Sunday, May 29, 2011

Partners in Crime

Like this image?
So do I!
But it wasn't taken by me, it was taken by my best friend, Tom Adams.

We went to visit my amazing friend Binky this weekend,
and her incredible shop, Binky La Faye.

I have plans to do a big photo shoot at her shop soon,
but this weekends visit was all about shopping and visiting.

So back to Tom....
he actually has an impressive background in photography, 
but film photography, not digital.
He majored in it in college, but until just recently,
hadn't shot with a DSLR before, just old film cameras.

He blames thanks me for his resurgent interest in snapping pics,
and we've been toying with the idea of actually teaming up
to do shoots and projects in the future.

So the photo above?
A stack of yummy vintage pillows at Binky's shop,
photo taken by Tom, editing and post processing by me.

Recognize that handsome mug?
Yep, the infamous Mr. Twig himself, strikin' a pose.

Again, pic taken by Tomas, post processing by yours truly.

I think Tom has an amazing eye, and if one day this picture taking gig
takes off big-time for me....well, I would positively LOVE to
have a second shooter-partner in crime!

Heck, he's so good, that I think maybe I should be
HIS second shooter!

Just look at a few more of his great captures,
all taken with his brand new Nikon D3100,
and post processing done by me...

Good stuff, right?
If you think so too, please give Tom some words of praise
and encouragement right here in the comments.

He sometimes feels like odd man out in the digital age,
but I firmly believe that genuine talent transcends technology.

So...would you buy a Lorys-Adams coffee table book
of photos?

Then how 'bout an Adams-Lorys book, then?

Thought so.


Happy Memorial Day!

If you're still having trouble leaving comments in blogger, try this:
when you are logging in to blogger, uncheck the little box that says "stay signed in".
Most folks find that this does the trick!

Edited to add:
Tom has seen all your comments, and he is thrilled!
Thank you SO much for helping boost his confidence!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Rosy News

How is your week going?
Ready for the long weekend?
I am!

I had more images to share from my
little impromptu rose photo shoot the other day.
I can't help it, I just can't get enough of these pale, pink beauties!

I received some wonderfully happy, rosy news today....

My photos are going to be published again,
but this time internationally!

I'm so excited, and once more,
I owe much of it to this darling lady.

 So...what is the news in your corner of the world?
Holiday plans?

And most importantly...
is blogger still all wonky and not letting you comment?

But the word around blogland is there IS a solution...
For anyone who is having problems leaving comments, try this:
when you are logging in to blogger, uncheck the little box that says "stay signed in".
My little birdies say this seems to do the trick!

Wishing you all a very happy
Memorial Day Weekend!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Guest Posting at Dear Lillie

*** I've been informed by more than a few of you 
that blogger is acting up again and isn't allowing you 
to comment on this post. My apologies! ***

Just a quick hello, my friends!

My lovely and talented friend Jennifer at
graciously asked me to guest post
over at her beautiful blog,
and I was more than happy to oblige.

Sweet Jennifer has a brand new baby, and is taking a bit of time off
to enjoy her precious family.

She is truly one of the kindest, most thoughtful gals out there,
I loved her from the moment I found her. So will you.

I do hope that you'll head over and say hello to Jenni,
and if you haven't already, please follow her gorgeous blog!

Click HERE to read my guest post.

Enjoy your week!

If you want to read a REALLY hilarious guest post,
be sure to see what Jen's brother has to say HERE

Anybody else gonna watch Idol and DWTS tonight?
Who are your faves?

{ All photos courtesy Dear Lillie }

Monday, May 23, 2011

New House Pretties and Help Wanted

It's been awhile since I had some new
house pretties to share,
so I just have to ask...

see anything new?


That's right!
I picked up these two Jackson Metal Tub Chairs
from World Market this past week, and it was love at first sight.

 I love the sleek lines, the industrial feel,
the comfort, but most of all, I love that they are wood floor friendly.

So what do ya think?
Like 'em?

I think they're a great addition, and seeing as how the world's longest relocation
is due to come to an end in just under two short weeks ( YES! ),
we will soon be sitting 'round this charming little table each and every night.
( and this sweet little dining room will take on a whole new look! )

Before I sign off, I have a quick favor to ask
of all of you wise and wonderful friends...

The hubs and myself are complete newbies when it comes to the care of feeding 
of charming old wood floors, and could really  use all of your
best tips, hints and product recommendations to keep them lovely,
or to restore them to their former glory.

Please share!

Thanks so much in advance, and
have a happy week!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Girl Talk

Here's the thing...

I love being a girl.
Love, love, love it.

I love expensive make-up, 
frills and ruffles, 
the color pink, 
and HGTV.

I think Johnny Depp is positively swoony, 
I was glued to the set for endless hours for the recent royal wedding,
get all sappy over a good Hallmark card,
and positively lurve  my cat.

Yep, being a chick rocks.

Did you know that growing up, my very best friend
in the whole world was a neighbor boy
named Dean?

He lived next door to my grandparents in Waco, Texas,
and we spent many a Summer
catching tadpoles, playing tetherball,
and just fussing and fighting in general.

These fights wouldn't last long,
with one or the other of us 
sheepishly heading over to the front porch
of the other and inquiring...through gap-toothed grins...
if the other could come out and play.

Ahhh, the innocence of youth! 
Good times. 

 I think there's still a bit of that tow-headed tomboy in me...

I'm not a salon gal...I'd much rather toss on a baseball cap
than spend time styling my coif.
And the one and only 
manicure I've ever had?
The week of my wedding.

Don't like Oprah ( I know, blasphemer! ), 
the Lifetime channel,
or Zumba,
and I'm strictly about comfort when it comes to shoes.

I think about these seeming 
contradictions within my nature
at the oddest times.
Like today, when I was doing this photo shoot in my kitchen.

There I was, digging through one of our barns looking for a prop...
fearlessly climbing over rusty, crusty treasures
and digging in cobweb covered boxes.

Only to run screaming outside at the sight 
of one lone little wasp.

I think I scared 
the poor little feller to death.

Some days I'm leather, others lace.

That's the beauty of being a girl.
I'm allowed to be both,
unapologetically and fearlessly.

Embrace your contradictions, 
they make you you.

And you know what?
They make you beautiful!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A White Milestone

For Kathleen's  
100th White Wednesday
I took a stroll around my favorite booth
in my favorite antique mall,
Red Baron Antiques in Fredericksburg, Texas...

classic, ethereal whites...just like the ones 
Kathleen has been bringing us
for one hundred consecutive Wednesdays!

 always innovative and inspiring...
a lot like Kathleen!

It is a pleasure to visit this favorite booth of mine,
and it's always a joy to visit Kathleen, too.

Thanking Kathleen at Faded Charm
for hosting 100 White Wednesday's.

Head on over to find out
about her exciting  giveaway news!

Happy White Wednesday!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

not one darn thing

as in...
"not one darn thing to say."

at least anything that i think 
y'all might find 
remotely interesting.

i got nothin'.

my head is utterly and completely
in a blog fog these days.

can you relate?
do you ever feel like you're tossing
thoughts, ideas and images into a 
great big void?

or do you feel that the great big void 
lies within?

that's sorta where i am these days.

i'm not promoting anything.
i sure as heck ain't selling anything.

no exciting new purchases 
or acquisitions to share.

just me and my void...
signing out.


{textures and snippets of life around ye olde lorys household}

thanks to suzanne for inspiring me
to take a fresh look at my surroundings!