so familiar and such a part of life now! You sure have been a busy girl. If I had to bet, I'd say all of this creativity has made you happier, too!

    Happy New Year!

  16. Anne, I hope you have a wonderful New Year and that it brings nothing but love, happiness and lots of laughter to you and everyone of us..I think we ALL need that:) we are celebrating our wedding anniversary here at home with MY favorite dvds and some good snacks :) guess that diet will have to start a little bit later :) I will be back to catch up on some of your older posts that I missed out on while on my self imposed family break :) Besos, Rose

  17. All the best to you, too!!!

    Happy New Year!

    : )

    Julie M.

  18. You are so right my dear.....what a difference a year can make. I opened my first booth in February this year, and it's the first time in my life that I feel completely happy and content with what I'm doing. I started my blog in July of this year and I cannot believe what I have been missing. Each endeavor took quite a lot of nerve, but I did it and I have never looked back.
    Thanks for bringing your wonderful blog to me and I'm looking forward to the new year.

    Happy New Year!

  19. It certainly has been a year of growth for you and a sure cause for celebration! Wanted to wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year! Judi

  20. Happy New Year. Hope that 2010 can continue the acceleration of 2009 for you. I always like old postcards and that one is great.

  21. So happy to have met you through the blogging world and looking forward to lots more fun in 2010!
    Happy New Year Anne!!

  22. Greetings Anne,

    Life is full of surprises, isn't it? Wishing you much joy in the coming year!


  23. Hi Anne:
    So glad you decided to blog...and that I got to meet you through this cyber world of ours. Happy New Year!

  24. What an exciting year for you, and for your readers to watch your journey! May 2010 bless you abundantly! Happy New Year Anne!


  25. Oh sweet Anne, I'm so very glad you're here!!! You are so right, what a difference a year makes! And through the wonderful, good and not-so-good...we are all much better for it all! You are amazing and I see great things for you in the future, you have the drive and ability to make anything you dream become a reality!!!! I wish for you a wonderful, happy and so very blessed new year dear friend, hugs and love, Dawn

  26. Happy New Year Anne! Please make sure we meet in Texas!



  27. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Anne, James and Mom..... the countdown is on for Warrenton and I am so happy that you will be there with me..... What great fun we will have!!!

    God Bless us all!!! Guide us through this New Year!!


  28. Happy New Year Anne!
    It has been lots of fun getting to know you and I look forward to more good times and bloggin love in 2010!
    Take care, Laura

  29. Happy New Year Anne! It has been a joy keeping up with you and following your blog!


  30. Just think of the possiblities twenty ten holds. Blows the mind, doesn't it?
    Happy New Year!

  31. This has surely been an amazing few months since we started blogging, I'm so glad to call you friend, dear Anne.
    I'm praying for a wonderful New Year for you and your hubbs!

  32. A short time ago... YES. Happy New Year!

  33. This is such an awesome experience, this whole blogging thing. I'm so glad I met you.

    This is a copy of the same message I am posting in other places. I wanted to visit and thank everyone who has visited or followed any of my blogs. I have so enjoyed this new experience and look forward to getting to know each of you better. May this be a year of joy and prosperity for everyone.

    Happy New Year!!!

    Keep a hug on,

    ~ Yaya
    Yaya's Changing World

    ~ Just Joany
    Red Wagon Flights

    Word Designer

  34. I am with you I started this in this great world in March! Happy New Year! Hope it is your best yet!
    Hugs, Lisa

  35. Happy New Year, dear Anne! Have a wonderful year, filled with love, fun, creativity and success!


  36. Hey, just found you! Wanted to say that's a big year you're describing! Also, I have been to Kerrville. I use to live in New Braunfels. Now I live in Tyler. Happy New Year to you!

  37. It truly is amazing how certain moments and decisions can change your life for the better. You have certainly accomplished much in the past year. I have no doubt that 2010 has so many more wonderful things in store for us all if we just count our blessings and give thanks for all the good that God bestows upon us. Blessings to you and yours, Tammy

  38. I'm so excited to see where the new year will bring you! Blessings to you my friend, T

  39. Perfectly said! Hope to see you at Warrengton next spring. ~ Happy New Year!

  40. Happy New Year Beautiful Anne!

    Just wantged to let you know how happy I am that we crossed paths here in this wonderful and magical place called Blogland! You are a new friend that I cherish! I love reading aobut your happenings. I am VERY sorry to hear about the loss of your friend.....I can only imagine how hard that has been on your duirng this time of year.

    All the best in your business and life in general in 2010!

    Never underestimate how you affect others with your kind heart.


  41. here's to another year of surprises for you!!! i wish you best success and you never know....this could be the 'IT' factor for you!!!!!!! you are a natural!!! best wishes and good luck to you always....

  42. Hi sweet dear, thank you so very much for your recent comment on my blog. It was, quite honestly, one of the loveliest I have ever received.

    I truly hope that your year is off to a sparklingly fantastic start, and that each the days that follows will continually be even more amazing for you than the last!

    Immensely big hugs & endless joyful wishes,
    ♥ Jessica

  43. Wishing you many more adventures in 2010 and I hope this time next year you will be happily amazed at how your pasted and will be sharing your amazement with us all :-)



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