Saturday, January 30, 2010

Just a little tease...

And it's only because I'm catatonic-tired and need a nap in the worst way.

But I promise you, the Hoarders Estate Sale did not disappoint.

I didn't buy a lot, but I got exactly what I needed. Mostly smalls, as I primarily buy for my Etsy Shop these days ( my poor, sad, neglected little booth! ). More pics will be posted tomorrow, but for now, say hello to one of my spectacular finds...the three lovely ladies gracing this gorgeous, heavy, BIG, Greco-Roman lamp, coming soon to the fields of Warrenton during 
Antique Week ( March 25-April 4 ).

Please head back over this way sometime tomorrow...I plan to combine my Silver Sunday post with the follow-up to this one, so bonus! You get a two-fer. 

And just a quick shout out to my brand new junkin' buddy that I met at the sale....


Say hi to Jan of The Polka Dot Barn!
I came across her purely by accident, she was not a reader of this blog, but is a regular at the same estate sales I frequent, so it's WEIRD that we hadn't met before.

Jan is a local mixed-media artist, and is just an all-around nice gal. Go sneak a peek at her Etsy Shop, she's super talented. 

And oh my gosh, she's like another Effie, my rockin' Bar W Buddy I'll be selling with in the Spring.
Jan and I plan on getting together next week for lunch and will surely be wreaking general mischief and mayhem in the weeks and months ahead.  ;-)

Off now to take a quick nap with my sweet husband, who accompanied me today and tirelessly carried all my crap as always, LOL!

See y'all tomorrow!


  1. Anne~ How fast was your heart beating when you spotted that beauty? I hope you didn't stub a toe climbing over people to get to that! :) Seriously, I hope your foot is not giving you too much trouble and pain. I can't wait to see the rest of this tomorrow! ~ Theresa

  2. Great find! Have a good nap. You've earned it. Its tough work, but someone has to do it! Looking forward to Sunday's post.


  3. Oh Anne, sounds like the most fun day ever! Hoarder's stuff and a new friend! Love it and love the beauty you found! Have a sweet evening my dear, can't wait to see all of your goodies.

  4. Through rain, sleet, snow and sickness will we trek through other peoples stuff. Hope your feeling a little better...I know going to a hoarders sale would make me kinda well...


  5. I'm still laughing, giggling, outloud, at seeing myself in this blog post.
    As you know, I have already visited your blog just a wee bit earlier tonight, but had to come back and get your email i'm scrolling down looking in the right hand column and do a double take when i see this pink hat screaming off of this post - who else wears pink baseball caps most every day? just me:)
    anyway, it made me laugh out loud - shook me up!
    i was just fixin to post about the estate sale but was going to email you first, thus the trip back to your blog.................
    i'll still email but with it getting this late and church in the morning i'll probably not get the post finished before i hit the hay.

    i never did see this lamp base.
    i think you stole it right out from under me.
    xoxo, jan

  6. Hi Anne,

    What a beauty you got at the sale ~ the lamp base is fabulous.
    I hope that you are feeling better after a little nap.

    May the rest of the weekend be wonderful for you.

  7. Okay - that's gorgeous!!! I love it!!!

    I will be watching the local news to see if I hear stories of two crazy girls getting arrested or anything....

    LOLOL Enjoy!!!

  8. Oh how awesome!! And how awesome that you met Jan!! She's really an angel! You're so lucky that you get to hang out together! :)

  9. Hey Anne! Glad you made it to the hoarders sale. The lamp looks amazing! I know Jan! She's a great gal. We got acquainted last year when she traveled thru Missouri and told the world about the billboard "mania" that goes on here! She's super funny and oh so sweet!
    Hope you're feeling back to "normal". Hmmm. What's normal?
    love ya,

  10. Looking forward to your next post - can't wait to hear about that amazing sale!

  11. Sweet dreams and I can't wait to see what else u got!!



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