Thursday, May 3, 2012

Ride 'Em Cowgirls! Country Living Fair, Austin...

And a rip-roarin',
bigger than Texas, 
good time was had by all!

Austin, Texas played host to the 2012
Spring Country Living Fair,
and you'd better believe that this gal was there,
getting in everybody's way 
with her big ole' Texas sized camera,
snapping away!

 { photo courtesy Alice Hanson }

 This no-nonsense fella and his buddy
were there to offer one and all a bovine Texas Longhorn
welcome as we made the walk
from one expo barn to another.

 Loved this piece!
I think I'm gonna make one of these myself!

 This lovely gal with the Texas cowgirl purse
is none other than junking buddy number one,
Shannon of Rusty and Redone.

And below, I found the immortal words of
quintessential Texan Lyle Lovett
on the side of this vintage camper...

 Darn right, Lyle!
It's never too late to become a Texan, we're a friendly bunch
and we welcome fer-e-ners ( aka Yankee's )
with open arms!

Just look at the friendly Texans me and Shannon
bumped into later that day at the Junk Salvation Show...

 { front row, Debbie York and Shannon, back row Cherry HobackJanie ConleyCat Daddy and me
photo courtesy Janie Conley }

And to quote my buddy Sue of Vintage Rescue Squad,
wanna see my ab-fab purchase of the day?

This lawn chair with more colors
than a box of Skittles now resides out back
in front of one of our barns. Perfecto!

I have many, many more Country Living Fair
images to share in the days ahead,
as well as an exciting announcement!

Sending each of you
smiles and hugs as big as...
you guessed it,


  1. this is just NOT fair ...

    sniff sniff

  2. Love all the Texas themed pics you used! And, yes, a good time was had by all:)

  3. Looks like a fun time, and I KNOW that chair will now become famous thanks to a certain photog I know! ;-)


  4. great pics...cant wait to see more...from both shows ! (want to see if you were in my booth and didnt even know it !)

  5. Love it all Anne -
    What a fun time! I hope you post more from your adventures that day! Blessings,

  6. Looks like fun! I so wanted to go. Looking forward to more pics.

  7. More colors than it! Ha!

    Looks like a great time...the IL girls and I were talking, and we soooo have this one on our radar for next year!


  8. Love your photos and can't wait to see more. Thanks for sharing!!!
    Hugs~~~ Daphne

  9. Hmmm, I may have to get in better with those IL gals headed south next year.

    Looking at the beloved chair I must have a goldmine in my barn. If the rain ever stops I have to do some digging.

  10. Oh, I bet it was so fun! I can't wait to see more! xo

  11. Oh Anne, You HAVE ALL THE FUN:) Love the chair! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  12. I visited Dallas in Fall of 2010 and Love, Love, Loved it!!! My favorite place (besides Southfork Ranch that is) was Plano and all the wonderful antique shops. I brought home a few great pieces from there!

    Looks like y'all had a great time at the Fair!

  13. Looks like a ton of fun and I'm glad you got to spend the day with Shannon!


  14. LOVE that chair. I've got a couple of super rusty ones myself, you'll get to see'em soon!

  15. I thought I saw you there! I wasn't sure and didn't wanna make a fool of myself to say "Hi Anne" and it wasn't you. Dang!
    Love the pics and your Skittles chair!

  16. Texas is a big ol' state, but you just never know who you might run into right around the next cow patty!
    Fun seeing y'all.

  17. Hi Anne!
    Well, we had the pleasure of living in Texas for 2 years and we loved it! Texans or Amsterdammers (people from Amsterdam, Holland) are a bit the same, big mouth, small heart so to speak. My daughter her first English classes were in Texas and to this day her English is with an T-accent!
    Glad you had a good time, and btw, I love the photo on the header and you on your chair, cute!
    All the best,
    Maureen x

  18. Anonymous03 May, 2012

    Oh Anne, you lucky girl!!~
    It looks like you had such a great time! Love the photo of the Texas Longhorn!!
    Hope you have a beautiful afternoon!!~

  19. I'm longing for a junk fair. Thanks for sharing yours since there are none here to speak of. Loved seeing all you saw and that chair is fantastic. You scored!

  20. This looks like so much fun! You Texas girls had it made! Love the chair and can't wait to see more!


  21. ..a Yankee, tis true, but you and YOUR Texas have held my heart for a long time.
    in fondest of thoughts, Tilda

  22. This lawn chair with more colors
    than a box of Skittles - favorite quote evah!

  23. Looks like you had a great time. That lawn chair looks like fun!
    I just signed up as your latest follower & I look forward to popping back soon for some more inspiration!
    Melissah from Country Style cHic

  24. It sure looked like a great time. The chair is so cool!


  25. looks like a rip roaring great time!

  26. Looks like fun...BIG time!

    Happy Weekend


  27. I'm a junky lovin' girl from Austin. How did I miss this fair? It looks like you had a great time.

  28. I'm your newest follower. I love your Texas style! And I love Austin!

  29. Anne,
    You left me hanging?????I want more pictures LOL.... LOVE that chair girl.And all the colors and rust too.I agree perfecto!You have the best sales in Texas.One of these days I may have to talk my husband into taking a vacation in that grand ole state!Have a great weekend.

  30. Wow, Sorry I missed that event, I need to get back in the swing of things. My blog is up again and I am posting on a limited basis, Please come by and say hello.

  31. Looks like you had a wonderful time and that chair is perfection, love all the layers of colors.

  32. Pickin' and hob knobbin' are one lucky gal!

  33. What a great chair! You have such a lovely blog... I'm so happy to be a new follower.


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