Thursday, May 19, 2011

Girl Talk

Here's the thing...

I love being a girl.
Love, love, love it.

I love expensive make-up, 
frills and ruffles, 
the color pink, 
and HGTV.

I think Johnny Depp is positively swoony, 
I was glued to the set for endless hours for the recent royal wedding,
get all sappy over a good Hallmark card,
and positively lurve  my cat.

Yep, being a chick rocks.

Did you know that growing up, my very best friend
in the whole world was a neighbor boy
named Dean?

He lived next door to my grandparents in Waco, Texas,
and we spent many a Summer
catching tadpoles, playing tetherball,
and just fussing and fighting in general.

These fights wouldn't last long,
with one or the other of us 
sheepishly heading over to the front porch
of the other and inquiring...through gap-toothed grins...
if the other could come out and play.

Ahhh, the innocence of youth! 
Good times. 

 I think there's still a bit of that tow-headed tomboy in me...

I'm not a salon gal...I'd much rather toss on a baseball cap
than spend time styling my coif.
And the one and only 
manicure I've ever had?
The week of my wedding.

Don't like Oprah ( I know, blasphemer! ), 
the Lifetime channel,
or Zumba,
and I'm strictly about comfort when it comes to shoes.

I think about these seeming 
contradictions within my nature
at the oddest times.
Like today, when I was doing this photo shoot in my kitchen.

There I was, digging through one of our barns looking for a prop...
fearlessly climbing over rusty, crusty treasures
and digging in cobweb covered boxes.

Only to run screaming outside at the sight 
of one lone little wasp.

I think I scared 
the poor little feller to death.

Some days I'm leather, others lace.

That's the beauty of being a girl.
I'm allowed to be both,
unapologetically and fearlessly.

Embrace your contradictions, 
they make you you.

And you know what?
They make you beautiful!


  1. I LOVE the way you photographed those delicate pink roses.

    Your arrangement looks so BEAUTIFUL!

  2. Hi Anne,
    I am loving the bistro chair and the flowers are just lovely.

    I don't care for Oprah either way to over rated and who can afford her top 10 things she likes anyway...


  3. Awesome Anne!!;) LOVED this post... Hugs,Rachel

    French Farmhouse 425

  4. I too am not a salon, manicure, shoes or oprah girl. I too have a leather/lace type personality and a little tomboy. Oh I love your words and your beautiful pictures have a wonderful weekend!!

  5. Beautiful flowers...
    beautiful photography...
    beautiful post.
    Good to see you, you do get around...

  6. You are so fun to read about!

    love it....kelley

  7. Your photos are always; however it was today's words that really hit home with me. Thank you for reminding me to :O)

  8. Anne, you are my type of lady. You are cute as a button and so talented. I am not a salon lady or do I watch shoes are hiking boots. My very favorite, my feet never hurt. We need to meet someday. Have a great weekend. sandi

  9. You are so poetic, Anne. I love to stop by here. Thanks for sharing these thoughts through beautiful words and images. ~ Sarah

  10. You are so like me! I love being a girl but such a tomboy as well. My mother even told me that I was more like a tomboy growing up! Great photos and great writing!

  11. so well put!
    I am a walking contradiction, love grunge and dirt always considered myself a bit of a tomboy but if something pink and shiny comes my way I have to have it....go figure.
    GiRrrls, said in my best bobby brady voice
    Take care

  12. Anne ~ just reading this post ~ I can say we have SOOOO much in common, my brother who was 14 months older than me was my best friend and my best friend's boyfriend. I played road hockey etc. etc., ~now I LOVE pink and girlie things but I still don't coif myself and I love comfy shoes ~ SHINE ON GIRL ;-)

  13. Me, too. I'm a definite denim and lace kinda girl. And a big yuck on the wasps. Jeans and comfy shoes or boots are my favourite but love frilly white blouses and pretty necklaces. I love HGTV, Criminal Minds and CSI, and do not like talk shows or soaps. But I'm a romance novel junkie! Always like the sappy happy ending.
    Love your photos and learning a bit more about you.

  14. Hi Anne,
    You have just confirmed all the reasons why I adore you so much! As I get older I find that I am much truer to myself than in my younger days.
    I love being a girl too, but I also love that I can be me and feel good about it! You are definitely there!!


  15. I'm with you all the way, Anne! (and I don't like "O" either!) ;-) Your roses photos are all absolutely swoony. Can Johnny Depp come to my house after he leaves yours? sigh
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  16. Anne, I couldn't have said it better myself.. Dido to all of the above....


  17. I grew up the only girl with three brothers, and have a bit of tomboy in me too, but on the other hand I also LOVE pink(especially pale pink flowers) Johnny Depp(something about that accent of his in Pirate's of the Caribbean that makes me melt, and I love being a girl! I agree that it's these contradictions that makes us unique.
    Your photos are absolutely gorgeous!


  18. You are such a gorgeous girl in every way!!! But you don't like oprah???Just kidding, I wish I could watch her but only get to about once every blue moon.
    I love love love your pictures!!!

  19. an awesomely lovely post! thanks for sharing!

  20. oprah is a five letter swear word in this house ...

    over rated, totally ...

    I think we're kissing cousins when it come to expensive make up ...
    we're talking chanel!!

  21. That is why us Girly Girls Stick Together !!! I'm all those things as well, i do not take hardly any time with makeup... Mascara and go !! maybe a little powder, But i do love clothes, and boots, and a lot of PINK AND WHITE !!! And Ruffles! Have a Lovely Night ....LOVE THAT POST

  22. What a neat post!

    My father lives in Valley Mills, TX, which is very near Waco. He worked in Waco for a number of years.

    Your photos are beautiful, Anne.

  23. Soooo soft and pretty and PINK!!!

  24. Well said! And I sooo agree. Love the Leather and Lace phrase ~ wouldn't that make a cute name for a blog?!? I used to live in Waco as a child, too! Your pics today are awesome, as always! Love the dreamy look!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  25. Anne, your photos are so beautiful! I love being a girl too. I hate Zumba. I want to dance to have fun, not to workout. I can't walk in heels, hate squeezing my feet in tight high shoes. Have a wonderful weekend!


  26. I love being a girl and always have! I can be casual and easy maintenance but still have my moments of total femaleness! I love how you say its what makes us who we are to embrace our contradictions. Gorgeous photos as always! hugs, Linda

  27. Hi Anne! First of all, let me just say a big thank you for coming over and joining in our Inspiration Friday party this week! Not only are your photos drool-worthy in their gorgeousness, but I think your words ring true to all of us. One minute I am playing dress up with my daughter and the next I'm on a bug hunt with my son in the backyard. And I love it all...well, let's just say I tolerate the bugs (not wasps)! Hopefully it just all makes us well-balanced. Anyway, thanks again for coming by and visiting us today at the Fence and we hope to see much more of you in the future! :-)

  28. Sweet post.... Anne I just love all of your photos, their so beautiful!!!
    hugs~~~ Daphne

  29. Hi Anne,
    Yes, I too am glad to be a girl, the best of all worlds in my book!
    Lovin' your photos! Thanks for your kind words on mine, Ethereal is one of my favorite words too, my husband always thinks it's funny :-) oh well...

  30. I love all your photos and I'm going back to read your post all over again because I loved it so much!

  31. Girlfriend, your photos just get better and better. I would have loved to see you running and screaming, te he!!
    XOXO, D

  32. Ah, you worded it well! The freedom of being a girl. I have stilettos next to my Carhartts, and like my flowers as much as my trucks. I call it being well-rounded! :)

  33. Beautiful pics and love being a girl for all those reasons too!=)

  34. Okay Anne, you had me until the Oprah thing!!! Ha ha. Love this post, I totally agree. I was all tomboy myself, love getting dirty, digging in dirt, no nails here! But let me primp a bit and I clean up too. LOVE those roses, now you will really rock my world if you tell me you grew them. Hugs, Riki

  35. So well said. A beautifully written post, Anne. Those roses are gorgeous. Happy Friday to you.

  36. Love this post and your pics! That's the beauty about being a girl - we can be as girly or ungirly as we want! Guys on the other hand....
    I'm not a manicure gal either and much prefer sneakers to heels but I do love flowers and frilly tops :)

  37. Anne - Wow! I couldn't have said it better myself. What a great post. What else can I say...your posts just make me smile.

  38. Beautiful roses and styling.
    Yup, I'm with you about the contradictions thing. It keeps them guessing eh? Can't let them (hubby/partner) get bored now can we? :)
    Anne x

  39. Great post! love love love the jug of roses, so beautiful! I watched The Tourist last night on DVD with Jonny Depp, he was really good! ;)

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  40. My idea of getting dressed to go out is putting on eyeliner, lipstick, and a baseball cap. I've always been a bit of a tomboy, and I have always had more men/guy friends than girl friends ... too many complications with girls than guys.

    I'm a paradox ... I am a passionate gardener with a huge garden ... and I am also a carpenter with 25+ years of experience with a huge collection of power tools. Visitors to the garden ask if my husband built this, or that ... and I politely tell them that I built whatever-it-is.

    I was thrilled when my husband and I ended up with three daughters. We raised them to be their own people, with few restrictions on their choices, and they have grown into adults who are very different from eachother. I love the fact that girls can choose to be girly, or athletic, or tomboy, or whatever they want. Society isn't in a place right now where little boys can have this advantage.

  41. ... and don't EVEN get me started talking about my old pick-up truck!!! :)

  42. gorgeous gorgeous rose shots!! Yes...Oprah is WAY overrated!

  43. Hey sweetie, that's why you're so likeable!

    Lovely photos!

  44. What a lovely post, Anne. The rose colour is beautiful.


  45. I've gotcha girl! I'm an only child of a mom that was a model in the 1940's and a dad that wanted a son and took me hunting and fishing. I loved being with my dad. I was just asked out on a date and he named a restaurant I love but in the conversation he said "do you like to fish?" and I said "I haven't since I went with my dad" he said "would you like to go one afternoon?".... Guess where we're going Sunday? P.S. I like jeans and glitzy jewelry! Stop by again, Jennifer jennsthreegraces

  46. Hi Anne,
    LOVE this post, and your photo's are super!
    Enjoy the weekend,

  47. Beautiful stills and I love the way you describe being a girl!

  48. LOVE<LOVE<LOVE this post....and your photos!!! Read the whole post and love your choice of words and how you tell a story..and I have to say it....I so agree with you on the OPRAH thing if I never heard that name again I would be happy!!!!! xoxox

  49. OK when I get home this afternoon I am taking pictures of my one little rose bush which has a few roses blooming.
    You know I bet the rain storm last night broke them off
    well anyway your roses are beautiful

    mine are red

  50. Yummy post, Anne!
    And girl, you DO have
    that feminine side going
    on.....AND you are a strong
    and sweet person, too!
    So, I can see that Tom-boy
    little girl lurking in there, still!
    xx Suzanne
    PS: Don't forget our Maxim!

  51. awesome post! the words went straight to my "contradictory" heart! LOL :) your roses are gorgeous! I'm pininng them! Merci anne! :)

  52. They do make you wonderful - and you are.

    It is all of these differences that make the world such a special place.

    I hope you will join us for Pink Saturday. I am loving those gorgeous blooms in that enamel pitcher.

  53. I love being a girl, barefeet and all.
    I also love Johnny Depp, he is more than smoony...
    The roses are fantastic.
    Thanks for sharing.

  54. I can soooooo relate! I (today) am signing on the dotted line to become the proud owner of a home that is 190 years old, and I am doing this all by myself at the grand old age of 50. And while I am a little fearful of this huge change the thing that has me the most worried is running into a snake. When and if (I say that with great hope of never happening)I do encounter mr. snake I will be screaming and running and just plain loosing my mind for sure!!! That is the girl coming out in me without a single doubt!

  55. Anne Your photos are to die for beautiful!! Really! I grew up kicking around barefoot in the dirt, riding dirt bikes, playing softball but I also loved the makeup,getting my tan on in the summer wearing frilly dresses! I am an Oprah fan, but I really love HGTV!!!
    Great post!
    Have a fun weekend!
    Tammy :-)

  56. I love the way you put that! That's the beauty of being 'us':)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  57. Annie, I love been a woman too, specially this days. I don't know about been a pioneer woman. I can't live without my microwave and my reality shows. I forgive you about Oprah, hey, we can't please everybody. I was a tomboy too, this days is all about the bling for me. Cheers to all the fabulous women out there, we rock! Blessings, Marta.

  58. Wonderful blog! I am your newest follower. I love enamelware and your Girl Talk photos are stunning. I'm featuring a pink enamelware kettle on my post today. So glad to be blog friends now. Have a great weekend!

  59. Anne

    Your words + photos = perfection!!!

    love ya

  60. I'm completly agree with you

    sweet day

  61. LOL Anne! LOVED this post. Don't you think it's our quirks and contradictions that make us interesting?

    Have a wonderful weekend,

  62. Yeah ! You go girl ! I'm right there with ya !

  63. Those roses are heavenly! What variety are they?

  64. I agree Anne! I love that we can be girly girls and let that tom boy out when ever we want to!

    enjoy your weekend
    Hugs, Dolly

  65. Gorgeous images Anne...and thanks for the Stevie Nicks song in my head!

  66. Anne! This set is absolutely beautiful!! Some of your best work I'll say. You have got the eye!! Your photos here are really doing a good job at convincing me to go for a Nikon when I buy my DSLR! Did you know Nikon makes lens' for space telescopes? Before I had kids & when I worked as an esthetician, I was seriously addicted to makeup. I would do makeup for a bridal party on Saturdays.. then take all my tip money straight to Nordstrom. :/ Now I am lucky if I am able to take advantage of a couple Clinique GWP (gift with purchases) a year. Less is more for me now.. I certainly have no need for 12 lipsticks anymore, lol.

    Beautiful roses!
    Lara :)

  67. Anonymous20 May, 2011

    psssst......I'm not an Oprah girl either, nor a soap watcher, my fondest memories are going to Beaver Lumber with my Dad. I loved the smell of all the different kinds of wood and weird and wonderful tools. Not that I built anything with him, I'd be too busy taking my bike, lunch, and my 2 best friends and heading for the river to explore. But don't show me a spider or I let out a blood curdling scream. Just like a horror movie. I love your rose pictures, so beautiful, I can almost catch their scent. 3-4 of my rose bushes died this winter, which is sad, but now I get to have fun finding new ones to replace them. Thanks for a beautiful post. Patty/BC

  68. I so agree with you, being a girl rocks! I have to tell you your photos are simply beautiful and breathtaking. You are very talented my dear.

  69. hi, I'm visiting over from Pink Saturday where I'm a guest today. I love your pink roses, just lovely in the container. Beautiful photographs so that makes your a great photographer! I like your description of yourself, I could use it to describe me too. Happy Pink Saturday......

    The French Hutch

  70. What gorgeous flowers! Simple perfect presentation. This was such an awesome post. Happy Pink Saturday. Grace

  71. Anonymous20 May, 2011

    Hi Little Anne! What a lovely post and thank you for your girly words too! We lived in Waco for 10 years! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  72. I so agree with you!! I grew up the only sister with four brothers. I was a total tomboy too! Happy Pink Saturday. Your roses are absolutely gorgeous!!

  73. My sentiments exactly!! I love being a girl too and LOVE pink roses. Thanks for a beautiful post!
    Happy Pink Saturday

  74. Your flowers are gorgeous! Very pretty photography! I have a lot in common with you, about TV shows and Zumba and I was a tomboy too but, love girly things! Especially these pink roses.:)

  75. Anne you're too funny! I adore French Body Pitchers and most of mine are White like the lovely one you photographed today. I too Love being a Gal... our stuff is so much more fun and interesting IMO. *winks*

    I'm going to a Baby Shower this weekend for my Niece and thank God she's having a Girl because they're so much more fun to shop for! Her big Sis had a Baby Boy just a month ago and it was so sad because I found shopping for him BORING... no cool Boy stuff for the lil fellas... *le sigh* so he got a lot of stuff he needed but we just weren't that "into" shopping for it... now his unborn Cousin... shopping for her ROCKED!!! *WINKS*

    Blessings from the AZ Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  76. I love all your rose pics! And what a find for a vase! Lovely post as well.

  77. Anonymous20 May, 2011

    Love the pics of the roses in the white pitcher.
    Visiting from Pink saturday.


  78. Very beautiful photos! Love the pink :-).

  79. Love your story, love your photos! Happy Pink Saturday. ~Marti

  80. Holy Moley- What Spectacular photos- they need to be printed into note cards!!!!
    I loved your post- loved tadpoles and i'm a'scared of wasps and hornets- but feel terrible when I "get rid" of them! Did you know that wasps symbolize the need for order (hahhaa that is why I keep seeing them!!!)according to native american lore- I googled it after having the third wasp in my house this spring- I was sure they were an omen...
    Well Anne, from one former tomboy to another- I most certainly LOVE being a girl too, and your pictures remind me of that fact!
    Please keep 'em coming!
    Hope you have a Happy Pink Saturday :)
    Sparkly Hugs,
    Tobi and the Pixies!
    PS I am having a giveaway - please come see!

  81. Hi Anne...How cute are you? I love your post today...I love your photos and your blog is soooo gorgeous!!
    Glad I found you! Happy Pink Saturday!
    xoxo Tami

  82. Music to my ears!, Anne. Be yourself ... You always present the dreamiest yet down to earth shares. So enjoy.
    The roses are breathtaking.

    Have a fabulous PS weekend,
    TTFN ~

  83. Happy Pink Saturday Anne Sweetie...
    So beautiful and soft your share today. The roses are absolutely exquisite and I really love them in the pitcher. Oh Anne, so feminine. I love it.

    I too was a bit of a tomboy as a child. I ran with the boys, ride my bike with the boys, and climbed trees every chance I got. I loved fishing as well. Those were the fun days, and the care free days weren't they?

    Have a wonderful weekend sweet friend. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  84. I love this post Anne! And I LOVE your photos too...especially that last one! Gosh, that is gorgeous. Did you do any processing to it? Thanks for sharing your pretty post at Photo Feature Friday :)

    hugs ♥ tricia

  85. Beautiful roses. Oddly enough, I was the little girl who always played with dolls, yet most of my childhood friends were boys. You know the sport playing boys who also carried their little matchbox cards to play with at the sandbox.

    Well, I was not born with a sports inclined bone in my body and I hated playing cars even when they bought an extra for me to play with, yet for some odd reason, other than my best friend and 1 or 2 other girls, I remember hanging out with little boys.

    Have a great weekend.

  86. Happy Pink Saturday
    A post with breathtaking beauty.

  87. Lovely post..Happy Pink Saturday...

  88. Enjoyed this post so it.
    I'm pretty sure there's a little leather and lace in all of us. :)

  89. Oh goodness Anne~ I absolutely LOVE this post!!! Your photography is SO gorgeous and your words just WONDERFUL! I love being a girl too! I love being able to get all prettied up for a night at the Opera in SF AND love knowing how to use all those big boy power tools and get a job done by myself! I have enjoyed following your blog along for some time now and am so happy you stopped by and shared at Feathered Nest Friday this week! Hope to see you again soon!! In the meantime- Go Girls! :)

  90. Love, love your post, and it is all so true (not to worry, I can't stand Oprah so your not along). The arrangement of roses is fab. Love that shade of pink, just makes me weak in the knees, yet I love anything rustic, and rusty, bears, deer, elk,forests full of pine trees, and pine cones. Nature is the best, bringing my soul as close as one can physically get to God on this earth, thankfully Jesus made it all possible to get to God, now I wait to cross that bridge someday, that He made for us to Heaven.
    Thank you for this lovely post.
    Happy PS

  91. This made me smile. What beautiful photos, what a fun story!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  92. Love the photos! Love the roses! Love your words! You are such an inspiration!
    Best Wishes and Blessings,

  93. Anne, I like your style. You put the contradictions of being female very well. I think a lot of us out here are like you. There was a time that I wanted to be a princess. The fact that I loved putting on a cowgirl outfit didn't seem silly at all. LOL

  94. I love your rose pictures, so bright and fresh looking.
    Have ever been in Europe, if not you should come here to see Royal surround. We finnish people do love Swedish royals, we think they are also our royals:) Princess Victoria is the best of all, she is so sweet and visited here last summer.

  95. Hi Anne, I thought I was the ONLY person on earth that didn't like Oprah or watch her. Wow, I am both amazed and glad to know there are others out there like me!! HA.
    Yep, being a chick is great and look at all the choices we have. I am a burkie kind of gal and I love it.
    Happy Pink Saturday partner, Char

  96. Cute post Anne I enjoyed catching up with you today.
    I had to laugh at the Oprah part because I have never watched her either and I thought there was something wrong with ME. lol
    Beautiful shots as always
    Hope your having a wonderful weekend

  97. Your words are so true and your photos gorgeous!! Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a wonderful pink and blue week!

  98. Just found your fabulous blog. What a great post - you've summed it up perfectly. I'm in France so luckily no Oprah:) These rose photos are gorgeous. I'm a new follwoer and will be back again soon.
    Bon week-end,

  99. Beautiful and well said. Karie

  100. What a lovely post...Not only the pictures but the sentiment also...I am Pinkim from TrulySimplyPink and I am your newest follower.

  101. I'm a lot like you or you are a lot like me~

  102. Lovely post Anne, both the words and the photos. Just beautiful!

  103. Hi Anne ~

    I'm so glad that you stopped by my blog to say hello and now I know yours. It's beautiful. I love your banner and of course your roses are divine!

    I'll be back and hope you will visit again soon.

    Ciao bella,

  104. I love your post, Anne! I think we are all a jumble of's what makes us interesting! Beautiful photos!

  105. okay Anne... I found myself humming "I Enjoy Being A Girl" from Rogers & Hammerstein's "Flower Drum Song"... circa 1961... way before your time.. but thanks for the stroll down memory lane! You're always a pleasure to visit! hugs. Dixie

  106. Hi Anne ~
    I just recently found your blog and am now following :)) I LOVE your photos!! They are absolutely beautiful!! Pink roses are my favorite. I too am a girly tomboy kinda girl :)) I spent my summer days playing baseball with the neighborhood boys in overalls and braids. Not much has changed (my favorite attire: my faded (but so soft) painting overalls and a pink shirt and my pink Adidas ball cap).... but I love dressing up in ruffles, lace, and an abundance of pearls!! Yep, being a girl definitely has advantages ;)

    And I am SO about needing comfy shoes.
    It's hard when one of your best friends is a gorgeous, long and lanky woman who "works it" to the max! No girlie girl, just a WOMAN! I find myself wanting to dress that way - but ... these 10 pounds are killing any hope! Well, that and the checkbook....LOL.
    That is the only thing about being a girl. Weight. It seems that if a man has an extra 10 - NO WORRIES! But a woman? GASP!
    A wasp is fine - just don't get me anywhere near a reptile - ANY kind - lizards absolutely scare me to death, and a snake? I would just keel over right there. OMG! Just scare me to DEATH!

    I think I need to find a barn so I can pile boxes somewhere for a few months and then "rediscover" them later. How cool would that be?
    :) Hugs! Karen

  108. This is my first time to your blog and I just love it. I so enjoyed reading your post for Pink Saturday! You are so right about our contradictions. Have a wonderful week.

    Hugs, LisaKay

  109. Oh how I love the combo of a little bit girlie and a little bit tomboy, it describes one of my granddaughters to a tee. Beautifully described Anne! Hey I just noticed your new watermark too, it's perfect for those lovely shots! xo ~Lili

  110. you are absolutely correct!!!! I love being a girl too! It's wonderful. :)

  111. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and those beautiful pictures. You are right, it is great to be a girl!
    Flowers, dresses, pink colors, lace, and so much more...
    Love, Claire


  112. Love your post! I have felt conflicted for the longest time about being a girl. I am a girly girl, was raised that way. Yet there are times I wish I was a man, for this reason. Male artists are able to pursue the profession much easier than women. We have husbands and children, households etc.. and if there is time left we do our art. A male artist works perhaps long hours day or night, he doesn't necessarily stop to take the cat to the vet etc.. I hope that doesn't sound bitter or anything, because I wouldn't trade being a mother for anything!


I'm all ears....

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