Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Warrenton, Part Two

Hola, and hope you're having a great week thus far!


Well, because I have a big girl job that has kept me occupied for over 12 hours a day
since I got back from Antique Week in Warrenton on Saturday,
I haven't had time to even catch my breath, much less edit close to 300 photos.

Still,  because I love y'all, I have a few edited pics to toss your direction
until I get down to the serious business of photo editing this week.
The good news is, I'm off work for the next four days,
so you should be getting more pics and posts from me in short order.

Until then, there's this.


(click all pics twice to super size)






And talk about a line-up of blogging superstars (not including myself, of course!)...

~L to R~
Lisa McIlvain
Karla Nathan of Karla's Cottage
Jodie LeJeune of Everything Vintage
Beth Leintz of Gathering Dust
Theresa Cano of Garden Antqs Vintage

I was so honored to be included in this amazing line-up of women.

And taking that last pic was this guy,
who made a HUGELY favorable impression with all the ladies
for being the designated cart watcher and picture taker,
and doing it all with a smile...

My lovely husband!
Whatta guy. :-)

That should do it for this installment, please be sure to check back soon,
as I have LOTS more Warrenton to share!

Linking with darling Debra at
Common Ground
Vintage Inspiration Friday



  1. I seriously want to move to Texas....I'm dyin here!!!!
    You are your hubby have great smiles, but I can see why!!!!

  2. I'm totally loving the second picture, especially the glider! Loved seeing everyone and the pictures. One of my dealers from Country Roads was at the blog party and sent me some pictures I was able to post on Monday. Can't wait to see more of yours! Glad you have some days off. I'm just starting my five days today, ugh!

    Take care, Sue

  3. It's tough to say that I have a favorite photo or piece...everything is fabulous!! I don't know how I could go to one of these events and narrow my 'pickins' down! lol!

    Thanks so much for sharing the pictures. You and all the girls {and your guy} look great!


  4. wow, lots of amazing stuff, those old doors are super! how nice of your hubby!! enjoy your time off work!! hugs, susan

  5. YES, including YOU!!!

    overload, but loving it

  6. Oh what fun! I love lots!! That green cupboard is to die for!!! I know you had a super great time! What did you get?
    Hugs, Lisa

  7. So much great stuff and so many great friends, now that is the ticket!! thanks for sharing Anne, drooling over that turquoise door!! xo

  8. Hi Anne! I adore that sweetpea collection how cute.Loving the country garden antiques too.Glad to hear your off for 4 days.Working in the hospital is hard stuff,lol.We deserve our time off.Im with you there.

    Have a great rest of your week and have some fun playing.

  9. WoW! I just love seeing all your great pictures from the trip! It was great running into you in Mindy's booth, & I just love how your sweet hubby introduces him self as "Mr. Twig". So cute!

  10. Now why can't we have something like that out in Vegas? That looks like tons of fun!

  11. I suspect Mr. Twig enjoys all the goings on, as well as watching the cart. How could he not?

  12. I am SO going next year. Love those photos.

  13. What a cuttie your husband.......hahahah!! lovely post again make me crazy with all that beautiful stuff !!!, you.....Ria.....

  14. oh what goodies...the old doors, the pails on the table, the beautiful pillows. i could go on and on and on. great photos. they help me to pretend i was there.

  15. We just got back from Round Top last night. It was my first time and so I felt overwhelmed but what fun!

    My husband was a good sport the first day following me through the fields of Warrenton. The next day he was burned out and spent most of his time sitting in the shade with a frozen margarita!

    Thanks for posting those lovely photos.

    Second Hand Chicks

  16. Lots of yum-may going on in those pics! Oh my!

  17. Hi Anne,

    Wow, I really need to get my butt over there to Texas, especially that show. How often is it?


  18. WOW .. I am speechless - and I think I would have been broke if I went to that antique show.

  19. Love it all! What a great show!
    Tammy :-)

  20. Awesome Sauce (see what I did there, I`m practically American already!). I said to my soul sister the other day, `How do you fancy a trip to Texas, they have the most amazing Antique Fairs there?` and she said `just tell me when` - unfortunately for us and fortunately for Texas, we hate flying so we`ll just stick with the locale for the time being!Wonderful pics and Lovely Ladies... and Gentleman!

  21. I am so bummed that I couldn't make the blog party, but I missed it for a good reason. On Thursday, a lady stopped by my booth and bought LOTS of items, including furniture. She made some requests for additional items and I had to get back to get them worked up. She wanted some painted chairs and more Halloween things.

    I was looking forward to meeting you face-to-face. Hopefully, next time!


  22. My eyes nearly popped out of my head with that first photo since I've just recently started searching for an antique dress form.

    What an amazing time you had at the show! Even though I'm envious of everyone who attended, I'm still looking forward to seeing more photos. Wishing we had events like that here in Kansas.

  23. Aw! Thanks for the mention! It was great to see you and Mr Twig. ~Mindy

  24. ~*~*DROOLING...LOVE all the chippy goodness!~*~*

  25. Anne, wonderfull photoes,again ,dear-
    love the photo of you girls lined up,in the middle of wonderland....
    Yes I read your husbond was very loved ,of the other girls,too :)
    Hugs, Dorthe

  26. What did y'all do...walk Karla outta her shoes?
    Sorry I didn't get to spend more time with you.

  27. Awesome - great stuff - oh I wanna come too... sign :D
    You are such an awesome bunch of ladies - I can just imagin ehow much fun you must have had.
    Thanks for sharing Anne.
    Wishing you a wonderful day
    xo Tina

  28. It looks like soo much fun!!
    And what a trooper hubby was too : )

  29. FABULOUS photos, can I be just the teeniest bit envious? All those amazing treasures to drool over, wow.
    Thank you so much for the photograph of you lovely ladies, it is great to put faces to the names of the lovely bloggers whose blogs I enjoy so much.

  30. Anne,
    What an awesome time we had! I'm glad you forgave me for leaving you at the Diamond Shamrock station! I just wish we could have had more time. Missed you at the blog party for sure. Could have used your influence to win the contest! LOL Also wished we could have seen TOT at Marburger, maybe next time. Mr. Twig was the bomb. I came home & blabbed to Kevin. He hates him. Kidding. Maybe I can lure him to Fredricksberg & they can chat together while we shop. I was going to post pictures, but I think I'll just link to you. Lisa (your lurd)

  31. WONDERFUL photos, fantastic 'staging' of those goodies. Top husband too (well, after mine that is!).

    Now get editing, girl!


  32. Two words...


    OMGosh, can't wait for more! I MUST get there one day!

    You girls all look beautiful! And kudos to hubby for hanging in there!!



  33. Yay for Mr. Twig and for you lovey for stopping to share the goods. hugs♥olive

  34. Anne- It was great to meet you (and Mr Twig). Your pictures just remind me what a fun time we had shopping- I'd go back and do it all again next weekend...except for things like work and the 750 mile drive.

    XO, Beth

  35. Anne Love I'm STILL spewin' I missed ya....I tore back to Zapp Hall Monday morning before I left but Theresa said you'd only been up for a 'bit'....Dang it....Will you be goin' back in May....?? I'm ALREADY plannin' my next trip....hahahahaha....No rest for the SERIOUSLY addicted....!!

    LOVE your pics as ALWAYS....!

    Cheers for now from Australia,
    Tamarah :o)

  36. Anne, I've already read about your superstar husband and how great he was in Warrenton. You are one lucky gal and of course I'm jealous (my husband just would not have come at all, let alone be so amazing :) Oh, can't wait to hear and see more about your awesome trip after you rest up from your 12 hr shift...

  37. What great markets there are towards the west.
    It's a rare time to find things like this around here.

  38. Hi Anne ~ loving all those smiling faces ~ including Mr. Twig!!

  39. Awww, I wanna go there too! Even Mr. Twig likes it, what a cutie! ~Lili

  40. Love it all...especially the stuff from the Sweet Pea Collection.

  41. Great yummy pictures, can't wait for more!

  42. What GREATPics! I WISH I could have been there!
    What a Great group of Ladies and "Mr. Twig" is a saint! Does he have an older Bro or Uncle??? LOL

    I still OWE you a package! I was GOING to do mail Today,,,,,,,had headache from Hades! I'll add goodies to make up for it's later arrival! I cannot wait for you to get it though!

    Hugs and love and thanks for Sharing!

  43. What a nice husbs you have! :) How sweet of him. That reminds me of of something funny.. okay, my husband is starting to get sick of going to flea markets with me & the last time I was at our local big one.. one of the dealers said to him "you have the same look on your face as I did when my wife told me she wanted to go to Las Vegas" -- hahaha.. I dunno, just made me think of that. You look cute & it looks like it was lots of fun. I'm surprised how much bloggin you get accomplished with working. When I go back to work.. I'll probably become one of those 1-2 picture posters.. better something then nothing.. haha. :) T/C!!

  44. Thank you dear Anne, for all the lovely photos. I am sure going to try to make the Spring Show. Bless you for sharing your photos with us.
    hugs, sandi

  45. Thank you Anne for taking th time to post these pic's!!
    Have a pretty day!

  46. So sad I missed you girlfriend, but I had the most FABULOUS time!!!!! Time of your life kid!

  47. What wonderful goodies in those pictures. I would love to have been there with you.

    You and all the ladies look great together and what a great guy...once again speaking your love language. I'm thinkin he's a pretty awesome husband.

  48. Looks like so much fun, Anne~ what a great group! Your photos are really wonderful~ I particularly love the one with the old lawn chairs...

  49. Hello Anne,
    Oh I wish I could come to that show.....
    My sister lives in Lake Charles... I told her she had to go... But she couldn't make it. Thank you for sharing all these wonderful pictures with us.
    Hope you are having a great week.
    You are the Best... and you are a superstar..
    Take Care,

  50. What a fun show!!! I am lusting over those screened doors. I want one for my bedroom!!! Isn't it fun meeting blog friends? I am going to brunch at at blog friend's home in October and there are going to be 15 other blog friends there. I can't wait! What a sweet hubbie you have. I think he is a keeper! I know what you mean about work... between work and my Mother's surgery/recovery, my plate has been a bit full lately. I have not posted recently. I packed up the camera cord when getting my new carpet and I haven't found it yet. What else is new? I'm sure you can relate. LOL!!! Love & blessings from NC!

  51. Gret pics! It was fun visiting with you guys!

  52. Anne, now THAT is a group that has so much creative energy!!! I'd love to put you all in a room together with shelves and shelves of supplies and see what comes out of it! I see a book in the future!
    All of these women are just the best and you are so very blessed to know each other.
    Hugs, Diane

  53. what amazing goodies! I could go home with all of these great finds! great pics! :)

  54. So much to see and take in! Thanks for sharing some photos!!

  55. I am just SICK I couldn't make it this season to Round Top. Thanks for filling me in and it's about time my friends Karla and Beth made it there!

  56. You do know that you might be feeding Mr. T's new addiction, don't you? Hey did you get the picture of your bday present? I'm LOL!

  57. Hi Anne ~ Inspiration Overload, LOVE IT!
    I could sit & study each photo forever, one day it is My Dream to attend a Fabulous Event like this..... Have a Wonderful Weekend

  58. Anne, I thought I had left you a comment but I didn't see it, so if you receive it twice please forgive me. I first have to say the pic with all the cool industrial lights and hay belongs to Melonie of The Seed Box. I just love her style. I so enjoyed seeing you in Warrenton and you are always the sweetest to mention me. Maybe I'll come and see you in Fredricksburg. I've been wanting to attend that FM for a while now.


I'm all ears....

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