Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Perfect Marriage...

That's what you're looking at right here....

So I already had this awesome lamp base, procured at the legendary Hoarders Estate Sale.
Sorta Roman, sorta Grecian, sorta wonderful.

But it needed a mate.
And you know how hard it is to find the right mate these days, dontcha?
And not just any mate would do, nope. These gals weren't gonna settle for Mr. Right Now, they were holdin' out for Mr. Right.

Habitat for Humanity Re-Store to the rescue!
I spied with my little eye a lonely lamp perched high upon a shelf, and I instantly knew that I had found the perfect shade!

Mr. Twig re-wired this little beauty for me the other day, so not only is it beautiful, it's also safe and fully functional.

Available in mine and Effie's space in Bar W Field during Antique Week!

Map below:

See the words Texas Junque Slinger?
Follow the arrow and you'll find us!


  1. Lovely dear Anne! You spied something perfect with your little eye:) It will sell! Hugs!

  2. The lamp that your beloved rewired turned out to be an amazing piece of art!

    I love's totally funky in all the right ways!

    (Sent you a text) Check your messages!

    Talk with you soon...wish I was going with you!
    I know you will have the best time!

    Love ya my dear friend...donna

  3. I love the lamp! It is truly gorgeous! Hope you have a great time!

  4. I love the shade with that lamp- perfect! Hope you have a great sale and get some decent weather!

  5. You get a lamp shade and Habitat for Humanity makes a few dollars. Win-win. Gotta love it!

  6. Anne, you are a regular Emma! (I'm actually watching it now as I blog.) You've made a perfect match! They will be snatched up in no time and I know you will make more perfect matches in the future.

  7. Very cool! I went to Habitat for Humanity in Olympia over the weekend and bought enough wood for three new (ish) raised bed gardens for only $7.oo!!!!! I was thrilled until I found out my screws were not long enough and had to buy a box at $7.00. Oh well, $14 is cheap for three 6.5 x39" boxes. I love HFH

  8. What a great couple these two make. Wonderful match making!

  9. Gorgeous, you gots a great "little eye"! There will be people lined up for that one!
    love ya,

  10. Yeah! Habitat for Humanity's ReStore is pretty awesome! Love your lamp :) Kathi

  11. Great lamp and idea! Thank you for sharing it! ~lulu

  12. oooooh makes me want to visit our Habitat for Humanity Restore soon... I haven't been there in too long! Great find Anne... have a fabulous sale! Theresa

  13. LOVE IT!!! I like it when the girls hold out for the perfect mate! LOLOL

    whoo hoo!!! count-down begins!!!

    ;-) robelyn

  14. Your lamp is really awesome. It is so nice that your hubby could wire it for you. Take care


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