Tuesday, August 10, 2010


It's what I am craving right now.

We're hitting some
as our closing date for the new house approaches.

Nothing terribly serious...
I don't think.
Gosh, I hope not.

But still....

it has me a bit out of sorts this afternoon, and craving peace.



You know?

Of course you do.

We've all been there.

and so I rest now

secure in the knowledge

that God is in control, not me.

Thank goodness, right?!

This too shall pass.


Have a beautiful evening!

{all images by me}

Be sure to enter my
for a $125 CSN Shopping Spree!


  1. Saying a little prayer for you, Anne.
    Hang in there, you're correct you know... your faith will calm you!

  2. Just made a wish that all goes well for you!

    xoxo Sandi

  3. What a simply beautiful post, Anne. And I know the feeling, some calm would be truly welcome about now. Wishing you peace & blessings...


  4. Oh honey I am keeping you in my thoughts! Its just a bump in the road and it will be all right.

  5. Remember that old line about when you can do something about things, do. Otherwise rest in the knowledge that you can't. Of course as soon as I hit send I'll think of it in its entirety. Take a long walk, listen to a waves lapping. Or in lieu of all that, do as I do and run a sound machine on "rain" 24/7.

  6. It's all in timing...God's timing. Just keep telling yourself that and believe. I went through a rough patch last week, but I think God was just reminding me who is actually in control and for me to just trust Him...and I did. Guess what...crisis almost over.
    I'll keep you in my prayers. A little hiccup can't slow a stepper like you.

  7. Closing a house has always driven me to distraction. Wishing you peace♥olive

  8. Anne,
    Enjoy your quiet time and peace while you wait for the bumps to move out of the way ~ it will all be so worth it in the end. :)


  9. It will happen, rest is what God wants for us. You know you're in my prayers,
    love you,

  10. Oh sweet pictures! Love them Anne and as you said, this too shall pass! Have a blessed and restful evening! HUGS!

  11. There are always bumps but hang in there. Find that peace and calmness!

  12. Hi Anne,

    Love your beautiful photos and plates.
    Hope everything gets sorted and wishing you much calmness and rest.

    sending hugs and a little prayer.

  13. Mmmm, your photos inspire calmness and peace - the colors are beautiful.

    I will add the closing concerns to the prayers I pray for you. Trust - sometimes it's so hard to do but it brings a sense of peace when I trust the Lord with "whatever" and everything.

    Sleep well.

  14. Hope that bump on the road is small and one that will pass quickly:)

  15. Of course it will
    be fine....and it's
    gonna be just fine.
    Your pictures are
    hoping the calm that
    they exude is the
    calm that you are
    feeling, now...
    Love 'ya!
    xx Suzanne

  16. Isn't it amazing how stressed we can get over things we have no control over...all the while knowing God is truly in control. Silly us.

    May the peace that passes all understanding be yours!

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  17. Yes yes i am always there! My favourite verse i say all the time...This too shall pass!

    Pamela xo

  18. Hi Anne,

    Everything will work out and it will all just be a memory soon.....this too shall pass! I'll be sending calming, soothing thoughts your way. Think of yourself as a piece of driftwood, light, yet sturdy. You're coursing down a small bubbling stream, gently floating past downed branches, nudging against rounded boulders, you catch, hesitantly on a small, jagged outcropping of stone for just a moment. Life, like flowing water, tugs you away from being permanently stranded and you're once again on your way to whatever the future holds. My wish for you is that your future be smoother than silk.......hey I can ask for miracles can't I? Now hopefully you used your imagination and became one with the wood (yes I can get very literal and dramatic, and corny). In essence......think calmly, all will be well.


  19. Oh, YES.... God is in control and the hard part is waiting :)
    Being Still...great idea.
    Deb :)

  20. Everything will be ok. I have my fingers, legs and eyes crossed for you. Please let me know when I can uncross something.LOL I alsao will say a little prayer for you.

  21. I love the caption "calmness" for these photos.

  22. I hope you have a wonderful night's sleep resting in His arms.

  23. Hi Anne, I love the pictures in your post. We all need some calmness as you say and I say me time. As everyone has said we all just have to have faith. It will be alright even though sometimes we wonder. I will say an extra prayer for you my friend. Stay cool and calm. Your Missouri Friend.

  24. Really like your calmness! I hope it all goes just as it should!
    Hugs, Lisa

  25. My ex-husbands grandmother many years ago always use to say, "this too will pass"! And you know, she was always right! You will be just fine!

    Take care, Sue

  26. If God Is Willing & The Creek Don't Rise.....

  27. You are exactly right... HE is the one in control... we just need to trust. Sometimes that is much easier to say than it is to do. ;) Hope this bump is overcome soon!


  28. breathe in breathe out ... His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me ... which means YOU, my dear friend.

  29. Darn home closings!! There is ALWAYS a hiccup! Hang in there! It'll be ok!



    P.S. You should come to Ohio for the Country Living Fair!!! We would have a blast!!! :-)

  30. Oh my goodness you sure you aren't living one life? Thanks for the post - we are in a moving crisis right now - and this is just what I needed to read! You will be in my thoughts - we shall get through this together!

  31. Anne... I believe everything happens the way it's suppose to happen whether we understand it at the time or not... Let Go - Let God do the rest... Peace to you... Lots of LOVE IS JUST FLOWING YOUR WAY... Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!

  32. Just seeing these images makes me calmer.
    I'm sure you'll get thru this beautifully. I don't think there is anything that'll get you down!

  33. Wishing for you a big dose of calmness, just like your beautiful soothing images. Happy thoughts dear Anne! ~Lili

  34. I do hope you were able to find that calm... and thank goodness we are not in control? What a train wreck that would be... Soon you will be looking out the windows instead of looking in.

  35. Hi Anne, I pray that all goes well, and the bump in the road will be over soon!!! Blessings~~~ Daphne

  36. You are right God is in control!
    Nothing goes by Him that He is not aware of!
    He only has the BEST for you!

    This to will pass and you will soon be in your beautiful home!
    Have a restful evening.

  37. My Gosh Girl, I can't even read what you said cuz I'm so blown away by those amazing photos!! That new camera looking good girlfriend! Okay, let me go back & read. Lisa

  38. Okay, I'm back. I hope it's nothing bad. I do remember my real estate days when I was an agent & it is VERY stressful. There is never an easy deal. Just know that everyone is working to get it done. Don't worry sweetie. The images are so beautiful. Love those cabinet cards & the white china. Lisa
    PS Did Cindy email you? I'm getting us a room. Then we can go play.

  39. Beautiful and peaceful images my friend. I'm so glad God is in control too.

  40. Anne~ buying a house is a very stressful life experience~ full of joy, excitement, and nerves, too! I will keep you in my prayers that all will come together smoothly and that you will have the peace which passes understanding...XO

  41. Dear Anne, sending peace and blessings your way. All will be well. I crave quiet and calmness most days of the week. The older I get, the more I seem to need it.

    Your booth looks great. Congrats on the big sale. And on your one year of blogging. I also started July of last year. Thought about doing a giveaway while in the States this summer, but just couldn't seem to get organized enough for that and was on the road so much.

    On the flight back to Kuwait, I watched part of The Bounty Hunter with Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler. Was actually kinda cute if you haven't seen it --I would like to eventualy see the whole thing.

    Take care and best wishes always, Tammy

  42. speed bumps just slow us down, but they don't stop us :)

    saying a little prayer for you! :)

  43. Your pictures are amazing... calmness for the eyes! ..Just focus on the positive..when a doubt comes to mind...Everything will be alright.

  44. Beautiful photography Anne ... if we could all view the world the way you do thru your lens, I think we would all have a little more calmness i our lives.

    Hang in there ...


  45. You have the right mindset, it will happen, and will be the for the best, for what ever reason. Flustrations, for sure.
    God is Good

  46. Someone sent me this so I'm passing it on to you today:
    TO: You
    DATE: Today
    FROM: God
    Subject: Yourself
    Reference: Life

    This is God. Today I will be handling all of your problems for you. I do not need your help. So have a nice day. I love you. And, remember…if life happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, do NOT attempt to resolve it yourself! Kindly put it in the SFGTD (something for God to do) box. I will get to it in MY TIME. All situations will be resolved, but in My time, not yours. Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold onto it by worrying about it. Instead, focus on all the wonderful things that are present in your life now. Should you decide to send this to a friend; thank you. You may have touched their life in ways you will never know.

    Now you have a nice day.

  47. Let go and let god....I always repeat that to myself when things get overwhelming. Hang in there!~Hugs, Patti

  48. Sending you beautiful serenity sweet girl:)) Thinking of you:)

    Many Hugs,

  49. I'm praying for you - and I have faith that all will be well in the end... and I'll help you move in exchange for that plate. LOLOL

    Anne - your photos are GORGEOUS!!! You'll be okay - need me to give you a hug? m'kay - i'm on my way!!!

    ;-D robelyn

  50. Dear Anne, bless your heart! I've been where you are and the main thing is you know who is in control. I'll pray for peace, Dear One, and His love to surround you and your hubby as you finish up with your house.
    Now, I need to know where to find one of those lovely bottles that drip glass prisms!! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  51. Hey sweetie, you are so very right....seems when we finally do let go of the thought that we think we can control an outcome by worry, things fall into place ~ I always try to tell myself, if it's meant to be, it will be....hugs and love to you dear heart, Dawn

  52. Yes do relax ... God is indeed in control!

    Susan and Bentley

  53. Oh the stresses of buying a house. You have the right attitude. Give it to the Lord. His shoulders are huge and then you don't have to worry. He is in complete control and knows so much better than we do exactly what we need. Sending you a big HUG!

  54. I'm so sorry that things are stressful. I know buying a selling a house can be traumatic at times. You guys are in my thoughts & prayers.
    And your pictures are absolutely calming. Gorgeous! xoxox

  55. Hi Anne, I pray for you that all goes well.......waiting is never fun.......hope you can relax yourself.............happy day darling...............blessings Ria....

  56. God morning sweet Anne.......Even though you are not feeling calm.....it appears that you must have some measure of it inside yourself. With these beautiful photos you are truly cherishing the gifts of the present moment....and gratitude for the moment enhances the value of what is to come next.
    finding pleasure in the ordinary and staying in the present moment ALWAYS affords us the peace and calm we need.



  57. Hugs and prayers that everything will wind up quickly re: the house!


  58. Hi Anne,
    It's always so stressful buying and selling a house. It may not seem like it now, but it will be over before you know it and you'll be in your beautiful new (old) home!
    All of your pictures are beautiful! I love all of the vintage plates, photo and book... gorgeous!
    Hugs ~ Jo :)

  59. Just have to echo previous comments that all is well as, yes, Daddy is indeed in control and He loves you too much to let you fall.
    Your post is simply beautiful and amazing - just like you.


  60. Hey there,
    so glad to be here.
    hope you are having a fabulous summer.

  61. Hi Anne,
    I'm sending lots of positive thoughts your way and I know God will have everything worked out for you soon!! I'm getting ready for a big move myself next week and I know how it is to crave some calm, I with you on that one!
    Best wishes for your new home.

  62. Take a deep breath, sweet Anne, and relax back in the arms of God. He's holding you and calming you and whispering in your ear that all will be well in the end...Trust him. :)

    Prayers for you, dear friend ~

    xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

  63. Praying for peace for you sweet girl!!! Its hard when we can't do much but trust. You are true doll and I can see by the love here we are all rooting for you girl. Wishing you the best always Anne


  64. hope everything works out ok....thinking of you

    gorgeous gorgeous images too

  65. Oh yes, Anne, been there many times with many moves. Your photos definitely show a calmness of spirit. You've chosen the perfect items to illustrate peace.
    Blessings and good fortune!

  66. I am so glad to read you know God has the riegns. Can you imagine life without that kind of assurance? I will make sure I say an extra prayer for you today! I am with you...I like a calm drama free life...it is a little hard around here with Bo...but you know what I mean :) Take care Anne! I really loved your beautiful photos!!!!

  67. Your PHOTOS exude calmness! :) So lovely!! We've been there with the preclosing road bumps & it does shake you up a bit I know. Hang in there~ all will smooth out nicely very soon! Take care!
    xoxo, L

  68. Been there girly. The only home we ever purchased we live in still today. I was sooo sick on closing day and my fever was 103 degrees. Right after we signed the papers and chunked down our hard-earned CA$H my fever broke and I was fine.

    Thinking of you...you'll make it. The tough girls :) always do!


  69. I wish you peace and as you said "this too shall pass". It will just make you appreciate it all the more when you finally get the keys!

    You are in my prayers...

  70. Hello Anne~I had those same feelings when moving into our home and that was 26 years ago. Everything will fall into place and a soothing calm will soon follow.
    The journey to wonderful has just begun.

    I've been away from blogging, distracted by summer.
    Our sunshine is so fleeting here in the Pacific Northwest so I'm out relishing every minute!
    Sweet wishes,

  71. Hi Anne,

    What a lovely post...

    Home closings are a bit nerve racking at times. I'll bet all is fine...just a few hiccups along the path.

    I must go click on the link to tour it.♥

    Happy Day,
    Stephanie ♥

  72. Thanks so much for the lovely post and lovely pictures. God is in control is something we all need to remember every day and in every situation. I pray that you will continue with calm and peace as you close on your new home.

  73. hang in there....when we bought our inn, which is also our home it was so stressful. there are always bumps, but just hang on and it will be alright!

  74. Keeping you in my prayers that all will turn out ok. Gosh the waiting can be so awful! Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts. All will be well. :)
    xx, shell

  75. Beautiful post. Hope the weekend is good to you. Next week will be here before you know it. :-)
    Sending positive thought and bigh hugs ~ Sarah


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