Monday, March 29, 2010

Just a Tease...

I'm baaa-aaack!

From my week long adventure at  
Antique Week in Warrenton / Round Top, that is!
It'll be a couple of days before I get unpacked and back to the groove of my "real" life, but I just wanted to whet your appetite for what's ahead. Just a few of the several hundred images I shot while in Paradise...don't forget to click to enlarge!

I'll be posting more pics later in the week, so please be virtuous and remember that patience is a virtue.

Paris Flea Market Giveaway winner will be announced on the 31st...see you then!

And just a reminder, be sure to pop on over to see Effie, the Texas Junque Slinger herself, in Bar W Field, still lots of fab junk left to drool over!



  1. I swear...I'm gonna plan my vacation to Warrenton for next year...hee yaw!


  2. Oh I just can't wait - my favorite junk market starst in May - I'm counting down the days!!

  3. WOW! I have no doubt that you had a great time!! Welcome home!



  4. Looks like you had a blast!!! I am sorry that I could not make it but I PROMISE to be there in the fall!!! What great pics!!!

  5. Your mosaic says it all! Great stuff and good friends!!

  6. Welcome Back!! You know I am going to need to see ALL of the photos:)
    Blog; Capers of the vintage vixens

  7. Oh wow--what great things to look at! I love love love those vintage dress forms!

  8. Silver, burlap, shells and coral oh my!!!

  9. I will be glued to your blog waiting for the rest of these pictures! I soooo wish I had been there. Next year....I'm going!
    :) Laura

  10. I can't wait to see more! Oh, I missed you so much:) I see Angelique in that picture! I know you had so much fun! Get yourself un-packed and load some more pictures. Hop to it Anne, get it... it is almost Easter... Hop to it:) hehe Hugs to you my friend!

  11. Can`t wait to see more, you lucky girls, over there,
    just ahve much more fun , than we can even dream of, here in DK.
    xo Dorthe

  12. Looks like it was a lot of fun with a whole lot of treasures !

  13. oh, oh, i see that little doll head looking out...wonder how long til our friend jan spots her...

  14. OMStars Anne, I am gonna be watching your blog and all the other ladies that were lucky enough to have gone there! But amor...sadly...patience is a virtue that I think I must have been shopping at thrift when the line for that virtue was passed out lol But I will be good and TRY and wait for you to get some rest and things done...but just know that me and sooo many others are like that lady in that old Meryvn's commercial, waiting on your blog posts chanting...soon, soon, soon, instead of open, open, pressure mind you :) lol Besos, Rose

  15. It's good to see ya back!!! I know you must have a great time.
    I'm a very patient person, but this waiting will be hard.

  16. I'm salivating, you know that! Thanks for sharing your week with me, You KNOW I loved it!!!

  17. Whoo hoo!! Glad you're back and looks like you had way too much fun!!! JUST kidding!!!!!

    Can't wait to hear more about your adventures in Warrenton, Anne!!!

    Blessings always,


  18. Can't wait to see more pictures! I am sure you scored some great finds!


  19. Welcome back, have been waiting to see.. oh this preview is a great tease. The dress forms have me drooling.

  20. Ooooooooh and Ahhhhhhhh! I bet you had a great time. Looking forward to seeing more pics!


  21. Dear Lord... I can't wait. Finally a day off to Junk and Blog and you are teasing us all with those pics. I hope you had a blast. I hope you are doing well>> Hugs, Janna

  22. oh wow!!! I went last fall and wanted to go sooooo bad again this spring but my youngest son is getting married in June.I can't wait to see more pics! I can drool on my keyboard! LOL!

  23. Oh my gosh, I can't wait until you get back here, everything looks so awesome.

  24. No wonder I could not find you had already left...I so hate I missed you..I was really looking forward to meeting you and seeing your shop.
    I hope you sold out before you left the fields of Warrenton. I looked all over there for you in the Bar W field..what a place Warrenton ...and its getting bigger every year.
    I took lots of pictures too

  25. Oh you!!!!
    I cannot wait to see what you found!
    Happy Spring!
    Hugs, Lisa

  26. I can't wait to see all your pictures!!!!
    You are one lucky girl!!

  27. Sooo many beautiful and fantastic finds! Your mosaic looks fabulous! Looking forward to seeing more of your pics after you take a breather... well deserved after that I reckon! Cant wait to start stalking your etsy store next week... all that vintage goodness!
    Lou xx

  28. OMG, are those pics any indication of what you came home with? And patience may be a virtue, but right now I am totally virtueless, pleaaaaaaaaaaase hurry up and post more pics!

  29. So looking forward to hearing all your tales. Lovely tease photo...happy looking girls!

  30. Welcome back, it looks like you had a fabulous time!

  31. I so wanted to go this year again. It is such an inspiring market and I love visiting all my pals. It looks like you had a fantastic fair! Stan

  32. Anne... I'm looking forward to reading all about your adventures in wonderland!

    hugs. Dixie

  33. Anne,
    I am *so* patiently waiting...Rene

  34. Hi Anne!!!!

    I'm back home now and I am still trying to soak all of it in. One weekend was just NOT enough to visit with you was amazing! I'm so glad that I finally was able to meet you in person...this Australian just loves you!!! ;)

    Love that photo of us...what's with my Sonic cup? Someone should have told me to put it away! haha!!!!

    I'm just still overwhelmed and haven't even unpacked myself...I guess I'm still in la-la-junk-land!

    I can't wait to see all of your other photos!!!

    Yay!!!!! Paper Girl!!!! See ya again in June! Maybe this time I won't be so freaked out! haha

    Luv ya~

  35. YOur Blog is too cute-I LOVE IT. my new found blog to follow.
    Leaving the lap top- so hard, i think i would have heart palpataions.. I have become so attached to mine. LOVe all Your ideas-ANd You So Inspire me to create-design and re arrage my space.
    Love it.

  36. Oh, the treasures look fabulous! I am green with envy! I shall live vicariously through your luscious photos!
    Have a GREAT day, Anne!

  37. It was so nice meeting you Anne! Sorry we were all in such a hurray. The time flies by so fast in Warrenton. I'm off again Friday afternoon to load up and drag it all home. Soon...Susan

  38. Don't roll your eyes at me, doll face! lol

    Great sampler (doll face and all) and I do look forward to seeing the pics you took. I know how you feel! I have more than a few to post, myself!

  39. Welcome back! Looks like you had a great time, can't wait to see more pics!

  40. Can't wait to see and hear all about it!
    I know you had a grand time!

  41. Hi Anne~~ I'm so sorry I missed you at Warrenton, It was such a rushed day I did'nt get to see everyone that I had planned to, I really wanted to meet you so much. I was going to go back today, but ended up staying home just to much to do all the time. Sounds like you had a good time, I can't wait to see your pictures!! Blessings... Daphne

  42. Lucky, lucky got it all going on and then some...

  43. I got to meet you, I got to meet you, now you're stuck with me...


    ;-) Can't wait to see your pics! I'm sitting on some strangers porch 'cause he has internet - at some point I will make my way out of the field! hahaha!


  44. It sounds as though you really had a great trip and got lots of neat things. I will be checking to see what new pictures you have posted. Reading blogs is my relaxation for the eventing. Enjoy your week.


I'm all ears....

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