Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Warrenton Help....SOS!!!!

Hello Bloggy Friends!

This post is a plaintive cry for help, an appeal to the veterans of the big shows out there, be it Warrenton, Round Top, Canton, or destinations unknown.

Not too long ago, one of you fabulous people posted a list of essentials that you should bring to every show, such as...
  • bungee cord
  • saran wrap
  • Rubbermaid containers
  • etc, etc, etc...
I think I even posted a comment thanking you and complimenting you on your timely brilliance!
Problem is, I didn't bookmark that post, and now I'm sort of wigging out about what I need to bring!

To refresh your memories, I'll be headed to Warrenton to help my friend Effie sell during Warrenton/Round Top Antique Week. I'll be there just a little over a week, and won't be bringing a ton of stuff...I'm there to learn and apprentice this time...but I'm bringing enough that I need a sort of primer on what the essentials are for every vendor to bring.

If YOU are the person who posted that, could you give me a shout?
Or....if you just happen to be someone who can help a sista out with your own "must bring" list, well, don't be shy, post your comments here!

Thanks in advance and have a GREAT Wednesday!


  1. The Fiona & Twig tag is adorable! Can't wait to see pictures and hear your tales from your trip!

  2. Lots of tie down straps, a big bag & extra cash - if you're like me - you'll be shopping a lot too!

    OH - I'd also say a drill & a nail kit & some twine or string of some sort - never know what type of display you'll rig together :)

  3. Extra cash.....HA! That's a given! ;-)


  4. Good luck with that one. The only thing I can tell you to bring is a ton of $$$ and good walking shoes! Don't think you were looking for that! You are going to rock this sale! Good luck and have enough fun for the both of us!

  5. Hi Anne! Here's a list of things we found out the hard way that you'll need our first time out:

    Tool box, shims to level furniture, a folding table and fabric to display smalls on after your furniture sells, bags, wrapping paper, extension cords, bungees, fans if it's hot, lot's of change, tarps, hand wipes and some cool stuff to sell. Hope that helps.

    Hugs and see you soon,

  6. Well Ive been known to carry a huge bag full o' crap to these things, heres whats in it: Sunblock, notepad & pencils, HANDIWIPES & PUREL (very necessary) speaking of necessary - I haven't seen the bathrooms there but an extra roll of TP can't hurt. Measuring tape (no one ever brings one). Also a camera (but Im sure thats packed already) for us poor shmucks that can't be there - we are relying on you to make us pea green with envy. Have a wonderful time ~ I'm already a light shade of lime :)

  7. Water, singles, good shoes, wet wipes, sun block before you head out, business cards if you have them, a sense of humor - and a sense of adventure! The thrill of the hunt! Jennifer jennsthreegraces

  8. Ok, I am not the helpful poster, but I do have a suggestion...bring me, please oh pretty please!! Your tags are terrific, Anne.

  9. Can't help you on the go-to list, but I'm just lovin' that tag!!!! phone call? same number...
    love ya,

  10. Sorry I can't be of help, but healthy snacks sounds like something good. How about a first aid kit, flashlight, bags etc.

  11. Wow! Looks like a lot of great suggestions to me! Lots of small bills would be my input. 1's, 5's, 10's. Lots. For change. Everyone will have 20's. Ah...bring your ear plugs, face mask and favorite pillow. You have never slept so hard as you will after a few days of selling! AND Mason Jar! Must have Mason Jar! ~Mindy

  12. I was going to say, "TAKE ME!"...but another gal beat me to it! : ) I don't know whose list you saw, but Corey Amaro is full of WONDERFUL flea market advice. I don't know her web address...but you can find the link to her blog, Tongue and Cheek, on the sidebar of my blog!

    Happy planning!

    ; )

    Julie M.

  13. I think everyone just about has it covered. When I did shows to peddle my handmade baskets, there was always something that I would forget. I wish you all the luck in the world and can't wait to hear about it when you return. Have lots of fun, put on a smile and sell it girlfriend!!!!! Take credit cards, that is a must. Some like bags, I always wanted people to see my items after they sold and people were walking around. Use clear bags so items can be seen by others. It's like free advertising. Char

  14. Okay - I'm with theeee Mindy - bring your Mason Jar. LOLOL

    I think everybody has listed all important things except the MOST important thing...

    duct tape.


    ;-) i can't wait to meet you!!!

  15. Everything but the kitchen sink...seriously! Theresa did a post on shopper essentials. That may be the one you read.

  16. Hey sweetie, I'm not too sure about your list of essentials but I LOVE that tag! Can you scan it in and print it out multiple times onto cream cover stock...then cut out and make them tags for your space!!!! I so wish I was coming to the show ~ hugs and love, Dawn

  17. oh i wish i could help you. i remember that list and i also recall that you did send " a thank you." for your sake, i hope that person writes you,cuz i know your feeling. for some reason, you think you cannot get along without it. stay calm! it will all fall into place. Bestest,Denise

  18. I'll go with you!! Debbie at Trash Talk did a great post~ hop on over there!!
    I am sure your booth will be WONDERFUL! Take mucho pics!!
    Best of Luck,

  19. I am a little confused by what you are talking about so apparently it wasn't me!! :) Just wanted to stop and see what was going on over here. I love the name 'Fiona and Twig' it is just classic and unique at the same time.

  20. Hi Anne,

    What fun you are going to have ~ wished I could be there.
    Looks like a lot of good essentials to take with you ~ Good luck and enjoy.


  21. Anne amor...since I have never been...there for have no clue...all I can add is...Bring me, bring me :) Besos, Rose

    ps..ya know I keep telling everyone I will ive up chocolate to get small enough to fit into a small bag or box...but no one...has yet to take me up on that offer...well you can't blame a girl for tryin :) lol

  22. Anne,
    Last fall Carolyn Westbrook posted all the things you need to know about RT/Warrenton like where to shop, where to eat, what to bring, etc. It was my first timers' bible. Go to her archives & look. Don't know if that will help or not. Lovin your tags girl! Did you get the new one yet?

  23. Your tags are very pretty! I am new to your blog and I have enjoyed looking around!

  24. Annie, go back and check Theresa's Garden Vintage Antique and I think Talking Trash. I know with a 100% certainty that Theresa got it. I try to go back and check her blog but she doesn't have the post title list like some of the other blogs. You may want to e mail her, but her list was the most informative I have seen. I enjoy reading the other comments because some of those ladies are pros and their suggestions are great too.Blessings, Marta.
    PD Thanks for your response to the email, I will pass along the info. Keep her and her family in your prayers.

  25. Love that tag! You will have fun no matter what you take,got lots of good advice though! Have a great weekend,Chrissy

  26. No matter what, never forget your shopping cart! If you don't have one (or two), a stroller will do in a pinch, just be sure to have something with wheels with you. Have a wonderful time!


  27. A shopping trolley would be great, lots of cash, coffee, camera, and chocolate!! Have fun i sooooo envy you, we do not have events like this in Aust. Amanda

  28. Anne, From our experience, we always pack our rubber boots. And for the spring show, winter and summer clothes. You never know what the weather will be like. Tie everything down really good, remember last year the wind was a killer!! See ya there. We'll be there on the 18th. Susan

  29. i would stick a roll of plastic in - $8 @ walmart - and a good supply of clips/clamps .. i second the bottled water .. don't forget your charger for your phone ..there is a laundry & shower @ hillcrest inn in warrenton, take quarters if you are roughing it and sleeping in the booth ..the gas station in warrenton has the BEST sandwiches big enough to split with someone for a light lunch .. the older lady who runs the gas staion is named Doris, you earn points if you smile and say good morning, afternoon Doris ..take a good book, something to do in down time .. if the weather is wet, the feedstore behind the grocery store in giddings sells wood shavings for like $7 a bundle ..
    good luck ..

  30. Anne, I know I didn't mention this in a previous post of essential things to bring, but I did do a previous post on other things needed, you can read about it here:
    You can do a search on my blog and maybe find someone that left a comment about this on a previous post or look back on the archives area. Can't wait, looking forward to seeing your things.


I'm all ears....

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