Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Rainbow's End

My dear sweet cousin sent me a series of photos
of my precious mom that I had never seen before...
family slides, and this striking image
was among them.

She said that her dad ( my uncle and my mom's brother )
had labeled this particular shot
"Jo Anne Sees a Rainbow."

I smile as I reflect on the fact that she has now
 actually seen, face to face,
the One who creates rainbows.

Happy Mother's Day, Mama.
Not a day goes by that I don't miss you,
and every time I see a rainbow now, 
I will smile and think of you.


  1. What a striking photo! And now one more precious memory of your Mom.

  2. absolutey lovely photo. and i look at her waist and think how tiny she was. it could have been a photograph of my own mother, as I know them to be about the same age.
    yes, she sees the rainbows from another angle now. and you will smile with the rainbows with new memory.
    in fondest. Tilda

  3. awesomeness! .. however my first thought was 'look at that waist' !!! .. love the pic .. hope you are making it through the day ..

  4. What a precious gift to recieve. Thinking of you on this day, it's always so hard to lose a parent, but comforting to know she is with you always.

  5. What a beautiful photo of your mom with the rainbow.. As you I also think of my mom on this day, missing her but have such lovely memories...
    Happy Mothers Day

  6. what a wonderful gift for you today as you remember your mama...

  7. Gorgeous Mama! Yes, she is face to face with the rainbow maker! Mine is there with yours! I miss my Mama every day too! Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

  8. Our first mother's day without our dearest moms to you and hugs and blessings...thinking of picture.

  9. Anne,
    What a beautiful tribute to your Mama.

  10. Beautiful, it is wonderful to see photos from long ago that we have never seen ~ This one had to steal your heart!

  11. What a beautiful photo of your mother! She looks so young and dreamy. How nice of your family to share these photos with you.

  12. Oh this is precious Anne, how wonderful that she thought to send you these, have blessed day, dear heart!

  13. What a precious photo! How thoughtful of your cousin to send these photos of your lovely mom.

    Today was a bit sad for us, especially dad. We visited her grave today, and those of my ancestors too.

  14. Oh-Anne-What a beautiful, precious photo of your Mom...gazing up into the Heavens to see the rainbow. We never really know how close we are to seeing what lies on the other side, do we? Blessings- xo Diana

  15. Oh, Anne. What an absolutely beautiful photo of your mom. You just can't get more perfect than that. My mom always loved the rain. The day we laid her to rest, It began to rain on us. We all smiled. Your photo reminded me of that heartwarming moment.

  16. Anne, that is lovely. I'm so sorry that you miss your momma today. Thinking of you.

  17. Such a lovely photo for your cousin to send on this of all days...when you need it the most.
    She's your pot of gold at rainbow's end. God's blessing and reminder of what's waiting beyond the storms.

  18. Not going to lie, my first thought too was, "Wholly cow, how small is her waist?" Do they even make waists that small anymore, hahahaha. Great picture of your mom and so awesome to have the rainbow in there. She could have been sliding down one today with my mom just for fun:)

  19. Anne, I know you have so many fond memories of your mom and too I have one of you and her. The time you two came shopping at Accumulations. So enjoyed visiting with her and you know what was the best part is that she bragged about you the whole time!

  20. Such a beautiful post Anne and what a wonderful surprise from your cousin. Hugs to you on this day.

  21. What an amazing picture and so perfect for today. I know it is hard for you, but hang in there. Your guardian angel is watching over you each and every day!

  22. Awesome picture--great post:)

  23. oh lovely girl - what an awesome image to have & hold! thought you might enjoy this little mom print too -


  24. What an awesome photo and lovely Mother's day tribute to your Mom!

  25. beautiful; and what a blessing to have this photo of your mom~

  26. What a gorgeous,
    gorgeous treasure
    of a photo. Amazing,
    really; it's SO hard to
    capture rainbows, even
    in the digital age!

    Love you,
    xo Suzanne


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