Monday, September 5, 2011

Baby Steps Back

I haven't wanted to pick up my camera
the past couple of weeks.
Taking pictures has been the last thing on my mind.
Go figure, huh?

And then I remembered....
it was my sweet mama who, those many months ago,
took such unbridled joy at being able to help me
purchase my exorbitantly expensive big girl camera.

Each time I've had my photos published,
she has beamed with joy.
She even has a little mini-shrine of sorts set up
in her tiny apartment, filled with copies of the magazines
my work has been featured in.

She has been so proud of me,
and has been such a huge part of everything I've been able
to accomplish .

these pictures I snapped today are for you.


“So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. 
Today’s trouble is enough for today.” { Matthew 6:34 }


  1. Sending prayers your way.

  2. I pray you find encouragement and hope in this post from the Sanctified Pearl.

  3. Anne- I have had you in my prayers especially the last two nights. Today I will take my turn with 24hr care for my parents both of them. God Bless you. Thanks for reminding me in this post how proud my mom is of my accomplishments as well.

  4. So beautiful. So touching. Prayers continue...

  5. God bless you in your time of pain and anguish. I send to you strength.

  6. I am sending much love and prayers your way Anne.

  7. Beautiful dear Anne! I know your Mama is so proud of your accomplishments AND proud of the beautiful sweetheart you are... inside and out! Love you bunches and keeping the prayer wheels turning!

  8. Hi sweet Anne.....I've been following you and your dear mama during this trial. You are so very wise is staying in the present dear lady....enjoy each day as it comes.

    Prayers being sent your way.

    Hugs, hugs, hugs,


  9. Why of course ... she's proud ...
    ...and now courageous!

    carry on ... she would whisper, proudly

  10. This is precious, Anne, with a sweet love for your dear Mama and trust in your Savior. He is indeed your comfort and strength, and you witness this with your skills with your camera.

    You do your Mama proud!

  11. I've got a lump in my throat reading your posts, and I think of my mom who was such a big part of my life, my best customer, my best friend.

    Lovely photos, as always.

    I'm keeping you and your mom in my prayers.

  12. Beautiful post and beautiful photos for your mom.

    Have been thinking of you both.


  13. Sending you positive thoughts and prayers.

  14. Anne-Sometimes it is hard to see our way out of "feelings". I am saying a prayer for you this morning and hope that tomorrow's sun shines just a bit brighter and the winds of peace lift you and fill your spirit with new-found hope and joy~ xo Diana

  15. I am lighting a candle and saying prayers for your sweet mamma tonight and i am sending hugs and love to you sweet one i know its not an easy road you are traveling on,
    Blessings to you xxxx

  16. I'm so sorry about your mom's illness. I'm sorry for you too because of the worry and stress and sadness you feel. May God be very dear and precious to you in these days and may you know His heart. He loves you both more than you can ever know!

  17. You and your mom are in my prayers all day long. xxoo...xxoo

  18. Anne, I am praying that God keeps you strong and your precious Mother comforted. He loves you both.

  19. Sweet and precious photos and post. Those times I've talked to your mom I could hear in her voice how much she loves you. talk soon, xoxo D

  20. One second, one minute, one hour, one day....whatever you can get thru. It will be enough. Cry, scream, get angry, throw yourself across your bed and sob if you need to, Anne. Your emotions, fear and grief are consuming your energy right now. Please rest and know that you are the light of her life...I'm sure you are her greatest comfort.

    This quote really helped me when my son was ill-
    " I am not a hero if I deny myself rest. I am only tired."

    You are a wonderful, loving daughter. But you must leave
    the hospital, rest, laugh, get your camera in your hands, and eat! You're a hero for many reasons, Anne. But
    even heroes have to take off their capes for wash day. ; )

    Please ask for help if you need it, and take the help that is
    offered. It's there for you.

    Know that you and your Mama are surrounded by love and prayers.
    You've got this, sweetie. You might not know it right now,
    but you do. : )

    Hugs and praying for you all,


  21. My heart cries out...praying here in Santa Barbara....
    ~He shall cover thee with His feathers and under His wings shalt thou trust: His truth shall be thy shield and buckler.~Psalms 91:4

  22. Mom knew you had it in you to make it! Be healed in Jesus, andrea @ townandprairie

  23. Such beautiful photos filled with so much meaning, Anne. I'm sure your Mama will appreciate them and enjoy seeing them. Maybe you could print one of them off for her to keep by her bedside... p.s. you and your Mom have been in my thoughts and prayers

  24. Such overwhelming beauty, tranquility and grace, found in a simple picture of a Bible and Rosary beads. They speak volumes, as does your heart, Anne. I am continuously praying for you and your Mama.

  25. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful pictures.

  26. Praying for you, your Mom, your family and you Mom's care givers.
    - Joy

  27. When we are young we never think of life without our moms until life brings us to adulthood.. we then start to think of life without our mom.. I'll be celebrating my moms birthday this week.. with a prayer sent out to her in heaven.
    Moms are special and you have been blessed, as we all have been.
    As much as we would like to stop the circle of life from turning, it just can not be.
    Sending good vibes your way.

  28. Thinking of you today Anne.

    hugs and prayers.


  29. Annie,

    Sending love and prayers for you and your sweet mother.

    Your Friend,

  30. Anne, what a wonderful, loving daughter you are.

  31. Beautiful photos. Prayers and hugs to you!

  32. May god wrap his loving arms around you both and comfort you during this time of uncertainty ~ continuing to keep you in my prayers.


  33. This is my favorite post of yours ever...and love these photos.

  34. Anne I am so sorry and yes, your Mother loved you so much, and would want you to find beauty with your camera all the time!


    Art by Karena

  35. A friend sent me these lovely words when my mom was ill. . . "what a heart once knows, it will never forget." It brought me great comfort. Hope it encourages you as well.


  36. Anne ~ sending prayers your way. The bible verse is my motto for living for we can do nothing about yesterday and we can do nothing about tomorrrow ~ we can only live for him today ;-)

  37. so very touching....continued prayers for your "mama."

  38. Oh dear Anne, I've been away and did not know. Prayers are being sent your way and will continue.

  39. Anne, I am sending you hugs and prayers. I would give you hugs in person only if I lived closer. I cried for you because I know what you are going through. Being a primary caregiver of two people, I know how you feel. We lost his mother to stomach cancer, because ofher being almost 100 years old they thought the surgery would be to much. Then it is really hard when it is a spouse and you are making decisions for another's life. God listens it may not seem that way, but he only gives us what we can handle along with the strength to see us through. You can cry. It helps to releive the stress that builds. You second guess yourself, but all the prayers will help you in many ways. Take care and do get some rest. We will be here for you. Your Missouri Friend.

  40. Oh Anne, I just read your last post and am so sorry for what you are all going through right now...such a hard part of life. Your mother is blessed to have you with her, and would want you to take care of yourself, too. I will pray for peace and comfort...XO

  41. praying and praying for you.

  42. Anne -
    Simply beautiful and a very nice tribute. I will continue to pray for your mother.
    Connie (akaLOU)

  43. Dearest Anne,

    Your most exquisite post.
    To create a page of such beauty, simplicity and tranquility in the midst of these tumultuous events in your life just takes my breath away!

    May you and your Mother be granted peaceful slumber each night so you can face the challenges that each day brings with renewed strength. You both already possess the courage to do so.

    Remember the Christopher Robin quote?
    "Promise me you'll always remember you're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think"

    You inspire me every day.
    God bless you and your dear Mama, take heart, don't fret sweetheart.

    Sending love from Australia, Michelle x

  44. So very sorry Anne. I wish I had words that would take the pain away ~ remembering my journey down this path with my own sweet mother and praying that God will hold you all in his embrace.

  45. Sending you both prayers for peace and comfort, Susanne.

  46. Anne,

    I just found out last Wednesday that my Dad has inoperable cancer, as well. I think the first thing that hit me, was I will be an orphan, which I think you can be even though I am in my 50's.

    It is his fervent wish to die at home, so my siblings and I have much to learn and address these next few weeks.

    I had time to sit down at computer this morning as I was checking out hospice care.......strength to both of us.


  47. ...continued prayers for strength, courage, and peace for both you and your mama. (and family).
    God knows all your trials, fears, anxiety, anger, every one of your thoughts before you think them. He knows where you are, and is there with you. i am in thought and prayer. when you don't have an ounce of strength left and from no where it is because we are praying for you. i am not Catholic, and don't totally know the meaning of the lit candle..but know it is done. in todays prayer i am lighting a candle for you, as another said she had done.
    with fondest of thought, Tilda

  48. Your both constantly in my thoughts. Thinking of you, praying for you both and loving you.

  49. Your both constantly in my thoughts. Thinking of you, praying for you both and loving you.

  50. Beautiful pictures and tribute!

  51. Beautuful these pictures, and have a great message!
    Regards, Heidi

  52. Anne,
    So sorry about your mom. I am praying for your family. May the Lord be with all of you and bless you.
    Phil. 4:13

  53. I can just
    see that little
    shrine to her
    sweet Anne....
    she is rightfully
    proud and that
    love and pride
    will be with you,
    always. Continuing
    to send prayers and
    big 'ol hugs, too....
    xx Suzanne

  54. Oh Anne
    Cannot even begin to understand how you must be feeling, so sorry to read about your Mom. Prayers and lots of hugs coming your way.

  55. Absolutely beautiful...I'm proud of you too.

  56. Anne, I am just now catching up with my favorite blogs. I am so sorry to hear about your mom. You have probably heard that a hundred times already. I don't have a magic wand to fix anything (how I wish I did), only words of love. In this sweet blogosphere, there are so many amazing people out here who are so giving and supportive. On the hardest days, please know that. You have our love and support through all you and your mom are faced with. Don't worry about the photography, it will be there like an old friend when you are ready. Much love and prayers, Heidi

  57. Sweet Anne - I am praying that the Peace that transcends all understanding surrounds you, embraces you, and holds you close while you travel this path you have been set upon. Stay strong, Annie. Keep the faith, and keep looking up. God know exactly what you're going through and feels your pain and sadness. Sending you love and hugs, sweetie. ♥

    xoxo laurie

  58. Anne
    The thing that jumped out at me from the last shot was
    "Jesus, our refuge."
    I pray he is that for you and your Mama.
    Now get that camera out and find beauty you can share with her. The little things you know will make her smile.

  59. Anne, I just loved your post. And I also loved the bible verse you posted at the end. So true!
    Blessings and love to you and your family~

  60. Love the rosary (custom made?) and the book ~ healing and calming words. You know that she is SO proud of you!



  61. Your photos are beautiful as always. Please know you and your mama are always in my thoughts and prayers. Sending hugs.

  62. Those are some extraordinary comforting images you've captured dear Anne and I do believe your Mama couldn't be more proud of you-- and rightly so. Sending love and prayers your way. xoxo ~Lili

  63. sending lots of love and prayers your way.

  64. Praying for you and your mom. We lost my mother-in-law in July.

  65. Dearest Anne,

    That's right, lean on the Lord, he knows your troubles and heartache. Praise His holy name. My prayers are with you.

  66. This post is truely beautiful!
    The photos are very lovely...full of peace! Thank you for your blog, your photos and for YOU!

  67. I am so very sad to read your Momma has Ovarian Cancer.

    I will say a prayer for you all.

    I hate Ovarian Cancer and hate the fact that so many doctors get it wrong.

    Sending you a big fat hug through this tiny comment box.

    From Virginia
    (September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month--in case life has been to overwhelming to have heard)

  68. Oh Anne, you have given your sweet mama so much to be proud and thankful for....a wonderful, beautiful, giving, tender and talented daughter. God Bless...and I am still praying...

    Lou Cinda

  69. Anne! I sure your Mama is so proud of your accomplishments and proud of the beautiful work. Your photos are beautiful as always. And I also like to read the bible verse you posted at the end. So true.


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