Wednesday, April 24, 2013

My Home Featured in Cottages and Bungalows Magazine!

Pinch me, it finally happened!

After completing several rounds of photographing my own house,
doing the Q&A with the magazine,
then just sitting tight and for the most part,
keeping my lips zipped,
( damn, that part was HARD )
I can finally let it out...

Our home is featured in the brand new, June 2013 Issue
of Cottages and Bungalows Magazine!
You can find it on newsstands now!

Yep, all the magazine photos are
intentionally a bit blurry...
can't have you reading the whole thing here,
and NOT rushing out 
to the newsstand to grab it there, right?

 All in all,
I was given four pages where I share
my secrets to successful flea market decorating,
with tips and ideas for anyone wanting to
incorporate a little flea market style
into their own dwellings.

In my excitement to get this project done, 
I realized after the fact that I had actually
sent two different sets of very similar images
to the magazine for the issue.

That's why some of the original images I'm sharing
here are very similar, but somewhat different than
the ones in the June Issue.

Thank you to the beautiful, kind, and incredibly
talented Editor Jickie Torres for making this happen.
You know that I heart you.

And thanks to all of you,
for taking this tour,
and in a much larger sense, this journey with me.

There's LOTS more to share in this grand
old 103 year old gal we live in,
and I plan on giving y'all all sorts of peeks
in the weeks ahead.

Have a wonderful week!

linking with


  1. Congrats again, Anne. I'm positive you have many more features to come.

  2. Congratulations - I can't wait to pick up the magazine!

  3. Congratulations you must get a real kick out of seeing your house on display in a magazine.

  4. Congrats Anne!!! I will be sure to check it out.


  5. Congrats Anne. I'm so excited for you and I'll be sure and pick up my copy.


  6. Congrats! What lovely pictures- can't wait to read the full article.

  7. Even blurry things look great! Can't wait to get my hands on this. congrats!!love ya!

  8. Congratulations, Anne! How very wonderful is that!!! xo Diana

  9. Congratulations, Anne! I knew you said it was coming, but wasn't sure when or which magazine. I especially love your dining table with the bench against the wall (leaf down, flat) and the chairs along the side (leaf up, rounded). That looks so cool, as does the rest of your home. :)

    I was in the mailbox section (!) of this issue with a photo of Blendo glass that was in our booth space the very week the prior (April) issue published an article on collecting it (it's one of Jickie's faves). I was excited about that, so I can imagine how you must feel!

    So fun!

  10. I hope you are patting yourself on the back "big time"! I too am anxious to see your home in C&B! I think it is really cool that you got to do use your own photos for the magazine! I love your house, parts of it remind me of mine. I have the same "Standard" stamp rack in my office, except mine is two tier. Anyway, a big CONGRATS to you again!!

    Take care,

  11. Congratulations!! I just bought the magazine and your home is amazing!!

  12. How wonderful, Anne! I just got the magazine and it's a fantastic article with your fabulous photos. Congratulations.

  13. Congratulations, Anne! I look forward to picking up a copy.

  14. How VERY exciting!!! Please remind us when the magazine comes out for purchase, OK? You are so deserving of this!

  15. Good for you! Looking forward to reading your article. There's no stopping you now! :)

  16. Congrats Anne!! This is so awesome! xo

  17. How wonderful, Anne, can't wait to read my issue.

  18. How Exciting, Anne.... I can hardly wait to head to the store today, seeing your adorable home will be a highlight of my weekend ~

  19. a tribute to your talent and taste!!!

    impeccable taste, I might add.

    can I live in a corner of the kitchen ... I don't require much care ...

  20. Yay! Wow this is wonderful again! I am so happy for you. I remember you just moving into this home and fixing it up and now it is wonderful for all of us to get to see it PUBLISHED! Yahoo!

  21. This is great news Anne. I will be heading out to pick up a copy. I am so happy for you!

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  22. How cool! Congrats, Dee from My Painted Stuff

  23. Congratulations! Wonderful things are happening for you.......well deserved!

  24. Fantastic! These magazines are like our bibles. Most of us sit down with our coffee or tea and use this time to relax and make yummy noises over each page. So right now , somewhere there are people making yummy noises over your pictures...
    How cool is that!!!

  25. Congratulations! How fun to see your house in the magazine.

  26. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have to grab that issue!!!!


  27. Congratulations, Anne! Your house looks wonderful :)

  28. OOOH I am sooo excited for you!!!!!CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU. I will run out today and get the magazine:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  29. Your home is awesome, so much to look at. Great detail on the pictures. I wanted to let you know I received an email with your name on it, and it just had a link listed and nothing else. I did not open it because I am scam wary. I wanted to let you know though. Alaina arborhouselane

  30. I HAVÉ IT !!

    Contrats Anne, it was gréât seing all you havé building from scratch, all you rustic brocante fills your cottage with the best ooooh and awwww! charm :)
    Loved telling the ladies at the book store magazine stand that I know you....well you know what I mean? Know you through blogging is what I told them and its a beautifully inspiring place to be getting the scoop first hand on so many levels when it comes to all things inspiring.

    Thank you Anne for being you, and all you bring to the table of inspiration.

    A beautiful weekend to you.

  31. I can't wait to go get the magazine. I love you creativity. Love love love it. Have a beautiful and creative day... Chickie

  32. Congratulations! I can only imagine how much fun this was, and will be, for you. Your home is a true reflection of you, beautiful!

  33. How neat, Anne! So where do we find the magazine...Uvalde is limited so I don't know if I can get it there. Is at any store in Fredericksburg carrying it so my sister can pick it up? - Revis

  34. Congratulations on another inspiring feature, Anne!

  35. I went right out and picked up the magazine! Your section was the best part! I wish the magazine could have featured your house and all the details!

  36. Congratulations! I Love that there are now more Publications Featuring those things we Adore and Enjoy Doing!

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  37. Congrats on your feature!
    Love vintage too and I always love reading about it!
    Have a beautiful summer!

  38. Congratulations, I know I would be very excited too if that happened to me. I had a mention in the Romantic Homes and a couple of photos about my blog, and that was very exciting, I can't imagine how wonderful it would be to have four pages!!!
    You have a fabulous array of vintage items, I love vintage, too.
    Hugs, Cindy


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