Sunday, December 27, 2009

Please Pray....

This is an incredibly difficult post to write.
My friend Mark, who I met through my booth at the antique mall, was brutally murdered on Christmas day. Shot and killed, along with a friend who remains in critical condition. This was not a random act...the killer knew at least one of the victims. Out of resepct for Mark's family, I will not go into further detail here, but would ask that you pray for all involved, including the murderer.

Although Mark didn't officially work at the antique mall, he was a close and dear friend to both of the owners. Indeed, he was a dear friend to anyone who had the privilege of knowing him. On any given day, you could find him there helping out, lending a hand in any capacity needed. On more than one occasion, he could be counted on to help me load or unload new pieces I'd bring into my booth, or to lend an objective eye about one of my booth vignettes.

He was a bit of a renaissance man, but was a preacher by trade. I find comfort in this, but feel little comfort otherwise.

You see this smiling photo of myself below?

It was taken by Mark just prior to the open house we had back in October. That was Mark for ya, friend, helper, preacher, furniture mover, mall security, teller of tall and entertaining tales, and even photographer when called upon!

You will be missed, sweet friend.
God willing, I'll see you on the other side.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon him.
May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.



  1. This is horrible and it is even harder to find the words to respond to it. What a horrible senseless cruel act to do to another being. I am so sorry for you and these two men families. The pain all of you must be feeling is to hard to even imagine.
    Mark sounds like such the prefect person to have in your life and had such a kind heart. Hard to understand why things like this happen to such good people.
    Our world yes even in Texas has gone completely nuts. I see tooooo much of this every day at the Sheriffs dept and I am so sorry that it has touched your life and these two youny beautiful men. I pray the other one recovers but the loss of his friend will be just too hard to handle.
    God Bless you

  2. This is condolences go out to you and especially his family. I don't know why these things happen. It is so hard when it hits close to a dream. Wishing your friend a quick recovery too. Take care and I will hold your two friends close to my heart.


  3. I'm so sorry for your loss. I will keep everyone involved in my pryers

  4. O, Annie...I am so sorry for the loss of your friend and very good man. I will keep all of you in my prayers.
    xo bj

  5. Oh that is so sad to hear. May God open the gates to heaven for him. I'm so sorry. I hope they find the person who killed your friend.

  6. You are in my thoughts and my prayers. Such a horrible thing.

  7. I'm soo sorry for the loss of your friend and especially in such a horrific way.
    I'm praying for his and everyone involved.
    I hope and pray for his friend's recovery and healing and I pray for the murderer's healing as well.

    May the Holy Spirit comfort you during your time of sorrow and loss.

  8. Oh Annie,

    I'll be saying a prayer for all of you. You were blessed to have had the friendship of this dear man. And I am certain he felt your friendship was a gift as well.

    Take care.

  9. The murderer actually phoned the police after commiting this horrific act and was found on the front porch of the home waiting for them to arrive.

    His friend remains in critical condition with multiple gunshot wounds to her chest and torso.

    Thank you all for your prayers.

  10. Dear One,
    I was so saddened to read about this. May you find comfort in what a lovely friend he was to you and others.

  11. I'm sorry to hear this sad story. I will say a prayer for all involved. Stay strong!

  12. I'm so sorry about your friend. Sounds like he was a great man. What a tragedy. I will pray for all those involved.
    Michelle xoxo

  13. Dear Anne,

    What a sad post. I can only imagine what all of you are feeling!. My prayers are with all of you during this difficult time.

    Blessings to all,


  14. I am so very sorry. My prayers will go up and be heard..

  15. What a horrible loss, Anne. I'm so sorry. Prayers are being said for the families and all their friends.

  16. how evil can people be..murdered on Christmas...I am soooo sorry, I will pray for his family....unfortunatly I know how this feels, no words can ever help when it is a senseless act.

  17. Such a senseless tragedy, I will never understand why people do these things. I am sorry you have to experience such sadness, it is hard to lose a good friend.
    You and the others will be in my prayers for sure!
    Margaret B

  18. so sorry for the loss of your friend... he sounds like a blessing to all who knew him... i will pray for you and all those who are missing him.



  19. Oh, Dear God, I am so sorry for your incredible loss. I admire you for asking for prayers for the murderer - we all don't have that type of composure and compassion at a time like this. God Bless you all and may He give you all a sense of Peace during these tragic times.


  20. I am so shocked and sorry to hear this awful news. It is just unfathomable and seemingly senseless. I will keep all in my thoughts and prayers that peace and understanding will prevail. Blessings, Tammy

  21. Oh Anne, I am so sorry for your loss and to Mark's family. I will pray for you and them to feel comfort during this very difficult time.
    Sending you a big hug today, Anne.

  22. I will be praying... my deepest sympathy to all.

  23. Oh dear one I am so so sorry for your loss. At these moments we wonder why. I will keep you and his family in my prayers.
    Blessings and comfort to you!

  24. I'm so sorry to hear of this, Anne. Such a terrible tradegy. I will pray for all involved.


  25. Oh Anne, I cannot even think of words -- this is just horrible. Horrible ANY time of year, but compounded by the date in which the atrocity took place.

    Sooo sorry for your loss and the loss of the family.

    Thanks so much for honoring his memory here on your blog....


  26. Anne, I am sorry for you loss, I shall pray for Mark, his friend and thier families.

  27. Oh Anne. What a senseless tragedy dear friend ~ I'm so, so sorry and will keep everyone in my thoughts and prayers...much love, Dawn

  28. This is horrific. I am so sorry. I will keep all in my prayers. God bless you.

  29. So sorry Anne. I will say a prayer for all including you. Sad.

  30. Oh, Anne,
    My heart is breaking for you and all concerned. May the Good Lord bring comfort to all of you. My arms are wrapped warmly around you and wish I knew of some way I could help. Needless to say, my prayers are always with you. God bless you, my friend. Hugs,

    ~ Just Joany
    Red Wagon Flights

  31. How awful. I am so sorry to hear this. Mark, you, and his family will be in my thoughts and prayers. God bless.


  32. Anne, I am so very sorry about your friends. Things like this always stun me even though I know we live in such a broken world. I will pray for comfort for you and the other friends and families involved.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. How horrible. I am so, so sorry about this senseless act. How hard this must be for everyone who loved this man. Please know my thoughts are with you and with everyone affected by this terrible tragedy.


  35. It is so sad to hear of herendous acts such as this. I pray for the family of your Mark.
    I am so sorry you have lost such a dear friend.

  36. Oh My ANNE! I am so sorry for your loss of your sweet friend! I will pray for all of those involved and for those missing the sweet smile of such a loving and giving man! God be with you all and comfort you! Love to you!

  37. I'm so sorry for your loss. I'll be praying for all involved.

  38. Oh Dear Anne. I'm so so sorry to hear about your friend. He sounds like a wonderful person. It's so hard to imagine why these senseless acts happen. I honestly don't know what to say. I will be praying for his friends recovery and that your friend is in the comfort of our Lord. I'm praying for you and the pain you feel from such a terrible loss.

    May God bless all of you. With warm hugs...Tracy

  39. Oh my gosh, I am so sorry to hear about your friend!! I will be praying for his friend, their families, and you during this terrible time. *hugs*

  40. Oh, Anne, what a horrific tragedy. I hope Mark's family and all his beloved friends, such as yourself, can come together and support one another during this trying time. I know The Lord will be there in comforting all your hearts.

    Condolences . . .

  41. That is one thing I have never understood, how someone could take another's life. I am so sorry and can surely pray. Sounds like he was a believer, so he is with Jesus now, and has no grief. The grief is left for you, his friend, and the families and friends involved. That is a hole in the heart that is slow to heal and sometimes remains raw, I know it first hand. My thoughts and prayers are with you!

  42. What a shocking and horrible tragedy--I'm so sorry to read about this--I will remember him and his family in my prayers. May he rest in peace . . .

  43. Anne,

    I am so very sorry to hear this. I will be praying for everyone.


  44. so very sad. How can people do things like that. I will pray. My heart goes out to you and his family.


  45. I'm so sorry for all who knew him. You are very kind to ask for prayers for the killer. It is a tribute to Mark to have such kind words written about him by you!

    I'll be thinking about you!

  46. Anne,
    Praying for comfort and grace for all of you and his family. I am truly sorry for your loss and the tradegy for all of those who knew and loved Mark. May God's love touch and guide all of your hearts through this very difficult time.


  47. (((((((((hugs to you))))))))))) What a terrible thing to happen. I am so sorry to hear about your friend. Thinking of you.

  48. I'm so sorry, Anne.

    Hugs and Love,

  49. I will keep all in my prayers and I will also pray for the day to come when senseless tragedies like this are no more.

  50. How tragic and sad and horrible. But he sounded like a true Believer.

    You and Mark and Mark's family and friends will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  51. My deepest sympathy for the loss of your friend. So very sorry to hear such tragic news. Praying for all.

  52. wow anne..i can't say anything that anyone else has not already said...except that mark has a trail of love and honor that he has left behind. that is tale to tell.....he would be so happy to hear you to tell it over and over. it will help both of you!!! my heart reaches to you for any and all comfort you deserve....and all of those that have been saddened by something that makes no sense at all. i hope his friend is doing better......all fingers crossed.
    love and strength to you as you go thru this.....

  53. I am so sorry to hear about your loss. What a tragic situation. I am praying for his family and all involved. I am praying for you as well. If you need anything or just need to talk please feel free to call me Anne. I am sure that your friend is resting in the arms of Jesus. "In my fathers house there are many mansions.." Take peace in knowing that he is resting in his mansion.

  54. Oh,no! What a horrible, horrible thing to happen! I will pray for Mark, his family and all those people he touched. Such a sad event for such loving friends...

  55. Oh Anne, I am so sorry for your loss and Mark's family. I will put all in my prayers. May light perpetual shine upon him.
    blessings, alice

  56. Anne, I'm so sorry to hear about this sad situation. I will keep everyone in my thoughts and prayers.
    Take care of yourself!

  57. I'm so sorry! Mt best friend passed away in 2006 and it left a great hole in my life that I still feel. Hugs to you and to their families. - Noel

  58. May God wrap his arms around all that are missing Mark and heal the loss in their hearts.
    Love and prayers to you all

  59. OMG Anne, so so sorry to read this. I haven't been able to get on the computer much, mine is down, and this is just terrible news to read. So sorry for the loss of your friend's family, may God truely comfort them during this time. And you my friend, may God wrap his ever loving arms around you and give you peace. I'm praying for you and crying for you.

  60. I'm so very sorry you were touched with such heartache and tragedy. I pray that all who knew Mark will find comfort in the coming days and months. So sorry for you. ((Judi))

  61. Oh, I am so very sorry. so.very.sorry. I will pray. The prayers matter. And, I will pray for you too.

  62. Oh my dearest Anne - I wish I had not been away from my contact with you - but dear Anne, you were in my prayers because you are you, but now even more so. I am so so so sorry for your loss - and the loss of such a dear soul.

    You are in my prayers.
    much love,

  63. Anne, I am so, so sorry to hear of this! Such a senseless tragedy! I will keep you and their families in my prayers!

    Lou Cinda

  64. my prayers are with you -

    this is my first time reading your post of this tragedy.....he'll be remembered in our family rosary - as you will -

  65. Such a devestating and sensless prayers are with you...keep your memories alive and celebrate everyday you had with him...
    {{gypsy hugs}}

  66. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Anne as well as Mark's family and friends. The Lord will hold him, and those responsible will answer in good time.

  67. Anne, I've been remiss at reading blogs this past week with all the holiday events. I'm sorry for your loss. It's is difficult to accept death, but violent senseless death is totaly unbearable. We lost a close friend to such a death over ten years ago. The pain is indescribable. Your are in my thoughts and prayers. ~ Sarah

  68. Oh Anne, This is horrible! I'm so sorry that you lost such a wonderful friend in such a violent way! You are in my thoughts!


  69. Dear Anne, My heart goes out to you and Marks friend in the hospital and the families involved in this horrible
    crime. I pray that in all of this we draw closer to
    our Father in Heaven where we find solace and shelter.
    Hugs to you dear strong and have faith!!
    The people that enter our lives are gifts that are not ours to keep but to love and cherish for however long they are with us.
    Susan in Georgia

  70. Aloha my new friend, I am sending you a New YEar prayer....hoping you will find Peace through your trial of loss. So sorry,Sending you Peace and Comfort for A New year of remembering and sharing his goodness, that's how you keep him alive in Spirit, Never forget his goodness and always try to share it along the way....


I'm all ears....

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