Friday, February 17, 2012

The Best Way to Spend a Thursday

I spent yesterday on a ladder.
On a ladder.
You have no idea what a big deal that is for me.
I don't like ladders, for the same reason I don't
like the idea of riding a horse.
It's not the ladder or the horse I don't like,
it's the idea of falling off of either
that I'm not crazy about.

I'm ridiculously clumsy and accident prone,
but I did it anyway.
I conquered a fear, and I did it because
I love the people who asked me to do so,
and they were so, so worth it.

I've been fortunate enough to be asked to help
in my own small way get my friend
all gussied up and glorious for this Saturday's
spectacular Magnolia Pearl fashion show
at Carol's divine new shop.

So why was I on the ladder?
I was filling hanging mason jars 
with dried beans and then placing candles
inside....lots and lots and lots of candles!

It's going to look beyond stunning once it all comes together....
heck, it already looks mind-blowingly gorgeous, 
and there is still much to be done.
I'll be headed back today to see what help I can offer,
and I can't wait to see what new talent I learn today!

To those who have asked, I will not be shooting photos
at this event...I'm strictly going as a guest.
But if you are extra patient, you will see this event 
in print sometime soon, as a most wonderful group of
photographers, chiefly Amy Scarborough,
will be shooting this for a wonderful publication
to be released in the future.
I can't spill more now, 'tis not my story to tell.
But, oh how happy I am to be a part of it all!

And it's because of the likes of
and everyone else associated with this store,
this show, and this wonderful, joyous collection
of artists and muses.
Your passion for what you do makes my heart sing!

The aforementioned group are not only the most talented folks
I've ever had the pleasure of knowing, they are
also the most genuinely kind and giving as well.
They not only make me want to be
a better artist via my photography,
but a better person as well.
Thank you my friends!

It's good to be me these days...
good friends, good times, endless inspiration.
I have no complaints,
only thanks for God's abundant blessings.

I hope to see you this Saturday....TOMORROW!

Magnolia Pearl's Fashion Imaginarium
Saturday, February 18th, 6pm
Carol Hicks Bolton Antiquites
Laboratoire de Design
301 S Lincoln
Fredericksburg, TX

Happy Weekend!

all photos taken at
Carol Hicks Bolton Antiquites
Laboratoire de Design


  1. Of course, dried beans and candles, we were all thinking that very same thing (not really of course). For all your help did they gift you with the NudeIn? Whats a NudeIn?

    (Can't you just snap a couple teaser photos for us to see, pretty please??)

  2. Oh my.....what more can I say (and I am NEVA speechless!)

    My daughter recently moved to Texas....hope to be spending more time there myself in the future when visiting her......

  3. my head is going to explode if you keep teasing us with this woman's picks ... she's a genius ..

    and I DO thank you ...teehee

  4. Anne~
    so happy for you.. It is fun to be surrounded with the things we love to do. I remember working for two different local scrapbook stores and loving it.. always excited for the next work day to get here. I would love what your doing right now.. Good for you.. Hugs and enjoy your weekend.

  5. Can't wait to hear and see all about it! xoxo

  6. I hope you guys have a great time! I would love to be there!


  7. Have a great weekend! Wish I lived closer...would be fun.

  8. I always end up pinning something from your posts! Lovin' those keys and the red book display!


    Don't forget to link up to my Linky Party "Cowgirl Up", Monday nights...

  9. I'm absolutely loving the weathered signs on the brick wall. So much delightful patina in this shop.

  10. Anne, it's hard to believe it's been a year since the fire. So much has happened this year. Wish I lived an hour closer to be able to attend Robin's party, and visit Carol's shop as often as you can. You lucky, lucky gal ! If you can't take pictures, then you'll have to give us some very imaginative words to describe it all the next day ! Take care. And blessings to your dad.

  11. I am extremely jealous.I wish I could be there too.

  12. Gosh, I love that photo of all the rusty keys!
    What a unique looking shop, and your pictures transport me there. Beautiful work!


  13. It looks wonderful there...I wish it was near me.


  14. Have a wonderful time. I'm sure it will be a magnificent event!
    Please share more photos... :) xo

  15. Sooo exciting Anne!! :) You are so sweet to help out your friends!! Have a wonderful time~ xoxo Rachel

  16. The wall of botanicals is so pretty. I could definitely spend some time in this shop, there is just so much to take in!
    Your photos are so rich and crisp and clear, I feel like I'm right there.

    Have a good weekend,

  17. Hi Anne, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  18. What a fabulous place....I wish I could attend the event!!!!!! So many fabulous those linen chairs :o) Have a great weekend!!!

    PS. I am now following you on Google...hope you will follow me back :o)

  19. That will look amazing! I think I just bought every piece you just showed there in my mind. LOVELY.
    Ness xx
    Marley & Lockyer

  20. I know that it is going to be a marvelous day! I wish I lived closer, I would love to pop around the corner and give you a HUG:) Have a blessed day, can't wait to hear all about it! HUGS!

  21. Texas never seemed as far away as it does now... What a wonderful event! If I had wings, I'd be there!

  22. There you go making me all sad I live up north again :) The shop looks like such a treasure!!! I wish I could come spend some money! Hope you had a great day!!!

  23. Little piece of heaven for sure!

  24. That looks like a lot of fun! I've been going to estate sales. That's fun, too. Best wishes, Linda

  25. Hi Anne it's the late bloomer here commenting a little late.. stopped by via fb for a visit & let you know I love all your posts & pictures...oh & your style too!!!
    God Bless You always dear heart xo Laura


I'm all ears....

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