Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas Calendar Giveaway at Fiona & Twig!


'Twas the week before Christmas....
and I decided to have an impromptu
giveaway for my blog followers!

Just like last year,
I'm super happy to announce 
that the brand new,
from Sue at
is available for all you junkers,
antiquers, and flea marketeers!

And I'm lucky enough to have two
photos included in this years calendar.
I'm Miss January! 

I'm offering one of these
fabulous calendars to one lucky follower,
as well as a couple of other goodies, too!

From Sue at VRS....

 "...As always, this year's calendar features 
the photography of some of the best junkers (and me), 
showcasing the vintage treasures and displays we adore. 
Each month has a gorgeous color photo guaranteed 
to slake your junking jones when you're trapped at your desk, 
but wish you were at an antique show or flea market.
I've included dates of most major US flea markets 
and antique shows nationwide—from Warrenton/Round Top and Brimfield, 
to smaller local and regional shows! 
Plan those junk jaunts and girlfriend getaway weekends in advance....
These are standard 11" x 8.5" calendars 
and are spiral bound, on glossy paper. 
These are wall calendars to hang in your office or home."

Here's my photo for January...

And just because I'm in the
giving mood, I want to tuck in
a couple of extras, too.
Like one of my coveted
vintage French postcards...

Aren't they just
the amorous pair?!

And I have another nifty 
surprise to tuck in, but for now, 
I'm keeping it quiet....but it's good. :-)

Winning is as easy as 
simply being a follower of this blog,
the easiest way being via 
Google Friend Connect.
You can find the "join this site" button
on my right sidebar....scroll down just a bit...
click it, become a follower,
and that's it!
 Then, be sure to leave a comment here
on this post letting me know that you've
become a follower of Fiona and Twig
or that you're already a follower,
and I'll toss your name into the hat.

Blog, Facebook or Tweet about this
for extra chances.
Just leave a comment
for each way you share.

I'll announce the winner this coming
Monday, December 23rd,
and get it in the mail the same day

Good Luck!


linking with


  1. I just love these calendars!
    Thanks for the chance Anne, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed!!

  2. I follow you on bloglovin and now GFC! Happy Holidays!

  3. Great giveaway!
    Count me in please - I'm a GFC follower!!

  4. Thanks for the opportunity, Anne. I'm already a GFC follower.

  5. A follower of yours of course.. Thanks for such a generous giveaway. I would love to win! I was just thinking I needed to get a calendar soon... Have a great day.

  6. I'm following now Anne!! Have always loved your blog...don't know why I wasn't following before! That calendar looks amazing! :) Merry Christmas!

  7. :) Been a follower of You AND Sue, for a long time!
    Took some more pics of my house, all Christmas'd up Ill send you.
    Looks like you are having a busy Season! Have fun! Laura

  8. Long time follower. Lovely picture of your month.Warm Blessings! Amy

  9. I am following with G+ and bloglovin as well as GFC because for many of us GFC has now disappeared.

  10. I am a follower and even have you on my side bar
    what a wonderful give a way ,Hope I win LOL

    Merry Christmas

  11. I'm a follower. Really love your Calendar, it's so cool. Thank you for the opportunity to win. Happy New Year.

    Cathy Scalise

  12. Love your January photo! I am a long time follower...

  13. I'm already your follower! Your pics are always so nice!


  14. I've been following for years, I adore your blog! Merry Christmas! Mary

  15. I've been a follower of yours like forevah!!! Love the goodies you are offering. Thanks for such a nice giveaway!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  16. I am already a follower and would love this beautiful calendar!

  17. I am a follower. Thanks for the giveaway.

  18. I'm already a follower and would be thrilled to win! Thank you and Merry Christmas!

  19. What a fun giveaway! Yes, I am a follower! :)

  20. I just shared your FB post on my page! Figured one more chance couldn't hurt! While here, I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas!

  21. I would love to win a calendar. How sweet.
    I am a follower of your Blog
    And a follower on Facebook.
    Merry Christmas!

    Sani Allen

  22. So strange how I found your blog. My cat Fiona had just died unexpectedly and the next day I was on blogger, you were the first blog I saw in a friend's sidebar. I added you that moment * as a sign from above* and have enjoyed your beautiful posts ever since!!! thanks for offering a fabulous giveaway Miss January!!!! xo

  23. Anne, GREAT calendar! Would love the little extras, too. I know that you're a good tucker-inner! I have been a follower, so please count me in.

  24. I love your blog and follow on! Now I follow on GFC too! What a great calendar, hope I win! Thanks for sharing!

  25. I love your photos...I follow...

  26. I'm a blog follower and fan. I appreciate all your work and this opportunity! Happy Holidays! Thank you.

  27. I AM a follower of your blog and have since the very beginning. I would LOVE to win this beautiful calendar. Thanks for the chance and Merry Christmas and have a blessed 2014.

  28. What a lovely way to start a new year. Thank you for the chance.

  29. Thank you for the giveaway. I follow you via email and on Facebook. SO many wonderful ideas out there!

  30. I follow and I'm loving this calendar! Have a Merry Christmas!

  31. I am a happy follower of your blog. Thanks for a chance at winning the perfect prize for the New Year! Amy M.

  32. I am already a follower and love it! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - hope its fabulous!

  33. I have been a follower for some time now. Hope the contest is open to Canadians.

  34. I am a follower and just love your blog. What a wonderful calender and the opportunity to own. Merry Christmas.

  35. Merry Christmas, I am one of your followers here and on face book. I just shared your giveaway. I love looking at your vintage pictures because it brings back so many memories of my childhood. Have a wonderful day. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  36. I follow already via Email!!! love .... love your blog!!!! Merry Christmas !!!!! ... oh, and thank you for the opportunity !!!!

  37. What a Beautiful Calendar!! I am a follower of your Blog through email. Thanks for the chance!!

    Have a Wonderful Holiday!

    Huggs, Nancy

  38. I have tweeted about the Calendar and Give Away, cdagifts.

    Thanks Again, Nancy

  39. Love the blog...and look at you daily!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  40. I love January's photo! I have followed by email for some time now, but just joined through Google Friend Connect as well. Thank you for such a generous and beautiful giveaway.

    Cathy ♥

  41. I have been a follower for a long time, I love your beautiful photo's, your work is wonderful! Merry Christmas. Hugs, Terri

  42. I'm a follower and I would love to be entered ! Thank you.


  43. Hi,love your giveaway calendar!
    Love to follow(blog lovin')you too!
    Thanks for sharing!

  44. I've been a follower...I would LOVE to win this giveaway!
    Thank you for the opportunity.

  45. Hi Anne, I am already a follower! What a great calendar. Thanks for offering it and Happy Holidays!

  46. i'm a follower and would love to win your fabulous giveaway. if it's also open to international readers then please enter me.

  47. I'm a follower of your great blog. Thanks

  48. I'm already a follower. Beautiful photography and calendar.

  49. I thought I was already following Anne but couldn't find myself! :) Though I had subscribed by email updates some time back. Don't understand Google + at the moment.
    Gorgeous giveaway, thank you so much. Such a beautifully vintage shot for your page. ♥

  50. I have been a follower for a long time and so enjoy your blog!

    Thanks for a chance to win your calendar --- it is super!

  51. Oh yes! I wanna win:) Beautiful pictures and I LOVE the postcard! Enjoy your weekend dear Anne, BIG HUGS!

  52. always check in on your blog but now Ive become a follower your blog inspires me thank you for that have a merry christmas and please enter me in the calender drawing

  53. Yippy! I'm a follower and I'd love a chance at winning, too. Love your blog and your amazing photos!

  54. Hi Anne, Thanks for the give away! I'm a follower already. Happy Holidays!

  55. Hi Anne, Thanks for the give away! I'm a follower already. Happy Holidays!

  56. I am a follower and I am inspired by your blog. THANKS

  57. I would love a calender! The pictures are amazing. I follow by google. Merry Christmas, Di@Cottage-Wishes

  58. I'm a long time follower and would absolutely love the chance of winning one of those calendars. Thanks for the giveaway and a very Merry Christmas to you and yours. X

  59. WHat a FABULOUS Giveaway!!!!

    Those calendars are too die for just like your photography!
    Hoping I win!!!

  60. Your photos are always frame worthy. I would love to win the calender!

    Merry Christmas

    P.S. I am proud to be a follower :-)

  61. I have been following your blog for quite some time, and must tell you I enjoy it so much!
    The calendar is a wonderful give-away, and the antique postcard a great extra. I will keep my fingers crossed. Thank you for a chance to be the winner. Happy Merry everything to you!!!! Bonnie in snowy WI

  62. A Junker's Calendar?!? Get out of town!! I must have been living under a rusty rock not to know this. I now that I do, I need this. Desperately.

  63. What a beautiful calender. And to have the best of the shows already there to remind you! Perfect! I follow with bloglovin.

  64. Just came by to wish you a Merry Christmas, Anne.
    All the best to you in the New Year!
    Love, Lisa xo

  65. Really hoping you'll solve the winner prob later today instead of twenty minutes ago. lol love the calendar. Love your blog. xoxo


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