Monday, June 14, 2010

Stuff About Me You Don't Know

I still sleep with my retainer on

I can fold my tongue in half, not to be confused with taco tongue

I have a shameful addiction to this show

I skipped the first grade

I sing ever so quietly, under my breath, all the time

I have an irrational fear of being buried alive

My first love was Mighty Mouse

I don't pray as much as I ought to

I absolutely, positively cannot dance. At all.

I've never been to New York City

I've been told that I drive like a guy

I really believe that Uncle Rico is a philosopher for the ages

I had my first and only manicure the day before my wedding

I get squicked out by sitting in the big cushy chairs at bookstores. Ew.

I hate the smell of cinnamon, but love the taste. Unless it's gum

Babies almost always like me

So do dogs

It's situational with cats, however

My favorite smell is fingernail polish

Have a happy week!


  1. Fingernail polish? Ewwww. Have a great day.

  2. You are an interesting person. It's funny how you an eat cinnamon but hate the smell. That's one of my favorite scents for a candle. Love the cowboy boots picture. I've never been to New York either and I don't do manicures. I like it simple with just a little clear coat on short nails.

  3. Lots of interesting facts about you Miss Anne! I think the no manicures and love the smell of fingernail polish is most interesting!

  4. Nail polish?!!!! That is a first!!!!!!! Try flowers, much better for you, :-)
    Babies, gotta love them, they know who likes them!!!!!!!!!! Antique Rose

  5. We're a lot alike except for the fingernail polish & cinnamon thingies. I feel like I know you better now. Jan

  6. Well, I think we can be friends. We have some things in common. Like the "housewives". I watch them all. New Jersey is my favorite because they are so familiar to me. I am from New York originally but I'm from Staten Island. I don't know anyone from NY that is like the ladies from NY. Jill is the only one that I feel is someone I could say is from NY.

    You have to one day visit NY. It is a wonderful place. I miss it.

    Have a great week!


  7. Hi Anne:
    I really enjoyed reading your answers today. Who'da thought? I skipped IN the first grade. I've been to NY...prefer the country, thanks. I've been told I sound like a guy! lol and I get along with almost any animals. We almost sound like twins, separated at birth. (silly giggling now)
    Thanks for sharing, girlfriend.

  8. you are so cute!


  9. Those are interesting factoids about you! Have a great day!


  10. Happy week ..your sweetie !!!

    XXXXX Ria

  11. Rustydiva14 June, 2010

    Here's something I like ~ those boots!!!!!!!

  12. Anne...are we sisters? I do love the smell of nail polish and gasoline, don't like the smell of cinnamon but I love a big and fat cinnabon. I love to drive go cart because I get to drive like a guy. I am afraid to be buried alive. I had one manicure in my entire life, too much money and it lasted one day, I actually tried fake fingernails that I pulled off with pliers the next day. I don't feel so weird now. Ciao Rita

  13. Anonymous14 June, 2010

    Anne you are hilarious,lol.Favorite smell finger nail polish???? nah alive wow.Poor you,lol.You havent been to NEW YORK??? Oh you should go you would love it.I promise you, I love it especially shopping in the wintertime near Christmas oh my to gorgeous there.Bring extra cash though,lol.

    Happy New week to you,your just to funny,love your blogs!

  14. Sweet Anne! I love to get to know you better! It is funny when we start making a list like that what comes out:) Have a blessed day my friend and thanks for sharing your list!


  15. Another RH fan ~ yahoo! Ya gotta love the smell of nail polish to keep up with those ladies!!

  16. Normal people scare me...I am not scared at all.


  17. Ha! I laughed about the retainer! If Mom hadn't cleaned out my bedroom & taped up paint chips the DAY I moved out for college - I'd bet mine was still under the old bed b/c I lost it every single night I wore it!

  18. LOL! Great post, Anne. This was so funny! Thanks for sharing a little more of yourself with us all!

    And me thinks you need more manicures. That way you can sit there, get pampered, and sniff your fav smell for an hour! :)

    Hugs ~


  19. I love these types of posts...and love that babies always love you, you know they have good instincts! And nail polish, that is interesting, that is the only smell that keeps my cats off of me! :) I missed you! xo

  20. Great post. Made me smile. We have lots in common, but you will have to come to NY and visit!!

  21. You are a little quirky...and I like that!

  22. what a fun list o' facts Anne...i have never had a manicure...and the smell of nail polish gives me a headache...a lot of smells do...not cinnamon though...i actually love the smell of cinnamon...

  23. I WISH I drove like aguy...but I think I drive like my mom...that is not good :)

    Those were really fun & need to get to New York!

  24. Your favorite scent is nail polish?
    One of my all time favorites is gasoline. I have issues!:-)))

    Thanks for the giggle today! :)


  25. Love it!!! I watch THAT show too:) It's my out :)

  26. Oh that was Great! Wow some interesting things there :o...put a smile on my face.

    Have a great day,
    xoxo DJ

  27. So Edward would like you? I just knew it!!

  28. Nail Polish? forgot the Ramen Noodles. No manicures for me, waste of money. I have paint on my hands too much of the time. And I've never been to NYC either. Love knowing all the minutia.

  29. Oh Anne...I loved reading all these things about you! LOL, I love the smell of nail polish too so you are in good company! Finger nail polish and vanilla are my two favorites!


  30. you are so adorable :-)
    I have never been to New York either- unless sitting on a plane in a tarmack counts!

  31. Finger nail polish, thats a new one. I had a lady boss that loved the smell of skunks. Can you believe it. She would drive by a smushed skunk and enjoy it. So I guess you finger nail polish would be tame in that respect. I have never been to NYC either.

  32. SMILING here, because you are so darn earnest and sweet! And because my daughter's first LOVE was Scooby-Doo! She just parted from her first (non-animated) beau and is re-visiting her love for Scooby.....I think he just seems SAFER, at the moment : ). Hope your day made YOU smile, too!
    xx Suzanne

  33. I never would have guessed! (Especially the cinnamon part)! :)


  34. I love the smell of diesel. The first time I remember smelling it was at the airport in Hawaii so it has a great memory attached to it.

    I don't dance well either. Did you see the episode where Elaine was dancing? I'm almost that bad.

    I used to get my nails done, but with all of my projects, it's pretty pointless.

    I will definitely look you up the next time I go to Warrenton :D

    Happy hunting,

  35. Hmmm....Very Interesting, I'm sure.... And Weird.....And Wonderful!!

    Cynthia K. (Beauty and Blessings)

  36. You make me smile, so many interesting things to find out about you. Manicure, no point! My hands are usually covered with paint and glue and diamond glaze..BLah!!!! Not sure about the nail polish...hehehe..

  37. Hi Anne,

    I loved finding out more about you, made me smile sweet friend.
    Nail polish applied in our house, has to be done outside ~ husband hates the smell and moans when daughter puts it on.
    I am still getting your blog translating to Afrikaan. I wonder if this is happening to anyone else, it automatically does this???
    I have to read really quickly before it does this.


  38. I LOVE knowing all your little quirks...quirks are the thing that make people so awesome.

  39. I love that show too, if truth be told~ so fun! my dog runs from my polish smell.
    love your true confessions... thanks for coming by.


  40. Question: why did you skip 1st grade?? And you seriously need to go to New York City~~Amazing place!! Maybe we should have a huge bloggers party there! You make me smile! Julie

  41. I love reading little tidbits like this about you sweetie!!! I hope you're doing wonderful Anne...sending you hugs and love, Dawn

  42. your adorable and I just love you...

  43. Too too funny! I have a fear of being buried alive too.. Started in 2nd grade after seeing some crazy movie. Warped my brain. Worried about it every day for a couple months. Was afraid my mom would think I was crazy if I told her. Finally got over it. .. sort of. I didn't get to skip first grade, but I got to sit with a box around me on occassion in 2nd grade because I talked too much. Oh! my! I just noticed the little yellow plates underneath the white pitcher to the left of the comment box. I have those very same plates! How funny! Gotta go.

  44. So much fun! Babies like me too, so do cats! Ha ha. And I don't want to be buried alive either. Although, I don't know anyone who does, ha ha. Take care, Riki xoxo

  45. I would prefer to be left sitting in a chair outside than think of being in a box. I didnt skip first grade but graduated H.S. in under 3.
    Dogs and I have mutual affection for each other.

    Interesting you like the scent of nail polish but only one manicure? Go ahead and get one and you can smell polish to your hearts content.

    Great boots.

  46. Is there not ANYONE out there amongst you that loves Uncle Rico as much as I do???


  47. Love it, Anne...I also watch THAT show...and I've only had one manicure, too~ my hands are workers! But pedicures...oh, yeah...once in a while!

  48. Anne,

    Prior to moving to The Fairfield House I lived in Franklin Lakes NJ. I have attended many events at the Brown Stone.
    I'm with you on cinnamon gum.

    Your Friend,

  49. ok, this post is too cute! Nail polish? That will just make you high! Why not try vanilla or freshly baked cookies...? Driving like a guy is funny - I've been told I sneeze like a guy! Dogs, babies yup - cats- they don't seem to take a liking to me either. how odd.
    have a great day! : )

  50. This was such a fun post. You sincerely crack me up! I love your wit and authenthicity, Anne. Nail polish gags me, but the smell of paint... now that is something I love. It smells like progess to me! Take care, sweetie!

  51. Ha! My dad used to call me Miss Mouse, because I liked Mighty Mouse so much. Funny.

  52. Loved reading all your little quirks...:)
    Lou xx

  53. Anne, I'm not so sure about the fingernail polish. Could that be good for you? :-)
    What I am certain about is, You need to experience New York City! Central Park is one of the most amazing places in our country. ~ Sarah

  54. i share your *shameful addiction*! my first trip to NYC was when i turned 40! i didn't have to go there to know i could live there...IF i were donald trump rich, of course! don't worry about the cat has nothing to do with you!


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