Friday, November 6, 2009

As Promised....

I didn't realize until after I pimped out my front deck
that this wasn't even everything I'd purchased at Troy and Rod's
Junk Exchange Mega-Sale
Yep, I merchandised the heck out of of my front porch,
20 miles out in the country, all for your viewing pleasure! Well, and theirs, too....

Whenever I go into full-on set designer mode out there, 
they look at me like I've totally lost it.

So, minus a suitcase and a handful of other vintage pretties, 
here's my haul from the big sale, still going on through tomorrow.


This is where my rose watercolor will be permanently residing. 
Nope, there's no way in heck I could ever part with it, just too lovely.

"The Heavenly Twins!"
This is whimsy at its finest, 
and it was love at first sight when I spied this ceramic piece.

I snagged every single suitcase 
I had scoped out in Troy's pre-sale preview pics.

Love the nightstand dressers! 
They'll be headed to the booth next week.


Vintage office chair sporting a State Fair of Texas Jr. Beef Heifer Show Banner.
Say THAT three times quickly!


Some of the vintage bottles I brought home.




This old photo is a riot!
The higher the hair, the closer to God.


Check out the cool metronome.
Hmmm, and a little somethin' for Debra, maybe?

Adorable papier-mâché Christmas boot.


LOVE me some monogrammed luggage!

Enlarge the pic above to follow the narrative on the flash cards.
Too funny! What a little weenie that kid is!

Going to photocopy these and use them as price tags.
Troy's brilliant contribution to Team Fiona and Twig.


Pictures don't come close to doing these vintage fabrics justice.





Amazing vintage chenille bedspread.


Old wallpaper, to be used for decoupage, among other things.

This was a wish-list item. 
I'd almost given up ever finding one in as good condition as this one.
Leave it to Rod and Troy!


And finally, this....

Junkin' buddy  Effie is picking this up for me in the next couple of weeks, 
this might end up going with us to Warrenton, not sure yet.

So that's it.
Thoughts? Favorites? See something in my sale pics yesterday 
that you can't believe I passed up?
Hate me more now?  ;-)

If you're ever in the area, I'd love to have you visit my space 
at Sunrise Antique Mall, 820 Water St, Kerrville, Texas.
Pretty much everything you've seen here 
will be for sale there before the holidays, 
so don't miss the chance to share in my spoils!
Thanks again to my dear friends Troy and Rod 
and the Junk Exchange gang for making it all possible!

A quick thank you to my
for the lovely write-up on her blog!
You are most welcome!

Have a great weekend!


  1. You really found some treasures. I LOVE the monogrammed luggage. Picturing a sweet old man carrying it at one time. The chenille bedspread is precious. Many, many things.

  2. wow! what a haul!! you got some great things, girl!!

  3. Oh Anne,
    You are so funny! Love your take!
    Smiles, alice

  4. Look at you! Is it just me? Or does that blue Mary look hacked off about something? And I thought of Debra the moment I saw that sheep! ha! I would like to thank you for leaving a few things for me to grab up tomorrow. Maybe...~Mindy

  5. Some great stuff....I really love all of the suit cases..That is my favorite collection, I just can hardly sell them. I love each and everyone of them...You have some cool ones. sandi

  6. Grrrl, you did some serious damage. Good thing Troy saw you coming. Good scores. I can't wait to read his post about YOU.

  7. Wow! You had some major scores! Love those roller skates. So much fun! And that blue chenille? To die for, how lucky are you?

  8. Now that is a serious shopping outing... pure junking bliss!! Lucky YOU!!!
    happy weekend,

  9. Awe I love the Huskies! I have one of my own. I love that furry face of hers. Great finds!

  10. Did the springs on your car hold up under that flats?
    Love the State Fair might want to do a little research on that one. A lot of Texas State Fair collectors out there!

  11. Congratulations on all of your finds! Looks like you had a great time.

  12. Yummy goods! You scored!! Good for you.


  13. OMG Did you go to town or what?
    I love so many things. I love the suitcases for sure. I thought in one picture I noticed a hand made for holding jewelry. Was there one? I have always wanted one of those. What a great find you have there. I've always wanted on for all my rings. How fun would that be?

    I also love the antigue desk. It looks like one that belonged to my grandparents. They have a mirror that attached to the back, a round one, and there is also a little seating bench that you can sit at. I love your haul. What a truckload of finds.

    Thanks for sharing. Please stop by and say hi. I would so love to share my pink post with you.

    Country hugs, Sherry

  14. OK... here is what I want the sewing machine and the desk chair. i will expect them under the tree this year so please tell Santa I ahve been good :) (heeheehee)I hope you have a fabulous weekend.


  15. OK, I've been gone all day, but now I'm laughing my be-hind off with that fuzzy sheep!!! I had to go thru 500 pictures to find it! And Oh, Gosh!! It's the CUTEST!, you are hilarious Anne! AND Hey, didn't that cream train case have your initials on it? How cool! You got a honkin' boat load of "Junk"!!! And I mean that in the BEST way!
    Big Hugs!!

  16. golly, you really snagged in the goods. gor for you. Bestest,Denise

  17. Oh my gosh....need a "junkin" buddy. That's what my mom calls it. LOL

    I love the ballerina pic (vintage photos/postcards are things I collect) and the baseballs in the jar are wicked, but the umbrella - TOO COOL. That has to be the find of the year! Congrats on knocking-off a wish list item.


  18. ***jealous*** :) Have you been to Bon Ton?

  19. wow Anne, what an amazing lot of treasure you got!
    I love it all especially your Rose watercolour and the old luggage.
    The Husky dogs are lovely.

    Happy weekend

  20. As a matter of fact, I do hate you more now:) I am crying big fat tears that I missed all this good stuff. It doesn't matter that I live so far away and would have to find a new husband if I drove all the way down there for this sale. Mine just wouldn't understand:) Love all the goodies.... I think my favs are, the umbrella (I have one similar), the nightstands, the white cabinet and all those wonderful suitcases. Gotta go get some tissue to wipe away my tears... Have a fun day!

  21. Great finds! For some reason the face on the Madonna struck me! It's a beauty!

  22. Now that's a haul to inspire envy. I've never seen a sale quite like this one.Jealous..jealous.The flash card scene would be funny in a multiple frame in a bathroom..loving it! And the chenille bedspread..the color is gorgeous!!

  23. ah ha! I knew it was photos of what you were purchasing! I love it all Anne! I wish we resided closer, I'd be there just to visit.. but then again.. there's a home in Nova Scotia that I just adore too!


  24. I'm so, so, so jealous at the moment ... pat yourself on the back girl!! you did great! ... a yummy assortment of goodies here, I especially love that luggage!!


  25. Love ya, Annie dear, you just made my week!

  26. Now thats some major JUNK, holey moley that is a load!! I am excited with you!! The roller skates... keep them off, I put on a pair in my driveway a few years back to show off how I "USED" to could skate and broke my darn elbow... right in front of everyone!!! Love the rose watercolor print, keeper for sure, HUGS Janna

  27. Anne,
    Wow...what a load you have fav is the luggage collection...loooove old luggage!!!
    Thanks sooooo much for sharing all your goodies.


  28. Wow - I can't Believe I past up on all that great stuff your scored. I was one of the crazy ones waiting outside the door at 6 am in the dark going OPEN OPEN OPEN .... I simply couldn't put another thing the truck. I have to go back Monday to get the rest of my purchases. Love your Blog and wish I could have met you too. Come see us sometime at Bee Swanky - we have the same taste I'm afraid. Bee Blessed! Amy B.

  29. Oh My , I sure am glad to have found your Blog, what fun to follow you through all your treasure Hunts. I have to add you to the Blogs I follow to stay up to date on your progress. Great Treasures. Hugs, Diane

  30. Great Finds, Husband and I searched for 15 minutes, up and down the street and could never find the place, I didn't have the street number, just the two street names. Sorry I missed it.


  31. How fun!!!! I want it all! I live in Marble Falls and feel the pull of a road trip to Kerrville in the very near future.

    And there is tons of fun junking on the way!!! Love your blog.

  32. it is all that a word???? i love it, love, love, love it all!!! it has been a long time since i've gone CRAZY mad junking. i MISS IT. it's so much fun. you did great!!!!!!!
    i will take a second look. your photos are lovely.

  33. Wow- Amazing all the things you found, and bought! I am envious of all your suitcases, I have a thing for them. Everything is beautiful especially the way you displayed them all on your front porch! Suzy

  34. Hey Girl!!!
    You have quite a haul here...It looks like your going to be busy rearranging that little space of please when you've got it finished.
    I love the new do...Is it the new you?
    Love it! I will talk to ya soon! hugs sweet girl...donna

  35. Whoa Anne girl, this was some serious junk shopping trip you did! Great, great stuff! I'm laughing here, because in some ways you remind me so much of me when I go junking. I usually go to the presale and know just what I'm going to knock people over for before it even starts. You don't want to get in my way for sure.

  36. Wow, girl! You racked up! My fave is your rose watercolor! I am loving your new look,too!


  37. Rose picture and parasol.....



    yapping cat

  38. LOLOL Girl, I'd like to thank you as well for leaving me some good junk to grab up!!! I didn't haul NEAR as much as you did away from the sale - though I certainly could have!!! But - you got the majority of the good stuff! Now I'm going to have to come visit YOU to get some of it!!! I'm luvin' the metronome!!!

    I HAVE to get in gear and post my pics!!! But seriously - you did GREAT!!! I'm going to have to come visit to see if I can play the "i spy" game! LOL

    Have a great Tuesday!!!
    ;) Robelyn

  39. merhaba.
    bu sayfalarda seni tanımaktan çok memnun oldum.


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