Tuesday, April 13, 2010


....that would be the divine Christie.

During Antique Week in Warrenton, she can be found between Zapp and Renck Hall, in an ethereal, cottage-y tent, an oasis of white and whimsy where she has created a little shop of wonder.

And the singularly talented Christie is only undiscovered in the blogging realm, as she isn't a blogger herself. Those who have shopped the fields of Warrenton, more often than not, are well acquainted with the charming lass, and she has developed a loyal following of those who head to her tent, day after day during the shows, to see what magic she'll be conjuring up that day. 

I purchased quite a bit from Christie during my week in Warrenton, and came to think of her as a friend.
I hope you will, too!

Here's her space...don't forget to click pics to enlarge...

Take a bow, Christie!

You can find her at The County Line Market in Huffman, Texas, or in Warrenton next Fall.

And speaking of, I still have more Warrenton pics and posts in the pipeline, hang in there sports fans!

Have a great night!


  1. Wow Wee! I love her displays... bring on more pics! Lezlee

  2. Okay you two were meant to be good frineds! I think I should live a LITTLE closer to you all!

    You were so cute your comments about giving you Annie...she is in the mail :) I feel I must warn you...She is a fiesty one...much fiestier than she looks on here! Oh & please remember to feed her 16 times a day :) The girl can eat! :) Good luck!

  3. That's a lot of smalls. She must also possess the patience of a saint to gather and display so many things! Pretty...Pretty!

  4. Lots of great treasures, for sure! I'm going to 'borrow' that hanging display idea. Keep the pictures comin'.

  5. Annie:
    You HAD to know that I'd instantly gravitate to the silk ribbon roses...especially those lovely grey/green ones. YUM! You're so right...she has a wonderful place to visit. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Wow! Love all the pictures! I'm going to "borrow" her idea of hanging the baby shoes! Oh and she is another one with doll heads! I might just need to start looking for those!

    thanks for sharing and visiting me,


  7. I visited with her a few times and never made it to her space. I'm with Debbie. That is a whole lotta smalls! I'm sure she had lots of fun decorating and putting it all together for our viewing/buying pleasure! I will HAVE to go see her space next time! Thanks for taking all these great pics! ~Mindy (ps. The vertebrae buyers told me about buying it from y'all! Love it!)

  8. She and I possess the "smalls" gene. except hers are much better than mine! LOL! She had some great stuff, what fun to browse her space. And what? no blog? you'll have to talk to her about that!
    OK, times up, girlfriend. I'm calling tomorrow.

  9. I love lots and lots of little pretty shiny and muted items all piled up on top of each other just waiting. She has a good eye.


  10. Wow I may have the goodwill luck but girl you sure do know all the coolest and talentest gals ever. And you share them with us aren't you the bestest sweetheart! We loves our Anne

    Have a wonderful week sweet friend

    Love ya

  11. Thanks for sharing your great pictures. I had hoped to go back to Round Top this year.....maybe in the fall.

    Your blog always makes me smile, keep it up!

  12. wow - lots of goodies. Everything looks so beautiful.Thanks for sharing.
    ~ Tina

  13. The displays are fabulous, so many pretty things! Thanks for sharing it all with us. I would love for you to stop by my blog if you get the chance. God bless!

  14. double wow... the photos are such a tease! and this was just from one booth, I would so love to be there

    ....it must be nearly overwhelming to be in Warrenton for the shows.

  15. Christie is having a wonderfull display, so many things I would love to own, amazing.
    And you are such a sweet friend to show all this beauty.Thanks.

  16. oh more creepy dolls! i love it. the one in the yellow cherub dish appears to be a little concerned at being too close to those two lightbulbs...or perhaps she just had a really great idea?! i am sad to be stranded on this island where no one appreciates a good doll head....

  17. Oh paleeeeeeeeeeeze, let me at it, I wanna spend days working my way through all those fabulous things and fondle them and ooh and aaah over them. Sob sob, alas I can only dream about it.

  18. Oh my goodness Anne! The hits just keep on coming. I have enjoyed all of the pictures from Warrenton and this pretty lady has a load of goodies:) She is beautiful and obviously really talented! I love looking at all of the pictures but just wish I could have been there to shop and hug:) Have a blessed day my friend!

  19. Lots and lots of wonderful treasure! Thanks for sharing. Be blessed. Cindy

  20. Hi Anne,
    Wonderful displays...thanks for sharing this great space with us!
    Happy day!

  21. Great pictures....wish PA were closer to all this goodness...those rosettes are beautiful! I am crazy for them right now...

  22. Oh Miss Anne how I wish I could have been there at this show! Wow, keep the pictures coming so very inspiring. hugs,Kim

  23. Don't you just love Christie! She's such a sweet person and has a great eye for finding such unique things. So glad you posted about her, I'll be doing a post on her as well, eventually! Have so many more posts to go. Have a great day my friend, T

  24. SIGH!!! SO many gorgeous goodies, such a beautiful booth. Wishing I lived closer. I lover her doll and that bunny, sweet!

  25. i love everything in her booth. beautiful.

  26. Yummmmm!!! Oh Anne...how in the world did you handle all of that visual gorgeousness!!! What sensory overload ~ well, not really overload, as you can NEVER get enough beauty. I love Christie's taste, and she has an amazing knack for display! I hope you are having a wonderful week sweet girl, thank you for your kind comments on my blog....you are always precious, hugs and love, Dawn

  27. Oh some of those doll heads are creepy. lol. You really lucked out and got some great goodies!

  28. I'm all eyes....excellent post Anne..and how generous of you to promote your friend...you are awesome and so supportive...I can tell by the comments you leave me...you really read the posts...Beatnheart lugs ya Baby!!

  29. Goodness, I don't think I can stand it anymore. What a load of fun I missed out on! Thanks for sharing your pics though. I am thinking I really need to get there next year!

  30. HEY!!! I know her .. She is just as lovely as her displays - a TRUE gem .. junker through and through .. would walk to the edge for her .. we met her last fall .. set up right at the corner and could see one anothers booths and visited off and on and just the month before Warrenton, she traveled with a friend to Canton .. what a surprise! ..did she tell you the one about the bridal wreath under glass? .. she is as full of stories about her wares as her booth is full of wares ..yes, love her space .. it is like she transports a little cottage to warrenton each time complete with opening and closing doors ..
    love you Christie!!
    Troy & Rod

  31. A lot of ooooooos and ahhhhhhs coming from my place. I don't know which I love more - all the gorgeous items, or her stunning displays!

  32. Awesome displays of great suff!

  33. Gorgeous stuff....still haven't gotten into the doll heads :-)

  34. I've bookmarked this post so I can find Christie at teh Fall shows. Thank you for sharing! Blessings... Polly

  35. You girls are killin' me! The gorgeousness...never ends , does it? Seriously, it is inspiration for me:)...loved your last post...it is a conversation I have with myself on a daily basis:) I've let etsy slip too...something had to give.
    Have a great evening...and thank you so much for the compassion and prayers for me and my family...it was such a blessing!

  36. Hi Anne,

    You had me wishing I lived there, so I could go and see all these wonderful treaures.
    Many thanks for sharing all your photos with us.
    Hope that the rest of the week is happy.


  37. Thank you for sharing your photos! I was so BUMMED that I didn't get to go this time. Went in the fall but, darn I missed this year. Looks like you had a blast. Charlene

  38. SO many gorgeous things! I could spend hours looking at pictures like those:)

  39. How can we convince her to become a blogger? :-)

  40. I would like to give Christie a hand... then lift the gold hands right out of her hands. LOLOL

    Oh my gosh - how the heck did I miss her? Seriously talented!!!

    may, june, july, august, april, september - novemeber - october thru december... let's make it monthly...

    ;-D robelyn

  41. Great pictures of her wonderful setup. I love to look at other peoples treasures:) Wish I could have been there.
    Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

  42. Oh Wowwww!! Its like being let into Grandmas's storage space and allowed to run free and touch stuff...and take it home ~ let me in there!! Who could you resist? More photos pleeeezzz ~
    Dee xo


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