Monday, March 1, 2010

Moving Down in the World...and a Giveaway!

*sung to the tune of "The Jeffersons" theme song*

So I teased the other day that I had some good news to report about my booth in the antique mall...
I do!

The good news is that if I want it, I've been offered a much coveted space on the first floor of the mall.
Everybody knows that a first floor space translates into greater visibility, lots more foot traffic and increased sales.
I would have the new space effective March 31st.

This means, of course, that I'll be headed back from Warrenton a bit earlier than expected. Sorry, Sue!

You'll recall that I'm headed down there to help my buddy Effie set up and sell in Bar W Field during Antique Week.
That's okay though, my gal Effie will have it well under control.
Methinks I'm only gonna be a nuisance, anyway. ;-)

It's going to be a bit of a crazy-busy month, and I'm not entirely sure that I'm equal to the task, but with your good thoughts and prayers, I oughta be fine.

Speaking of which, if you'd just slip in a few extra words with the Man upstairs this coming Wednesday, that'd be swell...I'm scheduled for some follow-up medical testing which has me a bit worried, so my good news is tempered with that looming on the horizon.
Thanks bunches!

In other, much more exciting news, my blogging BFF Debra of Common Ground
is having a BIG giveaway!

She's celebrating all sorts of things with this giveaway...
Her 200th post, 350 followers, her bigger, better antique mall booth, name it, Deb's celebratin' it!!!
Some might even say she's a celebratin' fool! Not me, of course...I don't wanna blow my chances of winning!

Click HERE for all the details.

Have a beautiful Monday!


  1. I just sent the man upstairs a request:) Hope everything is ok. Congratulations on your new digs. How exciting that will be! We are going to need lots of pictures of it. Keep us posted:)
    Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

  2. You go girls! Hope your new location brings you many new customers. If I were local I would certainly be commin on up for a visit.

  3. Oh moving your space will be great(well the new space not the moving itself so much). Great news for you. I am sending those postive thoughts and prayers for Wed!

  4. Yay! No more schlepping stuff up the stairs!
    Congrats on getting the first floor space!

    Also, I'm prayin' for ya...keep us posted.

  5. Anne, congrats on the move. Now, where exactly is your friends booth located in Bar W?

  6. WOO HOO! You've got your space! YIPPEE. So happy for you.

    My prayers are with you for the medical testing that everything will be fine.


  7. Take that space and quick!

    Prayers going up for sweet, beautiful YOU!


  8. I'll be praying for you my sweet friend! Hope all will be good news from the testing and that you'll be having a skippadeedoodah day:) I can't imagine having your help could ever be a nuisance and I am sure she will miss you when you have to return home. Great news on the first floor space, I know you have wanted that for some time now. Anywho, I am just chattering away... Hugs to you Dear Anne! Enjoy this wonderful day!

  9. Anne...big hug for you and you will be in my thoughts and prayers all week. Can't wait to see photos of your new space, it will be spectacular!

  10. Movin on up... You know that is funny my husbands ring tone is Sanford and Son theme song 4 me... I guess he thinks I am a junker or something (lol) anyway congrats on the new space, such a great way to start the week :)


  11. I pray peace for you and that all will be just fine with your tests.

    Great news about your booth space.

  12. YOU dear girl are as equal to the task as anybody in the world that I could think of!!! YAY! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I have total 10000000000 percent faith in you!!! This is gonna be fun!!!

    ;-) robelyn

  13. Can't wait to see you in your new space. This is just what the doctor ordered! You know you're always in my prayers, now come on over and enter the "Give Back", BFF's are included!!!

  14. Congratulations on the move! I'm praying for you!

    : )

    Julie M.

  15. Thanky, Thanky, Dear Heart! Love you Big Bunches. I love me some Fiona and Twig Mojo!!

  16. Congrats on the new space! How exciting!!! I'll be praying for good news... Have a blessed day.

  17. Congrats on the new location! Now, if you just didn't have to haul all that stuff down the stairs...right? :) Prayers will be said for good health and worry free days and nights!


  18. I am so so happy that you are getting such a good spot at your antique mall. What a blessing!

  19. You are such a positive spirit and cute person! I will pray for good health for you, and for lots of energy in the next few months. Your move downstairs sounds like a great blessing!

  20. Annie, I hope all your plans work out and that move to the first floor will translate into what you expected to be. I hope that whatever health stuff is going on will be taken care off with a clean bill of health. Maybe I get to meet you in person at the show, I'm still devating about going. Theresa is not helping me with all that advertising. I'm almost convinced. Take care and best of luck in all your plans. Blessings,Marta.

  21. Hi sweet Anne

    Congrats on the new digs and tons of prayers will be said for you daily. Love ya bunches you go girl and rock Warrenton!!!

    Love ya

  22. I hope everything turns out all right for you, I'll keep my finger's crossed! Congrats on the new booth space.

  23. Hi Anne,

    Congratulations on your new booth in the Antique mall ~ how exciting and best of luck with that.
    Good luck with the medical test and I will have my fingers crossed for you.

    Have a great week

  24. I'll send some prayers your way...good luck with the testing.

  25. Congrats on the new space! Sweet! Sorry to hear you'll be leaving early though. Ick. Prayers up for your health situation. ~Mindy

  26. Good luck with the new space. And for sure we will be in prayer for you and your tests. Hope all turns out well for you.

    Take care,

  27. Congrats and good luck with your new spot!
    I will keep you in my prayers and hope that all comes out fine! :) Laura

  28. anne, be trusting, you know that you are in good hands. He will guide you and you will be o.k. and besides that, i am happy you have a new space and it certainly will improve sales for you. how exciting for you. Bestest,Denise
    prayers are cheap, so you have loads of mine for you.:)

  29. Hi sweet girl!!! I will DEFINITELY keep you in my prayers for wonderful results to your tests...(((((big hugs))))) And I'm so excited for you movin' on down Anne!!! You are amazing to me...working, junkin', antique mallin', bein' in a show....praying for energy and wonderful health!!! hugs and love, Dawn

  30. Dear Anne,

    I am praying for you and the up coming tests
    to come out just fine. You are held in His loving embrace. I am very happy to hear about your movin on up!! Remember to include taking time out to get some R&R too. Love and lots of Hugs....Susan

  31. Hey there sweet friend! I am sending positive vibes and lots of ((((hugs))))!

    I'm glad you got your first floor space! I hope it works out well for you!

    I wish I could get out there and enjoy the March shows in Texas! Have fun! And sell lots of stuff!



  32. Hey Anne!
    Congratulations on moving downstairs. Wishing you much continued success, my friend. Now, I'd love to hang around, but I'm late for a date with Debra @ Common Ground. See you later, alligator!

  33. I have said prayers for you!

    Congrats on the move!! It will be great!!

    Lou Cinda :)

  34. Adding my prayers to all of your many friends and fans for positive results to your medical testing.
    Yeah!!!for for the downstairs booth. You are going to be so pleased with the change, I just know it!

  35. I will say a prayer for you! Congrat on the first floor! Yippy. Think positive everything is fantastic! ~lulu

  36. Hi Anne,
    Behind on my blogging so just checking to see what you are up to....congrats on the move and thanks for letting us know about Debra's giveaway!

  37. I love it when a plan comes together.

  38. P.S. You're in my prayers.

  39. Congrats Anne! That is so exciting!!!


  40. I will also have you in my prayers, Anne



  41. I know you will do find, but I will say a little prayer just to seal the deal. Congrats on new booth, I know you will do great things.


  42. Good news, indeed! Wishing you even more success! Will definitely be thinking of you too.

  43. Anne,
    Oh girl, I know the fear of the dreaded test. But you know what? It will be okay, I know it. Just try to put your faith in God & let him worry about it. Now about your space, YIPEE. Yes, location.location.location! Lisa
    PS Your tag was mailed, I'm a bit worried about the bobble. Please email me when you get it.

  44. Yay, I'm so glad you get a better spot!!
    I will add you to my prayers!!

  45. Hi again, Anne - thanks for your visit to hill country house! You are not weird at all! I think you are completely right about that big ol' fan, with the right things! Someone who does that cool industrial look would have made the best of that fan - probably could've even sold it! Great perspective on your part. I couldn't see it with the things I sell, but some creative soul could have done it! Take care.

  46. Anne I will be praying for you. I pray all things go well with your tests. What a worry to have right now in the middle of all of this.
    I'm excited for you to be moving downstairs girl.

  47. Hi Darlin'. What wonderful news about moving down! Sounds like another blessing to me.

    I'm happy to hold you in my prayers, you've been so comforting to me! I pray for only good news with your test results and that God will cover you with his, warmth, love and strength. I'm here for you Sweetie.

    Thank you so much for being here for me last week. Hugs and love, Tracy :)

  48. Anne amor, wooohooo, so are you taken it?? I can't wait to see how everything looks "when" you do :) I have missed visiting your lovely blog and catching up with the day to day...did you take your test yet? When I get a chance I am going to email you and ask you some questions regarding Etsy if that is ok with you :) Take care amor and stay warm and safe on the roads! Now I have to go visit Debra before I miss her giveaway, I missed a few while I was gone :( Besos, Rose

  49. Just had some testing done too and everything was I know what you are dealing with and I am saying prayers for you to get the same result "FINE" !!! Congrats for the new space - that is how I started many, many years ago...was "downstairs" in a olde grist mill antique mall and then was asked to move UPSTAIRS (first floor)...and then the rest is history!!! Had enough confidence to open my own store and 20 years later here I am. So good luck with your new adventure!!

  50. Just talked to the man upstairs about you... and from the sounds of it He's already sending blessings your way, more to come I'm sure! Congrats on the space! I hope and pray all goes well for you, Theresa

  51. Anne, I haven't visited in a while, but so glad I stopped by. Congrats on your new piece of prime real estate at the antique mall!

    Also, praying for good news for you! Take care, Kathy

    P.S. If you have time, stop by my blog...I'm having a giveaway! :)

  52. Congratulations on the first floor space!!! And I will be praying for your medical tests.

    And, I knew that your name is Anne so I'm not sure why I said Fiona! I'm so sorry! I must needt to get more sleep! :)

  53. Yes, I do need more sleep. Look at the last sentence of my comment.."must needt". ha!

  54. Thinking of ya and praying for ya today during those tests! Hope all goes well!

  55. I think the first floor would be fabulous. Wish I was there to help you move all your treasures. Maybe you can have a big sale before you move and sell a bunch!!??

    I am praying that your tests all turn out just fine! Please let us know.
    hugs, bj

  56. That is exciting!!! I am sure it wil be a TOn of work to move but well worth it once you get settled in...have fun crating your display! I know it will be just perfect!

  57. Saying prayers for you specifically today! Hope all went well...

    Lou Cinda


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