Thursday, March 4, 2010

It's the Little Things...

....that make a space feel warm, lovely, inviting.



 This is the view from just above my laptop these days. 
Isn't this simply lovely?

The moment I saw this beautiful vintage tag I knew that I had to head over to Etsy and snatch it up before somebody else did.

Can you tell what it's wrapped in?


It's a vintage sewing pattern! How creative! 

In Warrenton / Antique Week news, I just got off the phone with Effie and we're cooking up some wonderful stuff for all you junkin' folks who come and see us in Bar W Field!

Coming soon....a map as to exactly where you can find us! If you're headed to the big show, I want to meet you!

Next up, big news from my BFF, Male Division, Troy of Junk Exchange...

He Just Celebrated His 100th Post!

Troy and Rod are the real deal, and if you visit only ONE vendor this year at any show at any location, make sure it's Troy and the folks at Junk Exchange.

They have the best junque at the best prices, but more importantly, they have  a whole lotta heart.
As Troy so eloquently put it in his latest post, they have a healthy respect for the "junk", giving it importance and treating it with the respect it deserves.

Be sure to visit the Junk Exchange Etsy Shop, too!

More great news from my bloggy friends? No problem!
Michelle at Vintage Junky is celebrating her
One Year Blogiversary!
And she's doing it up right, she's offering one lucky winner two great prizes, one of which is this fab grain-sack pillow from her Etsy Shop.

Click HERE to enter.

Off now to partake of a most shameful guilty pleasure,
*cough* General Hospital *cough*

Have a fabulous Thursday!

And Friday, too!



  1. That tag is the absolute cutest EVER!

  2. Anne, Great post! I sure hope I get to come to Warrenton this year. Lots going on here on the homefront though.
    smiles, alice

  3. Looking forward to seeing where y'all are located! See you really soon, can't wait!

  4. The baby tag is so elegant......she has some beautiful items in her shop.

  5. What a beautiful tag and the packaging is just precious! Oh my goodness! I love getting to visit some of these creative bloggers. Thanks for hooking us all up.

    I am off to check out the Junk Exchange Etsy shop!

    Have a sweet day Dear Anne!

  6. What a sweet tag. I hope everything goes more than well in Warrenton! I am so jealous. I've never even been, and you're a vendor! Wow. I know you're going to have a fantastic time. Take lots and lots of pictures to post for those of us who won't be there in person, but will be in good wishes.

  7. Hey Anne! Aren't Lisa's creations beautiful! I was just on my way to her blog and saw your post and had to stop to say hey. I just received a package from her and it was a sweet presentation. I won her giveaway and couldn't have been more excited. You know how much I needed that. And yesterday I received my win from Barbara Jean. Boy do you guys all pray really good. LOL! I just am thrilled with all my goodies and going to post Barbara Jeans tonight and Lisa's tomorrow.

    You don't know how much I wish I could go to TX for Warrenton / Antique Week. I'll be watching all the fun through you.

    Thanks for stopping by today. You know I love you!
    Hugs and a big fat smile....Tracy :)

  8. Such a cute tag and I love her wrapping and presentation. Taking notes myself. I will be in Texas sometime next week (Houston) to visit my Mom and family. I know Texas is big so I will have to see where you are located. Would love to visit!

  9. Anne ~
    I love getting stuff from Lisa too ~ that tag is as cute as can be ~ I love it !! And her wrapping is just wonderful !

  10. i totally understand what you mean - it's the little things....cut tage - and super nice packaging.....

  11. I'm a small moments person to be sure ....

    we think soooo much alike ...
    we must be joined at the hip(s)

  12. I am coming to Warrenton/Round Top to meet you! Count on it! I might even bring you a neat little surprise! :)


  13. G'eve Anne ~ What lovely creations & how clever the wrapping presentation. You are right!

    Have a great day.
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  14. I am so loving the tags!!
    Thanks for the link to Vintage Junky's that pillow too!

  15. Those are such sweet and charming tags!

  16. The baby tag is darling :)
    I wish you the best of luck at your sale...I wish I lived close enough to come and meet ya. Have a great weekend!
    Big Hugs,

  17. Anne,
    You are so darn sweet! I can't believe I come to your blog & there is the tag! I'm glad it made it in one piece & thank goodness I spelled your name right. I wish I could take credit for thinking up the pattern paper presentation, I thought it was required etsy wrapping. I'm glad you like the new tag too, it'll be on sale soon. I wish I was going to see you in Warrington, I can't make it until Fall. We'll meet up in person then I hope. Lisa

  18. Thanks for all the info! Wish I lived closer to visit you at Warrington!!

  19. Hi there,
    Just checking in, glad to hear things are doing a bit better for you on the medical front.
    Love the tag, and all of the other great stuff you have posted here.
    Wish I lived closer to shop with you and your friends at the big event.
    Have a fabulous weekend,

  20. Anne, I meant to tell you that I'll sort of be in your area next Wednesday (Driftwood) and am hoping you can come out and shop with us. Not sure how far it is from you but we will be open late on Wednesday or if you're off Thursday we'll be there all day. Details on the blog. Happy Friday, T

  21. Vintage labels and tags are just beautiful, I can't get enough of them! Very thoughtful packaging, nothing like receiving something that has been made with love..Have a lovely weekend..Rachaelx

  22. Oh, it's so pretty! That wrapping is so creative as well.

  23. Hi Anne,

    Love your sweet tag and won't that be great to look at, near your computer.
    Best of luck with the sale and have a great weekend


  24. Hello Sweet Friend,

    Your tag is divine! Oh how I wish I could go to your show and lay my eyes on your sweet face!!

    Have a fabulous weekend!

    Big hugs,

  25. Ann, thank you for visiting my blog today and for posting a comment. I've been here before and just love your blog and the name of it too. You gals from Texas have such a flair for making things look unique and cool!

  26. Your tag is charming and neat packaging too!

    Enjoy your weekend,

  27. Thank you for coming to visit my blog and hope you will come back often. Yes, I agree, Lisa is a very sweet and talented person. I love her dearly. She comes up with more wonderful ideas and they are all a keeper. I don't know where she finds the time with her three little angels, but she manages.
    Hope you have a wonderful day.
    Hugs, Pat

  28. Holy cow. SO much good info! Im going to head over and see troy now. Thanks for the intro!

  29. I wish I lived closer to Warrenton. Like at least in the same state! I need my antique fix!

    You're so right that it's the little things that make a place so inviting.

    And yes, I was able to catch up on some much needed sleep. Thank you, sweet friend. ;-)

    Have a great weekend!

  30. Hey Honey. I just had to come say thank you for leaving me the kindest comments. I'm so lucky to be able to call you friend.

    Have a blessed Sunday. xxoo's....Tracy :)

  31. Lisa is a sweetie and so talented! Enjoy the beautiful tag!


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