Thursday, May 27, 2010

Just a Little Photoshop Fun

Happy Early Memorial Day Weekend!

Still feeling a bit under the weather, and itching to do something creative,
I decided to work a little digital magic on one of my existing photos.

You'll recall the post I did a few days ago
featuring my wonderful bentwood chair?

Well, I thought it would be fun to play a bit more with that image,
and brush up on my Photoshopping skills.

Now mind you, I use the term Photoshop somewhat loosely,
when in reality I alternate between at least half a dozen photo editing programs. 

I just think it's a tremendous amount of fun to play
and tweak and let my imagination take over!

So....let's get started!

Do you think that I printed out a copy
of my photo and then created this flowery vignette?
Think again!
All digital. Isn't that amazing?

Here's the original image...

But where else can I take this?


But wait!
Let's stick my boy Havok in the same book!

Original image...

and voila!

The Literary Husky, First Edition.

How about my watch face, then?

Original image...

And through the magic of digital wizardry...

Cool beans, right?

You want to have the same fun?

Go HERE and play!

Happy Friday!


  1. Oh, no! I could spend hours on that! lol Very cool! Thanks for the link!

  2. Amazing what getting pumped on drugs can do. Great images!
    P.S. I thought I was the only silly person who said cool beans!

  3. Anne, I can see how I could become absolutely obsessed with this! You did such a great job.. It looks so complicated!
    Thanks so much for visiting my blog! haha! At least your jammas are cute!
    Have a pretty night!

  4. That looks neat. How did you add the flowers?

  5. Looks like you are feeling creative again! Yea! I don't even need to go here, I would love to learn all this...but I would become addicted! Lezlee

  6. That is amazing! I really am going to have to make an effort to figure out my camera. I am missing all the fun! I think I need to buy "The Idiots Guide to SLR Cameras"...but I am not even sure I can even understand that! ;o)


  7. What great fun! Thank you for sharing it with us! Glad your doing better and yes it is a mask! lol...~lulu

  8. VERY cool site! Thanks for sharing!

  9. AWESOME site! I love Picnik, but Photofunia has some cool quick actions. I especially like the Engraving effect in the Lab.

    BTW, I found your blog via the Texas Blogging Gals 300-plus blog list. I have lurked before, but now I've added you to my blog list. I'm a Texas Blogging Gal, too!

  10. How cool is this?! Looks like fun!

  11. Anne, for me not knowing how to do this kind of things, it is a big ???????? also I don`t have photoshop...but this is tempting,so very much,-
    Anne thanks for your sweet comment,-I just love coming here-
    hope you are soon real well, dear.
    Hugs ,Dorthe

  12. Wow oh wow! That is absolutely amazing! The things you can do in the digital world. Fabulous! Feel better soon! Best wishes, Tammy

  13. I love what you did with your photos! I think the book is my favorite! Now I have to go play too.

    Feel Better!
    Nita Jo

  14. What great fun and thanks for sharing. Going tolook at that link now!

  15. What great fun! Thank you for sharing it with us...............fine you feeling better now.....and wow Havok is a beauty !!!!

    Happy friday..hugs from me........Ria

  16. wow that was really fun!!! I will try it myself. Hope you feel better xoxo

  17. how fun!!! i am photoshop challenged...i just don't "get" your new banner...your boy is gorgeous!!! have a wonderful weekend!!!

  18. Glad you are feeling better~don't over do it though! Great photos...hoping to play there myself soon! Have a great holiday weekend!

  19. Thanks for sharing! I don't have photoshop and so am thrilled to play with this kind of stuff for FREE! The sepia photo of your chair is my favorite, it looks like a greeting card. I hope your feeling 100% real soon! Thanks for stopping by, Theresa

  20. WOW! I am so impressed Anne! Great images, you are really getting good with this:) Have a blessed day my friend! HUGS!

  21. oh I love the sepia one with the chair and love it in the photo album! How fun!!!!

  22. Anne ~
    That is soooo amazing !! I want to learn photoshop so badly !! I have photoshop elements, I wonder if I could do that with it ~
    AWESOME !!

  23. That's amazing, Anne {JUST like YOU}! I will click and pop on over to whatever cool direction you are pointing me in. {Shhh, don't tell Mr. Privet about this.... he thinks I spend too much time on the computer as it is....} Continue to feel well, sweet friend. If you are sick much longer, you might be writing one of these photos enhancing programs, you are getting SO GOOD!!! xx P&H

  24. Very cool Anne!!! I've never seen that done before! There is soooooooo much that can be done with editing these days it is mind boggling! I love it though, even if it is a time sucker! :)

    Have a great Memorial weekend!

    Hugs ~

    :) T

  25. Anne, how awesome! your pictures are lovely! we say cool beans all the time! enjoy the weekend and feel better :) susan

  26. Ooh, thank you for that link, I had oodles of fun playing around on there.

  27. Hi Anne, what a fun post, I love playing over there.

  28. Those are too cool, I especially love them in that old book.
    Enjoy the long weekend my friend.

  29. Oh my goodness...seriously??? How fun!!!! I can not wait to go and play around! Thanks for sharing. I am hoping you are totally well soon...sorry I will miss you on the 5th :(

    I didn't know Troy was going to be there...I HAVE to check him out! Thanks!


  30. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    I went to the Photofunia site last night and the time zipped by as I converted my scanned graphics using the "Engraving" action. What a neat site!

  31. That book plate engraving gizmo has to be THE coolest thing that I've seen. You know, every time I see what you've come up with I look at my my little camera and it looks pitiful. boo hoo.
    The kids left this afternoon for Arkansas to float, so if you're feeling better and can actually "talk", I'll be around Sunday and Monday. Hope you're taking it easy,
    love ya,

  32. Oh my!! Thanks so much for that link. I have a very STRONG feeling that I will be playing with photos during this memorial weekend. Glad to hear you are feeling better!


  33. Beautiful and inspiring. Thanks for sharing your talents!! Karen

  34. Dang Anne...
    Am I supposed to thank you for causing me to spend HOURS playing with photofunia??? ;)
    Thanks for turning me on to another bad (good) habit...I'm going play...AGAIN!


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