Thursday, April 17, 2014

Blogger at a Crossroads

Here's a question to ponder.
At what point do you accept that your heart
really isn't in blogging anymore?

Do you keep trudging on, half-heartedly?
Do you pack it all in and walk away cold turkey?
Or do you post one of those blatantly manipulative
" I'm giving up blogging FOR-EVAH" posts,
secretly hoping that your readers will bombard you with
"please don't go....we WUV you sooooo much!" messages?
Please don't do that. Ain't my goal, and it won't work.

I'm sort of at that point right now.
At a crossroads.

I signed up a few months ago 
to join a Facebook group for bloggers,
and lawdy, did I ever realize how much I truly
DON'T have in common with most of these fine women, 
dedicated bloggers, one and all.

They speak with great passion about 
maximum search-engine-optimization
in order to achieve optimum online saturation.
They strategically plan their posts weeks in advance.
In short, they treat it like a business, and as such,
take it very seriously. Kudos to them, I say.
I'm not mocking or knocking them in any sense of the word.
But that ain't me.

Blogging has never been a source of income for me,
and never will be. True, I do use it to promote 
( shamelessly, my stalker-detractors just love to point out )
my photography projects and magazine features.
But I've never accepted advertising or sponsors,
and never will. My blog has evolved over the past 5 years,
and so have I. 
And so here I find myself,
at said crossroads.

I never intend to just outright walk away
from my blog. I have far too much affection
for the medium and the friends I've made here.

My heart is very much with my craft,
my photography these days. And the simple truth is,
I'm super busy with all sorts of commercial photo shoots
any given month, and as always, give 110% to the creative process.

So rather than blogging, I'm editing.
I'm collaborating with other creative folks
( new clothing designers, a vintage rental business, etc )
to spread my wings and try new things.
I'm enjoying life, and loving the life we have created
in our beautiful little town 
and in our sweet little farmhouse.

 { what? you didn't know this is my main, go-to camera these days??? }

If you miss me sometimes,
you can always find me here
and here
or even here

And who knows?
Ya might even find me right here,
on the blog.

This is a comment-free blog
but please come visit me here...

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