Thursday, September 23, 2010

This Saturday...

I'll be hanging with many of the fabulous folk
you see right here in this post.

I originally posted this after I returned home from selling
at the Spring shows in Warrenton / Round Top...
and please be sure to check back next week,
because I plan on taking a LOT of pics
at the greatest antique / junking gathering on Earth!

I won't be able to attend the blog party,
but I will  pack as much shopping and gabbing into the short time I am there.

And because this is SUCH an inspiring place, I'm linking this to Debra's wonderful
Vintage Inspiration Friday party at Common Ground.


And a good time was had by all....especially yours truly!
On Sunday, March  28th, Theresa Cano of Garden Antqs Vintage
played hostess to the most rockin' collection of bloggers ever assembled under a Texas sky!

So without further ado, here are the pics I managed to snap when I wasn't...
  1. Chowing down!
  2. Making new blogging buddies!
  3. Ooohing and aaahing over the creative blogger name-tags many of us made for the party!
And shame on me for not getting a pic of  Garden Antq Teresa's name-tag!
But in all fairness, Ms. Theresa is a little whirlwind of activity
during the party, she is Party Hostess Extraordinaire personified,
and thus hard to pin down.

Let's get started!

Here's a bit more of my own name-tag...
I basically just embellished a show ribbon with this, that and the other.
It seemed to be a hit with my fellow bloggers!

 There's always a cast of colorful characters attending the party,
and this time was no exception.
Debbie of Talking Trash.

It's the lovely and classy Shelley of Sweet Pea!
And get a load of her gorgeous Magnolia Pearl party duds...

Moving right along...

This gorgeous gal would be Lauri of Chippys.
Nobody rocks baby doll bling like Ms. Lauri!

 There's Lauri and her partner in crime, the one and only TOT 
(Theresa Smith, aka The Other Theresa) of Time-Worn Interiors.
More on TOT later.

Hey, there's one of me!
This beautiful blonde gal is none other than 

Theresa of Timeworn Interiors and Debbie.

 It's my girl Angelique of Six in One Hand
She was rockin' a Mason jar full of grandpa's cough medicine.  ;-)

Left to right, Angelique, Me, Jodie of Everything Vintage
and Laura of White Spray Paint.
It's great when blog friends make the leap from virtual to "real"! 


Blogging goddess Heather Bullard
She's just as nice and approachable as she is beautiful!

Robelyn and Debbie settling the eternal debate: 
Redneck vs. White Trash...which is klassier?


So if ya look in the dictionary, you see 
this ladies' picture under "super cute"...that'd be Mindy of Primitiques 'n Poetry.


Who 'dat?
I was thrilled beyond measure to finally meet this gal in person...
it's Adrienne of  The Flying Bee!

Oh, the trouble we could get into, hehehe!
Left to right, Angelique, Me, Adrienne and Robelyn.


This? Too funny.
The charming and witty Maggie of The Veranda.


The Warrenton paparazzi, aka Adrienne of The Flying Bee 
and photographer extraordinaire, David of Student of Life.

More celebs? No problem!
Here's one of the fab guests of honor Theresa lined up, 
Gina Galvin of Peacock Park Design.


And the gorgeous lady on the left alongside Gina?
Jo Packham of Where Women Create.

And which name-tag won the award 
for the bestest and most all-around awesome?
That'd be this one...

Great job, TOT!

Blog Party, Spring 2010 is a wrap!


  1. Oh Anne
    What an awesome post!!!!! I loved seeing the faces of those we love!!! How fun I am hopin and prayin to make it out there in the spring of 2011. A girl can dream and plan. Lov eya bunches sweet girl xoxoxo

  2. Have a good time! It sounds like so much fun. Blessings, sandi

  3. How cool to see you with all your blog friends! It looks like a super fun day!!! I have to admit some of those name tags cracked me up....some were bigger than my head! :) The only thing wrong with yours need a BLUE ribbon! :) But it was actually my fave! No but fun!!!!

  4. Ohhhhhhhh....I AM SOOOOO JEALOUS, Anne! I want to go next year!!!! I want to hug all these wonderful gals that make me smile and laugh! What a lucky gal you were to be able to meet them! Thank you so much for sharing their photos with us. So much fun!!!!! :) Hey.....I wonder if us gals in MI could get a Blog Party planned sometime....???? How in the world does one even start an event like that???

    xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

  5. Someday! Thank you for all the great introductions. Shelley lives near me and I have been to here great home sales.
    You know David and Mindy?! They are so cute.
    Hugs to you,

  6. ~*~*LOL...LOVE your posts!! Thanks for introducing us to those wonderful friends!!~*~* Blessings,Rachel ;)

  7. Oh Anne, you like to rub it in now dontcha? Such great photos of all the you know who's in the blogging world! Seeing all the name tags was just so cute. What a bunch of creative gals! Have tons of fun this Saturday with all the celebs. I'd love to be there with you. someday, girl, someday!!

  8. Looked like you ahd a major blast. I love all of your tags.
    If I don't sell the show ribbons on my lampshades, I'll make some tags for friends. What a great idea. Thanks, Les

  9. Hi Anne,

    Looks like you had an amazing time. I've been to one blogger lunch out here in Arizona and I loved it, I hope there are more cuz I like to meet people, especially ones I write to all the time.


  10. I so soooo heading that way in 2011. Seriously, this is on my "MUST DO" list. Looks like a great time!


  11. gads! that was a pile of photos. the was great fun to see everyone and their name tags. thank you. Bestest,Denise

  12. It looks like you guys had so much fun! All the creativity and charm in one place seem overwhelming. I loved all the pics. It seems I need to spend some time looking around new blogs I've never seen!

  13. Hi Anne:
    Love seeing the photos and matching faces and names! Looks like y'all had a ball! Wish I could have joined you!

  14. Wonderful post! The fun you all had shines out. There are some fantastic name tags there - I've got to go and visit all their blogs now;0)


  15. You have had a great time with all those lovely girls !! seems like fun fun !! ...happy day Ria...

  16. What an enjoyable post, I so love seeing photographs of bloggers having such a fun time together. And yes, I do get a bit sad as well, I would love to be part of such a getogether. Still, living in France and the UK is not so bad either. lol.

  17. round top should take their show on the road ... then we could all make a name tag ...
    if you only knew how it is to read a post like this ... I get a tummy ache
    not being there ...

  18. OH MY that was FUN seeing everyone's creativity exuding into their fabulous name tags! SO COOL! I REALLY REALLY wish I could have been there! I love all the tags but TOT's certainly rocks it HARD! BTW, I'm having a $35.00 CSN gift certificate give away, you might want to check it out!

  19. Looks like y'all may have been having too much fun! Hmmm, is that actually possible? Anyway, thank so much for sharing those great snaps.

    I loved everyones name tags. Each one such a work of art.

  20. I want to go too:) I remember when you went before and met some of my favorite blog friends! I hope you all have a wonderful time and perhaps next time I can join you!

    HUGS and be safe!

  21. I feel just like Miss Nancy on Romper Room looking through the Magic Mirror. I see Shelley, Laurie and Tot. Oh look, there's Gina, Maggie and my bra! Can't wait to see YOU live and in person.

  22. how fun is that. i want to go some year. i don't think i could make one of those awesome nametags though. very fun. have a wonderful time!!!

  23. wow -does that look like the greatest time- what fun with beautiful and chic ladies! and those name tags!!!!
    Theresa is the best. Love your blog!


  24. This was so much fun to see. I just love the way you ladies were dressed, so creative and inspiring! So awesome Anne! xo ~Lili

  25. I love everyone's name tags!!! Safe travels, take lots of photos and have fun treasure hunting!


  26. One of these days, one of these days I'm hauling my butt to Texas for the fun! But until "one of those days" happens, I'm out here working at my favorite place, Country Roads!

    Take care, Sue

  27. Oh how I wish I lived closer - This looks like so much fun!!!! My town is having antiques on the green this weekend - hope I find some treasures like the ones in the background of your pics

  28. Anne,sweetie-
    wow, sitting here ,far away, in Denmark-but actually being able to "follow" and see all of you fantastic galls, meeting in wonderfull events,like this-is soo much funn-I so love being introdused to all, end everyone ,whoes blogs I`m reading,-seing all you beautifully "craisy" women,having fun and great times together.
    Thanks for making that possible Anne,-I loved this "gallery" of lovely faces.
    Hugs, and happy week-end.

  29. Hi Anne,
    Now this looks like fun! I can't believe how great looking everybody is and I loved that I knew who almost everyone was without having to look! It's like seeing old friends, just lovely. Have a great time... how I was I was going along too. Watch out for that Debbie, she's always up to something and I hear it's Cat Daddy's b-day (was just over there).

    Also Anne, I want to thank you for your kind comment about my cat, Gigi. I appreciate you taking the time to comment and make me feel a little better, it's hard and I know you get it. Thank YOU!

  30. It's great to see the faces behind so many blogs-- It looks like you all had a fantastic time. Thanks for sharing so many pictures!
    Happy weekend, jj

  31. Hi Anne,

    thank you so much for showing us your wonderful photos.
    What a great bunch of Gals and Guys that you have been hanging around with and it was neat to see some of the names that I recognized.
    I love all the fabulous name tags and what a creative lot you are.

    Have a happy weekend, dear friend

  32. Gotta do this in 2011!! Looks like Too Much FUN!!!
    Have a great Saturday!!
    Tammy :-)

  33. what a fun post- i love your name tags and the photos are great. someday i'll make it there.

  34. Have a great time my friend sounds like fun!

    Wishing you a lovely weekend,

  35. No sense in telling you to have a great time. That's a given, right!

    I love your dining area with the little round table, the bench - the dark and the white go so nicely together.

    And your hutches are great. I have one that I would like to take the glass front off of and then paint white. It's just getting motivated to get started. And finding the right paint! :)

    Wishing you all the best, Tammy

  36. You TEXAS gals
    are all super cute
    and super nice!!!
    Looks like a blast!
    Can't wait to visit
    your lovely state
    next spring. It will
    be here before we
    know it!
    xx Suzanne
    PS: Loved your badge!

  37. Great pics Anne! I almost felt like I was there, can't wait to see your Fall pics! Lezlee


  39. wonderful name tags.. never saw anything like them.. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for sharing..

  40. Looks like so much fun! I am loving those nametags. Creativity just abounds! I also think that everyone is wearing the cutest clothes.

    Life on the Edge


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