Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Remarkable Rose

You see this tiny little doll of a woman
standing next to me?

If you don't recognize her, then shame on you.
She is only one of the most influential style and decor icons of the past century,
and whether you realize it or not, her influence has been felt far and wide in blogland.

Her name is Rose Hicks, and I was blessed beyond belief to meet this
sweet little dynamo yesterday afternoon!

Rose is the matriarch of the ridiculously talented Hicks girls, Carol, Janet and Cathy.

I've had the pleasure of meeting designer Carol Hicks-Bolton on a few occasions,
as she and her husband Tim Bolton are the masterminds
behind the iconic Fredericksburg, Texas store Homestead,
my favorite place to seek treasure in all the world.

But I had never met sweet Miss Rose...until yesterday.

If you haven't met her before, 
allow me to introduce you to her now...

{all pics courtesy of Lisa McIlvain and Mary Engelbreit Home}

Enter my idea of Heaven,
aka Rose's magical home circa 1998...

Nobody has ever done white-on-white better than Rose.

The layering of the mirror and frames...just sublime.

These photos were taken in 1998, people!!!
Everything looks every bit as fresh and inspired now as it did then.

 All those cutting-edge looks you see and admire all over blogland these days?
Rose did it best, and more importantly, she did it FIRST.

Plates over sofa = weak in the knees

This magazine feature in Mary Engelbreit Home was 13 years ago,
and sweet Rose hasn't seemed to miss a beat in the years since...
most days, the remarkable 90 years young Rose
can be found adding her magic touch to the
operations and goings-on at the Homestead store
on Main St. in Fredericksburg, Texas!

Isn't she something?

I made a total geeky fangirl out of myself whilst meeting her, but I don't care...
she's an idol and an inspiration!
My buddies Lisa of Tarnished and Tattered and Dawn of The Feathered Nest 
are the only other two people on Earth I've met
that share to the same degree
my love and passion for the beauty
created through Rose and her kin.

The Hicks and Bolton crew have no idea how deeply their design aesthetic
has permeated every bit of my own creative vision,
and it is my pleasure and honor to spread the word
about them far and wide.

And Rose...sweet, lovely Rose...

How thrilled I am to share a hometown with you now, dear lady!
Keeping my fingers crossed that Mama Rose might one day soon allow me
to photograph her charming casa!
I'm workin' on it, people! Fingers AND toes crossed!!!

If any of you are ever in the area, please pay a visit to only the 
most incredible store around...

Homestead and Friends
230 East Main Street
Fredericksburg, Texas

And I would be completely remiss if I didn't mention
also getting to meet the lovely, sweet and super talented
Binky Morgan of Binky La Faye.
This uber talented gal is a super designer in her own right,
and not only has a shop of her own,
but also does styling work at Homestead once a week.
I think (hope) that Binky and I will be getting into much  mischief in the days ahead.  ;-)

So, uh, yeah....getting to meet these gals MORE than made up for not going
to Round Top and Warrenton this time!!!

Off for now, but just a quick update before I go...

The Summer issue of Romantic Country magazine
featuring my Willow Nest photos
is on newsstands now!
I'll be doing a post on it soon,
along with news of THIS exciting giveaway I'm having...

You won't want to miss this one, as Fabulous Fifi
is somehow involved...
can't say just how, just yet...but will spill it next post!

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Hi Anne....I recognize Rose's home from a magazine spread that I have had for years! Beautiful home! Also I enjoyed your photos in the newest issue of Romantic Country Living! What a thrill for you! Congratulations!~Hugs, Patti

  2. AHHHH Sweet Rose, beautiful AND TALENTED! Loved this post about you meeting that precious Lady! I would LOVE to shop in that beautiful store... someday:)

    I can't wait to get my magazine:) Have a blessed day dear Anne, HUGS!

  3. How fun was this visit, I remember coming down to see a friend in San Antonio and I will never for get Frederickburg TX. It's one of the most charming towns, I aways said that if I ever move this is where I would go.


  4. What an amazing lady!

    I am back from CA and now trying to start catching up on my Blog visits! I missed you!!!


  5. I love this post.I knew who she was before said her name.I am a follower and I have always been a big fan of the Hicks.I seen their designs over the past years.They have inspired me greatly.It was a dream of mine to go to the store they have.dream accomplished. I went a few years ago.I loved it !!! It was so well worth going too.I was hoping to see Rose or Carol there.No luck.Tim was there working. I had just missed seeing Carol.Thank you for making the time to share such great photos.I have over the years tore out any pages that had pics of them.Still have them in a folder.Great post.You have a fun and creative day...Chickie

  6. Anne, so sweet is your post about Rose and Fredericksburg. I visited the Hill Country 2 years ago for the first time and fell in love with Fredericksburg...such a special place. Enjoy your new hometown! ~ Angela

  7. Good things do come in small packages!
    xo Cathy

  8. I remember that magazine article. In fact, probably still have it around somewhere because I fell in love with Rose's home. And you are right, it still looks so fresh and current. LOVE IT! Congrats on your photos in RC. I can't wait to get my magazine (may have to tackle my mailman today!).


  9. Oh yes, I remember that article and thinking the bookshelf with vintage print was so unique! Lovely post...thanks for sharing!

  10. What an inspiration. Thank you for posting the photos of Rose Hick's home, and introducing her on your blog too. Congratulation on you photo shoot for RC.
    - Joy

  11. What a remarkable woman, she does not look older than in her seventies, and she was much before her time, as it looks!
    Thank you for introducing..


  12. Oooo! Thanks for sharing that! She looks like a sweetheart. Now, I'm going to have to look to see if I have a copy of that edition. I do not tear up my Home Companions. I kept every one I ever got. I seem to remember the platters turned backwards, so I betcha I do have that one.

  13. I've shopped Homestead (and their other stores) since the day they firs opened. Talk about trend setters! I think I still have my copy of this article too. ;-)
    Looking forward to picking up a copy of RC magazine. ~ Sarah

  14. Thanks for this lovely post. I've looked and relooked at those photos from the magazine so many times over the years. They never cease to take my breath away!

  15. I cannot BELIEVE it Anne!!!! She is our queen girl!!!! What a true honor too...I know she must be so precious in person ~ Rose was a trendsetter and didn't even know it...her style has been out there so long and we are still all drooling over it!!!! I'm so excited for your feature in Romantic Country too!!!! I can't wait to get my issue ~ I love Linda's gorgeous style as well and with your photography...WONDERFUL! Keep the goodness coming Anne ~ sending you love and hugs, Dawn

  16. Anne ,I remember seeing those photos of Rose's house and they are wonderful! judy

  17. What a gal! So ahead of her time and I bow to her wonderful design vision and style foresight.

    How wonderful for you to meet her.


  18. If I ever get to Fredericksburg I will be sure to visit this awesome place.
    hugs, Linda

  19. Oh I love Rose, too- when Lisa first posted her tribute to Rose, I knew Lisa and I would have to be friends. I still remember how inspired I was when I first saw the ME Home Companion article- Rose is the Queen of Texas Chic decorating- and lucky you, getting to meet her!

  20. Hi Anne ~ Fabulous Post, Love Miss Rose's Style, I so remember that magazine issue, I have those pages torn out somewhere for My Idea book! Congrats on the Photography & Styling, can't wait to pick that issue up ~ Way to Go Girl! I was also a very lucky girl Last Spring when I was visiting family, Dawn "Feathered Nest" & I met up and spent the day at the Scott Antique Market together, a Day I will Always Remember! I Sure Love all my blogging friends! Keep up the great work~ xox

  21. I have kept those very same pages of Rose's home since I have seen it in HC. I thought it was so beautiful. Hope you get to take some photos at her house.


  22. Oh, I am feeling in such a good mood looking at these photos again. I saved the magazine because I thought it was one of the most beautiful homes one could actually live in. I love Fredericksberg--Our daughter lives in Round Rock and when we visit from Wisconsin we try to make a trip out there as often as we can. The shops are soooo lovely! The drive is so pretty too. Thank you Anne for bringing Rose back to us and her beautiful home!! Can't end without saying how much we LOVE your new home! It must be so much fun to decorate--I would love to own some Texas country property.

  23. Oh I LOVE her home. It's so now:) I hope you get to photograph it soon. I would love to see what she has done to it:)Lucky you to have met that adorable, talented lady:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  24. Aaah, this is the old Annie again, so full of enthusiasm and joy and overflowing with excitement. Great to see the real Anne again.
    What an amazing lady Rose is, and how wonderful that you could meet her. I am keeping everything crossed for your chance to photograph her home. x

  25. What a sweetheart she is, and such an amazing icon. lucky you!!! Can't wait for you to get your behind moved in so I can come and hang out too!

  26. you met ROSE???!! OMG mon amie.....i have LONG admired and adored her and her lovely style! EVERY SINGLE ONE of your photos from the magazine she was published in is in my "Inspiration Folder" as we speak! She was amazing then and... obviously..still is now. how very lucky for you that you got to meet her! so jealous! sigh...sniff...sniff....

  27. Holy cow her house is amazing and she is precious! We have to get you into her house to take current photos.

  28. Add me to your list. I've been a fan since that MEHC came out. I still have the article. How lucky you got to meet her! What an amazing woman.

    Congrats on your article! I will be watching for it.


  29. I first saw Miss Rose's home on the old HGTV show Country Style (how I wish that show was still on!) and fell in love immediately! I have looked all over the web for info on her over the years, hoping she had a book out describing her style. Sure wish I had a copy of that magazine! Thanks for letting me know she is still alive and kicking, bless her heart. (And tell her to write a book!)

  30. Oh, I LOOOOVED this post. Been an ardent fan of the Hicks clan since first visiting Homestead over 20 years ago. I thought I had DIED and gone to heaven--had never experienced such an amazing ambiance in a retail store before (or since, except maybe A.B.C. Carpet & Home in NYC) My friend Jamie had already worked with Carol H.B. on a decorating job, so we got to poke through an old building behind the store to find the perfect fabric for some custom curtains--OMG, it was euphoric just being around all the amazing stuff collected in that back building. Rose's touches were everywhere in the store. What an amazing family...seeing the beauty in everyday things in such an inspired, creative way. After that visit, I started seeing the family featured in the press, more and more, as others discovered their amazing talent---and I've saved every snippet. LOVE IT.

  31. You nailed it Anne! Good for you. Isn't Rose a doll? Shame on me for taking our town and it's gifted people for granted. I love your enthusiasm and passion for all things and people creative in our neck of the woods. Wonderful, dear post.

  32. Anne, lucky doll girl you are. One of my favorite features ever in ME magazine. I still have my copy. Loved the typed scriptures placed in with her collectibles. Thank you for this post, she looks as dear as ever.

  33. I remember that issue with her home. I still today go to that issue to get a white on white blast! I used her home to inspire me when I do displays at our shop. I would love to visit your town and fellow citizens shops. I have it on my places to go list. Thanks for the Rose blast!

  34. Hi Anne! I remember that feature in Mary E.'s magazine like it was yesterday! I can't believe it's been 13 years! Rose truly is such a talented lady! Love, love, love her home so much! I've only visited Fredricksburg once and I can't wait to go again and visit Homestead! I hope you do get to shoot her lovely home sometime! Congrats on the Romantic Country issue!!! Can't wait to find out more your giveaway!

  35. Oh, you can add me to that fan list. Years ago we came to Fredericksburg and walked into their white store and fell in love. At that time they had 3 stores & they were incredible. We went back every day we were there. So glad she's still able to work in the store. Thanks for sharing & we'll look forward to seeing your pictures of her house. Jan

  36. What an interesting post. I had never heard of Rose and her family before. What a trend setter she truly is...her 1998 home looks just like what so many are still attempting to achieve. Just gorgeous. I do hope that someday you get to photograph her home! How exciting. I'm so glad you got to meet her.

  37. Ok Rose is seriously adorable!! And her home is gorgeous! How neat that you got to meet her!

  38. Hi Anne,
    Little Rose is a decorating dynamo! I remember that issue and it was one of my favorites. She has the touch for sure and isn't it wonderful that she is still going strong. I wanna be just like her when I grow up! LOL!
    This is a wonderful post. I love it.


  39. Oh Anne,
    Your stories are so beautifully written even an alley cat would look like a king. Miss Rose is just too adorable. I have loved the Homestead store for a long long time. True bunch of creative ladies.
    smiles, alice

  40. Was she ahead of her time or what? Such an amazing and sweet looking woman. I love her style.

    I, too frequent you blog often, but don't always have time to comment. I think we both no why and can much to do, do little time.

    Take care my friend,


  41. Isn't she the cutest thing in the world Anne. I just adore her. I saw her on an episode of Country Home on HGTV years ago and that's when I fell head over heels for her. And of course in the ME magazine too.
    She's my super hero!
    sending hugs

  42. I think it's quite telling that so many of us remember that article was and still is one of the more inspiring lovely homes featured. Lucky girl getting to meet this living treasure!

  43. She is the gal we all copy :) Who knew?? What an incredible and talented sweetheart! I love this post, Anne! I'm excited about your giveaway, too :) Glad you're doing well!
    Becky C

  44. Dear Anne,
    I don´t know her, but now, I do :-) !
    She´s so talented! A really nice woman!
    Wish you a wonderful day,

  45. Anne,
    I'm so so glad you're a blogger! Not only are your posts about your life great but you allow us to revisit our past with this great post about the lovely Rose. Like others have said, I can't believe its been 13 years! Just think of the youngins' that you're turnin' on for the first time!
    Warm Wishes,

  46. Rose seems to be an amazing lady with amazing style. I love that she has been doing for years what other bloggers think they created. A lot of times I look at a photo on a blog and think that I have seen it somewhere before and I just can't put my finger on where. I bet it was from a photo shoot at Rose's house. So happy you got to meet her!

  47. You are just so lucky lately my friend!!

  48. Anne... thanks for the photos of Miss Rose and her 1998 style! My 23 year old daughter is planning to decorate her new/old farmhouse in just this style ("white everywhere mom"), and I can't wait to show her your post.

    Homestead is my favorite shopping haunt in F'burg too! Haven't been since before Christmas, but now you've inspired me to make a trip and bring along baby girl too!

    Thanks Anne... You are always an inspiration!!

  49. Wow, what an awesome talented lady! Hurray for you!!


  50. Wow, I remember that article about Rose from years ago! I was so inpressed by her creative style and beautiful home. Thanks for introducing her to all of us!

  51. oh, she is just gorgeous!!!! and talented!

  52. She is just a peach and her home is stunning, she was a decorating guru wayy back when!! wowzers! soo inspriing! I hope you are doing well Anne!

  53. I have never heard of her before. It was fun to learn about her & see the photos of her inspirational home. That was great that you got to meet her. AND congratulations on your Romatic Country spread! 1998 was the year I started to date my husband! Have a nice weekend, Anne.

  54. I recognized her immediately. I saved that HGTV show about her home for many years on a VHS tape! Many of you probably don't know what those are! Ha!

  55. I would love to be in on the giveaway :) And I would also thank you for your sweet comment in my blog. How on earth did you find me? :D And now I have found you... I think I have been here before, long ago... something seems familiar. But I must have lost your link someway down the line :(
    But now I will be back and back again!

  56. aaand I have linked your giveaway! :)

  57. I keep meeting Texans and if not for my sons and their wives... I believe I'd be living there right now - every trip I've made I've felt I was meant to plant myself there.... perhaps one day. I have friends and family in Austin, South Lake, Commerce and Grapevine so it's not that farfetched and idea. Beautiful posts and a happy to be place.... very proud of you and your accomplishments girl! Jennifer

  58. I've been a captive for a long time... you keep reeling me in with beauty, talent and I am again - high praise for one talented lady! Congrats! Jennifer

  59. In your giveaway - oh yes!!!! posted you - posted the give away - posted the magazine --- of course I have! Jennifer

  60. Your photos are so Wonderful, I love that you take the time to value the room creator as well. We can all learn so much by listening.
    White on white is my favorite look.

  61. I will be blogging about this..with your button on my sidebar.

  62. I would love to win...and if I did, of course, I would want your autograph on the magazine!

  63. I remember this article very well, never forgot her.. Her stlye is timeless, and surely is one of my favorite.. Now to only get her beautiful home in my next magazine.. Ummm...
    Thanks for sharing Anne
    JO-Anne Coletti

  64. I instantly remembered seeing Rose's lovely kitchen on HGTV several years back on I believe the show that was called "Country Style". Her kitchen just always stood out in my mind as the most gorgeous layout and colors I had ever seen. Thanks for re-introducing her so I could enjoy looking at her amazing style again! I really miss that show too, wish they would bring it back! xoxo ~Lili


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