Thursday, June 16, 2011

New House Pics

Moving stinks.
No, seriously.

I mean, having a gorgeous new cottage to foof and primp
and shop for is beyond wonderful, don't get me wrong.

But the rest?
The packing, the unpacking,
the heat ( correction: the stifling heat ),
the scavenger hunt for basic household neccesities
lost in the move...that  is no fun whatsoever.

It is very slow going on the feathering-our-nest front,
but you're still going to get pictures, every step of the way.

Today, you're getting unedited, slightly blurry,
"oh well, they're better than nothing" images...

Hope you enjoy!

 Welcome to the foyer, the entry hallway,
the vestibule.

 Winnie checking out her new digs.
She's not too sure about this old house.
She hid under one of the beds for hours and hated me 
for several more.

Then she cautiously ventured out and became the
little intrepid explorer I know and love!

 The living room.
Nothing special right now, much work to be done yet.

 Pardon my Urban Outfitters
ruffle laundry bag draped on the sofa.
It looks totally contrived, like I draped it there for a photo op,
but I promise that's not the case.

 Another peek at my beloved Carol Hicks Bolton sofa, Babette.
Yes, she has a name. 
Of course she has a name! Just look at her.

Still have MANY smocked cotton panels
to hang in this room. That, and to replace the existing shades
with white wood blinds.

 My little corner of creativity,
and the Winster doing her explorer kitty thang

So that's it for now.
I still have to figure out what's going to be hung 
on the walls and where.

And oh yeah....where the toilet paper is, too!  ;-)

Have a wonderful Thursday!
{ it IS Thursday, right? I've lost track in this moving fog! }

I haven't had a spare moment to catch up on correspondence
or visit blogs, so please forgive me and bear with me.
Once normalcy returns, I'll be by to visit!


  1. Hi Anne, Your new digs looks fabulous already:) I know what you mean about moving but it is fun to open up the boxes and find just the right place for your things. I can't wait to see more. One more thing....Fifi came to visit me:) See my blog!!!!!You are right. She is wonderful!
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of thevintage vixens

  2. it's so fun seeing your new house Anne - I kind of like the relaxed with your keys and bag by the front door :)

    enjoy the day.
    Anne Marie

  3. I'm totally lovin' it. and look at you with those retro barrel chairs, they look perfect with Babette! You're doing great, moving in a little at a time is much easier than having stacked boxes for several weeks. Hope you found the TP. Give Winnie kisses for me. xoxo D

  4. Oooh, love the entry! You are doing a marvelous job!

  5. Good Morning, Anne,
    Thank you for taking time to snap some photos and for sharing them with us...such a busy time for you. It looks fabulous. ~Natalie

  6. Everything is looking lovely! That couch is to die for!

    Love your sweet little kitty!

  7. i'm moving in.

    just sayin'...

    oh. and i'll bring some t.p.

    ;-D xoxoxo

  8. Fabulous, Anne, fabulous! I love seeing how you are feathering your nest, and I look forward to more pics. You are a master at decorating, my dear, and the entry and living room say "Come on in and sit a spell!" Don't worry about getting back - nothin' much going on at my blog anyway!

  9. As long as you can find your's all good. Besides...isn't that what old Sears catalogs are for?

  10. It's so cute.... with your touches it will be fabulous....


  11. Girl, it's all gorgeous. Relaxed, comfortable living. And it's so YOU. I love seeing photos of your new farmhouse. I'm glad it's coming along...know it's tough to get through those boxes. Can't wait to see more
    Becky C

  12. Sweet girl, I feel your pain...I can't locate my shampoo or fizzy balls for my bath! They are a the detached garage...but that would mean going out there and crawling over Christmas decorations, tubs of stuff, and boxes and more bags...
    Come by and visit when the dust settles;)

  13. Love it.

    You might check for your blinds
    =) (no I don't work for them) I like them cause you can order to size....that way you don't have to shorten them yourself!

  14. Beautiful your new

  15. Loving Babette! It is looking good! Love the foyer. Can see so much of your personality in the house already. I agree, moving stinks! I dread my next move which hopefully will not be for quite a while! My last move nearly did me in because I downsized to a house less than half the size of my old home.

    ~ Tracy

  16. We moved to our new home 4 years ago after living in the last house 20. We only had 3 weeks to find a new home, in a different town and hour away and it was 2 days before Christmas! Talk about stress! Where it was stifling where you live, it was the dead of winter freezing the few days we moved. 4 years later, I STILL have boxes that are stacked up in my basement, unpacked. The thought is there to get down there and go through them but...what can I say....I am easily distracted. lol I want to tell you that your little cottage is looking so cute and I love that little "ouija board" looking throw mat by your front door! Have fun settling in!~Hugs, Patti

  17. Everything looks "perfect" in your pictures. I'm SO jealous of the house and your land but NOT your weather. Living in Southern CA has many drawbacks except one, the weather! Can't wait to see more pictures, and they didn't look blurry to me at all! Have fun decorating your new place.

    Take care, Sue

  18. So fun!!! I think some bamboo blinds would be nice in there...But I cant wait to see what you do...Yay!!!!

  19. Maybe white wash some bamboo blind just to see what that looks

  20. oh it looks wonderful!!! When you get a chance, share more about that piece in your entry... I love it! Keep cool :)

  21. Anne creativity reigns...even in the midst of unpacking. Some of our creative thoughts come while working and doing laundry....yep yep yep...something about thinking creative does make time pass you can hurry and get to the next project! Big smile. Love the pictures they are wonderful!!!!

  22. It's a great place...more, more, I want to see more!

  23. Moving really is one of the worst jobs, my friend. Your new house is beginning to look like a home under your watchful eye. Hope you find the TP! lol

  24. Babette has rather lovely curves. Very inviting, she seems to say come sit down and spend some time on me. I do hope you can do just that once in a while. After finding the toilet paper, perhaps....

  25. What a darling entry...and love the curves on Babette.

  26. It's looking pretty good to me. The worst of the process is behind you now. Enjoy fluffing!

  27. Wow, your house looks amazing already, can't wait to see what else you unpack. You have some beautiful pieces of furniture and gorgeous bits and bobs :)

    Good luck with the rest!

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  28. Hello Anne,
    I would say that your new digs are coming together nicely. Thanks so much for sharing all of the lovely photos of your new home. I especially love the shots of Winnie explore your new cottage. Have a wonderful day!
    Smiles, Paula

  29. It's going to be fabulous. Is that a vintage dental cabinet in the foyer? Love it.

    I hope you have really, really good air conditioning. I lived in Texas for awhile and I remember the oppressive heat.

  30. Anne, it is looking gorgeous!! LOVE Babette! Can't wait to see more! I hate moving too!

    My oldest cat stayed under my bed for two weeks after we moved! She was MOST unhappy! Finally, she crept out one day and we all did the happy dance!

    Lou Cinda :)

  31. I feel for you...moving in the heat is no fun. Once you are settled in somwhat, the fun will begin. I love what I am seeing though!


  32. looks great and I LOVE that green chair!!!
    Oh kitty, she will love the new place it just takes awhile for her to sniff it all, lol
    Take care and don't get overheated down there.

  33. oh, its perfect..and the sofa!!! you can tell its super soft!

  34. Oh sweet Anne......This too shall pass......Moving is always such an adventure. Since retiring my husband and I have remodeled and moved a number of times. Four I think....this is our last one though.

    Stay calm,


  35. Loved this post & your pics!
    I have lived in our place for almost 4 years and I am still at the tip of the iceberg on how I want to feather this place. Your cat looks so cute - inquisitive, but I can get used to this look! :) Nice to see your bloggin spot! I really like your green couch! I see Belle Blanc - I LOVE that book! I've prob. looked as it 300 times so far.
    Take care,

  36. it is looking mighty fine!! love that 9th street sign!! and so many other things too numerous to mention! Glad you're home!!


  37. OMG! It looks amazing already! Wow!

    I love that your cat is Winnie! Same here. :) My cat's full name was Winnie Bear, and over the years learned to respond more to Bear than Winnie, but oh well!

  38. Babette looks so comfy. Hard to find a couch that looks great and is great for napping also. I'm intrigued by that cabinet in the entryway. I can't decide if it's a wardrobe or a bar.

  39. It looks like home now and I know that you are happy to be there. Enjoy it and rest when ya can!

  40. It's so exciting seeing your new home. So happy for you , it's looks incredible. Just like I knew it would. Thanks so much for sharing, anxious to see more !

  41. Looking good Anne! Loving how you have everything set up and eager to see more!


  42. looks like you're en joying foof-ing and primp-ing ...
    I'm liking everything my little eye spies!

    wedding weekend here on this homefront ...
    watch for a dual post and pictures from parisienne and me ... (Monday)

  43. Hi Anne,
    I love that piece in your entry! Watch out...I'm only 4 hrs away and I know you guys up in the hill country leave your doors unlocked. ; ) My family sure does!
    I really feel for you moving in this heat. My pool water is so warm that I don't even want to get in it. Make sure you take some breaks and have a cold one!

  44. Oh Anne - I love your new home. Everything looks so pretty. It´ll be amazing when you´re done. That sofa is to die for. Can´t wait to see it all when finished.
    Wishing you a beautiful day
    xo Tina

  45. It already looks like "home". Happy settling in. :) Tammy

  46. I would love the chance to move, but maybe in a cooler time of the year! I love moving to a new house getting to change everything up! You get it all done sooner or later! Good luck!

  47. it's looking more and more like "home." no worries mon need to spend time feathering your nest. we'll all be here when you get around to it!~

  48. Everything is looking great so far Anne:-) thanks for giving us a little peak into your beautiful home. Don't worry about decorating too quickly, if you're like me, you'll have it all different in a couple years anyways...hahaha.


  49. Candid shots are the best! I love your little Winnie, she is acting exactly like a cat would when removed from her normal territory, she won't be mad long. :)

    I must say i simply ADORE that Chifferobe(sp?) in your Foyer!

    Good luck with finding your staples!

  50. So glad the hard part of moving is over for you and the fun part of settling in is beginning! Love that Winnie! xoxo ~Lili

  51. Keep up the good work's looking fabulous!

  52. yes dear girl... moving is a pain... but oh the rewards are many...

    love your style... can't wait to see more!!

    blessings. Dixie

  53. Annie Girl!

    Long time no Chat! You've been moving and I've been a busy bee with Shows....both participating and attending (Farm Chicks-you MUST come up for it some year!)

    Looks like the new house is coming together,,,,,,forget the TP,,,,,did you find the Coffee Pot? Or maybe that's just a Seattle gal asking!

    Miss you, hope all else is well! My little "crafting",,,,dare I say ART business is exploding....which is GREAT but keepin' me hopping!

    All the best in your transition! Love you to Pieces!

    Hugs and a Bus on the Cheek!

  54. Hey Lurd,
    It's me, I'm catching up & leaving a comment! The pad looks awesome. Where's my room? I guess I can throw a sheet on Babette. Love the Urban Outfitters laundry sack. Wish we had one here, they do have cool stuff. Your pictures from Rather Sweet are totally amazing! That one of the shaded sidewalk. Wow. Glad to see the worlds longest move is over. Now cool off & enjoy.

  55. Hi Anne, I am enjoying your pictures of your little house. I like the hardwood floors. You will get it the way you want it just take your time. There is no rush, but it is a little irriating when you can't find what you are looking for. I will be waiting for more pictures. Your Missouri Friend.

  56. For just moving in things are looking pretty darn good, I'd say. Babette is a beauty...Winnie seems to like her too :)

  57. Looking good, Anne ~ hang in there!!


  58. Hey, we have fog on So Cal. too. Love your house already. the floors are fab. Have a great Friday. Can't wait to see the house when it's done

  59. Let the fun begin!!! Well, Anne, it looks like you're having fun now and your home is looking great. LOVE the Mary statue on that pedestal! p.s. will you be getting your home blessed?

  60. oh anne, your cottage looks amazing. i love it. all the beautiful details. swoon!!!!

    have a wonderful weekend. i hope you get to relax a bit and enjoy your new home.

  61. Oh my goodness! Gorgeousness all around:). Enjoyed seeing your beautiful home! Big hugs:)

  62. Thinking of you....
    LOVE your creativity
    nook....Love it all!
    And you, of course : )
    xx Suzanne

  63. Anne, I sympathize with you in this heat, but you HAVE done a beautiful job. The house is warm and welcoming, especially the sofa with a name! Glad your kitty is acclimating too. Moving is a pain, but you will soon get back to normal and find some of your treasures in places you forgot you tucked them. I would have to make a store trip for the toilet paper!lol. blessings.

  64. Lookin good my sweet friend! I can feel the positive energy and new life in your home from here.
    Happy weekend to you.

  65. Anonymous17 June, 2011

    Deep breath. . . slowly exhale. . . you will make it through, I promise!!

    Yes, moving stinks!!

  66. anne, it's lovely! hope you are well!! xo susan

  67. Your home is looking lovely - so welcoming. I feel your pain - moving to Dubai is no picnic - its over 100F everyday now so it's either A/C or fainting! Our stuff will eventually arrive - it's on the slow boat somewhere, cooking in the shipping crate, and then the unpacking will begin for me. sigh.

  68. Anonymous17 June, 2011

    Oh how I love your photos of your new home..Can't wait to see the other rooms all decorated..Simply done but yet having a lot of character..Beautiful..

  69. Dear Anne, first, I hope all is well as I just read your latest post. Hopefully it is just the stress of the move. I've heard every move shortens your lifespan and I believe it!!

    LOVE your new home. The vestibule (isn't that just such a pretty word for entry?) is lovely with its beadboard and bull's eye corner moldings. I especially <3 the stenciled floor mat!! I'm all about the details!! Can't wait to see more.

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  70. I already love it! It seems so perfectly suited to your things!

  71. Hey sweetie, I'm just catching up on my favorite blogs after a trip to Missouri. Your home is decorated so beautifully. I love how you pair the dark and light colors together for an elegant look.

    Thinking about you today.....

  72. Love and prayers and many blessings to you in whatever you are going through. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


    p.s. if it's any consolation, we are going through the move and an awful thing in our life ourselves. You're not alone, I'm agreeing with you in prayer for an answer to whatever you are seeking.

  73. OOOOOOh Anne, your home is lovely. Whar a retreat to come home to. I hope that you are able to get all of your fencing up soon so that you are all under one roof very soon... t. xoxooxxo


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