Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tag, You're It! (Shipping Tag Tutorial)

I mentioned in my previous post that I was teaching myself to make mixed media shipping tags...
Now obviously, as with all my other forays into being crafty, it's painfully obvious that I'm a beginner!

But as per my Blog Mission Statement, I always want to show you the good, bad and ugly...where I start from as opposed to where I end up. I want you to see the evolution and hopefully my growth as an artist, if I could be so bold as to even call myself that.

I explained that I was simply taking large shipping tags, available almost anywhere, and tea staining them, baking them and stamping them.
I had more than a few of you ask why I baked them, and it's actually not an idea original to me.
Some folks prefer to air dry their tags or use a blow dryer, I simply prefer the effect I get from using the oven. It adds a bit more firmness and to my eye, more of an aged look.

It's ridiculously easy...
  • Pre-heat oven to 200 degrees
  • Lay your shipping tags flat on a cookie or baking sheet
  • Place a tea bag in a cup of boiling water
  • Remove bag and rub on both sides of the tags
  • Bake for approx 8 minutes
  • Turn tags over, bake for an additional 2 minutes
I like to flatten 'em out a bit, so I place them inside a thick book for a couple of hours.
Take them out, stamp 'em, embellish 'em....voila!

So easy!
If I can do it, anybody can! Try it! Just don't burn the house down, mmmkay?  ;-)

Have you entered yet?
Well, why the heck not?

As I've told y'all before, I'm filling up a GINORMOUS Paris Flea Market hatbox full of flea market treasures, many coming straight from the fields of Warrenton during my week long stay there for Antique Week.

I'll be on the hunt for...
Vintage Linens
Flower Frogs
Vintage Bling
Instant Ancestors
Crusty and Rusty Treasures 
and lots, lots more!
Who knows WHAT I'll come back with! 
Not me! Not yet...
 But I do know that it'll be good!
 ***Just be sure to sign up as a follower***
You're automatically entered if you're already a follower!
The big drawing will be on 
- March 31st -
after I return from Warrenton

Breaking news, the lovely Jan of The Polka Dot Barn just came out of surgery with flying colors!
She jacked up her foot pretty badly last week, so they shipped her off to San Antonio to give her a
brand new, bionic foot today (slight embellishment). Her mom just called to tell me that she's resting comfortably.
Enjoy those good drugs, Jan!

Happy Tuesday!


  1. That tag is gorgeous! I like to bake my tags too. Gives them that extra special grungy/primitive look. I use coffee and tea but I must admit as a non-coffee drinker, I love the way the coffee ones smell!

  2. I just made some tags for my open house-I cheated and stuck them in the microwave! I have this cool old stamp machine that I just stamped numbers on! I am a beginner too! Oh I can't wait to see what you find!!!! Just a tad jealous(take me)! Have a blast!

  3. Your tag is beautiful! I bake my tags too..but I use a coffee, vanilla solution & sprinkle them w/ a tiny bit of cinnamon before baking.

    Have you seen the tag class Lisa is giving @ Paper Cowgirl? I am sooo excited!

  4. Anne amor, thank you for the tutorial! And here I thought I had to soak all my tags in a large bowl or tub filled with coffee or tea lol hmmm this sounds easier...My amor bought me a box of the large shipping tags...500 to be exact lol and I have been sayin...one day I will get around to it...and btw thank you for reminding me not to burn my house down lol Besos, Rose

  5. ... wait, what, water???
    Whoa, wouldn't want em' warped???

    cute tho ...like you

    p.s. found me some little birds as the $store

  6. Love the tag and thanks for the tip on how to do it. I WILL be trying this! They are so pretty. I wish I could go to Warrenton with you, maybe someday:) Oh that is gonna be so much fun! Have a blessed day my friend! Rest Up for your trip:)

  7. This is also the way I do some of mine, but I have to tell you a story of when I first started. When I rubbed the bag over the tags, I literally shredded the top layer of paper off the tags. I had them so wet, it just didn't work. I needed lots of practice....I also love to use coffee and cinnamon, ooh the smell is heaven. Can't wait to see more, Char

  8. Oh Anne Sweetie...
    I adore this Paris tag. What a beautiful job you have done. I too, am trying my hand at a few when I make something special to send out. I am going to try baking a few this weekend after staining them. I will let you know how they turn out. Yours my dear is beautiful.

    I have not signed up for you give away, but I am about to. Thanks for asking sweetie. Somehow I missed this one. I can't wait to see what all you add in this box. Can I come along on this wonderful trip too? Sounds like you are going to have a fantastic time.

    Have a beautiful evening sweetie. Country hugs...Sherry

  9. Hi Anne,
    I just got started making tags myself. I haven't done much yet. Yours turned out really cute! Good job!


  10. aha! i always say it is good to learn one new thing a day and now i know about baking the tags. yes, i did enter the give away. thank you for reminding us. Bestest,Denise

  11. I've tea-stained some tags but never "baked" them. Thanks for the tip. Your tag turned out great....you've got more artistic talent than you give yourself credit for.

  12. WooHoo..look at you! I see you don't need any help Anne! Those look great, are you going to include a couple in the give-away?? Add them to my wish list please. Lisa

  13. Very sweet! Well done! Tags are addicting! Cherry

  14. Hi Anne,

    Love your new header, with the birds and also the
    Tags you have made.
    Someone the other day told me they sprinkled cinnamon on them too, give it a nice scent.

    Happy week

  15. Looks great, and love that transparent PARIS sticker-y thing. Now I just need to try this. Great bling!
    love ya,

  16. Don't ever hesitate to call yourself an artist. I see creativity and talent every time I visit your blog! Love, love the new header. I need a blog overhaul but afraid to mess everything up!

  17. Far too self deprecating for such talent! The tag really is beautiful..love your new header too..Rachaelx

  18. I actually double checked to see..and I was not a follower yet! I couldn't believe it..so I took care of that straight away!
    Thanks for the tutorial! Going to check out your Etsy shop - I confess, it's been awhile!
    Hosting a Collections party tomorrow - come on by!

  19. Anne
    The tags are so darn cute and stylish to say the least. I bet you are chompin at the bit for Warrenton. Ok I guess I was not a follower? Well now I am but you know I have been following since I found ya!!!

    Love & hugs

  20. Thank you for this great information, i just love it when someone shares really cool ideas!!! Your tags look so good!
    Margaret B

  21. I love your new header Anne! So sweet, and can't tell that you are a beginner with those tags! I will have to try the baking method, I usually just let everything air dry, but you mentioned texture, and that has me interested! Your tags are fabulous!

  22. Your tah is tres fab!

    m ^..^

  23. Hi Anne- thanks for the how-to! Your tag is lovely!

  24. Tags are great!!!! Thanks for your secret recipe... you are very talented, in so many ways. I purchased a couple of those birds a while back... thought they were just too tweet..sorry couldn't resist.

  25. That tag is so good.. I have been wanting to try that but don't have any tags yet..

  26. Hey Anne sweet, you are an artist in so many ways. I love your tag! And thanks for the recipe.

  27. Anne, thanks for the tutorial! Your tag turned out so pretty!!! I did enter the giveaway, and I grabbed your button and put it on my sidebar! Daphne

  28. your tags are great! & i love your new header. dollar tree birds?? way too cute. my daughter is graduating from college in may, and for the first time in 5 years i will be leaving the island to go "down to the states" to watch her get the expensive piece of paper. i think that i am more excited about getting to actually walk into all the stores i read about on blogs than i am to see my girl...IKEA?? dollar tree??? and if my heart can take it, anthropologie..(do you have to bring an offering for their shrine before they let you in??)
    thanks for the jan update - she just makes me smile so much!

  29. Hi Anne, Thanks for the nice comments on my blog, I love your blog and your tags are so nice. I'm always checking out whats new with you. Have a great trip. Many smiles, Carol Mae

  30. You did a great job....the anticipation of the giveaway is almost like Christmas!

  31. Your tag is beautiful! I too have been making them, I add them to my sales on etsy and to presents... really I find all kinds of reasons I need to make them! Theresa

  32. Beautiful tag!! It looks like you're a seasoned Artist!!! Thanks for the update on sweet Jan :)

  33. I always start out with good intentions of making special tags for the show, but....somehow life and too much stuff to do gets in the way. These are cute.

  34. First off, thanks for visiting my blog Anne. The answer to your question, I am not getting a new washer and dryer,YET, but I made sure the space is big enough for the new ones I like ;) Do keep stopping back, so you can give me some of your style input for my room. Next up is my "studio" area, I have a hard time saying the "artist" too. However, you are definitely an Artist, so keep on inspiring us.

    Second, thanks for the great tutorial on these gorgeous tags. I think I would like the baking idea too.

    I am going to try and add your button to my blog. Hopefully it will be a success?

    Have a blessed day.

  35. Wow, the tag looks great! Hard to believe it's that easy. I'll probably have to take your word for it. I can be crafty sometimes, but not in that way! ;-)

  36. Good morning friend, Loved your recipe for tags; only problem is I burn everything when I attempt to bake. (:: I'm sure I would burn these too!!! LOL



  37. Hi Anne!
    Everything looks great! Your tags are so cute. Hey I am going to RT this year! I hope to see you there, are you going to the party on the 28th at Theresa's? I leave on the 26 and coming back on the 2nd
    Have a great day

  38. I just love your tags! I'd love to take the time to make my own, baking, staining, etc., but I found a supplier who does them, and she adds wonderful fragrance to them, somehow baked in. With that done, I just embellish! Maybe someday I'll try my hand at starting from scratch....

  39. Hi Anne,
    I have only tried the tea stained tags once and was not happy at how they rippled in the drying process....I am so excited to try you oven method. Thanks for sharing the tips!

  40. Anne, I've long wanted to do something with these shipping tags. I just need to find them. I like the idea of giving them an aged look.
    Do you know Sarah Lugg's work? She is an English artist who has done wonderful things with these paper tags and found objects.

  41. Beautiful tag and thanks for the tutorial...I've never baked mine before either. I'm a follower now and I've added your "button" to my sidebar...can't wait for this contest...I'd love a box of goodies.


  43. I love to bake! Will be trying this method soon....
    another wannabe crafter!
    Is this where I sign up for the Frenchie give-away? Thanks for the chance!

  44. AWSOME giveaway! Thank you! :)

  45. thank you, sweetie, for posting those nice comments about my successful surgery (i didn't die) and my bionic foot (was not a lie - i can now jump 60 feet in the air. Really).
    since i had surgery and i'm in pain, can i enter the giveaway twice?
    lots of pain = 4X ???
    just asking.

    love you, jan


I'm all ears....

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