Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Skye & Henry's, Huntsville Antq Show, Etc...

Hey, friends.
Just popping in real quick to share
a couple more photos from my recent
photo shoot at 
here in Fredericksburg, Texas.

Margo specializes in gorgeous fabrics and
beautiful custom bed linens...

{ double click photos to super-size }

Margo's bedding and beds are just
indescribably dreamy!

I brought a pair of those lovely gold
wooden angel wings above home with me.
Couldn't resist.

 I also grabbed a bag very similar to the one above
not so long ago. Love it.

I also wanted to announce on behalf of my
sweet friend Sweet T  that the
is this coming weekend,
  and Theresa will be set up there with a whole host
of other wonderful vendors.

Here's some info...

Huntsville 2012 Antique Show

Walker County Fairgrounds, 
just three miles West of Huntsville on Highway 30
Hunstville, Texas
September 15th and 16th
Saturday from 10:00 am till 5:00 pm
Sunday from 10:00 am till 4:00 pm


Skye and Henry's

244 West Main Street
Fredericksburg, Texas 78624

To conclude, 
I'm stealing my recent Facebook wall update
and posting it here
just to keep y'all in the loop...

" Just taking most of this week off to spend some time
dealing with all the issues surrounding losing my mom
exactly a year ago.
The Leap year has thrown me off. She died on Tuesday, Sept 13, 2011,
and this year the 13th falls on a Thursday.

Yeah, I am struggling. My keeping super busy this past year
with photography projects was a way to push it all
out of my mind.
But guess what? It all caught up with me this past week.
Thank you to those who have been praying
and checking on me. I'll be okay. "

See you soon.


  1. Anne, thank you so much for including the Huntsville Show in your post. Wish you were coming, I'd give you a big hug. Still sending up prayers for you!!

  2. Wish I could go to the Huntsville show. The one-year mark of your loss cannot be easy and I will be praying that God sends His comfort to you and wraps you in His love! "Matthew 5:4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." I am believing that He will make the day easier for you, Anne. God Bless. - Revis

  3. Lovely pics Anne. I cant believe it has been a year already. I feel like I followed you through those hard times.. Blessings and will be thinking of you..

  4. I didn't know there WAS a Huntsville show! Darn!
    Looks good...

  5. It if fun to see your beautiful pictures of a place I would love to visit. Prayers for you as you go through these next few days and weeks.

  6. Beautiful photos, I can't wait for another trip to texas to visit family. I have got to hit up some of these places you mention.
    I will be thinking of you.

  7. I love that bag. You're in my prayers, Anne. Like I said on FB, healing will come. I still miss my mom these 11 years later, but I know what it feels like when the hurt is still fresh. You'll be okay.

  8. Hi Anne,
    You get to some of the most wonderful shows! I need to get around more!
    My thoughts are with you tomorrow, I have lost my father and know the loss...
    I hope you got my thank you email, I loved my magazines and tags!
    Big hugs! karen...

  9. ..what they say, about the first year is all true. all those 'firsts..without". but eventually, it does get easier, and one day, thoughts will come without tears, but only smiles. with remembered thoughts, not the ones of loss.
    in fondest of thoughts,

  10. Oh sweet Anne, I feel your pain. This time of year rushes in old emotions that I truly feel everyday since my mom passed away on September 20, 2010. My dad passed away on March 12, 2011. The seasons that are my favorite are very nostalgic and I too am overwhelmed. Just trying to hold tightly to the things that bring me joy like my children and grandchild. I quit my job in the nursing home after they died because it was so hard and I haven't gone back. Take care of yourself and grieve as long as it takes. People will tell you that you should be over it now, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I had a cousin tell me when I was not at church on Mother's Day. Oh, you should remember the good times and go on. Her mom is still alive. I said, "You don't know what you're saying. I hope you don't have to feel what I feel for a long time and my mama would always tell me cry when I felt like crying and to feel every emotion that I neeed to feel." Take care of yourself. My prayers to you!

  11. Hi Anne, this is one of my favorite places to visit when I'm in Fredricksburg

  12. Lovely. so lovely. as always....


  13. Beautiful pictures, as always. My father passed away 35 years ago today, too young (39 yo). The passing time will become easier and her memories will heal the heart. Know that your loving God is cradling your head and holding you tight as you weep, even if it is inside and not apparent to others. May your day and evening be filled with joy and a peace that surpasses understanding!


  14. time helps, but it really is those anniversaries etc...that bring it all back. today is my honey's dad's birthday. he passed 4 years ago. big hugs friend.

  15. Hi Anne, I wanted to leave you another comment I was having a hard time getting my comment to go through yesterday and when I looked at it today it doesn't show my entire comments. Just wanted to say again that I love this store, it's been one of my favorite places to visit when I've been in Fredricksburg. I also wanted to tell you that I will and have been praying for you. I can only image how hard it's been for you losing your mother. Take all the time you need you know everyone will be here for you when you come back.
    Big hugs~~~ Daphne

  16. Coming by to say hello to my favorite photographer...
    I was thinking of you at this time. It's hard to believe a year has passed. I know your mom is looking down, beaming with pride at all you've accomplished this past year! She's with you all the time, Anne. I'm sure you know that.
    Sending you huge hugs from Jersey.... xoxo

  17. Anne wonderful photos! I have a soap dish like in the first photo I cannot wait to dig out!

  18. Hi Anne, I enjoyed perusing your lovely blog- such charming photos! It's given a tour of some beautiful places! Thank you! Patsy from


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