Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Winnie Wednesday

My good buddy Donna from Brynwood Needleworks
has a regular Friday feature showcasing her darling Welsh corgi, Fezzik.
Appropriately enough, she has dubbed this "Fezzik Friday", 
and it's always a source of entertainment.
Fez is adorable!

Having said that, I bring to you the first, and most probably LAST installment of
Winnie Wednesday

I shared these pics on Facebook awhile back, 
but felt that they deserved the much wider exposure this blog provides.
Yep, they are just that  good. {snerk}

Meet my doofus cat, Winnie.
And please excuse the iPhone pics.

To know Winnie is to know one thing.
Winnie loves laundry.

Sooooooo much laundry love Winnie has!

 Fresh, warm, straight from the dryer laundry, to be exact.

And yes, those are a pair of my husband's Jockey shorts 
she has inexplicably worked herself into and is "wearing".

I kid you not.

I know what you're thinking...

Where can ***I*** get a cat like this?!

Now taking bids.....



  1. That is too funny! Did you ever think you would be posting pictures of a "hubby's underwear clad cat"? LOL My little dog used to make herself a bed on the dirty clothes when she was a puppy!
    What would be really amazing is if Winnie folded and put away the laundry!


  2. This is why I LOVE cats!! They humour me everyday!
    Winnie is beautiful!!!

  3. too funny! Thanks for the laugh Anne! Theresa xoxo
    p.s. she is smart... who doesn't love something fresh from the dryer? ;)

  4. Anne this brought just the smile I needed today! I love cats and this is so funny of Winnie in undies...and she is looking right at the camera saying....yes I know I'm adorable! hugs, Linda

  5. Oh, please do not make this the last "Winnie Wednesday" as I Loved it! I too have a cat that loves to play in the laundrey, which makes the task way more enjoyable.

  6. Annie, that is soo funny, I was like, Are those the husband's briefs? You are crazy funny. Juju those the same thing, have a thing for panties and socks and anything he can steal, I have resorted to have my guests waiting at the door until I make sure the floor is free of undies. Ah, and he learned how to open the hallway hamper, so sometimes is not all clean laundry, arg. I wouldn't change a thing, you just have to love them.
    PD I'm still following, I just don't leave comments, you have plenty of those.

  7. LOLOL Too cute. Looks like she is posing for a kitty centerfold;)lol
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  8. Anne, that's a great photo of your cat wearing underwear! Made me smile. judy

  9. You are so right Anne..Winnie and Claire look so much alike..they could be sisters!!;) She is darling and lol over the briefs on her! hugs,Rachel

    French Farmhouse 425

  10. I had my first belly laugh of the day. These ARE hilarious. As I sit here with one large gray stripe poot tater on my own lap.
    Hope you ate some sushi for me.

  11. What an adorable cat! How funny that Winnie loves laundry--even so much as to wear it!

    When I was young we had vinyl in our hallway (dad did the decorating much to my mother's dismay)and our cat would get a running start at one end of the hall, jump into the laundry pile, and slide to the other end--back and forth until he got tired of the game.

  12. Winnie is just so gorgeous - even with the male underwear!

    She's made for cuddles.


  13. That is the cutest!!! What a funny kitty!! Reminds me of Sadie our weiner dog.....she likes to burrow in the sleeve of a sweatshirt & has gotten stuck a few times....little nose sticking out the end and all sausage like in the middle!

    This is why I love animals! They sure bring joy don't they? If not lots of giggles :)


  14. That is just hysterical! OMG...isn't it funny what a cat will get itself into to be comfortable? Thank you for my laugh of the day!~Hugs, Patti

  15. A cat after my heart...the lady has style. I thought at first she was wearing a mink coat...her fur is gorgeous! Have you been reading her Dr. Seuss lately? Remind her it's "A Cat In A Hat" not "A Winnie In A Skivvy"!
    P.S. I'll trade you my Cat for yours!

  16. Wonderful pictures, nothing like an animal to bring a smile to your face. I just love Winnie, she looks so proud of herself!

  17. My little boy Ginger does the same thing...he is also on hand every single time I make the bed. He jumps up, gets in the way, rolls around. I can’t get the job done. But he’s my little clown and I love him so.

  18. I LOVE it, Anne! And you are right, I'd love a cat just like Winnie...looks so like my cat Frisky, that I had many years ago...XO

  19. I have a house full of cats. They just seem to seek me out! My Sparky looks just like your Winnie! I have a thing for tabbies!!

    Take care, Sue

  20. So Cute, My Cat loves to do this with the plastic bags from the grocery store.... he will walk around for hours with it on, when I help him out, he just goes right back in it.... So Happy to catch up on all your Creative Posts, I have been missing from blogging for about a month & Miss checking in daily.... Have a wonderful week

  21. My kids would love a cat like that - they would get along great. But alas I am Cruella DeVille because I am slightly allergic to cute little kitty cats.

  22. Absolutely adorable! I'd tune in every week for Winnie Wednesday, lol :)

  23. Hi pretty lady,

    I'm hopin' life is gettin' back to normal for you, and that you're healing from the recent events. I was just talkin' to Karen Valentine last night and she said she gets to finally go to Roundtop and she's gonna' meet you!!!! I'm so jealous. You know what else would be great??? If you could come out here for the Arizona Bloggers luncheon I'm hosting.....whaddaya think? It's April 9th and you don't necessarily have to be an AZ blogger, any ole' blogger will do.....LOL. I hope you can somehow work it in, as Karen will be coming, as will Laura Ingalls Gunn, and some other lovely ladies (too many to type).

    Have a great day!

  24. a.d.o.r.a.b.l.e. really! I laughed out loud!!!

  25. Now that is so cute!

    I have my buddy Tim, a stray that found me!
    Now he has to be where ever I am at any given moment, and has to sleep on top of me!

  26. What fun! Our old mean cat just coughs up hair balls and hisses at Ladybug who just wants to play. Only likes hubs. Thanks for sharing the cute pictures of Winnie.

  27. Winnie likes warmth! I love cats. I say that with my ten pound cat sleeping on my rt arm while I type with one hand. ♥O

  28. Oh my goodness! Winnie is just too cute! What is it with cats and laundry and bed making... Winnie looks almost like my Bagheera.

    ~ Tracy

  29. I saw your hubby's underwear!!!! My cat loves to find clean socks at night and in the morning we find several in the kitchen and hallway. I'd take an undies stealer anyday. You made my day brighter. Thanx

  30. That is hysterical! LMAO I'm sure Mr. Twig is so happy that you have posted these. I bet he was thinking his jockey's needed more exposure! lol

  31. Adorable !!!!! She looks just like my son's kitty ! Precious & it is funny the things they do ! Pets can be a pain some days and others we wonder what we would do without them !

  32. tell mr twig .. i am so sorry for him .. of course i bet the dude picks his drawers up and puts them away from now on .. is nothing safe from the lens of your camera? lol! love you and your sense of humor .. love your cat too ..winnie may be drawn to the heat of the clothes fresh from the dryer .. might try putting a heating pad in her bed on low .. hey love that quilt too!

  33. Love that Winnie, it is so nice of her to show us Mr. Twig's undies:) hehe! Have a blessed day my friend, thanks for sharing your cutiepie with us! HUGS!

  34. I can't stop laughing. Winnie marches to her own drummer, she does!


  35. Winnie looks adorable, I just love cats and their crazy antics.

  36. What a cutie pie!!!! I just love it! And Winnie Wednesday is perfect...with all the critters around here I'd have half my week of posts filled :) if I dedicated a day to each one of them.... I hope you are doing wonderful sweet Anne, xxoo, Dawn

  37. Ooooh she is just too cute!... I love her!... ok, I'll open the bidding... how much do you want?... I know, she is PRICELESS!... and she asked me to tell you she is NOT a doufuss!... I too love to snugggle in laundry warm out of the dryer!... xoxo Julie Marie and doggie kisses from my new baby Tess!

  38. How did you get my remote? :) This is really cute Anne! Being a true blue kitty lover, I can understand.. I think cat's love to lay on anything fresh, washed and soft.. or jump in a laundry basket.. or a rough textured basket. I can't believe your kitty managed to get into boxer briefs! So funny!

  39. So sweet sweet cat.......lovely week

  40. That brought a smile to my face! Cats have such fun personalities! Pictures say it all!

  41. Oh how cute! I'll take her! But of course my Gizzie and Gabby will not welcome her, not one bit. They bring so much fun into our lives, don't they!

    I think she should have her Wednesday post every week!


  42. ha! i think winnie needs to meet my pal duffy. he's more of a sock man, but does appreciate a good clean pair of briefs warm from the dryer now & then.

  43. Oohhh Rocco & Winnie would get along good...Rocco always runs off with Kelly's underwear when I am folding laundry & comes back with them on about just the same way :) Although I think Rock would freak poor Winnie out :)

  44. oH my gosh~ that is absolutely hilarious! My cat love laundry but she doesn't wear it ~ ;-)

  45. I love it! The personalities that animals have is amazing :) Ours are always doing something bizarre/obnoxious/cute :)

  46. Oh Anne, what a cute post... Winnie is sooooooo adorable!!!
    hugs~~~ Daphne

  47. lol!! I love it! Looks like my house with all the great animals and laundry ;) she is happy and really isn't that all that matters!
    Hugs, Lisa

  48. Do not show this to my husband! He would be bidding right now. Plus Winnie looks just like my Lola B!

  49. I love the look of sheer bliss on Winnie's face!

    My Kitty used to enjoy hatching fresh laundry, but she never managed to wear anybody's underpants....

    Please have more Winnie Wednesdays!!!

    oh, yes....where do I sign up to bid???

  50. More, more, please. Blessings

  51. LOL!!!!! WOW....that is a funny cat! Great shots!

  52. This is beyond funny, its gut laughing, she is one happy cat but how on earth did she get into those undies?

    My cats loved a basket of clean clothes, they liked to carry them all over the house. Not good when you have a visitor and you missed an article of clothing.

    Hope your day is good.

  53. She looks just like Mouse, our cat. She's very old now and loves to sleep by the the little foot heater I have under my computer desk. No underwear under there though that I know of. :)

  54. best laugh of the day ;). pets are the best arent they ? they keep us real

  55. Hilarious. So glad you shared.

  56. BEYOND funny! The best is the "taking bids" part. hehehe. My cat has a talent too- scrubbing the sink and tub as he rolls around in them...

  57. Now if you could only teach Winnie to fold! :)
    She is as sweet as the gal that 'she owns!'

    Your Friend,

  58. Oh Anne, those pictures made me giggle. Mind you, your cat is not the only laundry lover, my Poppy girl ( Rhodesian Ridgeback, rather large ), loves freshly laundered stuff as well, and isn't fussy about what she gets her paws on. Now you try and imagine moving an 80lb dog off a pile of sheets, when said dog really really doesn't want to move. I don't even try anymore these days, lol xx

  59. How sweet! I follow along with Fezzik Friday. ;-)
    ~ Sarah

  60. Anne ~
    I am literally laughing
    out loud right now !!!
    What a cutie patootie
    your kitty is !!
    You gotta love them !!


  61. Oh my goodness that is priceless!! Love. xo ~Lili

  62. hahahaha...crackin me up this am. Love it!
    Cats,,,I got one,,we should have an auction,,mine ate half of a rubberband this morning,,most distressing. Husband says it will come out shooting across the....oh never mind,,he got me laughing too. silly cats...gotta love em!

  63. Our first fur-child
    was a doberman-great dane
    mix who we dubbed Winnie
    after the character on
    The Wonder Years. Yours
    is also a character, all
    right : ) What a love!
    xx Suzanne


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