Friday, January 8, 2010

She's Got The Right Idea....

My sweet and insanely talented buddy Adrienne of The Flying Bee is taking her blog a slightly different direction these days. Through blogging, she has discovered an intense passion for photography, and is sharing many of her glorious, wordless images with us. I do hope you'll head on over and take a look, they really are quite stunning.

It's inspired me to reach back into some of my own photos, ones that I was perhaps too insecure to share with all of you before now. I have also found, quite unexpectedly, that I too am crazy about photography! I knew that I loved ( and lived ) to write, but this photography thing just sort of snuck up on me. I've been bitten, and like Adrienne, there's no turning back.

So, like sweet Adrienne, no words, just images; a few of my pics from the vaults...



 Thanks muchly for indulging me, and again, please head on over to Adrienne at
to see what truly awesome photography looks like!


  1. Anne, these are wonderful! I especially love the one of the alley-way with all of the wrought iron gates. So glad you pulled these out of the vaults for us to see. ~ Theresa

  2. Aloha kiddo,
    I checked out Adrienne at the Flying Bee and between the two of you, I need a new camera!! love the inspiration...keep sharing
    All my Aloha

  3. Your talents are endless! Great photos, I'm heading over to take a peek at "the bee"! Have a blessed day Dear Anne!

  4. These are beautiful and I LOVE the apothocary jars!! Jealous! You have great eye for photo opportunites. I just got a new camera for Christmas and I am busy playing with it (ie: taking lots of bad photos, but learning!) LOL!!Love, Jamie

  5. love your photos.......especially the alley one with all the awesome gates..

  6. Beautiful, I am a huge St. Francis fan, have several of his images in my home and on jewelry. And that giant aloe vera plant is gorgeous. I love your scrabble jar in the header!
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
    January Charmed bracelet giveaway!

  7. Morning, Anne,
    fun catching up on your blog this morning...
    That photography thing has a way of really making you smile doesn't it?...I know what you mean,
    Pictures are worth a thousand words...
    xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  8. Beautiful images Anne! I love the one with all the wrought iron gates! Happy Friday! 676 schools are closed in Ohio today! Snow snow snow!!



  9. Beautiful images.... maybe start printing them and selling them in your etsy.


  10. Great photos, Anne. My favorite is the flower behind the screen. I have a thing for both of those items.

  11. Anne, the old building in the 4th photo is my fav. Hope you have a great Friday!

  12. Anne, I was just visiting The Flying Bee yesterday, and can certainly relate to the "photography bug"! You both are doing a wonderful job! I definitely am wanting to upgrade my camera and learn more as well. Have a wonderful weekend!


  13. Beautiful, Anne! I feel the same way - blogging has brought out a love of photography I didn't know I had in me. I love seeing the world with fresh eyes and now everything is a potential photo.


  14. I know what you mean, when I somehow mangage to take a half way decent photo, it's very satisfying. I think a really good lenz is helpful, its on my wish list. These are wonderful photos!
    Thanks and blessings in your day!
    Ps,,I took the ballerina box all apart and recovered it.!!!

  15. sweet thing, you. Thank you so much for your support. Yikes! You sure know how to make a girl smile...I haven't blushed this much since I met my first boyfriend in 8th grade! LOL! I feel like I have so much to live up to now...I guess I better hurry up and get my new camera! Thank you soooo much!

    Oh, and can I just say....WOW! Look at your great shots...those bottles and that alley with the iron gates! Perfection!

    Keep it up, girl!

    Love ya bunches!

  16. Good stuff! One word... Flickr.

  17. Speaking of great pictures, I love your banner picture, Anne! You've got things I love in such a close shot ~ books and scrabble ~ and, I just realized, both have to do with words.

  18. Love your photos! I know the feeling as I love photography also. I am trying to do more and more of it. Love the flower behind the screen! I will check out The Flying Bee!

  19. I'm with everyone else, that alley with the rusted gates is awesome, all your photos are wonderful Anne, you have such a great eye for this. (well, I'm sure you have 2 great eyes, but you know what I mean)!!LOL, and thanks for the great comments this morning. Whatever timing God gives you is "perfect" timing!
    Have a wonderful day, dear Anne.
    love you,

  20. I'm completely smitten with the alley shot...swoon...

    You should print it out and sell it on you etsy page. I know that I would definitely buy it.

  21. Anne,
    It is so true for me as well...a little surprise about a love for photography follows...I love love love your pictures and will hop over to visit Adrienne now! :) Laura

  22. Beautiful Anne. I love the pictures and I really adore the one with the old iron gates! I love the step that Adreinne has taken with her blog and if I weren't such a blabber-mouth I would do the same

  23. You're a talented photographer. I really love these. Share more, please.

  24. Beautiful photos, Anne--you're a wonderful photographer, too!

  25. I shall go visit her. It snuck up on me too. When I started blogging, I wasn't even thinking about photography! But then all of a sudden I was looking at everything in a whole new light. Leaning down to look an angles. Spiderwebs became suddenly intriguing to me. I think it just gives you more of a zest for life in general. Blogging and the photography that obviously goes hand in hand.

  26. Love the photo of the old screen...I can just smell that screen! Do you know the smell I am talking about? As a kid, when the rain would fall in West Texas, I would stand in the opened window smelling the mixture of rain and dust which came through the screen window! Sigh. I miss the cactus too. Thanks for sharing!

  27. Look at you.. Anne woman of all trades. I love your photos. The alley pic has me wanting one. I have the perfect spot for it. Awesome work FBM!!

  28. Oh Anne, you musn't keep your beautiful photography under wraps any longer! Your pictuers are all beautiful. I love all the details, the bright leaves in front of the frame, the walkway between the two buildings... You have a great eye!

  29. Your photos are so lovely and never, never be afraid to show them. You have a great eye for subject and composition.

  30. Hi sweetpea.. glad to see you stop by my blog there.. missed ya dear friend. ((hugs))

    I now yearn for spring.. or at least Ground Hog day!!!

    Thanks for the link and I look forward to seeing her blog.

    with love

  31. Hi Sweet Friend and Happy Weekend!

    Your photography is fabulous! Thank you for sharing it and your bottles are divine! I'm drooling over the rusty gates too!

    Sending you some warm California sunshine!!

    Love and hugs,

  32. Gorgeous photos Anne!!!! I love the old bottle with it's tattered label and the alley photo is beautifull! I hope you are doing great sweetie and have a wonderful weekend, hugs and love, Dawn

  33. Absolutely beautiful, Anne. I am so jealous - I keep trying to get better photographs. I really LOVE the old rock house, or is it a barn? Gorgeous.

  34. me too, i love the alley way and the cement block run down building. hey go for just photos. change is good. i will still tag along. Bestest, Denise

  35. Good morning Anne dear, these images are delightful, I especially like the antique bottle ones (isn't there something so alluring about faded, time worn labels?).

    An immense thank you for your deeply kind (and flattering) comment earlier this week (it set me blushing!). I really hope that your year is off to a sublime start and that all is well on your end.

    Scores of hugs,
    ♥ Jessica

  36. Love the one with the brick work and old perspective!

    : )

    Julie M.

  37. I'm jumping on the wagon as well ... the photography thing has snuck up on me as well, plus all the digital stuff out there!

    Your pics are FAB, Anne ... I too love the ally w/the gates ... pure magic in that photo!


  38. Thank y'all so much for the kind words!

    For those who love the photo of the alleyway/gates, that's the side entrance to my all-time favorite store, Homestead. Y'all know about Homestead, right? It's cooler than Rachel Ashwell and Anthropologie all rolled into one! It's only fitting that I should attempt to snap a photo befitting its rank as super iconic store extraordinaire!

    Thanks again for the encouragement! I snapped all these using a Canon digital camera, a Power Shot A1100. I really want to trade up, any recs?
    I'd also love to find a semi-affordable version of Adobe Photoshop that won't require my selling an organ to purchase!!!

    Happy Saturday!

  39. Thanks for popping by my blog! Always glad to meet another cheap b! =)


I'm all ears....

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