Saturday, February 19, 2011

time away...

nothing dramatic

so please don't worry...

just need a bit of time away

to get stuff in order.

personal stuff

practical stuff

spiritual stuff

i might be gone a week
i might be gone a month

just playing it by ear.


take care of you and yours!

i'll miss you
but i'll see you again...soon!




  1. You know we will all be here when you get back. Have a productive break.


  2. i will miss you anne, but i completely understand. take care sweetie.

  3. Take all of time you need. We will be here for you when you get back. Will miss you too. Take care.
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  4. Blessings on your time. I like that about blogging . . . we can be intentional and do what is best for us. Enjoy.


  5. Peace and grace to you and come back refreshed, we will be here waiting for you.

    God's Blessings,

  6. Life changing events cause us to re-examine things. Take the time you need and you know we are here when you return. Love to you Anne! Linda

  7. Take all the time you need, life can get overwhelming at times.
    Take care of you!

  8. I will miss you... Take care, and come back when you're refreshed and ready... till then...

    Nita Jo

  9. I'm thinking of you!!! Hope you are ok!!!
    Lots of love to you!

  10. Everyone needs a break now and then. Enjoy your time to yourself : )


  11. Take all the time you need, Sweet Anne. We aren't going anywhere.:)

    Lots of love, prayers and blessings from me to you!


  12. Take care, lovely girl. I'll miss you but understand that sometimes you just gotta shut down and deal with life.

    Looking forward to your return, as and when you're ready.


  13. Take care ~ take a break ~ and you know we'll wait for your return (((Hugs))

  14. Take the time you need and I too will be here when you get back.

  15. Take care of yourself my friend!

  16. I hope you get plenty of YOU time. Clear your mind, fill your heart, and we'll be here when you get back to

  17. Hey there, you deserve a break. We'll be here when you get back. Enjoy!!!

  18. Take care, Anne. I'll miss your beautiful posts. Look forward to your return. ~ Sarah

  19. Enjoy your time away! You Will be missed! HUGS!

  20. Miss you too!
    Although, I have taken a step back too...while I spend time with Mom.
    See you soon! :)

  21. it's the perfect time of year for some down-time, anne. release...unwind...regroup. i also would recommend a nice big chocolate milkshake and some new socks.

  22. I hope you enjoy your time away. Putting things in order, giving important things priority...whatever it may be. I admire you for this. I will miss you my friend. And I'll be praying for God to show you the way. Can't wait to hear from you soon.
    Becky C

  23. Ah! I feel the need to do just the same thing! I may be away when you come back so I hop eyou enjoy your time ...see you soon!
    Tammy :-)

  24. Hope you get restored and refreshed...and enjoy yourself, too! XO

  25. O no !! i will miss you darling......take care of yourself !! love

  26. i hope everything is ok. time away is always a good idea (so is!) will be patiently awaiting your return. blessings...

  27. This was a very nice way to say you're taking some time off. I'll need to remember this for future use. I like it and you deserve it you busy woman you! See ya when your back :)

  28. Will miss you....hope your time away serves you well and you return refreshed!

  29. time is something we can't get back so take whatever you need. we'll all be waiting sweet friend.



  30. Wishing you a peaceful and productive time away sweet Anne! xoxo ~Lili

  31. Take care of yourself Anne! A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!! Will miss you!



  32. Enjoy your time away Anne, your deserve it sweetie... blogging is always here for you when you are ready to re-open...and that's the best part... you just can blog when you feel like it. Always be true to will never regret it :)
    Will miss you and your beautiful posts though...I'll be back to visit you when you open again :)
    God Bless you and your hubby and furbabies!
    Loved that post of Winnie...that cracked me up because our cat Rocky loves to lay on clothes and sleep in them :)
    Big hugs,

  33. Sometimes even Wonder Woman has to dial it back a notch, so just lay down your Magic Lasso and do what you gotta do.
    See you when you get back.

  34. May this time away be a great time of healing, rest, order, peace, whatever you need it to be. Bless you sweet Anne.

  35. Love you miss you Love you miss you!!!! Take care sweet girl welcome ya back with loving hugs


  36. Awwwww.....Anne!! I was missing you so much since I've been MIA after dropping my laptop 10 days ago. I was sooo looking forward to catching up with you, girlie! :) Oh well....I know that during my time away I did catch up on alot of things that I had been putting off for a while. I little crafting, a little reorganizing, a little note writing. So time away from blogland is a healthy thing for us all.

    We'll MISS you alot - but enjoy your peaceful time away! ♥ We'll be waiting to see that sign!

    xoxo laurie

  37. I will miss you, but I totally understand. Take care of yourself and then come right back to us with your beautiful pictures, lovely home and genuine spirit!

  38. Get everything in order and come back when you are have had quite a time lately and need a rest and some time off.

    Can't wait to see what cool stuff you will show when you come back..............

  39. Missing you already Sweet Girl....Happy Thoughts from A Broad,abroad!xxx

  40. Take good care of yourself, Anne, while you're "breaking". We'll miss you, but no worries, we'll all be right here when you get back. :o)

  41. Breaks are good. I think that creative people really need them to refresh because their brain is always spinning around with ideas! It gets tired in there :) Of course then their is all the outside stuff like family obligations and life. You take all the time you need....

  42. Sending lots of HUGS and GOOD WISHES your way Anne! Take your time, enjoy the break and we'll be here when you're ready to return!
    ...Jackie xo

  43. See ya on the flip side Anne! Enjoy! (But we really need you to hurry back!)

    Hugs ~~ Connie

  44. Take a well deserved break. Get your house, your heart and your head in order. We will be here with open arms when you return! xoxo

  45. Take care, we'll miss you but absence makes the heart grow fonder ;)... I hope you find some much needed peace and ease of mind during your break.

  46. I hope you have a nice, relaxing break! Wishing the best for you Anne! ♥

  47. We all need time to regroup every now and then. It helps to get us anchored to what's important. Enjoy your time off. :o)

  48. I will miss seeing your name come up on my dashboard! I look forward to your return! Rest and re-charge! Hugs lulu

  49. A week, a about a day??? ;-) Just kidding, you know we will miss you!! Trust me, I have taken blogger breaks (sometimes on purpose, other times because I've been on vacation and far from my laptop) but it's always been the best thing. If you can accomplish those "other" important things in your life, you will feel better in mind and heart and will truly be able to devote to your blog again!

  50. Oh good! take some time to relax & not feel the need to throw up a post! :) You WILL be missed...a lot :) But I am glad you will be enjoying some time off! We all need it a little don't we :)

  51. Enjoy your time away. Like most have said, everyone needs a little time away. We'll be here.

  52. Anne, Will miss you soooo much! Pam

  53. will miss you....

    take care xo

  54. I'm with ya girl...


  55. Have a wonderfully time getting caught up with everything Anne! I will miss reading your posts and look forward to your return whenever that may be! Take your time!

  56. take all the time you knee-ed ...

    I know how loyal we both are to each others' blog .. even if you don't comment ... your open-ness and honesty gave me some of the strength I needed to write today's post.

    just wanted you to know ...

    you are loved

  57. I was with ya then, and I still am! We must be living parallel lives! (For your sake I certainly hope not)! :)

    Hugs and Prayers,

  58. Hi Anne! I hear ya, honey! I've just take a week's break to do something I've been putting off for some time now and wanted to pop in to see what you were up to! As much as I love love love blogging I needed to get away and take care of some stuff! I've just read your post about how we can let blogging interfere with our lives! Just do what you need to and we'll be here when you get back.
    You just take care.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  59. Get renewed, refreshed, inspired and rested. That is hard to do when you have a full time job and moving I know. Hopefully no more freezing or cracked pipes.
    Take care,

  60. In a way, I hope you aren't reading this...that means you are really taking a break...but I get are much more gracious with your readers about your breaks than I ever was (am). I could learn from you. I tend to just disappear - sometimes I am truly just so busy and caught up, I just don't make it to the computer after long days. Other times, my personal life...well, as they say, "life happens" and whether it is illness, family issues, life issues, personal issues, or whatever issues, life happens, and so I take care of it and put the computer on the back burner for however long I need.

    I used to feel the need to "explain" but found that bloggers are a loving group and they "get it" and just want to hear from you whenever you get back. So, whenever you do get back, just know that while I may not make my "rounds" to all the blogs like I would like to, that doesn't mean I don't check in now and again to see how everyone is doing. And know that I don't need you to reply when you get back - I will check in....just do what you need to :-)



  61. It's OK...that's one of the lovely things about blogging...we all need a break from things.
    Take it and don't feel guilty.
    Your friend~KarenSue
    ps...just please come back when you are ready.

  62. I read your above post, Anne, and this one, too. Gosh, I wish I could be so brave! I'm so afraid that no one will be there when I get back, if I take any time off from blogging. Would it be the end of the world for me as I know it... probably not... but I have enjoyed it so much, and now I have responsibilities to my sponsors. I also feel ALL of the things you mentioned in the post above, Anne...
    I wouldn't hold it against anyone if they need a little time off... I hope they wouldn't hold it against me either...
    Enjoy your vacation... we'll be here when you get back. :)

  63. Sometimes we all need to put blogging on the backburner and break away for awhile. Your readers understand and will look forward to your return post. I know how hard it is to break away from blogging for a week.. and to be so out of the loop.. it's so iresisitable for me to not see all the daily incoming flow of new posts from bloggers. I hope you get all you need to accomplish accomplished. :))

  64. Just a note to my Lurd to say, whether your 'in' or 'out' I'm 'here'. Sorry I haven't called or anything. My kids have been sick with flu, strep & everyother nasty virus they could find since Christmas! Yes, no lie! I've been lurking tho. Wish you were coming with me in May. Heck, I'd settle for RT. Call sometime. Miss you.

  65. Hi Anne, Have a nice break! Your cat is hilarious!
    ~ Julie

  66. i just dropped by to check in - it's been months and months since we talked - and i'm really sorry to hear that you're "closed".
    i understand about needing to be "closed" and can appreciate where you're coming from.
    if you wanna visit, text, email, call or, um, text, email, or call! xoxo, jan

  67. Know how you feel, have been in that place the past few months! Take as long as you need! Sorry I have not been consistent in my visits, but still following you!

  68. Just checking in! Hope all is going well.
    See you when you get back.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)


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