Wednesday, February 3, 2010

White Wednesday....From the Vaults

Because I'm being a good girl and studying my  
Advanced Cardiac Life Support
materials today, here's a little something from the vaults...
the very first White Wednesday I ever participated in!
I figure there's a whole bunch of new readers out there who didn't follow me way back when, 
so perhaps this will be new to you.

In the meantime, back to the books and wish me luck!
Please visit Kathleen at Faded Charm, our lovely WW Hostess!

I am pleased and honored to be contributing to White Wednesday for the very first time. Getting this one in a wee bit early as it's an early day tomorrow.

Many thanks to Kathleen at Faded Charm!


My creamy white vase with such lovely feminine curves....

St. Francis among the ivy....

A solemn Madonna encircled by my mother-of-pearl rosary.....


 My fairy tale wedding dress.....

Happy White Wednesday...


  1. you are adorable! love your Madonna!


  2. You're right, Anne, I wasn't following you when you first posted these pretty whites, and my fave is your delicate wedding dress - you look beautiful! Study hard and we'll see you whenever you need a break!

  3. Oh what a beautiful couple! Love your fairtale dress and you are gorgeous! I had not seen this post and loved all of your white goodies. My favorite is the statue among the ivy. Have a blessed day dear Anne, now get back to studying:)

  4. I am a new follower, so this is new to me! Thanks for sharing. I keep wanting to participate in WW but I have yet to get to it!
    Good luck on ACLS. If I remember correctly that is one of the ones on my hubby's list of things he has to recert in this year.

  5. How Gorgeous you looked on your wedding day!!!! And I love the St. Frances. Now get back to your studies:)
    Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

  6. You made a beautiful bride and I love love love those canisters...they'd got perfect in my kitchen...Good Luck!


  7. Ditto ~ You're GoRgeOuS!*!*!... Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy

  8. Beautiful Anne just as you are!
    Love all your whites!
    Blessings and good luck with your studies!

  9. Oh good grief you are a gorgeous bride!!! And I love the vase!!!!!!!

    Now - go back to studying...

    ;-) Robelyn

  10. Oh Anne love that you are a Princess Bride so stunning and simply such the sweet and loving you. Thank you for such a great post, keep up the studying!!!

    Love ya

  11. You look so beautiful in your wedding dress! Love the St. Francis and ofcourse those fab cannisters! ~ Theresa
    Good luck on your test!

  12. Ohh...look at you, so sweet and beautiful! Your vase reminds me of the Florence Nightingale lantern my mom received during her capping ceremony for nursing.

    Happy studying!

    : )

    Julie M.

  13. You were one beautiful bride. Those pictures are lovely.

    I, too, have that St. Francis only mine has broken in half after years of wear and now I have a 'munchkin' sitting in my rose garden. LOL



  14. i really like that little shadow box thing with the little bottle .. cool ..

    and how many posts does it take to make a 'vault'? .. you are so cute ..

    love it .. love you ..


  15. Lovely whites favorite was seeing your gorgeous wedding photos!! Hope the studying is going well!
    Happy day!

  16. you were ( are ) a beautiful bride ...I was out all day junkin ... and I thot of you ... don't you wznt to know what i found?

    p.s. most of the finds will be listed on

  17. opoops ... i'm working on the html junk ... sorry

  18. Beautiful whites...beautiful bride....
    xo, jana

  19. That wedding dress is DREAMY -
    Good luck on your test and check out my blog for a Valentine GIVEAWAY,

  20. You look like a princess!

    Happy studying!!

    xoxo -


  21. You, and your dress, are completly beautiful. You are so close to 500 followers, Anne. I'm impressed, as always!! Love the rosary. Good luck on your class.

  22. Any kind of glue will work, but it is best to use something that dries very quickly so as to hold the cushion in place keeping it tight. If you stuffed it hard enough, then you can try something else.........let me know how yours turns out ;), go study!
    xo, jana

  23. Thank you! I wasn't gonna let you get away with this "studying thing" for too long. I'll give you a ringy-dingy tomorrow.

  24. well, for your first time, you out did yourself. loved the canisters. and how sweet to see the two of you on your wedding. you look just like a princess with her prince. did no think we would hear from you for awhile as i thought you would be studying so hard. my prayers are with you. Bestest,Denise

  25. OH man, I am in love with that curvy white vase - I can just imagine it loaded it will full pink roses or peonies!
    You look so lovely in your wedding photos!

  26. You look beautiful in your wedding dress. Thanks for playing along even if it's a repeat. I don't think anyone minds.

    Take care,


  27. Well I don't believe I've seen this one, so I'm glad you re-posted it! Lovely! You were a beautiful bride...oh and that dress!!!

    Looovvveee your mother of pearl rosary...I've never seen one like that before!!

    Study hard ~

    :) T

  28. Look how pretty you look!

  29. Right on, Anne. Hadn't seen this one, and it was a treat. You were a beautiful bride!

  30. The two of you look so beautiful!

    Study, study, study!!!



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