Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My Fruitcake Post

Okay, so ya know how fruitcake is kind of weird and wonderful, and slightly mysterious, as nobody ever really knows just what's in it? It's sort of a mish-mash of this and that.
Well, that's what this post is. Like a fruitcake, it's a little bit of
this -n- that, a little nutty. a little fruity, a little crusty, and soaked in booze....just like me!  ;-)
(please, I rarely drink!)

First order of business is this...

I received this wonderfully decadent set of three Sweet Grass Farm Soy Candles from my dear, sweet bloggy buddy, Ruth at  The Beautiful Life!



They all smell absolutely heavenly, and I plan on stocking up on these fabulous little beauties once I use these all up. LOVE the New England Woods scent.
Thank you, sweet Ruth!

Next up, I caught a fleeting glimpse of my future yesterday afternoon.
My husband and I were out picking up a purchase (more on that later), when I came across something which quite honestly took my breath away.
Big sigh here, because if money were no option, the property in the pic below would be under my name right about now, and plans would be well underway to throw up my shingle and open up shop after the New Year.

Behold the future home of Fiona and Twig, the Brick and Mortar Shop...
(click to enlarge)



I mean....just read the stats. This place was made  for me!
Can we do a raffle here? Anyone up for throwing a bake sale to help me fund this? ;-)

Shuffling off to our next order of bidness....

Wouldja get a load of this...



It's a vintage Shefco Kitchen Cupboard, in mint condition and pretty as a picture! Isn't that just the dreamiest, creamiest shade of yellow ever behind those doors?
Found this on consignment Saturday at an antique store in Bandera, Texas, Cowboy Capitol of the World.
My invaluable buddy Troy from Junk Exchange helped me figure out just what I had in this beauty, and we concluded that I pretty much landed this for a steal! We also agreed that this baby isn't going anywhere anytime soon, I'll be keeping Sheffie, thank you very much!


Please pay no mind to the random assortment of cr@p inside the middle compartment, that's not some bizarro vignette, I was just storing some stuff temporarily.

In ETSY SHOP news, I have my first SHOWCASE today!
Just click on the drop-down menu to the right and go to the "vintage" showcase.

The Showcase is Etsy's advertising program, designed for Etsy sellers. By purchasing a 24 hour spot in the Showcase, Etsy sellers highlight their featured items in prominent places on the site to increase shop awareness and boost sales.
So, yay me!

Lastly, there is this...

My buddy Angelique of Six in One Hand has been having a really rough go of it lately (read HERE), and has required the use of a cane, namely her Mama's back-up, Sunday-go-to-meetin', blue and white cane.

Now granted, that is blue you see in Ms. M's tresses, but honestly, I couldn't let my junkin' triplet hobble around with a blue and white granny cane! Uh-uhhh, instead, I found her the little badazz jewel pictured below this past Saturday...


Yep, all you've got to do is unscrew the 8 Ball on the cane handle, and what've ya got?
Can you believe it?!? I kid you not.
Let's see that sassy mouthed hairdresser speak her mind now!  Ha!

It'll be on its way soon, Ang, be on the lookout!

I'm going to try to get some last minute Christmas shopping done tomorrow, so in case I don't post again until Wednesday, here's wishing you all a wonderful week leading up to Christmas!
Stay warm, be well, God bless!


  1. OK Anne, If we all pitch in... perhaps you can get you that store:) It sure looks like the perfect home for your goods. I have been following Angelique and I think that cane is perfect for her "sassy self"! She is a real sweetheart as are YOU! I am thankful for my blog friends! Have a blessed day and stay safe!

  2. What marvelous finds! Have a Merry Christmas, my friend. ~ Yaya
    Yaya's Home

  3. You find the most wonderful things!

    And the brick and mortar? OMG that has your name ALL ovah it!

    I hope your upcoming year will be filled with much love and magic!


  4. 425,000? A mere pittance for us wealthy folks, right? It is a Fab U Lous store and I don't blame you for jonesing over it!
    Love the cane...let's call it a walking stick...cane sounds so old!
    Merry Christmas to you from me!

  5. I couldn't agree with you more about that brick and mortar shop...that would make one awesome store full of vintage treasures! It looks straight out of a western movie!
    Happy Holidays.

  6. Anne~ FaBuLouS Building!!!! I hope your dream of owning it comes true!*!*! Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy! ***Merry Christmas***

  7. I Lurve it!! I Lurve it!!! I Lurve it!!!

    It is sooooo me!!!!

    Thank you sooo much!!!
    I couldn't ask for a better triplet.
    That store will soon be yours...just wait and see!!

  8. Thanks for tipping me off about the hidden deadly weapon. Next time I see Angelique, I'll be sure to be on my best behavior!

  9. Hi Anne:
    Love the cane you got for Angelique. She'll be the talk of the town now!

    Would you believe that I know a building JUST LIKE THIS in Wisconsin? My girlfriend (who owns a salon) lived right next door to it. Although, I'll admit, it never looked this nice inside. It would be perfect for you! (The one in your TX ad, I mean)

    Have fun shopping. I'll be back. Stop over to Brynwood today for a little Holiday music!
    Merry Christmas,

  10. I do think that little shop is just made for you. How sweet, it is! I can see your shingle hanging outside now! One day...

    Merry Christmas,

  11. I fear that blade is just a touch over the legal limit. You're going to be responsible for Angelique getting arrested with her walking stick, ya know? haha That building is divine! Oh yeah. Go ahead and get it. We'll come shop there, I promise. And yes. The cabinet is amazing. Great find! Don't you just love Bandera? ~Mindy

  12. Oh Anne, that is easy to see as your new shop, I think. Perfection. I happen to love fruitcake, maybe 'cause fruity and nutty fit me too. Have a wonderful Christamas, my friend. xx

  13. I too love fruitcake! I'm just one of the nuts!
    Buy the store, burn the candles, give Angelique a hug, but then watch out! AND your new cabinet, really awesome Anne.
    Have a great day out shoppin'!
    love ya,
    p.s. Can you tell I've been "picniking"? love it!!

  14. Congrats on the showcase! What a fab store! Don't lose sight of it...you just never know!

    So glad Angelique loved her new cane, how could she not!

  15. Oh that store is perfect for you! And congrats on your 1st showcase... as for the cane... it is BAAAD!


  16. Perfect building for you!!! PERFECT!! Ask Santa for it! We believe...we believe...we believe...

    LOVE Sheffie!! Awesome find!!! So is the cane! They are going to rock!

    Have a great Christmas!!

    Lou Cinda

  17. oh, the building is soooooo perfect!!!! to bad it wasn't like adopting a pet, just pay alittle and promise you will love it forever!!! maybe the price will go way!!!! down. have fun shopping

  18. What a find in that storefront and what a wonderful dream you have!!
    Now, just make it happen dear friend. I know its's possible.

    Happy holidays to you,


  19. HA! Loved the title of this post. What a wonderful site for your fabulous shop! Dream it and it can be your's. Very sweet and thoughtful to get a cane for Angelique. Wishing you holiday happiness :) Tammy

  20. OHHHH Anne!! First of all let me ask, "when are we moving?" That shop is perfect!!! Secondly, You are amazing!! I laughed soooooo hard when I saw that cane!!! It is sooo her!! I can't imagine anyone making her cry now!! That is awesome!! You rock!!!

  21. That location is AMAZING. I just might sell MY house and move in. I have a not-so-secret penchant for pool halls. Buy yourself some lottery tickets and put 'em in your stocking!

  22. The store fits you to a T! Keep dreaming it could be yours!!!!

  23. Dear sweet Anne, I hope you do get that beautiful shop one day...you would do amazing things with it!! Keep dreaming, I just know you'll make it come true!!!

    A very Merry Christmas to you!!!

    :) T

  24. Anne...that is the MOST wonderful place EVER!!!! And how amazing would it be to be in COMFORT, TX???? And oh-so-close to the great Fredricksburg too?? I wish you could get it.....maybe call them and offer to lease it? They may need the moola....I don't blame you for keeping the cupboard, you have to keep the good stuff Anne, that's one of the perks of being a dealer! And how very thoughtful of you to get the coolest cane ever for Angelique ~ you are such a sweetheart! hugs and love sweet friend, Dawn

  25. and soaked in booze....just like me! ;-)

    Ha! So funny, it caught me off guard in a good way. Thank you for your kind comments at my blog (No Heavy Lifting) and for enjoying my buttons.

    Have a Merry Christmas!

  26. That building can be yours. It's just a prayer away, Anne. Very cool cane for your friend.


  27. Anne- you are truly my FBM!!! You are the only one who can tell us apart when we were small.

  28. Tis the season for miracles right? I do hope you are able to get that store front!

    I wanted to let you know how grateful I am that our paths crossed this year. I adore your warm, friendly and caring spirit! Wishing you and your family a joyous and Merry Christmas!


  29. Hello!

    I have the exact same Shefco as you. I'm wanting to sell mine as we don't have the space for it.

    We bought ours at a shop on Lower Marsh Street, London while living as expats.

    I was going to sell it at a rummage this weekend but I'm wondering what price to put on it. I was thinking $100.00 but I've seen a painted version asking price $500.00!

    Ours is exactly as yours except the drop down is white enamel.

    If you get this by May 13th or 14th, 2010, please email me at spamdump59ATgmail(dot)com replace the usual at with @, etc



I'm all ears....

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