Friday, August 31, 2012

Farmhouse Bedroom...

I'm teasing you with a handful of room photos
here and there, because it , ( it being the house ) 
STILL isn't where I want it to be.

But I have a few here for you nonetheless,
pride be damned.

Being OCD and a relentless pefectionist
left to my own devices, I'd never share 
ANY of the house photos with y'all..

So here goes nothin'!
More to follow as I tweak and re-do.

{ double click all photos to super-size }

Yep, that's an awning over the bed,
a sweet purchase from my buddy Binky
at Binky La Faye in Llano, Texas.

We have an awning over the bed in
the guest bedroom, too.

I love framing children's clothes.
There is such a sweetness about them.

You are spying with your little eyes
one of my other obsessions...
vintage floral ticking pillows.

And perched atop an armoire / closet
is another collection of this 'n that.
No rhyme or reason to my vignettes,
if it looks good, I just go with it.

Hope you enjoyed the peek!
I'll parcel a few more out to you in the days ahead.

Ha! My friend Tom snapped me surrounded
by bubbles yesterday afternoon on Main St.
in downtown Fredericksburg.
Just a touch of whimsy to end the post.

Have an amazing weekend!



  1. It's so beautiful and restful, Anne. You really have an eye for this style.
    Thank for sharing. "Perfection" not needed.

  2. Absolutely lovely! I am so envious-would love a bedroom like this but I don't think my husband would ever have it.. sniff.. too girly for him!

  3. Lovely, but then I wouldn't expect anything less! Hmm, maybe I should re-think that visit down your seems I'd have a lovely place to stay...and yes I just invited myself! hehe ;-)


  4. Sure looks perfect to me.
    Thanks for sharing the Wonderful eye candy.

  5. What a beautiful room, Anne. - Revis

  6. That bed is fabulous! Love all the wonderful "touches", and the conservatory from MO looks great on your great white cupboard. Cute pic of you, Bubbles!

  7. Love the Peek Anne... it all looks so Lovely. Like you I hesitate to Share too much of the Ole' Homestead because it isn't 'til I download the Images that I have a Pride Hit because I'm confronted with everything I find to be wrong with the deferred maintenance! *LOL* A domestic goddess I am certainly not, but I am OCD about things being as good as they could be... well, whenever I can get around to it that is. *Winks*

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  8. Hi Little Anne! Oh, your bedrom is so pretty! I love your bed! You just keep on tweaking! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  9. looks pretty darn perfect to me! I am loving that stack of old pillows! that's a great idea! i bet a lot of those pillows get thrown away but they look beautiful grouped this way. thanks for sharing!


  10. Love your bedroom Anne, thanks for giving us a little peek! Hugs, Penny

  11. Hi Anne, your bedroom is just gorgeous. I'm loving the childs dress in the frame... what a great ideal.
    Hugs~~~ Daphne

  12. Love the Awning Anne and everything else too. You are just so inspirational. Love, Love, Love the little dress in the frame with the shoes on the bottom. Wow ~ love it ;-)

  13. It is all so cute, I am loving the clock? piece that the ticking pillows are on, tell us more about that it is awesome!! Love the pic of you in your own little world where bubbles follow you around!!! lol

  14. Beautiful pics Anne. Love the pic of you and the bubbles.. Have a great night.

  15. Stunning beautiful and restful. You look stunning too. Thanks for sharing all your lovliness.
    Anne xx

  16. Love it - especially the awning!!

  17. Lovely room, especially love the lace at the foot of the bed, as well as, the floral quilt and pillow. The bench and blue ticking pillow adds just the right touch. The built in closet is such a great detail and adds so much charm and character to the room. It all rings with vintage authenticity. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing your home. Kimberly

  18. Beautiful bedroom. I love everything about it.

  19. Beautiful pics! I am enjoying my tour around your home! Love the pillows:) Have a blessed day dear Anne, HUGS!

  20. Love it! So sweet and very inviting. So, when are you taking reservations? :) Have a beautiful day!!

  21. LOVE your room and LOVE your outfit!!!!!!! All beautiful:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  22. What a pretty room! I love, love, love that bench at the foot of your bed. What a cute photo of you too :)

  23. Love it! It looks very 'farmhouse fresh'!

  24. as always, you charmed the socks off me!!!

    rootin' tootin' darn good design!

  25. HI Anne, I always enjoy seeing a work in progress. Love what you are doing and the creative thought behind it. We are remodeling our 40 year old farmhouse and I'm loving it, it is frustrating and simultaneously enjoyable! Both feelings in the same day! Hahaha...
    Enjoy your week.

  26. Thanks for the inspiration. I just love bubbles, especially when blowing them with children around.

  27. Anne, you are SOOOO inspirational and I you give us such amazing eye candy to ponder on!! Thank you!

  28. You've inspired me once again...looks very warm and inviting. I'm addicted to pillows, especially vintage ones like the one you have at the foot of your bed ~ love it!


  29. Anne, I LOVE the head of the bed design the frame, sign etc. I remember when you got the awnings and put out a feeler for our takes on it. I am one (of many) that said over the window, over the glad that you went that way, it looks awesome!

    Be careful of the old pillows for dust mites etc. I love the wardrobe and that birdcage I think the bird cage and the flowers would look great on top of it.(with the red suitcase of course)

    Love to see you so happy! It is infectious :)
    love n hugs,

  30. oooh, look at those cool shades! And where did you get those frilly drawers???

    Love the room, too, Anne!

  31. Hi Anne,
    Your bedroom is spectacular!!! I adore the awning over your bed, what a great idea!
    I just found 2 beautiful vintage floral & ticking pillows at the flea market for $4.00 a piece. If I knew you collected them, I would have sent them to you.
    Hope you have a lovely night.

  32. I love your style. Do you wash and re-stuff the vintage ticking pillows or just leave them as is. It's a great idea to stack them. I love it! Very Shabby Chic!

  33. Geez, Anne, if only my "work in progress" could look so good. Your bedroom looks fantastic! I do love the awning and the conservatory and.... I could go on! lol

  34. So, so pretty, Anne. I love it all.♥

  35. I collect old bank bags - couldn't help but notice yours. Love your style - great finds put to great use!

  36. Oh gosh, I love that sweet framed dress and shoes. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all of your sweet treasures and vignettes. Those ticking pillows remind me of my grandma's pillows she received on her wedding day. Her mom collected feathers and made the pillows for her. Now, all of the feathers worn down, it has been consolidated into one pillow. Funny the things you cleave to that bring you joy. xxoo Heidi

  37. LOVE LOVE your pics-your home- Thanks for stopping by my (shop facebook page) Karryann

  38. Beautiful, Anne- My favorite picture is the one of you at the end surrounded by bubbles- It suits your personality! xo Diana

  39. you look fabulous dawling...and the decor photos are great too!

  40. Hi Anne! I found your blog through Faded Charm's White Wednesdays and am so glad I did! I love your rooms and all of the items in them! So pretty, charming and quaint! Adore your outfit in the "bubble" pic too - so darling! I will be following and looking forward to admiring more wonderful posts and photos! Feel free to find me at Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs, Leena

  41. My little eyes were, indeed, feasting on those ticking pillows! Loveliness. Oodles of loveliness!

  42. I love all your special decorating touches. They all blend effortlessly together. And, to be surrounded by bubbles is a wonderful thing.

  43. Beautiful and peaceful. Love the awning!

  44. what a great reminder. Left my my own devices I would not share anything either as I would not deem it worth. But as I age, I am getting a bit away from that. I am happy that I visited today as I embark on a day of sewing for my shop. It will certainly serve me well.
    Have a great weekend

  45. Everything looks so lovely, Anne!

  46. I sure hope to get up there to see you sometime. I will spend a couple of days at Warrenton at the end on the month . . . if I don't melt. Hope to see you there.

    I am going to check my old window stash and attempt to make a shadowbox like yours. It is such an AWESOME piece!


  47. WOW Anne this is just amazing!! Love love love! hope you are enjoying the day.

  48. Wow, Anne, it's really
    come a long way baby
    since I saw it last year!
    I hope that it is still the
    joy that it was for you
    then and that it truly
    feels like HOME.

    Love and hugs,
    xo Suzanne

  49. dreamy, welcoming, perfect! cannot wait to see more....


  50. Anne, you rock my shabby chic world! Love your blouse too by the way ( great photo)Hugs and thank you for sharing. I hope you have lovely week.

  51. Love the bedroom, adore the ticking pillows and how cute are you all bubbly and ruffly!!!
    Loved your previous post, too, Anne. Your home is filled with fabulous unique treasures and warmth.

  52. Beautiful style, Anne, and you look darling among the bubbles!

  53. Thank you for sharing your home. It is so warm and inviting and I am inspired as I plan to start working on our guest rooms soon.

  54. What a sweet space!! You have fantastic taste!

  55. Ticking pillows - oh no, I think you may have unleashed a new collection for me! This room needs tweaking? Looks amazing to me.


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