Friday, June 3, 2011

Styling Our Bedroom

Happy Friday!
Although this is technically my Sunday, as I have to work this weekend.

Anyway, wanted to share some recent acquisitions for the
new Twig household, the bedroom in particular.

So, I've had it in my head since we bought this house that
I wanted to hang smocked drapes in the master bedroom and living room.
But I could only locate them at Pottery Barn,
and I sure as shoot didn't want to pay PB prices.

World Market  to the rescue!

Excuse the gnarly iPhone pics.
These are also straight out of the package, sans ironing.

 We have 12 foot ceilings in the house, and the only logical place
in the master to place the bed is in front of this window.
I knew I wanted a drape with a bit of drama going on at the top.

 Not sure just how "dramatic" the smocking is,
but I know that I do love it so.
I also love that they were half what I would have paid at PB!

I have another idea for this space too,
tell me what you think...

You see the fabulous awning there at the top of the pic?
I was lucky enough to grab that from my friend Binky's 
adorable shop, Binky La Faye

picture this...

this gorgeous awning hanging over this space right here...

You like?
I think it will be stunning, now just to figure out how to hang it!
I do plan to hang it high enough to have the smocking still peeking out.

I also picked up some drawer hardware for this piece...

That's my old Broyhill dresser from the early 90s.
We all have one of those type pieces, don't we?
I didn't want to paint it yet, but I did want to foof it up a bit, so I picked up
these knobs from, once again, the marvelous World Market...

They are so super affordable,
I was pleasantly surprised at the price.

I also got these knobs for a different piece of furniture...

This pic is actually from the Anthro site,
I had lusted after these knobs for years!
{ wait...that didn't sound right. at ALL. }

So I was beyond thrilled to find that World Market
had the exact same ones 
at a fraction of the price. Score!

To finish up, I ordered a pair of these dreamy waterfall shams from
Urban Outfitters just this week...

My poor husband!
Not a manly accoutrement in sight!
Good thing he loves me.  ;-)

That's it for now.
I'll be sure to post pics once we get it all pulled together...
whenever that finally is!

Happy Friday!

signing off my usual way these days:

Are y'all STILL having trouble leaving comments in blogger?
Try this:
when you are logging in to blogger, uncheck the little box that says "stay signed in".
Most folks find that this does the trick!

I am way behind on correspondence and blog visits, I'm sorry!
I hope to get back with and visit you all soon!!!


  1. I like the awning very much. Different and refreshing, A++++ on the bedding

  2. i love those much that after I bought two for the living room, I went back...five more...what can I say!!! hahaa, I thing that awenig ( or however you spell it) is going to be perfect!!!!!!

  3. I'm loving your new smocked drapes!
    I also have my eye on an awning at our local antique store. I love love the idea!
    So fun!
    Can't wait to see it all pulled together!
    Have a great weekend!

  4. Love the curtains and yes the awning would be too adorable do it do it!!!
    OOOOO, i love the UO set but with all the controversy surrounding them right now, I will stay away for awhile.

  5. Love the curtain and the awning is perfect:) You will figure out how to hang it... no doubt about that!

    Enjoy your weekend my friend, HUGS!

  6. But, But...wont the awning cover that gorgeous smocking?? (just saying)

  7. it's going to be just lovely...sigh

  8. OH this room is going to be the beautiful smocking and the awning is PERFECT...
    Don't you just love how changing the jewelry on furniture changes the whole piece? Hope your weekend goes well, even at work! XO

  9. I just edited the post...can't have the smocking hidden, I agree!
    Although I have 6 more of these panels in the living room, too. :-)


  10. Finally able to post a comment thanks to your little trick - thanks so much.
    LOVE what you are doing with this room, can't wait to see the finished product

  11. I've been wanting those smocked sheers for a while now, but there's no World Market near here. That awning would be sweet and so unique!

    You've got a knack for making things look lovely and inviting. But I have to say that my hubby, though he loves me, would never, ever, ever go for this. Once all the kids are gone I plan to make at least one room white and frilly, but by then it will probably be out of style. Story of my life...

    Take care and try to enjoy what you can of the weekend.

  12. Hi Anne! The smocked curtains are lovey and I adore the awning piece!!! It will look fabulous!! I can't wait to see you room when it's finished!

  13. I sneaked a peek at the World Market website - wow, those are pretty cool prices! Wish we had them in the UK :o(

    Your bedroom is going to look absolutely beautiful. I'm sure the lovely Mr Twig accepts that the bedroom is the domain of the 'laydees'. He can model the shed, right? Or maybe just a shelf in the shed.......!

    I know you're working but have a great weekend anyway (saving lives, gulp!).


  14. I love the smocking on the curtains. I also think that the awning would look great and you already answered the first thing that came to mind which was "don't hide the smocking." I am now inspired to go directly to World Market and see what I have been missing. I enjoyed my visit with you as always.

  15. Oh yea, LOVE IT!!! I'm painting a bench outside today, come help me, we'll jump in the pool! xoxox D (hey, you get an extra "X" today!)

  16. Everything is so gorgeous and I just completely laughed out loud at your comment of not a manly accoutrement in sight. My darling hubby lives around cherubs and lavender and never once does he complain...even since his favorite pillow just got a linen cherub pillowcover:) Gotta love them!!!

  17. Love those smocked curtains! What a deal on them too! Thanks again for the FYI on the leaving comment dilemma! Mine has been working just fine since you mentioned it the other day! I am trying to pass it on to others. Don't work too hard this weekend!~Hugs, Patti

  18. Anonymous03 June, 2011

    I love the awning, and it will look fabulous over the drapes!!!

    Awww come on. . . I think you should paint the dresser. ;0)

    Paint it. . . paint it. . . paint it!!! :0)

  19. i want the pillow shams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE!!!

    i'm going to stalk your postman and nab the box...


  20. Hi Anne,
    I love your smocked curtains, they look perfect and I can just imagaine the awning placed at the top. Your bedroom is shaping up. Love those pretty knobs too.


  21. p.s.
    those curtains are GORGEOUS!!! i forgot to say that...


  22. they've closed all the world markets around here. lucky dog! great curtain. i know our poor honey's...they are just outta luck with all the ruffles and lace;) happy weekend.

  23. I think your window treatment will be gorgeous!!! I love the smocked curtains...
    Have a beautiful week end!!!

  24. Awesome smocked drapes and knobs you scored, Anne. And that cool awning will certainly provide the drama - just make sure it's not 'fall on your bed in the middle of the night' drama!
    Your bedroom's coming along great. I've got a master re-do going on now, too, and would love those waterfall shams. Oh, if only my hubby were as obliging as yours! :)
    Your giveaway package was mailed Wednesday. Hope it arrives soon!
    - Susan

  25. Hi Anne,

    I think the look is awesome, but you shouldn't rule out your local "Hobby Lobby" as they carry a lot of those types of knobs, too, and when they have their 50% moments you'll only pay $1-$2 each. Check em out, if you haven't already.


  26. There is a killer old awning in my store right now. I've had my eye on it for the past month trying to think of a place I could put it in my house. Can't wait to see yours when its in place!

    Take care, Sue

  27. Hi Anne, I love the smocked drapes. How nice to have 12 foot ceilings. Have a nice weekend. sandi

  28. curtain, awning, knobs, pillows, score, score, score, score! I love it all. My husband sleeps in a girlie space too! haha

  29. I knew just where the awning would look perfect, even before I read your post!!! LOVE that idea. And those smocked curtains are so pretty. I didn't know WMarket had those....I feel a trip to Plano coming on......(we don't have one in McKinney!).

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  30. The awning will be fabulous and just belongs in your house! Debbie at Debbiedoos did an awning type thing over her bed with a window frame. Very cute. You will have to check it out. Those waterfalls shams are yummy!!! I have to get my tail in gear and make my house a home. Bits and pieces are done all over but it doesn't seem like any one room is complete. I am loving watching you get yours ready! It is dreamy!

  31. It all sounds fabulous my darling, can't wait to see it all.~Cheers Kim

  32. I just bought a coupla awnings to take to W&T's. Sure hope someone sees this post and can't live without 'em!
    Poor Mr.'ll just have to sew lace on his underwear like I did Cat Daddy's.
    I'm so excited for you. You're gonna be working that "eye" of yours full time.

  33. P.S. I'm a fool for smocking. Reminds me of a little girl's dress!

  34. WOW, I love the dreamy waterfall pillow shams. Smiles, Paula

  35. love the awning idea!!

    I just received the ruffled shower curtain from I might just need the shams too!

    Me likey!!


  36. My friend owns a drapery workroom and I've actually worked on a set of custom smocked drapes! I think we figured we had stitched 900 of those "smocking" tacks.

    I love them on your bedroom window but I will mention that they shouldn't appear stretched out. You might need one more panel on that window. The smocking should appear relaxed and not stretched. I hope I'm explaining this correctly.

  37. I can't wait to see how this turns out...very clever, Anne.

  38. Hi Anne, those curtains are super beautiful and I know that room will look amazing. Thank goodness for husbands that let us decorate :)

  39. I was just wondering how your hubby deals with all the Good to know he loves you enough to let it go...perhaps he's in tune with his feminine Everything looks beautiful!


  40. I just love the world market!! You can find the best items there for such great prices. I love your drawer hardware, especially the blue rose! I compromise and keep our decorating a little more traditional so my hubby will be comfortable. I do however have a two girly rooms! The guest room and the loft upstairs!

  41. It's already a
    gorgeous room
    and these additions
    will make it sing!
    My daughter has
    those Anthro knobs
    in yellow on a
    couple of drawers
    in her room....
    Our W Mkt closed,
    xx Suzanne

  42. I think I'm officially in love with all your choices. I've never seen curtains like those and they are fabulous. I'm putting the pillow cases on my wish list though I'm sure that my hubby won't appreciate them at all ;o)


  43. LOVE the smocked sheers, I think I would have hung 2 panels. I LOVE,Love,love the idea of the awning. I would paint it something a bit colorful, but understated. Maybe a pale blue or lavender. Then I would look for (since your love the hunt) for chandelier pieces to hang off the awning. OR just pretty large beads. I am not big on those pillow shams, but that is me. Again I am thinking some color. It would be a lot of work, but You could tape off the edges of each ruffle, just about an inch maybe and use fabric spray dye. Again nothing heavy, light blue or lavender or even green. perhaps even a much lighter hue of the same shade of those flower knobs.

    The awning is such a cool idea!

    12' ceilings watch your heat bill. :) Good thing it isn't here in the NE, LOL

    Does the world market have an online store?


  44. Must find a World Market around these parts! Oh those smocked curtains, ruffled shams and gorgeous knobs would make me have sweet dreams at night. Your plan to add the vintage awning is so exciting, I just love fun little elements like that! xoxo ~Lili

  45. Anonymous04 June, 2011

    Yes,I have not been able to leave comments so I'm going to try your suggestions. hope this works.

  46. Oh, I just love that smocked curtain! It reminds me of a darling smocked white bishop dress my daughter has. :-) I think the awning above it would just be the perfect addition and I can't wait to see it! Thanks so much for sharing this with us at Inspiration Friday this week!

  47. You always come up with the most creative ideas, Anne! Luv it! We have 12 foot ceilings, too, and they sure make our smallish rooms feel more roomy. Can hardly wait to see that sweet awning up! :)

    xoxo laurie

  48. Those drapes are gorgeous, and the knobs are beautiful,, they will look great on your dresser which I love too, the awing will look so chic above your bed... and those pillow shams,,, are to die for..... I love World Market,,but the one here closed,,, boooo,, I miss it.... have a great weekend..


  49. Anonymous04 June, 2011

    amazing ideas espcially with the hood over the window. Love those smocked curtains, wonder where you could get those in australia?

  50. Love the smocked curtains, so feminine and lovely. I could only get away with that in my art room ( it's very feminine). Love the awning idea too. Hugs!

  51. Hi Anne,

    I hope you are having a good weekend. I hear TX is getting some hot weather over there! Those smocked panels look great & I certainly can not tell the difference between those & the PB ones. I have those same crystal pulls from World Market. I think your awning will add great interest over the panels! I have finally decided (after months!) what type of white panels I'm going to put in - the ones with the tab tie things at the top; I think those take the cake for the look I'm trying to go for: French Country meets Farmhouse, meets Atlanta Bartlett style. :) Those shams sure are pretty! Enjoy your new stash of stuff!

    Big Hugs,


  52. Love, LOVE it, and YES on the awning! It will be gorgeous! Love your drapes! I got Urban Outfitter's white ruffle shower curtain... I love it and it was a bit lower priced than Anthro, but still SOOO expensive. Anyway, we have to have what we HAVE to have! :)


  53. Hi Fiona~ I love the idea of the awning~ it's so charming and I think it would be perfect above your bed! I love your smocked panels and ruffled pillows too~ thanks for sharing at this party this week! :)

  54. Sorry about the typo Anne!!! Aye... I forgot to tell you also that I have seen the flower knobs at Ross (do you have Ross there?) and they also had robe hooks that matched :) Hugs, Courtney

  55. You have such sweet style.. and you always make me wish I was from the south with your decor!!

  56. Love world Mkt. Anne.
    Curtains are perfect...Have some lemon Bars baking from there now!
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  57. It looks like your just full of great ideas, Anne! I love that little awning. That would be the cutest thing over a twin bed, don't you think?! I LOVE those shams too. I was thinking of making something like that for my daughter's bed...if I ever finish the bedskirt that is. I can't wait to see all your great ideas pulled together :)

  58. I am so lovin' the waterfall ruffles, etc. on the bed! As soon as I get home, I am going to get on Urban Outfitters site and order some of those from my room! I am going to girlie in there! My DDH is probably looking down on me from heaven shaking his head. He let me decorate our many homes over the years, but I doubt he would have been enthused about ruffles, white, and girlie things. Oh well! It's just me now and I can do this.

  59. I love the smocking and the shams. You have such a great style~!

  60. ... a man lives in his wife's house ... just sayn'

  61. your poor husband? he'll love it is so comfy looking and if you are happy with it, then he'll be happy with it

    can't wait to see it all put together - and your awning idea is awesome! I have an old grammaphone thing I want to do the same idea with...

  62. The smocked curtain is great, I love World Market, too. and I think the awning would add cool drama!

  63. your smocking is FAB!!!


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