Saturday, November 14, 2009

Online Selling For Dummies

The Dummy in question being ME.

Lesson #1: Don't open up your Etsy Shop until you're prepared.
A no-brainer for most of you, but for blondie here, it's a steep learning curve.

Say Ho, Ho, Ho to The Kringle's!
They are the second item sold in my brand new Etsy Shop
and are getting the reindeer ready for their trip to their new home Monday morning. 
So far, so good!

USPS Boxes: Check!
Bubble Wrap: Check!
Pretty Wrapping Paper: Check!
Organza Pouches/Assorted Other Packing Pretties: Uhhhh....

So I'm headed to the craft store after work this evening
to pick up a few pretty organza-type bags/pouches for my two recent sales,
then off to visit some lucky Etsy seller to buy some in bulk.
I hate the aesthetic component of using bubble wrap,
but with breakables, it absolutely has to be safety first.
Ideally, I want to wrap the Mr. and Mrs. in bubble wrap,
then place them inside their own organza pouch.

Mrs. K seems amenable to this.
But I want to do something more, go that extra mile,
put a little extra wow into my packaging....while still making a profit, of course.
Again, my faithful friends, I humbly solicit your input, suggestions, critiques,
and just all-around sage advice regarding all things Etsy.
I especially would like to hear how you've incorporated
the pretty with the practical when shipping your breakables.

Oh, and here's my other Etsy sale...

Thank you, Lulu!

In booth news, I had another good day yesterday, so Yay Me!
Sold another nifty chair (can't keep these in stock, big sellers!)...

The big painted green box peeking at you on the left...

And a whole host of other assorted smalls.
Booth-wise, I've already made three times what I made all last month so far,
which is more than enough to cover my rent
and justify going out and grabbing more loot.

I'm at the coal mines as I write this (shhhhh, don't tell The Man),
but I plan on adding more to my Etsy Shop sometime today, day job permitting. 

So to all my junkin' buddies, I wish you a day filled
with unexpected treasures and bargains galore!
Grab something rusty for me!


  1. horrayy!!! its so fun to sell, really just so you can go buy

  2. Girl, I am always happy to see your sweet blog in my sidebar! I am keeping an eye on your etsy sales:) You are doing a great job! Have a prosperous day.

  3. Thanks for the Etsy advise! I'm thinking of taking the leap and packaging was one of my questions. Good luck!

  4. when we started selling on eBay back in '92 - (lol!) we double boxed everything we sold - so we wrapped the inner box in a wonderful cream and pinkish red check - very cracker barrel - tied it up with raffia in wheat color - then tossed in 2 caramel apple suckers - we were known as much for that as our great stuff - we were cabinfever, then -
    loving your shop and absolutely loving that you are selling - and thanks for playing a part in getting me motivated to do it also -

  5. Hey, wonderful on your sales... whatever you do will be fabulous! (Just be sure you put in a business card so people will know how to get back with you) Mr and Mrs Claus are so cute waving "Hello" and all! Have fun, boo hoo, sorry you're workin' this weekend!

  6. Sounds like things are really going your way. Congrats on the esty shop and your booth.

    Have a good weekend


  7. i love that you are doing so well, it doesn't surprise have an amazing for etsy advice...i am so bad at it...i haven't paid any attention to my store...i need motivating...have a great weekend, jules

  8. Wow, you've barely been open for open and already selling out. What a great thing. I wish you much luck in this new adventure.

  9. Thanks Y'all!
    I just had a buyer ask if I could ship my Madonna to BC Canada. I'd specified that I'm only shipping in the US (due to fear of the unknown), but told her that I'd perhaps make an expection after checking the rates. Does anyone have an idea what shipping a small item like that might run? I've been reading all the Etsy forum posts and the USPS site, and it's still clear as mud!


  10. You are so cute and so are your Etsy items, which already sold- Yipppeee. Now packaging. I can tell you already throw in some love, so just the item and your love, as long as it doesn't break on the road, you're good! Great job in your booth - you go! xoxo

  11. Anne,
    Thats terrific news about your booth. I know that you will send out your packages with such charm I speak from experience!!!!:)))

    Have a wonderful weekend

  12. Hi Anne!

    It sounds like things are going well in the booth! Do love those great little chairs. I had to smile reading your etsy shop advice. All these new things we try are such an adventure, we learn as we go and rely on others who have gone before us to help us out : )

    So glad you like my little snowguys. Maybe I'll list a few in my etsy shop. I'm gonna swing by your etsy shop now.

    Hope your weekend is going well.


  13. Congratulations on getting your shop up and running. Good luck!!!!! Nice to see a fellow Texan doing well :)

  14. Congrats on your shop!! I love those chairs!!

  15. Hi Anne - What a cute post. It is such fun reading all the comments you bloggers post. I have just begun the blogging process (currently working on Banner) - so I could not even contemplate opening up an ETSY store. Just doing the blogging is sometimes overwhelming. Oh-well glad I stopped by to see you - please feel free to stop by and say hello sometime if you can.

  16. Mailing to Canada can be a little pricey, but if the customer is willing to pay the shipping costs...then why not? The customs forms can be a bit challenging...different ones based on weight, value, etc! Good luck.

  17. Good information. I plan on opening an Etsy shope soon and I definitely need to get my act together with researching the details of it. That's awesome about how well your booth is doing.

  18. HA LOL, you are too cute, I love your Etsy post.
    Your little figurines are adorable, and I know what you mean about the bubble wrap, it's a necessary evil.

    I can see why you can't keep those chairs in stock, I'm in LOVE!!

  19. Hi Anne-Fiona, Congrats on a successful day! I love that little green case! I would have snapped that up too! I live in BC and have a problem getting sellers to ship to me as well. So I get most of my purchases shipped to Blaine, Washington. If your buyer lives close to the border I could pass you the info. Let me know if you need it now or future. Thank care!

  20. Tag cards, thank you cards, stock cards, business cards, tissue, ribbon, twine, boxes, bags, stickers, bubble wrap, tape and remember this all goes into your expense sheet that you can down load from Etsy. Remember the items you need like labels, cards, tissue, wrap, and other goodies will add to the cost of the item, just pennies mind you but.. let's say my label is 50 cents, card, bubble, tape, issues, stock card, ribbon and sticker all add up on my cost which could or could not be reflected into the cost of the item. So you know the routine, just get that sheet downloaded and adjust to your needs as most do and go to it!



    ps.. Maggie is up this morning.. chilled, but up.

  21. Good for you!
    You'll be an ole pro before ya know it.
    Good luck.

  22. If it was me I'd go get a piece or two of red and green construction paper, stick it through our bill shredder, and then grab a bunch of that shredded paper out to use instead of bubble wrap or peanuts. Red, green, and white - festive and cheap and eco friendly!

  23. Lovely pics!

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog and for your sweet comments! :)

    Good luck with your store! :)



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