Wednesday, August 26, 2009

BIG sale tomorrow, decisions, decisions...

There's going to be a huge blowout sale
at one of my favorite shops tomorrow....
they're celebrating their 2nd anniversary, and EVERYTHING
is going to be 50% off. I snapped a few pics today,
and thought I'd solicit a little input as to what you think I should adopt and bring home.

This beauty is $90, tomorrow will be $45...

I fell in love with this sweet little pink metal stool. It will be $17.50....

This little gem has potential, don't you think?
$40 if I get there early enough.

This Windsor chair needs a little TLC, yes? $18 and it's mine...

Darling pair of metal chairs....$12 for the pair.

If you were accompanying me, what would you fight me for?
That's the junkers litmus test, right? Awaiting your starts at 9am sharp!


  1. If I were you I would camp out tonight and be the first one in line. Are they closing or just having the sale. Great things to be found for sure.

  2. i would go for the pair of little metal chairs first, then grab the pink kitchen stool ..

  3. I SHOULD have camped out! Turns out it was quite the event, I'll post a new entry with all the details....


  4. I was in such a rush to get the pink stool and the Windsor that I completely forgot about the pair of metal chairs! D'oh! You shoulda come with me!


I'm all ears....

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