Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Great Outdoors...House Tour, Part Deux


As promised, here are the outside pics of our new home,
barns, and the property in general.
Please note that these pics do not include
the adjacent one acre empty lot which will be ours as well.
We have a total of 2.3 acres.

Oh, and be sure to take the inside tour right HERE.

Barn #1, aka the one that needs a little visit from the the exterminator.

Here's the inside...

Needs a little (or a LOT) of work, but...
picture a barn sale in here in a year or two.
Anybody care to join me?

Next up is our swank three-car garage.

Don't be haters.


And last up is barn #2, soon-to-be our megapalooza storage building, 
and my someday studio...

And at the far end of the chicken barn/storage unit...

This could be a project!

And get a load of this...

Right smack dab in the middle of the backyard!

And because I just finished up a couple of 12 hour shifts
at the hospital and don't feel like providing narrative...
here, in no particular order, are the rest of the pics I snapped.


The view across the street from our huge front yard...


is home.

Have a wonderful week ahead!

Linking with Cindy at 


  1. It's all so beautiful - inside and out! I am so very excited for you. What a wonderful place to live, you will have such an adventure decorating it and making it your own. Congrats!!


  2. I am so JEALOUS! Great house...Great spread...Great out buildings! Quite the find girl! Enjoy (as I'm sure you'll get er done Monday)

  3. and what a home it is Anne!! I was just finishing up a post for tomorrow and saw your new house tour.....let me just tell you that I can 'see it all done'......that's how my husband and I are though...none of this "oh's too much work"'s always about the "oh man!! the potential here!!"

    i see you are the same have some great outbuildings Anne - but can I say one word of advice? save up your money and bury your overhead wires - we did that to all our outbuildings right after our beloved historic barn burned...and I hate seeing anyone else go through something like that...

    Anne Marie

  4. Wow Anne,
    If I lived closer I would so be joining you in a barn sale! Lovely spaces! I love the "studio" too! What great potential! I guess your new home will keep you busy for years to come so you better keep blogging so we can see the end results!


  5. Oh Anne.... How very exciting!
    Thanks so much for sharing. I too feel like I can't wait for tomorrow ;)
    Your new home is a dream come true! Get some rest darlin.

    (((Hugs))) Ruth

  6. aren't you just pee-ing your little ruffled bloomers????

    barn sale .. I'm in

  7. Barn sale?? Did someone say barn sale????

    Girl, you may come home one day and find me sitting on that new front porch of yours. There is nothin' but pure love for your little farmette over here!


  8. Ok....I'm officially jealous, Anne! I know exactly what you're gonna do to your future study. Paint those bricks white, right? lol!

    Loving the tours! Keep'em coming, girl! And I'll be thinking of you tomorrow!!!!!!!! :)

    xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

  9. My Grandparents lived in East Texas when I was a child and your house, outbuildings and yard remind me so much of their home that I used to visit. You are going to love it so much! I am so excited for you!!! And those outbuildings may not look like that much now, but they have so much potential. And you are going to have the house looking amazing. It will be great!!! Rest up and I hope your closing will take place on Monday, so you can call this place HOME!!! Love & blessings from NC!

  10. Anne, get some much deserved rest and be ready for that closing tomorrow. Nothing like keeping you in supense!
    You're going to have those barns and that garen space looking terrific in no time. Loving the new home! ~ Sarah

  11. Wow, Anne, just the land alone it is all worth it. I am loving that you are sharing this journey with us. I can't wait to see all the wonderful things you do with the house and all the buildings. Have you considered raising some chickens in that chicken coop/shed thing? They are so easy to take care of and I think they are so cute and ugly all at the same time. lol.

    Best of Luck tomorrow and Congrats again,


  12. seriously drooled over those john deere know they would have a loving home here on the prairie if you ever tire of them... ;0)
    absolutely *adore* your new home!! congrats!!

    prairie hugs,

  13. Anne:
    I'm so looking forward to reading your post that the legal/paper/official stuff is done and you're calling the trucks to move your belongings in. Good luck getting the important stuff done on Monday.

  14. Anne you have got your hands full....however this past weekend went down outside of Columbia MO and saw all of the farms & barns in need of attention and was thinking wow what great potential!

    Art by Karena

  15. Oh, it's all so wonderful, Anne! You poor little thing, working such long hours and all. Hopefully you can get some rest before you start going to town on your marvelous place. Wow, you have some great olden barns and you'll turn them into beauts! :)
    Take care and be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  16. Such a charming place, Anne! The outbuildings are wonderful, too! Hope the closing goes quickly and smoothly and you are moving in soon!

  17. Wow... that is all I can say is WOW! What a perfect place! You will make it so cozy and wonderful!!! Happy Closing on Monday!

  18. Oh, I love your how your reality and vision are perfect together! It is and will be the perfect place to live, work and have a barn sale! :) I'll be thinking of you on Monday - God bless!
    Hugs from my old house,

  19. "Sccccreeeaaaaaamm!"

    I am So happy and excited for you both! I cannot even convey my emotions! YOU, my dear, AND YOUR LOVE,THE "HUBBS," deserve it SO!
    Have I told you lately that I love you? And I SO wish the best for YOU and "Mr. Twig!" in your newfound home!

    I SEE it! See you! Oh missy may, this IS a dream in the making! You have both chosen well!

    Can't wait to See the rest, the future, the dream! I just KNOW YOU WILL DO WELL!

    Hugs, a "Bus on the Cheek" and Congrats! "HmmMmWaAA!" (Thats my noisy "bus" LOL) YGG! I've got your emotional and spiritual back! So excited for you Both!

    Love you more than I love my glitter!

  20. I lovin that 3 car garage!! No hater here!! Also lovin those humongous wasp nests!!!!

  21. Home sweet home! It is exactly what we were looking for when we moved to the midwest 10yrs ago...but homesick we got...and back we came to the state that houses are on top of each other. But we are happy and that is all that matters.

  22. Oh, Anne cangratulations on your new home. I see so much fun for you and your husband. You have great barns to work with. Yes, I can see your sale in the barn. I hope I can come to TX and see for myself your wonderful place. Have a great week. Hugs, sandi

  23. Congrats Anne! Best wishes as you go to closing THIS WEEK! :) Your property is absolutely fabulous. I can just imagine over time the magnificent things you are going to do with it. How wonderful! Take care! Tammy

  24. Perfect setting! Wow, I am so excited for the both of you! You deserve! Just in time for the holidays! Have a great week! ~lulu

  25. A great place to call home. The amount of land is so wonderful to have. Enjoy, enjoy.

  26. Anne... What a Happy happy place.. It just beams with happiness and wonderful new beginings for you! Congratulations! marlene

  27. Love it!...A tad jealous!...but soo...happy for both of you! What a wonderful place.

  28. ~*~* LOVE it..LOVE it..LOVE your new home!!! And those neat're blessed girl!Congrats!!~*~*~*Rachel

  29. WOW congratulations!!! You guys deserve it...

    What fun its going to be to decorate it..oohh great. Enjoy and celebrate this.
    You are blessed!

    Hugs and have a great day,

  30. Sweet Anne,
    you found the most fantastic place, both the house, and all the surroundings, with barns, and garden,is just perfect-what a dream life you will have here.
    Now lets just get those people,to close the sale.
    Hugs, and love, Dorthe

  31. Oh it has so much potential! Those buildings are just much character, I can see a studio and barn sale there for sure, for sure! And fun old wood scraps to make neat signs out of, etc. What a treasure! I love the view, the openness of the countryside. I hope the closing is speedy! Congrats!!

  32. This is such a beautiful home already, but with your special touch it will be de-lish! My fave photo is the one of the double gates looking out onto the field - just makes me breathe deep looking at all that space. Get plenty of sleep Anne, you're gonna need loadsa energy once you're in to this house! xx

  33. Hi Anne, Your new home is just beautiful, it will be so much fun for you to decorate it!!! You can count Lynda and I in on that Barn sale, that would be soooo much fun! Im already excited!!! hugs~~~ Daphne

  34. Speechless ... great week from me.......Ria

  35. This estate just takes my breath away! Reminds me of home:) Love it dear Anne, hope all goes well with the closing! I'll keep my fingers crossed! HUGS!

  36. You have really hit the jackpot with this wonderful placed, soon to be home..........everything about it is awesome, it will take some work/fun outside, but oh how rewarding!!!!! It will be so fun, memories made....LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. ohhhhhhhhhh i love those outbuildings!! I can definately see a sale there in a year. I can't wait to watch your progress of everything. I am so excited for you!

  38. New Beginnings... Dreams to be... The first Barn Pic has sooooo many possibilities for a SaLe!*!*! All the BeSt in your New Home Anne... Can't wait to see your progress pics... Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!

  39. Oh Anne I am sooooooooooo happy for you. What a lovely home. Can't wait to see the progress pics. Have a wonderful day, Patricia

  40. Such potential! You will create a beautiful home and gardens with this wonderful piece of property!

  41. OMG Anne, you are so incredibly blessed to have such a cool place with all those barns! I'd join you for a sale in a heart have my number, right (smile) So happy for you and sure did see some great things stored inside one of the barns. I know you are over the top excited. Thanks too for your comment on my son's birthday.

  42. I am swooning. Someone pick me up off the floor please.

    Oh you must be itching to dig in and get your hands dirty with this lovely place. It has so much potential! You're a lucky gal.

    Get some rest today!

  43. Anne, it is really charming! I LOVE the barns a studio and one for barn sales is the perfect secenario! I can't imagine how excited you must be!! I can't wait to see all your plans for it! have a wonderful week and I'm so happy for you, congrats!! hugs, susan

  44. Looks just like you.... I know you both will enjoy for years to come........

    Tell your mom howdy.

  45. A huge congrats, Anne! This place is you and I'm sure you will add your special touches and much love to make it all your own! And, fortunately, will share every step with us. Can't wait!


  46. anne, you have found a little piece of heaven. i love every inch of it. inside and out. the barns are amazing. we have a garage like that - we call it the "3 door shed" - clever huh? my husband grew up here and has called it that forever. good luck today.

  47. I can't wait to see the transformation - but don't get me wrong - it is beautiful right now! Just gorgeous. You must be so excited!


  48. I have to admit I was a "hater" for a few minutes as I tried to contain all my envy for your wonderful new home! :) I'm so happy for you that is finally all coming true - so many places and so many opportunities to make all your dreams come true ~ Lucky girl! The barns are just beautiful - not only a sale but can you imagine the fabulous barn parties that you can have....
    my fingers and toes are crossed that the closing really does happen today. :)

    Have fun!

  49. Oh, Anne! So much potential! A Barn Sale would be perfect...too bad I am in Ohio! Keep giving us more pics, and try to find patience in the midst of this!

  50. Ohhh Anne, can you tell we are all excited for you?! You just might be surprised who shows up for your barn show.
    I'm all crossed today for you!
    Enjoy yours,

  51. Soooo cooool!

    My husband is *lusting* over those buildings... For a work shop and a place to store old truck, car....

    And The American Pickers would love those old signs, and other things. :-)

  52. It looks all the buildings. I can hear in your words how much you love your new home...sending you new home blessinga ;o)

  53. That bank needs to close already on that lovely place...I am on pins and needles till you say you have closed.
    Loving the outbuildings and barns.
    You'll meet yourself coming back trying to fix everything at
    Congrats to both of you.

  54. Way Cool! ALL of it! Love the view from your front door looking OUT! And...can't wait to see the view from your front door looking IN! Bonne Chance!

  55. Anne I am green with envy at all that rustic beauty! Yes I see a barn sale there one day!! I will be coming to visit you one day when I am in Texas!! Of course I'll wait until you actually live there...soon I'm sure!! I am crossing all my fingers and toes with you for a closing this week!!!

  56. Sweetness personified!!!!!
    You are going to LOVE it here!
    Congrats in advance!!!!

  57. Life in general is so expensive out here in Southern CA! We live on tiny, over priced lots and mostly because we get great weather. It's crowded and congested, and the freeways are always a pain in the ass. I love at your new home, the wide open spaces, and am so jealous. I've often told my kids (they are all grown up kids) that we all should just SELL everything and buy a bunch of land somewhere. Now, I'm going to go back and stare at your pixs some more. What potenial your new home and land has!!

    Take care, Sue

  58. What a great home and property ! I love all of the out buildings.Love the look . I would definitely have a shop in one of thpose barns and sell to the public ! Love it, love it , love it .
    :o) Sue

  59. Congratulations exciting and what an incredible project ahead. I love those barns....xv

  60. "This is Home" that says it all.
    Have a pretty day!

  61. Absolutely Fabulous Friend!!
    There is No Place Like Home & this one is a diamond!!!
    Thanks so friend for stopping by my blog & letting me know a little more about you! I'm soooooo glad I'm not alone about my undeniable hatred of those stupid secret codes! We must start a united front against them. lol
    I will created a blog button like for the 'BWO', which I totally agree with...& we'll start a little group of anti word verification bloggers. Maybe have t-shirts made..'BAWV'...I'm so serious. lol
    Sometimes, I scare even me!!!
    Big Smiles,

  62. I smell a "barn sale" in your future! And, wow, you have your very own wasps nests now, no need to try to hunt them down!
    love you bunches, can't wait to see it in "real life".

  63. How Awesome!! I can't believe you have all that storage/building space!! And all that old wood in a pile was EYE CANDY for me! I'm jealous yet am so excited for you!! We left 2 acres 3 years ago and moved into a subdivision... I miss my land! :) But SO Happy For you!! And selling out of the barn would definitely be cool!

  64. You've taken me back to my childhood. Every photo has a deja vu attached, of simpler times, a simpler place. Living in the country has it's challenges, but oh the rewards...


  65. looks like a whole lotta fun to me! An antique lover's dream-all those buildings to fill up with stuff!! I'd love to come to your first barn sale.
    good luck (all this waiting will be over soon)

  66. Love your new home. So much potential! My heart did a little pitter patter with the outdoor studio space...lucky you:)

  67. you poor thing,,its probably just killin you to get in!!! loving the barns!!!

  68. Hi Anne,
    I'm so excited for you. I hope your closing goes on as planned. I can't imagine how frustrating this must be.

    Love all your barn buildings. You will have that studio looking great in no time.


  69. Love the property. The outbuildings will be amazing spaces. Good luck with closing!

  70. I am comment number 71 for goodness sake...this house is riveting and banks will nut you up for sure! hugs♥olive

  71. Wouldn't I love to have a barn! What pure joy to have so many outbuildings to play with. Oh you are going to have so much fun Anne! ~Lili

  72. Anne, I'm late getting here, but oh my, how I love everything about your new/old homestead. The house and the buildings are about to receive love and attention, like they have never received before.

  73. L.O.V.E. I.T.

    The perfect canvas!!!

    Love, Esther Sunday

  74. I just want to say I LOVE it and offer you a big ol' HUG!

  75. I am madly, madly, madly in love with your home....I don't know where to start - but it brings back memories of places I lived - and wanted to live and wish I could live...congrats will make so many great memories - enjoy them all - AND SHARE (I know you will) all the fab things that go with such a fab home...but it is off to a great start ....fab owners!!!


  76. Love it all! I would come to your barn sale! I wish I did not live so far away...



  77. THE dearest
    {not so} little
    house for the
    DEAREST sweet
    friend and blogger
    that I know!!
    Can't wait to see
    how it all comes
    together in your
    beautiful Fiona &
    Twig way!
    'Lots of love
    to you!
    xx Suzanne

  78. Beautiful! Keeping you in my thoughts for a great a speedy closing soon!

  79. Be still my heart!!! I love it.

  80. We (Tony & I) have been following along with you on this wonderful adventure! You home is so beautiful!
    As for the bank situation, aghhh...we can sooo relate with this frustration, we are to move in 2 weeks! It is too long of a story and too frustrating to even start to type. Isn't this just crazy stuff!

  81. So sorry to hear about your frustrations...the last mile usually is the hardest. At least there is a wonderful prize at the end! 2.3 acres worth--a little slice of Texas heaven! How fun it will be for all of us to watch you work your magic touches when it comes to personalizing your new home!

  82. I'll admit it...I'm envious! You are going to make this a wonderful home. Don't let the bank thing get you will all come together this week. You are going to have the time of your life turning this beautiful property into the place of your dreams.

  83. gorgeous, seriously!! love all the old metal signs on the barns, swoon!! and YES i will join you for your barn sale, wouldn't that be a hoot!! good luck with the closing, never fun...xoxoxo

  84. Good luck...hang in there.
    Can I come and help when you move in? ;0)
    That place is going to be gorgeous.
    Ness xx

  85. Congratulations on the homestead purchase! The John Deere signs, Tx Farm Bureau, etc. are "Pickers" heaven, and other items left behind are very cool. I wonder what the house has in store with hidden gems? Enjoy, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

  86. OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    That John Deere sign about put me over the edge... and the potential or a garden along that sidewalk! AHHHH!
    I am so "jealous" - sometimes I dream of starting over!
    What a lovely plot you have here!!!!

  87. As much as I enjoyed the peeks of the inside, I love the outside with the space and the fantastic vintage yumminess just waiting patiently for you to come out and play!! You're living (or about to if you can get closed) the dream so many of us have.

    I can TOTALLY relate to your frustration with W(orst)F(inancial) Bank - they suck rocks! Lost my house last year to those yo-yo's & will NEVER, as long as I breathe, do business with them again. I'll pray that the TARP $$-taking bank you're dealing with sells your mortgage off to someone else, if that will help! *LOL* Don't lose sight of your dream because of those boneheads.


  88. Anne, Those out buildings would be fantastic for a barn sale. Just look at all the storage you have! Congrats on your new home. xo, Sherry

  89. Gosh I bet your heads just swirlin' with ideas Anne. What a beautiful piece of property and you have so many out building. We could use several of these. Yep, I'm a hater over that 3 car garage. We don't have even a one car garage. ha-ha. I really love that tree in the corner behind the picket fence. It's such a peaceful looking spot. Congratulations to you and hubby on a new home and a bright new future. Shame you're already married. That one barn, where you'd have your sales, a perfect spot for a fall wedding reception.

    ooxx's...Tracy :)

  90. Simply looove it, inside out! Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs

  91. What wonderful space! And the outbuildings!

    You aregoing to have a wonderful time there...

  92. Wow Congratulations on your fabulous new home.

  93. Around here, we call those outbuildings and whatever shape they're in are you ever lucky to have them. I could so use those -- all of them!!

    Your property is lovely and I thin it's wonderful to have lots to do on the house and a vision for it.

    BTW - we have a unique kitchen backsplash giveaway that might be useful to you or a friend. Please stop by our Giveaway Friday! Jane F.

  94. peachy keen -white and clean * perfectly tumble-down dreamy...k

  95. Hello! I love your blog! I'm bookmarking it. Your little farm is as some wonderful potential. Your will have your hands full and your time spent! :)


  96. i must say I am excited to follow the adventure

  97. It's all so amazing, I can almost smell the damp earth ready to be planted with a beautiful wild flower garden. And a herb garden for your country kitchen, and dont forget a chicken or two. Wow when can I move in, your living the dream, way to go!!!

  98. I just happened across your blog. I saw the blue house and then skipped to the "tour" post. This IS a wonderful home! It's a beauty!



  100. Just found your blog. It is breathtaking. Now your new cottage... GOLD MINE. Wow, I love it. You are going to have so much fun.

  101. I LOVE the new house, it's gorgeous!!! Wonderful character and charm, so cute.

  102. I love your new home Fiona and I know you will love it even more when you put your own touches in it. Wish I was there to help you decorate! I am so sorry that ya'll have had to go through all the bad stuff with the fire and everything...but, as you could have been MUCH worse! Thank God it wasn't. Hold that little head up, keep the faith, and all will be alright...just a little bump in the road.

  103. I know its an old post but I wanted to say I think you got the best of the best. The other house was pretty and all (the one in part 2) post. This one has so much charm and buildings galore and all that land. You could host gatherings, parties, weddings and such and photograph them. Just think of all the neat photos you will get. Coffee table book I see in the works just from this property.

    I see your soon to be studio has so much charm too. One of the barns with those signs on them is worth the purchase price not to mention the peaches. Put up a table on the side of the road with a money jar and you have your roadside business.

    I have to say this is the best choice.

    I was not crazy about the blue house.

    End the end... you lucked up big time.

    I dont see how you do it, pulling 12 hour shifts then moving and what ever else you do. I use to be in the medical field. I know the long days and how you can be whacked out. But you have so much to look forward too in your new dream cottage.

    Does is have central air? Just wondering?

    cant wait to see more.

  104. What a beautiful house, such great outbuildings and a wonderful piece of Texas.I can't wait to see the finished product.
    Have such fun playing.


I'm all ears....

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