Sunday, July 18, 2010

The "In -Between" Time

between uncertainty and certainty

between unrest and contentment

between doubt and faith

between what is 

and what might be.

it's a time
not found on the dials of the clock

but very real nonetheless.

it is measured in tears

and laughter

and in the balance between hopes



it's a fine line and a delicate dance

between hanging on
or giving up.

~ it's the in-between time ~

and if you've ever found yourself 

in this alien land, feeling lost and alone

this post is for you.

you are not alone

and better days are ahead!


  1. ANNE- I lived there for 4 years- Lots of loss- regret - shame- doubt- fear- panic- but because I know the truth... it was fleeting- ...but heesh life changing....

  2. Beautifully written Anne!
    Happy day!

  3. What a beautiful post...and boy, did I need it.
    How did you know???

  4. Truly Anne I love this, thank you from my heart to yours

    love ya

  5. Hi Anne,

    You have shared a beautifully written post, sweet friend, thank you.
    Such gorgeous photos, love the pocket watches and the Beautiful day picture.

    Have a wonderful week

  6. Dear Anne, thank you for posting this. I feel like I live in that land way too much. It seems like there is a very thin line that I've gotten way to close to. I don't know why you've chosen to write this now but thank you. I hope all is right in your world. I wish I could spend an afternoon with you. You're so kind and I could use your wisdom and faith.

    Hugs and love...Tracy :)

  7. Dear Anne:
    You have a wonderful way with words, my friend. Here's wishing you faith and strength as you pack up one homestead to move forward to the next. You're not alone.

  8. I visit that place from time to time...I choose not to stay for long..Life is just way to short, to waste..Love to you.

  9. Beautiful written. You can bring the message in words so beautifully.


  10. I love that you finished your post with that cheery raggedy doll, legs crossed and all!

  11. Anne, sweetie,
    oh yes, do I know!!
    Have been there -and will for sure be there again, --very sencitive people like you (me and many),will fight themselves, in the in-between time-- : Did I ?- should I ? - is this right ?uuhhhh all those questions ,jumping-
    But you will be all-right-you will love it-and you will be happy, for your choise :)

    Love and hugs, Dorthe

  12. Between makes us look back and forward:) Big hugs, Ganky!

  13. Hi Anne,
    Your post is so beautiful and I agree with everyonee else. I think Dorthe said it best.
    Uncertainty is always certain.


  14. Beautiful words where alaways in my heart darling..............i do not forget you..........happy Ria...

  15. Such wonderful Words... a tear is running down my cheek. Thank you for this post.

  16. So true, lately I find myself "in-between" more so than not. Beautifully written and glad you posted this, we all need to be reminded that we are not alone.

  17. Anonymous19 July, 2010

    So Lovely Anne!I always enjoy coming here, Im so inspired and I smile always.I wish you all the best my blgogging friend you sure do inspire us all.Love, Becky

  18. Anonymous19 July, 2010

    Aww. loved this, especially when I got to the end. I used to have a Raggedy Anne and Andie a long time ago. And still miss them!

  19. You know what's so ironic about this post? When I'm feeling sad or scared or lonely or uncertain, guess who I turn to for some comfort? My 31 year old homemade Raggedy Ann doll, purchased new at auction when I was 7. I still remember the day my Dad handed her to me. She holds so many tears and secrets!

    Great post Anne...Have a good week!



  20. Beautiful writing. I have to mention that I have the same little "oh what a beautiful day" sign (exactly the same)hanging in my house. It will hang in your new house soon enough.

  21. Anne, have you been creeping into my head?? :) This post is so appropriate right now. Thanks. A million times, thanks. :)


  22. Been there manay times. I'm there right now. Thanks for the reminder that others have walked the same path, and that someone cares.

  23. We are living in that time right now here at MHC. Lots of worries, lots of stress. Thank you for this lovely post.


  24. My dear friend Anne,
    That's a wicked place to be, I used to be there a lot, not anymore.
    Because I love you sooooo much I'm going offer you my therapy. Come to my house & take care of my kids for a day. I promise you'll laugh, yell, be grossed out & totally distracted from the worries of life. When you go home you'll sleep like a rock. Come anytime!
    I do know that life will take you exactly were your suppose to be, just let it~ It's hard I know.
    Do you need a big group hug?
    Do Jodie, Debra, Jan & I need to come over & hug it out with you? Cuz we will!!!

  25. Very fitting words for a lot of us. With my husband's illness, the sentiment definitely resonates with me. Since his diagnosis in January I have been hanging in the "in-between". It's a sometimes scary place to be but comforting to know that I am not alone.
    Best of luck to you during your "in-between" time.

  26. Thank you Anne. Solid words that capture the meaning of "FAITH and HOPE". Middle ground.
    What was...that I can see and very much still remember, and what is YET to be, that I cannot see and does not show itself in any form today.
    And here we stand...waiting....I have found that most of life is about waiting for something.
    Your post is moving. I thank you for it and the encouragement in it for all of us out here.
    Blessings to you today In your in-between days in your journey. HUGS

  27. Beautifully said! That's what faith is all about!~Patti

  28. I'm right there with you! If you stay postive, there are ALWAYS better days ahead!! Your pictures are beautiful. Hope all is well with you!

    Take care, Sue

  29. We know this is part of life. Mountain top living can be breathtaking and breathless. Then we walk down the other side and keep moving forward. This is the time to know for sure that God is with you leading and guiding. You have a destination in front of you. It will be here before you know it.
    You are dearly loved,

  30. A little teary right now. That was beautiful.

  31. Oh my, Anne...I SO needed this! I'm right there. Thank you for putting words to my feelings, because I've been having difficulty finding the words lately. Thank you for your honesty...and letting me I'm not alone.
    Praying for you!
    Blessings and hugs,

  32. Beautiful post...thanks for sharing that.


  33. Annie, your photos are getting better and better plus I recognized some of the stuff. The writing is awesome too. I hope the new home deal is going ok for you. Jan stopped by the shop last week. She is a hoot. Take care of yourself, one minute at a time. Blessings, Marta.

  34. You have such a way with words and such insight.

  35. well you just about took the words out of my mouth this morning, thank you for letting me know it will all be ok! xo

  36. Thinking of you and sending lots of love your way!

  37. You are so amazing Anne...this post is so wonderful, so true and so very heartfelt ~ we all have these times, don't we? Sending you hugs and love dear friend ~ Dawn

  38. needn' a breakthru ... I'm on this threshold ...

  39. clicked post comment just a little too soon ... meant to say thank you for your insight and following the Spirit's lead with what you post!

    you're in my prayers today

  40. Such a lovely post Anne. You are a sweetie- thank you for your kind thoughts and lovely images.

  41. Absolutely beautiful post, Anne! You always hit the nail right on the head--perfect!


  42. Anne thank you for these words and photos. I have been 'In-Between' for most of this year and I'm still waiting for the better to come...but I know it will!

  43. great post.... I know the place, thanks for reminding something will come after the "in-between".

  44. Yes we have had a few of those this year, a bumpy ride but have come out the other end ok. Havent shared about it on my blog but its been a bit of a rough year!

  45. Anonymous19 July, 2010

    Thank you. Just what I needed to read today.

  46. Well said Anne. It seems a lot of us have been there or are there. When I saw the Raggedy Andy, it brought back so many memories. When I was a little girl my grandmother made me Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy dolls. I still have them but they are tucked away. I am going to get them out this weekend and display them like the cherished items they are.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    ~ Tracy

  47. Anne, what a lovely and true post. Very encouraging! We have simultaneously had one of the best and one of the roughest years! Simultaneously. but I hold onto....'BETTER DAYS ARE AHEAD.' IT is says exactly that things are better ahead than they were in the past. Lovely my friend. And it takes someone who has walked this to be able to speak about it.... Great post.

  48. Hello Anne.......Things will work out....they always do. You know the ole
    stone's song.."You don't always get what you want. but then again sometimes you get what you NEEEEEDDDD!

    Blessings friend,


  49. Lovely post, just love your photography.

  50. Anne, you got that right. I am still praying for you. bighugs♥olive♥

  51. Annie, you know from
    reading a few of my
    posts that I absolutely
    have been to that in-between
    place. Unfortunately,
    some of us must linger
    there a bit longer than
    others....BUT, you will
    find the other side,
    one way or another. Sending
    you BIG hugs today, sweet
    friend!! xx Suzanne

  52. THIS TO SHALL PASS ~ one of my many mottos! hang in there, tomorrow always comes!

  53. Wow Anne, that was so beautifully expressed. I could have never put those feelings into words like you just did. And I know I have found myself there before many times. Loving your outlook though, you already know you're in good company and better days are ahead! xoxo ~Lili

  54. Oh my goodness, I really needed this today, Anne. And you came through! Thanks and wishing you the best!

  55. I enjoyed this post, and the beautiful images to go along with it :-)

  56. Anne, Sweetie I just love you and consider you a best friend. Thank you for caring and letting me know today. You know how much it means to me to hear from you. Be blessed Honey, good things are on the way to you.

    love and hugs...Tracy :)

  57. gosh ms. anne, look how many people you touched with your beautiful words! it is a wondrous thing to know we are not alone, no matter where we are or what time it happens to be for us. thank you for reminding us of that.

  58. Beautiful post Anne, I have been there before to and it always gets better!!! I know it will for you to... Blessings~~~ Daphne

  59. Anonymous20 July, 2010

    Oh yes, Anne. I've been there too. Sometimes things just hurt too much and one must mourn. It's part of the process, sadly. I try to pour myself into my art and it truly helps.
    Blessings and hugs to you!

  60. I feel I must clarify...
    Although I have most certainly been in the "in-between" time in days past, I am not there now.

    Many of you have offered kind words for me here, believing me to be in the midst of some sort of struggle...not at all!

    Yes, this post was inspired by my own past struggles, but also by others in my life undergoing trials as we speak.

    Thank you for caring, though! It's a comfort to know y'all are there regardless. :-)

  61. Beautifully written, Anne. So glad that you're not there now....but you know that we all have been at one point in our life or another. Thanks for touching our hearts today. :)

    Bless you, friend!

    xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

  62. I just recently discovered your blog and I love it. Everytime I stop by it just takes my breath away! ... This post really touched my heart!

  63. Ok.... this post officially made me shead a tear, hope all is well, beautiful post! Hugs, Janna

  64. Beautiful and sentiment.
    Thanks you Anne.


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