Monday, January 16, 2012

On Any Given Week...

Oh dear, I've become one of "them"...

I seem to be a "once a week blogger" of late,
and there's that tiny little insecure voice inside of me,
the one I wrote about in my Artful Blogging Article,
which causes me to wonder if y'all will migrate to
greener pastures while I enjoy my slowed-down blogging pace.

I hope not, but I must say, I really have been enjoying
my non-blogging time of late. 
Just living life, and feeling better in general.

Less stressed.
More like the old Anne.

What is a week in the life of Anne Lorys like, you ask?
I sometimes forget that newer followers might not know
the specifics of my day to day life, so here's the skinny...

Any given week, I work roughly three 12 hour shifts
as a Respiratory Therapist in a hospital setting.
I work in pretty much all areas of the hospital,
critical care, emergency, peds, geriatrics, post-op...
it can be fast paced and all very much life or death,
or it can be routine and relatively uneventful.
As a seasoned RT, I prefer the latter. 
Definitely NOT an adrenaline junkie here!!!

As far as extra-curricular activities go,
while I loved having an antique mall booth
and an Etsy shop, neither turned out to be my "thing".
Photography did, so on any given week
on my days off, I seek out the beauty around me and attempt
to capture little snippets of ordinary life through my lens.

I haven't been doing as much of this of late,
and although I'd like to blame it all on the gloomy, overcast weather,
it's just a phase I'm going through. I find myself more drawn to my
Kindle and to prayer than my camera, so I'm just, quite literally,
following where the spirit leads.

On any given week, I am in bed and asleep by 9pm.
I am a reformed night owl who simply cannot get enough sleep, 
and I swear by what I call the  
anti-5 hour energy drink, iChill
I swear, this stuff is liquid sleep gold in a bottle!
It's safe, fabulous, and knocks me right out. I highly recommend it
over other sleep aids, so fellow insomniacs, give it a try!

On any given week, on my days off work,
I hit some of the shopping hot spots in my beautiful hometown,
or take a short jaunt just down the road to visit and shop
with my good friend Binky. It's a constant struggle to stay within
our budget though, because seriously people,
I live in a vintage shopping MECCA!

On any given week, I think about my beloved Mama
numerous times throughout the day.
I see her reflection in my mirror, I hear her words coming out
of my mouth, and I feel her presence with me always.
It's a sweet, sweet feeling.

I also, on any given week, pay my dad a few visits
at the rehab wing of the nursing home he's been confined to
since September. He's had 6 failed hip operations in just under 4 months,
and this youthful, employed 75 year old man has had his entire life
turned upside down since breaking his hip.

The silver lining has been a newfound closeness between me and my dad,
although we still struggle at times to understand each other
after a lifetime of semi-estrangement.

And on any given week,
my work schedule permitting, I attend Sunday Mass
at the beautiful St. Mary's church in Fredericksburg, Texas.

{ the interior of my church, via google images }

Not to get all preachy on y'all here, 
but my faith is the single most important aspect of my life,
and although I struggle and fail often to live it out properly,
it is what sustains me. 
I only pray that I honor God in some
small way via what I do here on this blog 
or through my photography. If I don't, then all of this is in vain....
fluff, nonsense, of no consequence.

On any given week,
I stop and give thanks for the opportunity to come into
all of your homes via this blog, and feel equally blessed to share
in your journeys as, time allowing, I pay visits to all of you. 
What was my life like before blogging?
I honestly can't remember! 

That's how deeply woven into the fiber of my being
this blogging experience has become the past two and a half years.
Isn't it amazing how much like family we all seem to become to each other?
Or is just me? Anyone? Bueller?

What's in store this next week?
More of everything that I've mentioned above,
as well as the opportunity to meet in person a local blogging
friend, Shannon of Rusty and Redone.
I can't wait, and I'm sure we'll get into some blog-worthy mischief!

Will I be back blogging before next week rolls around?
Hopefully yes, but if not, you now have some sort of idea
of what else occupies my time and my thoughts.

And you?
What does any given week hold for each of you?
Do tell!

all images taken in Warrenton
#1 taken here
#2 here
#3 and #5 here
#4 here
#6 google images
#7 here


  1. i think you have nothing to worry about.....everyone will stop by and visit you here on the blog even if your postings slow down! you have built up an amazing following!

    take care,


  2. So glad I can comment here. I'm having Blogger problems lately.
    Please do not apologize. You are definitely living life... and you are dealing with it. Blogging is not the commitment we think it is. It's not a job. And it's not a promise that we think it is. We will be here when things settle down a bit. I am a faithful follower and always will be.
    I lost my mother just over three years ago and I know what you going through. I lost my dad four months later. So glad you are getting back with your dad. He needs you.
    Take care. Saying a prayer for you today. It's all going to be okay.
    Ladybug Creek

  3. Well Anne, first of all this is a very profound and heartwarming post and I appreciate hearing it from you. I only wish that I could articulate as well as you do and could express my feelings about life and blogging. I know that as bloggers we all feel the same as you.

    Enjoy doing all those wonderful things this week and I look forward to my next visit.


  4. Couldn't agree more. Love blogging and visiting all those inspirational blogs out there but I have cut back at time spent on the computer.
    Need to make a living and there is another life out there, pics to take and nature to enjoy.
    Have a great week doing lots of special things.

  5. No greener pastures for me. I enjoy reading your lovely blog no matter whether you post once a week or once a month.

    As for your talents, I can attest that you've used them to their fullest, and I know God is proud of how you've used these gifts. By the way, your church is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing the photo.

    I'm keeping your dad in my prayers--praying for a solution so he can get back on his feet and feel like himself again.

    Have a wonderful week!

  6. Blogging is about life, our lives, and this one paints such a vivid picture of YOUR life. It's always a good day when a new post from you pops up on my blog roll ... no matter how long it's been since the last one.

    Have a great week!

  7. Daily visits will become eagerly anticipated ones, so don't worry.

    I'm embarrassed to say I'm still clearing up from Christmas. Today is the first time I've had an empty house and no appointments. I look around and think 'where do I start?'. xx

  8. May I say OUT LOUD that I wait in impatient anticipation for your next blog each week??
    Okay, so shoot me. It has been AND ALWAYS WILL BE my favorite blog...
    I love your stunning photographs, your refreshing honesty, and above all, our dear friendship which means everything to me.
    There is only one Anne Lorys (thank God) and I think you're definitely worth the wait each week (s). :)
    Huge hugs to you, my wonderful friend~ Lisa

  9. Hi there dear Anne, I am happy to see you whenever you post:) I remember when I worked, I know it is hard to do it all! Having been retired for 10 years, I have much more time now to blog, read blogs etc! BUT... it CAN take away from lots of other LIFE things! I am trying to limit my time to first thing in the morning and last thing at night! Like a good morning to all of my friends and goodnight:) Have a blessed day, I pray that your Dad gets all healed and that he finds his former self! HUGS!

  10. i too wait patiently for you to post...but whether it's a day or a week or a month...i will still be checking it out.
    live your life passes way too quickly !

  11. Anne,
    What a wonderful post...wish I could express myself as well as you did. It's so nice to hear about another blog friends life with God..thank you for sharing that with us. When I read some blogs, I find it strange that they never bring this up (been reading some for over 2 years now) and there life seems to be without him, so I do pray for them, that they find him and live thru him and worship him. Take care my fiend:)


  12. Thank you for bringing to light that many of your fellow Bloggers do find themselves slowing down.
    My inner clock has needed some winding or new batteries of late, maybe its the weather or time of year, but it's nice to know that I'm not alone.
    I do find your Blog to be one of the most ispiring and gorgeous....and to think your just up the road in one of my favorite towns!
    Enjoy, relax and with time and of course the nudging of your followers....we will always be checking in to see what your up to.
    Thank You

  13. Enjoying your beautiful pictures! I found you through "Artful Blogging."

  14. I don't say to myself every day 'dang it, Anne didn't post today' and I don't blame you for leaving me hanging without sharing your lovely photos or thoughts. I believe that blogging is about sharing whatever is on your mind at any given time. You make it sound like bloggers who only post once a week (or less) are less than worthy of a visit. I guess I am one of 'them'. Never fear Anne, I'll come see you and read what you have to say whenever you care to post. And I hope that my loyal readers feel the same way about me.

  15. Hi Anne; you packed at least a weeks worth of posting into one post so no worries. Always look forward to visiting. You are taking care of yourself and that is so important. See you next time.

  16. Personally, I like reading blogs that have 'occasional' posts. There are so many beautiful & interesting blogs out there (this one included, of course!) that to read all of them, every day, would be impossible. However often you choose to post, I'll be reading.
    :-) Take care. xo -amy

  17. Oh Anne:)You are LIVING the beautiful life that God gave you and that is what is important:) I will always follow your blog, whenever you post. It is always enlightening and gorgeously photographed. I just said today that I have a blogging family. I love it. Be happy and know that we are always there for you:)
    ~Debra xxx

  18. I have (and will continue to) so enjoyed getting to know you these past couple of years, Anne, and as your faith and trust in God is leading you on His path for you, the beautiful woman you are is just blooming! He is using all of your experiences in your life to share with us, and I don't care how many times a week you blog, I just love to visit here with you, the real Anne. I am going through a blogging change, also, and I am not sure what I want to do, but I pray for guidance and I know He will answer. Anne, you are a blessing to me, to all of us who love to visit!

  19. On any given week, I am excited to see a new post by Anne Lory~ Yes, You.... it doesn't matter the Quantity, it is the Quality of your posts~ so not a worry Anne, if you post it, We will Come.... I hope & Pray your Dad will be finally on the mend. Do you think the 2 of you would be getting closer if he wasn't confined to the rehab center for so long, What is in God's Plan~ Have a Blessed & Beautiful week Anne

  20. Love the photos...I am slowing down the blogging pace a bit too.


  21. You life is full and I can hear the joy coming back Anne! Keep doing what you are doing in 'any given week' and blog when you feel like doing so. It's a happy day to see Fiona and Twig in my reader! Many hugs to you. XO Linda

  22. There's nothing wrong with taking some time for yourself.

    I love your photos. Keep them coming....whenever you can.

    Hope your dad is better soon. It must be very frustrating for all of you. I'm glad you're getting time to know each other better. God does move in mysterious ways.

  23. I enjoy your blog Anne because it is real. Life isn't always perfect for all of us, and we all struggle with different things. I remember right before my folks died, within five months of each other. With all the other things going on in my life, and that addition of their journey's, it was really tough. That was back in 2006 and 07 and I wasn't blogging then but I was running my own business which just added to the overload feeling. As you know, I'm self employed so you never have a day off. With over 75 dealers in my store, three grown kids, a son-in-law, a daughter-in-law, three grandkids and another on the way, one dog, seven cats, my life is full, very full! But I wouldn't trade it for anything. I think when I stop and read blogs like yours, it is a realization that hey, I'm not the only one out there going through life while trying so hard to juggle and keep all the balls up in the air. For me it helps me know that I'm not alone in this crazy world of ours!

    Take care, Sue

  24. Anne ~ your week sounds similar to mine. I work 40 hours per week at a law firm, take care of Mr. Vintage who is still recouping after surgery, take care of Chessie, try and get a project or two under my belt, and of late, we are looking for a house to downsize ~ I am in bed most nights by 8:30 - 9:00. Yes, my friend, your life sounds alot like mine and I can't forget I LOVE JUNKIN'

  25. Anne, I call it a success if I get one post a week! :) I will check in no matter how often you post....your photographs are beautiful....taking photos of the beauty around you is a wonderful way to Honour God, and you do it beautifully...

    Hope you have a Wonderful Week!

    Lou Cinda :)

  26. Hey friend, love hearing about your routines. And, have you had a chance to check out Carol's new shop yet? I can't wait to. I heard through several that's it's just beautiful. I've made plans to be there in February, hoping to see you too!

  27. So nice to hear from you! I am glad you are feeling better, feeling good-er, LOL!
    Wonderful photos :) #2 is my fav.
    I hope that someday you'll surprise me by visiting my blog now and again.

    I know our faiths are different. I hope that is not the obstacle. I hope you are aware that "Pagans"(witches) are not "devil-worshippers". As point of Fact, we do not believe there is a Devil, nor do we believe there is a Hell or a Heaven. There is a "Church of Satan" and it's followers are called "Satanists". Too many people still equate paganism with the devil, and that is NOT the Truth.

    The main belief is the same as every religion. The same as Jesus' one commandment...Love one another.

    I am VERY HAPPY for you that your faith has held up steadfast and strong.
    We all need something that gives us peace.

    How is everything else in your life going? The homes? the dog(s)-are they each settling back into life nicely?
    I think of you often.
    love n light,

  28. I feel the same as you about how blogging has woven its way into becoming part of you. It is such a great outlet for creativity. I don't think you need to justify the reasons on why how often or how less you feel like blogging. So many of us adore you no matter how often you blog. Your updates are always so inviting and welcoming! I think striking a good balance with blogging time, as well as with anything else you like to do is important to sort out. I blog once a week - that is what feels right, comfortable, and balanced to me. Do what feels best for you. Great photos - so clear & crisp! Lovely!

  29. I feel you are at peace and far more relaxed with life. Faith is sustaining. Joe and I are getting involved with our local church as we do not want to "sit and soak" in the pews for goodness sake. hugs♥O

  30. I must say I agree with "She Dreams Big". Being made to feel like an outcast because of how often one blogs?
    Really.....I'm sure you didn't mean it to sound like that (at least I hope not).
    I blog when I can, and I'm happy about I guess I'm one of "them".
    No apologies here......:).

  31. Hello friend. Always glad to see your posts, no matter when. I'm totally jealous of your photography and writing skills. It's a treat to read your blog! I, too, have taken some time for family and LIFE outside of blogging. I partly feel guilty, but then I have to stop and remind myself that blogging is my hobby, my (sorely needed) creative outlet (next to vintage jewelry making) and that it's ok to put other things first. Right now I have six happy kids playing in the snow in my back yard. Think I'll go join 'em.....Be well.


  32. Hi,You are still grieving,it will take time-I lost my mom six years ago of a brain tumor and I still think of her every day,I just want to call her{the last of her four sisters was buried last friday},what I have found is substitute mothers,I have lots of them because I do hair,the only thing is,I still go to several funerals because I have promised them all that I will do the hair for their funeral,and thats what I did this morning,it almost hurts as much as mother.I lunched today with the local Rebecca Chapter,all elderly,but,I love it,its been a busy day,and I am rather drained from crying this morning,but,Spirit gave me the strength to do it,it makes me a better woman.hugs,carol

  33. You have to live your life in order to have something to blog about, you know. I just stop by when I see you pop up on my sidebar. Once a day, once a week or just whenever the heck you feel like it works for me. BTW, I just got a Kindle for Christmas and I have been becoming addicted to it.

  34. Anne:

    A lovely post as always. It doesn't matter how often you write-I was hooked from the beginning and enjoy reading whatever you have to share.

    I am so looking forward to our day of junkin' fun!

  35. I'm one of "them" too but don't even get out there once a week - I keep thinking I need to but right now my mind seems to be as dried out as my post-menopausal body LOL My week holds five day a week work days right now - a few more years (less than 3 if I'm lucky and social security willing) until I can retire. Lots of fun things I'd like to do but have to pick the "funnest" due to lack of hours and energy. I'm off to check out iChill. Hugs!

  36. Eeks - no iChill for me! Melatonin makes me feel like I'm having a heart attack.

  37. Oh Anne...the part of you thinking about your Mom got to me. I see my Mom in the mirror so much more lately. Her hands are plunking away at these keys and thankfully I can still hear her voice in my head. Also the thought of her makes me smile.

  38. Hi Anne, I don't care whether you blog once a week, more often,or not. When you do I will pop over to see what you have been doing. I have certain blogs I read often. I don't always get to leave a comment. It depends on where I am at when I am reading or if blogger will be friendly or not. I am like you in some respect work 40+ hours a week, am the primary care giver of my hubby, and do embroidery work as a relaxation. Lately my embroidery work has require some extra time with some sold items. I take everyone of those I get. I have a set of pillowcases going to San Antonio, Texas. I enjoy looking at your pictures. When you go to your flea markets, I love seeing the pictures because most of the time they bring back some wonderful memories. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Just remember you need some "me" time which I get reminded of each time I am at the doctor's office. Hugs from Your Missouri Friend.

  39. oh my gosh Anne you have had a rough 2011. so most of us are grateful for any post from you ;).your photos are amazing so do what you love when it is your time to do it. i want to start a blog at somme point but i work 3/12s as well and in my mind its too much at this point.

  40. I am fairly new to your blog and have loved what I have read! I read a post somewhere recently about authenticity in blogging and how it makes for the best ones. And in the short time I have followed that is exactly what I have seen from you. Real, honest, and candid. That is so much more important that how often you post. God bless


  41. I love reading your posts- whenever you feel like posting Anne!!! :)

  42. I too had to simplify my blogging so I could enjoy it again. It is nice to do not HAVE to do. I even only feel a little guilty I had such a busy life I couldn't blog much this weekend ;)
    I enjoy your blog when ever you post!
    Hugs, Lisa

  43. I seem to be a "once a week" blogger as well. Works great for me! I love the inspiration blogs bring (your especially) and love to bring the inspiration into my home. But I am waaayyy too busy to do blogging all the time.
    You always seem like such a kind spirit, it is without a doubt that God is in your heart.
    Love your blog and especially your gorgeous photos!


  44. Oh, Anne. You don't have to apologize or worry that we won't be here for you, sweetie! We love you for who you are - and we've come to know you through your beautifully inspiring blog. You are, and always will be a blessing to the blogging community and we adore you! You are such an incredible role model to so many of us, do you know that? Sending you hugs and prayers for your dad. ♥ God bless you, my friend.

    xoox laurie

  45. Anne, you will have your followers regardless of how frequently you post. I say, live your life and let blogging be as much a part of that life as your spirit requires. I find that sometimes I just don't have the time, energy, or creativity to post something new. ~ Sarah

  46. So glad you are finding joy in the other aspects of your life and you are slowly bouncing back to your old self. Blogging isn't about deadlines and guilt, it's about sharing when you have the time, inclination and desire to. Lovely that you and your dad are reconnecting and have each other xo

  47. We are all still here for you Anne - I personally just wanted to give you a bit of space for healing. I feel like I know you just from following you for the past's been a real delight.

    I actually ordered the Artful Blogging online because you were in it. It sits happily on my coffee table and I literally think of you and your talent every day.

    Be well & hang in there!


  48. Anne I know what you are saying, this blog world is just like having another family. There are so many caring creative people in our blog world. Hugs to you! Florence

  49. You know you don't have to worry about how often you blog...we all have lives going on...sometimes you post more, other times less. I'm just happy to see you whenever. Sounds to me like you have your priorities in order and that's what's truly important! XO

  50. Anne, I didn't know you are a RT ... what a stressful job. I have so much respect for the medical community since I couldn't do that kind of work. Don't worry about me, I enjoy reading your blog and I like hearing how you are doing. I recently lost my mother so I know some of what you're going through. Take care & hugs, Anne

  51. Gorgeous pics!

    Have a fabulous week!

  52. The only change I'm making as a result of your post is to become an official follower so I don't miss any posts. (Before, I just "stalked" you.) As faith & prayer continue to stock the pantry of your heart and there will always be enough to share with others.

  53. anyone... Bueller... you make me laugh! I feel the same way Anne, blogging has changed my little life so much! I talked to a dear blogging friend on Sunday night, she called to see how I was doing since my oldest moved to GA. on Sunday morning. That is family, plain and simple! I will forever hold dear the friends and family that I have met through blogging. Your week sounds busy, busy. Mine although not the same kind of busy, seems to get the best of me sometimes, and prayer does the trick for me too.
    I will have to tell my son about IChill, he has trouble sleeping and maybe this will do the trick. Thanks!
    Have a wonderful week!

  54. Blogging without having life interrupt is like blogging with borrowed pictures, pretty to look at but no substance. I would like to say that life without mom gets easier, but it only gets different. Your post made me remember, the hardest thing for me was when I went to call my mom to ask her a question, wow. I am glad that you can be there for your dad and build your relationship with him. I hope you have a wonderful time meeting Shannon, I always delight in hearing when bloggers meet.

  55. I don't think you need to worry. A lot of us subscribe via a reader and we get your posts whenever they are posted.

  56. Thanks for the little tour, Anne... I've been reading your blog for well over a year, but it's still nice to kinda catch up. Your church is just amazing; if I'm ever visiting out your way, I'll definitely attend Mass there! Take care of you, we'll still be here, whether we hear from you once a week or once a month ;)

  57. It all sounds good, Anne. And, you are sharing your faith here on your blog. I can feel it in your words and your photos.♥

  58. ..we are family, Anne. You have made us family.
    My work this week? Shoveling the snow paths, as the snow finally comes to Michigan. With vengenance.
    And tackling papers and files for purging. And reading seed catalogs, in the belief that spring will come.
    in fondest. Tilda

  59. Once a day, week, month... I love your photos and blog. Feel better.

  60. Not to worry, your blog is worth the visit any old time!
    To do it for the joy it brings you is why you do it well and why you inspire!

  61. Beautifully written!

    Without FAITH, I would not be able to carry on in my life. The past 3 years have been hell on earth for me, but our Father has carried me along with his grace. I honor God for each prayer he has answered. I have learned to listen VERY closely when I hear his voice guiding me. The Holy Spirit has been there so much for me - I cannot even begin to tell you how many blessings have been given to me the past three years.

    My schedule is full, like yours. Being in two shops and selling antiques keeps this girl very busy.

    Thank you for your heart. God loves you and God Bless our sweet mothers as they wait for us to be with them again.


  62. Your church reminds me a bit of the Cathedral in Charleston , SC where my sons live. We are all in RCIA.

  63. As a new reader, it's nice to know more about you! Post once a week or once a month ... I'm not going anywhere. xo

  64. I love visiting you no matter how often you decide to post. You have to do what's right for you. I'm the same way lately, posting about once a week...sometimes twice if I'm feeling extra energetic. There's just too many things to do and not enough time to do them all. You're right though, the people you meet through blogging really do start to feel like a family :)


I'm all ears....

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