Saturday, March 20, 2010

What Dreams are Made of....

Although the chilly days of Winter have transitioned into the warmness of Spring here in Texas, I discovered something I simply had to have in my friend Donna's ETSY SHOP...

It's a gorgeous, hand-knit cowl by the ridiculously, insanely talented Donna of Brynwood Needleworks.
And I am beyond convinced that dreams are made of precisely the same yarn that Donna used to create this creamy, dreamy masterpiece!

In fact, I'm not the only one....Donna has sold the design of this glorious creation to the worldwide leaders in the fiber arts,  Pagewood Farm! Way to go, Donna!

Here was my first peek at the beauty within...

LOVE the tag, Donna!

You know you want one too, right?
I mean, how could you not?
You can get your very own right  HERE.

Here's a look at some of Donna's other dreamy creations, all available via her Etsy Shop...

The problem isn't deciding whether to buy, it's narrowing it down! So much beauty, and so much talent in one gal's fingertips!

I'm off now to do some more Warrenton prep...the days are slipping away, and I didn't get anything at all Warrenton-related done today, as I had to work a 12 hour shift at the hospital. I'm a Respiratory Therapist, employed full-time, for all those new folks reading that might not know. Same gig tomorrow, so it's really gonna be crunch time come Monday!

I load up the Beverly Hillbillies truck Tuesday morning, minus Granny, and head to the Promised Land (aka Warrenton), to help Effie get set up in Bar W Field.

*** On a personal note, if I haven't been able to make the blog rounds lately, please accept my apologies and know that I am reading each and every comment, and I appreciate y'all more than you know! Once I return from Warrenton AND get moved into my downstairs booth (AND get the Etsy shop re-opened and re-stocked with new treasures!) I'll be able to catch up with all of you again. I miss y'all! I hate feeling isolated in my little Fiona and Twig bubble here, I think you folks are waaaaaay more interesting than me, so I look forward to getting caught up on my blog reading!

Paying all of you visits and leaving you comments is never a chore or an obligation for me, it is a pleasure. It just pains me when I think that perhaps I've hurt someone or made them feel slighted due to the serious time constraints I've been under these past couple of weeks.

/cry-baby rant ***

Have a wonderful night and a blessed Sunday!


  1. her talent IS amazing with the needles!! that is going to be so cute on you!!

  2. Anne, you are so sweet, of course you are busy, that's the great thing about blogland, no pressure!!! I love Donna's work, she is so gifted, and the receiving is just as exciting as the shopping!!! How right you are, it is difficult to pick something!!! Have fun on your journey!!!
    Margaret B

  3. Lovely things, and thats simply adorable wow.I love it!

  4. Dear Anne:
    Your post today brought me to tears. You are such a generous and loving person in your own right...and then you write this post about me and my Etsy shop in such glowing terms that I'm blushing, too!

    Thank you so much for all your kind words. I'm so happy that you like your cowl, and I hope you feel a warm hug from me whenever you wear it.

    Love you, my friend. Good luck in Warrenton! Wish I could be there, too!

  5. I haven't been to Warrenton in so long, I may need to make a trip this year. I hope the weather cooperates for you, we've had some pretty Spring weather lately amid the winter spells. The cowl is gorgeous- would love one. Must put it on the wishlist!
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
    Spring into Spring giveaway

  6. Wow, so busy..So beautiful! I love those's cowls they are gorgeous! Off to check out her etsy site! ~lulu

  7. Hi Anne
    Hey, we are all pretty much in the same boat at one time or another...certainly can understand the time crunch, lately I am playing catch up.
    Can't wait to see you next week!

  8. To my very busy friend! Take care of you and all that needs to be done. We will be here when you have more time to visit. As long as you post so we know you are among the living, it's all good.

  9. I love that Cowl, it's beautiful, she has such talent!!! I certainly understand being rushed for time, I feel like I'm being pulled 100 different directions most of the time. Hope you sale lots at Warrenton and hope to see ya there. Blessings...Daphne

  10. Hi Anne,

    Donna's work is wonderful and I love the cowl, you bought.
    You sound very busy dear friend, and I hope that you will get some time to relax over the weekend.

    happy weekend

  11. Anne,
    Oh your going to have such a blast, I'm jealous!I totally get your delema with no time to comment. Spring break is kickin my butt this week & I feel like I haven't blogged in a week. I think you said it very well. If I dont' talk to you sooner, enjoy! And bring back some good stuff! Lisa

  12. Hi Darlin'. You are always such a busy girl. I don't know how you get it all done. I love and cherish your comments and understand when life gets busy. I'm not nearly as busy as you and am so behind in mine.

    I love the cowl you got from Donna. She is way talented and so sweet.

    Hope you get some rest in between all you have to do. Enjoy Warrenton and know I'm always thinking about you.
    Hugs....Tracy :)

  13. Hon, you and I are in the SAME boat time-crunch wise!! Trust me! Keeping up with the my own blog plus reading others that I love (like yours!) has been a bit difficult lately because of soooo much going on... But in a way, that's a good thing, too! :)

    You TOTALLY beat me to it, in terms of blogging about Donna's shop!!! I even saved a link to her blog on my favorites bar on my computer to remind me to blog about her things.... and alas, the BUSY-NESS has kept me from it. SO glad you blogged about her things -- they looks sooo soft and warm and feminine!

    Great things are going on for you and we're all so happy for you -- as women, who better to understand the time constraints life gives us?? Take care of all you need to do -- we'll be here waiting. :)



  14. GORGEOUS! Anne, I love it! What a talent to make something so beautiful. You get yourself ready for Warrenton and we'll be hear ready to see you and hear all about it when you return! Have a blessed day my friend!

    Happy Sunday

  15. Donna's creations are beautiful! Thanks for sharing them. Don't fret about not making your blog rounds. We all know how life's chores sometimes gets in the way of our blogworld activities.

    I know we'll all be seeing you very soon! Have a great Sunday.

  16. Donna's work and blog are favorites of mine. I love everything she makes, but the needle cases are one of my very favorites. The needle case and pillow shown here are adorable in the "Alice..." theme.

  17. You are right ~ so many beautiful choices in her Etsy shop! I do love your choice in black though ~ tres chic! Go have fun with Effie and get your new space looking fabulous! Just think how many new blog post ideas you will have!

  18. WOW, those cowls are stunning! She has amazing talent.

  19. silly girl - I totally understand the pressure!!!

    OH MY GOSH that cowl is GORGEOUS!!! As is her shop! I'm drooling... why do I keep doing that?

    duct tape makes a better tie-down than bungee cords... i'm just sayin'. LOLOLOL

    ;-) robelyn

  20. Hello sweet Anne,
    So pretty she is very talented.
    As are you!
    Take Care,
    p.s. I thought I had your blog in my blog roll and just realized I didn't, it is added!

  21. Anne... I'd love to see a photo of you wearing the cowel! it's just beautiful!!

    hope Warrenton is a fabulous success... we'l be camping at a lake near your neck of the woods while you're making money (and hopefully not standing in the mud!)

    hugs. Dixie

  22. This is sooooo yummy! Donna is just so talented! We need to see you modeling it, and the belt buckle!!! Hopefully we can talk before you leave. I know you're working like a crazy person...loved the comment about the fuzzy chick!
    love ya,

  23. Hi Anne....nice post...very vintage and girly..I love it!! Have a great day darlin!!

  24. That is gorgeous! Will definitely need to go there and check it out!

  25. Happy Sunday, Anne! Enjoy the show!

    : )

    Julie M.

  26. Donna's work is beautiful...I want to see a picture of you wearing this! Good luck with all your adventures!

  27. Beautiful post! You are such a treasure!

    Love the cowl from Donna, when I visited her shop...I went wild with "hearts"!

    Take care dear friend, your visits to my blog and oh so sweet comments lift my heart!

    We'll pray for a safe fun trip for you and await your return! Robelyn is right again...duct tape's super windy here!


  28. HI I found your blog through my friend Donna and I enjoyed reading it very much. I would wait for another post when you had the time that is how much I enjoyed this one. You take care.

  29. OMYGOODNESS Anne!!!!! Donna's creation is just BREATHTAKING!!! Why haven't I seen these???? Of course it would take a fashion saavy chick like yourself to discover these beauties and I follow Donna's blog too! I should be beat. Please don't worry about your followers while you are working/playing in Warrenton....we will ALL be here to hear the tales you will tell when you return. hugs and love sweet girl, Dawn

  30. Donna's work is superb. Wonderful post for a fabulous lady from one cool gal. This is what blogging is about. I'm still learning and gleaning from all of you.

  31. Donna is soooooooo incredibly talented. I was drooling over that gorgeous piece myself. I know you are over the moon happy with it.
    hugs and friends


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